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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8868523 No.8868523 [Reply] [Original]

So what objectively is the best /biz/ major?

>General Business
>Business management

>> No.8868542

All of them are shit. I can give you reasons why
t. Bsc. Economics

>> No.8868546

Math and engineering you don't learn shit in buisness

>> No.8868578

By that logic Econ would be the best considering it frequently utilizes calculus and statistics.

>> No.8868628

came here to say this

engineering is the minimum amount of knowledge required to understand anything to a useful level

>> No.8868634

theoretical physics or gtfo

>> No.8868646


You already lost right there. Have fun stacking up 70K debt when you could jut learn a trade for cheap and make literally the same kind of income as an engineer if not better. Kek.

>> No.8868649

Lmao @ engineers who think that studying engineering makes you understand business and finance. That’s why they’re throwing all their money in the crypto garbage fire. They don’t realize their own lack of knowledge.

>> No.8868653

Not that good unless you want to do research (not applied).

>> No.8868657

Nah belive me im currently doing business they dont teach you anything you wont learn while working. Even the professors say that engineers that starts working in the private business sector is preffered by the companies since they have a lot of problem solving skills and are usually more intelligent. Personally im going to start electrical engineering next semester and do my business degree at the same time so i can get a double degree.

>> No.8868666

none, as a degree puts you in debt.


>> No.8868670

A handful of my former classmates (engineers) have been hired in place of business graduates for that reason yeah. It seems like a growing trend.

>> No.8868674

fiat currency is not a constant measure of wealth. All markets can be explained by exponential growth models measured in gold

if you need to go to university to understand buy low sell high you were'n't going to make it anyway

>> No.8868675

Controlling & finance.
15 applications
5 interviews
3 offers for good entry positions

And I started writing applications two weeks ago.

>> No.8868682

You dont learn shit in finance other than helping people chose the right fund because of "muh low fees"even my finance professor said that the only traders and analysts that earn the big bucks today are computer scientists and math majors.

>> No.8868696

Yeah i have a lot of friends whos fathers work in the finance and banking sector they said that they always look at engineering applicants first when hiring people.

>> No.8868709

>chemical engineer
>1 application, posted my resume on linkedIn
>5 interview
>5 offers
I got called 5 minutes after my resume was online for an offer, this shit was scary.

>> No.8868733


>> No.8868743
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Wow, maybe I should make a LinkedIn-account.
Here, take this rare pepe for giving me the idea.

>> No.8868753

Yeah, and probably some high-quality job search engine if you have one in your country.
Even nowadays I got a dozen offers every month.

>> No.8868761

Software engineer, period.
Forget the business crap. Nobody is going to need it in 10 years, since it's nothing but simple math + some voodoo predicition shit. Computers are way better at this and will replace pretty much all of the humans working in low and mid level finance jobs.

>> No.8868800

Finance is more than trading and analyzing.
Also, analysts can range from being math/physics nerds (mostly in quant trading) to gender studies / philosophy / english or marketing, when it comes to non-quantifiable analysis, as the eggheads tend to overquantify everything.

One of my interviews was in fact conducted by a women, who had a degree in theatre history. Deputy head of the inhouse consulting unit of the company.

>> No.8868846

sell your major. buy EOS. Thank me later.

>> No.8868987

>Consulting unit of the company
Consulting is the key, actually. McKinsey and Co. don't give a shit about your degree, they only care about you being able to work your ass off 70 hours a week while constantly delivering high quality results. That's why they usually prefer people who not only deliver on their degree, but also in other activities (sports, student activities, military career etc.) at the same time. That's what proves to them that you're high energy and highly conscientious. What kind of degree you have is quite irrelevant though, because they'll push you through a Berkeley or Cambridge MBA anyway once you're hired. I've seen them even hiring people with a masters in theology right from university - and tons of engineers of course.

>> No.8869033

Accounting and Finance. You get a broad overview of economics and meme subjects like management and marketing. If all else fails you can always become and accountant and have a boring middle class profession.

>> No.8869390

you mean the humanities right? and I'm not talking to TRASH thats considered the humanities in this day and age

>> No.8869419

What about econometrics?

>> No.8869466

tell me why senpai
t. offer for Bsc. BM at a good university not accepted yet

>> No.8869474

If you're smart, engineering.
If you're average, comp sci.
If you're below 100 IQ, business

Any other major is a waste of time. Except maybe geology. Maybe.

>> No.8869505

>None above.

>Get IT and work behind computer.
>50% of time code and earn shitloads of money.
>50% of time sit on reddit, shitpost and deal with crypto + stocks.

End result = Profit.

>To those retards say, do what you love.
>You work as a dicksucker, earn 10USD but you love it. Meet ends and eat bread.
>You work something you hate but you earn 5k per month. Even if you hate your job, just buy bitches or any shit you want.

>> No.8869506

Econometrics is a method within economics.
My suggestion: Extensive Bsc in applied math and statistics, then pick a major of your liking for a M.Sc.

>> No.8869547

go back there

>> No.8869550

AI is coming. Computer Science with a focus on machine learning is the only way to properly prepare. You can do other things but realize you are just wasting your time.

>> No.8869557

I agree comp sci, software, and ai will play a huge role in the future. But if you don't think computer assisted engineering won't play a HUGE role you're delusional.

>> No.8869600

AI will be able to solve all problems. Right now it only solves explicitly stated ones. It is young but learn to use it and you can be a god.
Imagine an artificial architect who has spent lifetimes studying design, doesn't sleep and can map out the domain of all possible floor plans.
You studying architecture is laughable with such an entity. Now extend this across all other fields.
Not trying to be a dick but chances are that nothing matters besides learning to use AI.

>> No.8869625

Yes, eventually, but it won't happen any time soon. We are so far away from strong AI it's hilarious. It MIGHT happen in 40 years.

>> No.8869648

underage go

>> No.8869658

>Econometrics is a method within economics.
It's a separate university study in the Netherlands.
Not a "method" within economics, just a combination between economy and extremely complicated maths. Most people fail, but if you finish you're pretty much guaranteed a very well paying job.

>> No.8869681

We are on an exponential growth curve of compute power. Many of the algorithms are already developed. Here is an implementable consciousness-type ai from a father of modern AI https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.08568 .
40 years is a large estimate, I think it will be 10.

>> No.8869726

We will have the hardware many years before we have the software. AI is making progress, and will do some AMAZING things in the next 10 years. Every fast food joint, every factory, art, lots of software, news, transportation, this is all easy to automate.

Strong AI is still a long ways away. All of those things are easy.

>> No.8869816

With strong AI you won't need to understand how to use it, it will understand you and your intents. It is also not guaranteed to exist, although I think it does, in many forms.
Weak narrow AI can make people gods, however. Things such as GANs, when more usable (soon), will become superpowers for those who know how and when to use them.
Wielding weak AI is what you must train for. It is already here and will get exponentially stronger.

>> No.8869884

Yes, you're 100% correct, strong AI won't require people to manage it. If I'm wrong and it comes soon shit is going to be wild.

I predict the next 20-40 years will be weak ai, amazing weak ai, which will take over most of our lives.

>> No.8870380


Nice trips, college degree is a waste confirmed

>> No.8870509

Applied mathematics is the most versatile degree.

>> No.8870521


>> No.8870530

Versatile != best, you should know this...

>> No.8870570

I have arts degree. Should i KMS? I also have 400k in crypto.

>> No.8870594

law and banking, once you learn how the monetary system works the world will start making more sense.
example - the definition of a banker is anyone involved in the business of banking. if you have a bank account you are an authorised rep of the bank, your job is to extend bank credit. when you make a deposit you are deposing yourself of the funds and giving them to the bank.

>> No.8870596
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Info Systems is the secret patrician choice.
>Data analyst --> Systems analyst --> Managerial position --> Make it

>> No.8870789

>Weak narrow AI can make people gods, however. Things such as GANs, when more usable (soon), will become superpowers for those who know how and when to use them.
>Wielding weak AI is what you must train for. It is already here and will get exponentially stronger
And how exactly would you train for this, what are some potential applications etc. Give examples

>> No.8870804
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Psychology. Lots of suiciders here. (in my country, not this board.)

>> No.8870889

Hey there. I don't study any of the commerce subjects, but I do study the doctor of medicine so hopefully I can give a more objective view. When you're an MD everyone wants to know you so I also know many high calibre people who have done very well working at big companies. The way I see it, econ/business is useless degree. It teaches you common sense that you could learn easily by yourself. After you graduate, there is no professional body that accredits you. For example, you can only become a doctor after you study what I study. There is no profession that only accepts somebody who has studied economics. Accounting is slightly better, because you can use that to become a chartered accountant, a highly respectable and professional job. You'll find that firms prefer hiring engineers, or even doctors over commerce grads. This is because everyone can study commerce, it's easy to get in, and easy to do well. Personally, I hold engineers in a very high regard; They are problem solvers, and it is that problem solving skill that employers are after. I recommend people to study engineering, its a super versatile degree in the sense that it'll get you employed in the top tier firms and jobs eg investment banking.

>> No.8870923
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Computer Science

>> No.8870990

You can become a chartered financial analyst (CFA) with an Econ degree

>> No.8871029

Having two bachelor degrees is stoopid. Have fun explaining that shit all the time

>> No.8871067

Thanks, seems to be an american only thing. CA is international on the other hand. Its not my field at all.. would you know which one is more desirable?

>> No.8871080

Why the hell would it be stupid if it is in two different subjects that you are interested in. You don't have to explain anything

>> No.8871144


Watch every video this man has ever made and you're welcome

>> No.8871173

>So what objectively is the best /biz/ major?

>> No.8871196

accounting with a background in finance, 5th year to 150, get your CPA and go B4. You'll get so much experience everyone else will look retarded.

>> No.8871215
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best /biz/ major is not going to college at all and carving your own path in the world and ultimately BTFOing all the normies with debt and worthless degrees

>> No.8871223

>CPA is all voodoo shit

lmaoing at you

>> No.8871247

Economics is great because it's pure speculation. It's a social science yet it's treated as rigid natural law when applied to actual policies. It's all bullshit and nobody really knows what they're talking about. That's what makes it so easy to actually make a difference if you know what you're doing.
Finance is similar in that it's basically a bunch of jargon and meme maths intended to overload the synapses of less patient or intelligent men until they part with their money out of frustration. That's the beauty of it. If you can handle ever increasing degrees of complexity with glee then Finance is great.
All in all, it's a bunch of people trying to make sense of something incomprehensible using all available knowledge while framing the results in meme language, meme charts and distilling them in meme circles to be applied by meme managers.

>> No.8871272

>BTFOing all the normies with debt and worthless degrees
I am european.
I am not in significant debt

>> No.8871277

Accounting if you can sit for the cpa. Bretty easy job in corporate finance. I shitpost most days for $40 an hour.

>> No.8871383

How is psychology anons?

>> No.8871388

3rd year management here. It's kind of a meme and I'm not here because I need it, but I learned a bit of everything (accounting, statistics, econ, math..)
Looking into a programing related masters, but I don't think it exists

>> No.8871393

Literally one of the worst degrees you could get unless you’re going to grad school or professional school

>> No.8871601

Did economics and minor in comp sci. That minor helped me get a job at a hedge fund. Math and compsci are key, you can learn econ on your own.

>> No.8871624

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha look at this fucking retarded kid.
>he fell for the trades meme
Have fun maxing out at $40k per year. I bet you think that's a lot! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA

>> No.8871661

my degree is econ & business, it's worthless
however, i run a project agency and got several IT geeks working for me. when they go to work i get paid
they go to work, i don't
>wagecuckers btfo

>> No.8871722

You don't need a fucking degree, all of the world's information is based on pre-existing information. If you want job security become a handy-man from knowing how to fix phones,computers to sinks, water heaters and HVAC systems

Easy $200 an hour

>> No.8871733

My university offers a combined math-econ-computer science degree. Though pure CS seems to be a better option.

>> No.8871749

>t. 80k in debt making 100k a year in Sillycone Valley working 70hour work weeks

>> No.8871767

Psychology, retard

>> No.8871782

Finance out of those.

You can make retarded amounts of money and it's not hard

>> No.8871930


>> No.8872152

Get out of here grandpa

>> No.8872196

Social psychology degree and then studied markets on my own. Really really helpful in trading cryptos.
And I'm not being sarcastic or silly.
Crypto is much more prone to market changes based on crowd psychology because it's manipulated and because it's open to regular folks with no trading experience.

>> No.8872670
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>muh trades
Fuck off brainlet

>> No.8872709

“International Business” here.

I work for a bank and make around 85k. I get a little office with a view as well as company benefits. I mostly browse /biz/ and read all day.

>> No.8872723

Accounting major but I fucked up my credit (15k cc debt). Would getting a job be possible?

>> No.8872764

>tfw I have a master in finance but 0 working experience so can't get any decent job

>> No.8872783

a literally dead end field

>> No.8872790

Physics. Finance. Mathematics. Law.

>> No.8872923

There's your problem. Academia and finance is a no no. Get your bachelor's and get out.

It's all about the school too. Unfortunately I didn't go to an ivy so some of the best jobs are harder to get. Go to an ivy and investment banks will been over backwards for you. Even with a history degree

>> No.8873482

As a graduate student in economics i can only recommend something in tech, be it software or hardware.

>> No.8873691

Where my tech bros at? I’m not Comp Sci but looking to get into cyber security. Demand in the field is skyrocketing. I’m actually surprised it wasn’t mentioned yet.

I just got hired by a large corporation that sells firewalls to enterprises, and my job will be working with those clients and diagnosing/fixing problems. Going to study my ass off and move to a new position every year and a half. I eventually want to become a network security engineer. That shit pays the big bucks, I plan to be making at least 120k in ~5 years or so.

Where my cyber security bros at? Much less nerdy than Comp Sci. Better hours. Bitches love it

>> No.8873732

Also not to mention that the field is fucking huge. So many opportunities in both the tech side and business side. Just look at the job shortage projections for cyber security jobs. And no, I’m not in debt from college you cucks

>> No.8873906

nice. im doing chemeng and heard finding a job is impossible. salty brainlets?

>> No.8873978

I'd like to work in Cybersecurity as well, majoring in EE and BM tho, so very unsure. I have way too many dreams.

>> No.8874004

a mix of economics/finance with math and programming skills acquired in eng majors

>> No.8874058

Do whatever you want, studying something that fascinates you is the quickest way to get tired of it.

>> No.8874156

I've decided on either electrical engineering or computer engineering. Which should I take?

>> No.8874253

What job do you want?

>> No.8874286

This. A friend of mine became an Economics major but took a ton of R classes, statistics, some calc, and econometrics. He got a few job offers his senior year, quantitative skills go a long ways.

>> No.8874401
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>> No.8874651

Don't be a pussy and major in both

Jk, if you want to have a job more quickly, CE, but on the long run it's not gonna make a huge difference on jobs. If you want to actually do stuff with your hands and work with real stuff, work in the industry, have tangible magnificent projects, want to work in Smart Grids, hardware, microprocessors, embedded systems, signal processing, aerospace industry, biomedics, telecommunications, robotics, even synthetic biology, literally any field that requires modern complex machine to function, or would do better with them.

If you don't care about tangible, if you wanna speak in the language of algorithms, optimize every single industry, work in AI, cybersecurity, potentially blockchain, fintech, computer architecture, microprocessors, distributed networks, signal processing, embedded systems, database management, data mining, bioinformatics, modelling, literally any field that requires computation. Also you'd take more jobs, which is also sehr nett.

Nonetheless, they are not really that separate. You wouldn't miss a lot from one another.

>> No.8874697

Missed "then pick CE" and "then pick EE" at the end of both paragraphs lmao

>> No.8874708

as cool as economics sounds all the people I know who finished it do shitty jobs they could do wihtout high school. I would bet on accounting.

>> No.8874864
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I'm a recent Economics grad and I've been applying to jobs without much luck. Recently I overhauled my shitty resume,l and made a much better looking one. I recently applied to some jobs that looked really good over the last 3 days. Should I reapply to these jobs with my new resume, or would I look like an idiot?

>> No.8875311

A combo of computers and either general math or other applied math

>> No.8875513

It's a method like statistics is a method.

"Econometrics is the application of statistical methods to economic data and is described as the branch of economics that aims to give empirical content to economic relations"

Also, every mainstream economics program all over the world has the same three core units: Econometrics not extremely complicated, actually the mathematical machinery of econometrics is easiest to learn compared to some other mathematical tools needed in theory oriented programs.
t. phd econ.

>> No.8875693

will I learn finance and marketing by working at Chuck E. Cheese?

>> No.8875734

Make an alter-ego and apply as that

>> No.8875792

Depends on if you're looking for
>the degree that pay best at Mr.Goldberg
>the degree that teach you the best skills for making it on your own

If you're in the states, it's probably better to go no degree.

>> No.8875941

I majored in chemistry because I really liked it and thought it was a good degree for jobs. I feel like I got meme'd especially because I don't live in the UDS, but I also miss it and want to go to gradshool.

What do biz?

>> No.8876283

In terms of potential job opportunities?

Economics by far if you actually narrow down your studies and experiences
Government, supply chain, biz dev, marketing, technology, biz qnalysis, finance, asset management, private wealth management, operations, consulting, investment banking, private equity, venture capital, real estate

Finance is tailored to the best non aspie jobs, so its an excellent major, but you are going to lack diversity in choices (not that that bothers you, you kike)

>t. econ graduate from a non target
who somehow landed in boutique PE, and then lateraled into RE AM with 1 trillion in assets, also ran and sold my shares in a startup for 400k (growth tech operations)

you dont get the technical training of accounting/finance/business admin people, but all of that shit can be learned on the side via Wallstreet prep, EDX.com, etc. The critical thinking you get from econ helps you in your senior career trajectory, especially if you can think like a consultqnt/executive

>> No.8876290

Apply to grad school in another country. Apply for a research stay or a masters or smth. If you like it, then keep on climbing the academic ladder. You should have known from the start that was going to be your life when you applied for a pure science major.

Or move to Deutschland and apply for a Berufschule.

>> No.8876307

Engineering. Guaranteed $150k+ at some point in your career, solving actual real world problems instead of being a bullshit salesman, you can touch and see your work getting used in the real world. Gotta be pretty math-smart, though. Literally all the degrees you listed other than accounting are bullshit degrees which lead nowhere, and who the fuck wants to be an accountant?

>> No.8876325

I'm learning accounting without debt. All sponsored by the employer, feelsgoodman.

>> No.8876339

My father is a tradesman and earns from 120k to 190k per year. Not even larping.

>> No.8876354

Lmao'in at all the code monkeys and bolt tighteners ITT

>> No.8876378

Possible, but not ambitious.

>> No.8876399
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Actuarial (Chad)Science
>learn to model real life shit using hardcore math taking into account randomness (stochastics) and chaos (differentials)
>leverage your stats and programming skills to jump into data science and mahcine learning
>turn your econometric background with your data science to make the most of business intelligence
>apply your business intelligence with machine learning in the markets and literally foretell the future before it happens
>learn tried, tested, trusted methods to model risk, because after all life is all about guaranteeing your survival and what's better for that that minimizing risks
>mathfags and physicistfags gonna poor virgins, compscys and engineers gonna pajeet

>> No.8876406

Those are quants, not traders.

>> No.8876449

Nah bro you're good.

>> No.8876763

You can do the same with any degree boyo.
English grads can take the CFA.

>> No.8876796

Definitely possible, but you don't deserve a job for being such a brainlet with money.

>> No.8876898

Engineering (Computer/Electrical/Mechanical) / Physics bachelors with Econometrics Masters/PhD

>> No.8876917

dubs confirm

>> No.8876922

Have fun working in shitty conditions when you're in your 50's. You think your body will still be strong when you get older?

>> No.8877272

This is some of the realist shit I've read

>> No.8877326

What the fuck how do I get this job?

>> No.8877361

Computer Science

>> No.8877463

Computer science major here
Got hired by a Chicago consulting firm in early 2000s. Coding and consulting are young man's game and mostly Pajeets now I'm oldfag but taught me to work hard and hate life early. College major is bullshit anyway. Depression causes cognitive impairment long term look it up. Me retarded now play the lottery and win or die early trust me this no way to live

>> No.8877463,1 [INTERNAL] 

literally posting in the archive to bitch that it's LOGISTICAL GROWTH, not exponential