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8870287 No.8870287 [Reply] [Original]

I was just liquidated for everything. Fuck this shit, there is no way that wasn't blatant market manipulation. Enjoy it while it lasts bulls because crypto will be dead in two years. Bye.

>> No.8870314


>> No.8870316

Get rekt bearfag

>> No.8870328


>> No.8870339


>> No.8870344

atleast tell us how much you lost kuno kun

>> No.8870356


>> No.8870367


show proof or gtfo

>> No.8870370


>> No.8870381

>that wasn't blatant market manipulation
go back to trollbox/reddit/whatever
>not closing your short after all those attempt to go below 6600
you are so stupid jesus christ

>> No.8870383

Buy and hold is not a meme. Next time maybe believe in the projects.

>> No.8870388

If you larp, at least don't be so lazy and do it correctly

>> No.8870395

lol you are an idiot. 95% of these "projects" are bullshit and will be worth $0 in 5 years.

>> No.8870444

>you know you can make money regardless of which way the market goes, right?
>fuck this shit, fucking bullshit manipulation, i'm out and you're all going to lose
karma is a thing, anon. when your gambling addiction takes over again, remember to be humble and set stop losses

>> No.8870446

Or many could find separate product market fits and communicate in real time across a decentralized exchange. You, as a merchant selling your ass pussy, want tether because you love banks? I'll send over some nano and it'll be converted automatically. Then I'll fuck your ass pussy like the market is about to.

>> No.8870464
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This was me. I'm not responding anymore because I'm not going to sit here and be laughed at any longer. I'm going to try and sleep even though it's going to be impossible. It had no business going to 8k, none, this is bullshit. You can all go eat McAfee's dick.

>> No.8870502


>> No.8870511


>> No.8870512

>it can go down 1300 dollars but not 1300 up
-1 retards in the market

>> No.8870520

Tank a you for donation

>> No.8870546

bye OP

>> No.8870551

>bitcoin just stormed through 7k up to 7900 without any problems
>durr no way it'll cross 8k
oh well

>> No.8870565

Cya cunt. Learn to invest, not gamble.

>> No.8870568

i love it when faggots quit.

>> No.8870581

This is truth.

>> No.8870587

>muh it had no business going to 8k;
>muh market manipulation;

Get rekt dumb fag, all u have to do is jsut sit on this shit lmfao, but nooo you think YOU KNOW BETETR

>> No.8870604
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>> No.8870623

It was obvious that we had reached the bottom, you dumb fuck. Enjoy your life as a wage cuck

>> No.8870628


>> No.8870644

I appologize for my retardation but can someone finally explain me the JUST/JUSTED meme? It is the only crypto slang I don't understand.

>> No.8870646

Lmao get fucked

>> No.8870658

yea "invest", buy the dip and hodl is sound advice to the cucks who bought at 19k right? lmao.

"investing" is no different than gambling as well. people aren't using bitcoin as an actual transaction medium. except for darknet guys, money launderers, terrorists, neo-nazis and Wiki Leaks. lmao. when was the last time you actually used btc to buy something? BitPay, the payment processor most vendors use, give you a discount for paying with BCash. I paid for my 4chan pass with BTC because I wanted to pay anonymously. Didn't wanna give my cc info. If 4chan accepted ether, bcash or even ltc, btc wouldn't have been my first choice.

>> No.8870676

dude the btcusd shorts were the highest. do you really think it was not obvious? maybe it was not obvious for you because you dont look for indicators, you just gamble
you are an idiot op and you deserve what happened to you, get over it

>> No.8870682

comes from a surgeon with funky hairstyle that took offense to people calling it out
then brendan fraser got divorced and had to pay an absurd alimony to his wife, something like millions per year
people photoshopped the surgeon freak hair onto brendan fraser and coined the phrase "just fuck my shit up"
at this point being JUSTed means getting completely screwed

>> No.8870683


>> No.8870685

Buying at ath (19k) is not investing either. You buy a commodity when it's still undervalued and sell at a reasonable profit.

>> No.8870687


I hope I never feel that feel.

>> No.8870704

Thank you kind anon

>> No.8870708

When something bad happens to you, you stammer “Just,” unable to finish the sentence.

>> No.8870711

but anon

BTC is severely undervalued even at 19k

>> No.8870720

Haha dumbass piece of shit hate you shorter scum

>> No.8870740

>undervalued after pumping for almost 3 months straight
>after all the media buzz

>> No.8870750

how much money lost is this exactly? 35k or?

>> No.8870754

You spastics know what people who short on bitmex are bulls, right? Fucking idiots

>> No.8870760
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>loses everything because retarded
>says crypto will be dead soon

You're one of those people now. Go on and spread your fud so you feel better. It's your duty now you poor loser.

>> No.8870761

You sound awfully confident for someone that just got liquidated still, care to say why? I assume it's more of the same old "lol ponzi government will stop it it's all a fad and stupid and blah blah blah" shit, right?

>> No.8870771

Google "leverage"

>> No.8870777

so if BTC goes back to 6.8k~ does that mean its all manipulation, or do we still think its all natural

>> No.8870786

100% organic growth

>> No.8870820

How can you even tell when BTC is undervalued or overvalued? Because even if you "buy the dip", you risk catching a falling knife. And that happened to A LOT of idiots.

The only reason why BTC has as much value as it does is that people think that BTC is gonna make them rich and they'll be able to flip it to a greater fool in the future. BTC's utility is solely for black market use and censorship-resistance.

If anything crypto is still way over-valued. The only thing propping it up are wage cucks hoping that this is gonna be their ticket out of wage cuck slavery. And Ancapfags who believe that the dollar is gonna crash and BTC will provide safety from the ensuing chaos. Much like goldbugs think gold will save them.

>> No.8870824

Hahahahahaha. Deserved.

>> No.8870838

F. You’re an idiot for shorting the bottom, shorts was at an all time high.

>> No.8870847

Wrong. Please lurk more

>> No.8870866


Lurk moar newfag

>> No.8870872

I use it in paying for shit overseas that can't accept normie payment processors. A lot of guys on alibaba and dhgate prefer this type of payment too. It requires some trust since escrow is no longer an option but it works to be mutually beneficial once you've established good relations with the companies. The tech is still young, I love how much easier it is to use crypto as opposed to jumping through all the hoops for fiat. I've never done any darknet shit but you're kidding yourself if you think the amount of money changing hands there is insignificant. The fact you're in control of funds alone should be reason enough to support it. Short of hacking no one can take my crypto away. Fiat is susceptible to hacking and many more risks.The volatilty can be a bitch but kind of fun at the same time. There are literally no valid arguments against crypto.

Investing in crypto seems kind of silly to me. It's better used to exchange for goods and services, but it's not as dumb as hodling gold. The parents of boomers were all over it like flies to shit and still managed to see returns. Money is an infinitely renewable resource, just go out and pick it up.

>> No.8870916

>95% of these "projects" are bullshit and will be worth $0 in 5 years.
nobody should care. if you aren't here for the BTC/$ just kys

>> No.8870924


Kill yourself for real, faggot.

>> No.8870951

Unless we are talking shady black/grey market activity, I can't think of a single example where I had to "jump through all the hoops for fiat." The only time the banks ever gave me a problem was when I was using their services to
1) buy/sell crypto
2) buy from online pharmacies

Banks hate crypto because it's basically money laundering. And banks hate online pharmacies because that shit is ILLEGAL.

Monero is specifically designed for black market activity due to its privacy features. And that only has a few thousands transactions per day. And a lot of darknet market activity has moved away from btc to monero. I'm guessing the dark net market activity for btc isn't significant enough to make much of an impact on the price. All these people driving the price of BTC up on Bitfinex and such are speculators (glorified gamblers), not people looking to buy drugs.

>> No.8871211

Online pharmacies is an obvious one, and another thing I use it for. Banks only hate it because they get in legal shit for having anything to do with it. The real reason banks hate crypto is because they can't make exorbitant amounts for something as simple as sending money a few thousand miles away. They don't care about legality aside from it costing them more than they will make from it. I order 6 month supplies of telmisartan and clonidine at a time from India, customs doesn't give a shit. They are cheap drugs with no recreational value. What are they going to do? Steal my antihypertensives and watch me have a literal stroke?

Take a look at the fees for sending money overseas or exchange rates some time. It makes for a huge pain in the ass, whether ordering samples or a 5k usd shipment. I pay my taxes and I pay the supplier. With crypto I get my 2017 Amazon Hot Selling Metal Anal Toys Simulation Expand Butt Plugs Tail Steel 100% waterproof faster and at a lower price in just a few clicks. I may not use crypto on my first few purchases with a company for fear of scamming, but if you've been making regular purchases then it will really simplify your transactions. I remember using bullshit like Western Union. I had to go to a kiosk in person, they ask probing questions like "do you know this person", "why are you sending him so much money", "whoa China, do you know this person"? I can just say I met him at uni or we're going in on a t-shirt business together but it's much easier to just send X LTC and have them receive funds in minutes and then get a shipment tracking number shortly after.

Monero is specifically designed with privacy in mind. A very useful and real application is for purchasing things the government wants to nanny you and say "oh you can't have this because it's good and useful and has no ill effects but it hurts our feelings". I don't even want gubment watching me take a shit. I don't even care about my turds, I do care about my money.

>> No.8871302

Good. Fuck you

>> No.8871324

Another bear bites the dust

>> No.8871396

But there's no way to know how much he lost, right? It could be $3,500 at 10x or $350 at 100x or anywhere in between?

>> No.8871584

In those kinds of circumstances, it has some niche use. Western Union is god awful.

I pretty much almost never import anything anymore. I buy just about everything domestically. And domestic vendors don't give me any sort of discount for paying with crypto. Vendors have to pay credit card fees, paypal fees, etc. But when you choose to pay with crypto or cash, they don't give you a discount even though they don't have cc/paypal fees to pay for.

I pay for my VPN with LTC because
1) They bill in USD. USD is not my native currency. So I have to pay a currency conversion fee of like 2.8%
2) They give me a 10% discount if I pay with LTC

When I buy things that bill in a foreign currency like USD/Euros (imports and digital items), the BTC fee is cheaper than the currency conversion.

Here in Canada the value of BTC is higher than in the USD after factoring in currency conversion. So it makes more sense for me to just sell BTC rather than use it to buy stuff. But if there is a 2.8% currency conversion fee, then it's cheaper to use crypto

>> No.8871608
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That there is no way to put a "stop loss" on a short??????

>> No.8871614

buy high, short low lol fucking loving it

>> No.8871618
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> Enjoy it while it lasts bulls because crypto will be dead in two years.
Nice cope faggot. I hope you lost a ton of money trying to be smarter than this market.

>> No.8871639

> How can you even tell when BTC is undervalued or overvalued?
When is sovereign debt over or undervalued?

>> No.8871648

You have to use stop losses. Liquidation is preventable.

>> No.8871659
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OP in pic

>> No.8871764
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>wanted to pay anonymously

Don't want FBI knowing you shitpost on biz right anon? All those dank memes might land you a hefty prison sentence


>> No.8871785

Eat shit and die you fucking bear faggot. Shorts were at an ATH only a dumb fucking nigger would short into that.

>> No.8871980
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It's Kuma filthy gaijin

>> No.8872036

>(glorified gamblers)
i bet you think poker is "gambling" as well?

>> No.8872058

Actually with all you retarded noobs shorting at the same price, it made complete sense for a massive short squeeze like we just got. Do you really think the MMs would let this shit go down with so many noobs shorting from the 6600-7000 range?

>> No.8872091
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>blatant market manipulation
Nah... you weren't paying enough attention. The orderbooks had become really thing on the sell side.

>> No.8872132

it's good in other countries

bitcoin and monero do best when there is government bullshit to subvert

monero probably does it better but honestly there could even be a better privacy based currency in the future and that would be the best investment

>> No.8872141

I’m probably going to kill myself now.
Was up 30000% from 2016 and lost it all by shorting

>> No.8872155
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please livestream

>> No.8872168

>except for darknet guys, money launderers, terrorists, neo-nazis and Wiki Leaks.
and people in developing countries without good currencies

also if you think investing is gambling then you probably think counting cards is "gambling"

>> No.8872180

good fuck bears you faggots ruined /biz/
also your memes arent funny

>> No.8872183

I hope you're kidding.

>> No.8872186


>> No.8872189
File: 194 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180412-100552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve to lose all your money. First you should have just seen the giant meme triangles.
I don't like TA or even think it's valid but some basic things still apply.
The number of rising shorts and no downward price movement made a short squeeze seem very likely.
Nice job being a fucking sheep and contribute to this jump upward.
Next see this pic it's the start of an morning star that I screenshotted last night.
I would have opened up a long but I'm not a degenerate gambler.
Honestly just get a job and stay poor the rest of your life.
You stupid nigger.

>> No.8872251

Fucking faggot gtfo I hate you
I got liq today for a bit less than 10xbt
I quit crypto for a bit but BITCOIN WILL BE 50k minimum eoy

>> No.8872271

Gtfo learn TA faggot the short from 7.1 to 6.6 was obvious a lot of «big fishes» got rekt today

>> No.8872387

OP I feel you and everybody here roasting you is retarded. We have already seen blatant manipulation but not on this magnitude. This IS bullshit. Take care.

>> No.8872397

I don't know if it was so obvious why didn't happen? TA is useless anyway, but the short squeeze seemed inevitable.

>> No.8872416


>> No.8872424

>makes attention seeking/bait thread
>I'm not going to respond any more

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.8872437

I don’t trade based on TA but also TA was bearish. I was cross margin and it break trough. Lesson learned I guess lol I was shaking when my orders where filling and I couldn’t cancel them because of the overloaded system

>> No.8872503
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Pic related is the origin you seek

>> No.8872528

I think you do a buy stop limit order.

>> No.8872544

Jokes on you faggot I shorted at 6.5 and I still have enough margin equity to hold while this goes down.

>> No.8872766


>> No.8872793

Leverage trading is indeed manipulated, I lost all my money two weeks ago, dumbest thing I’ve ever done, it’s cancerous and people need to be aware of it before bitmex scammers claim more victims.

>> No.8873211
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>get rich quick mentality
You deserve it for not having patience and being this greedy