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File: 18 KB, 1200x600, 1200px-Flag_of_Canada_(Pantone).svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8862180 No.8862180 [Reply] [Original]

What's your exit plan?

>> No.8862196

Man, can't wait to move to Canada with my crypto gains <3

>> No.8862308

Wow, you must be from a real shithole.

>> No.8862506

Why would you move from Canada? It is unironically the best place to live on earth.

>> No.8862532

>best place on earth
pick one

>> No.8862533

I'd prefer Canada over the US, yea its cucked but unironically we have the most right wing immigration policies of any western country.
We literally only let in mostly high IQ immigrants from East Asia.. still sucks, but infinitely better than living around spics, nigs & muzzies

>> No.8862536

Seriously, I am thinking about it everyday. If it weren't USA next to us, we would be a Ukraine.

I can't wait to leave this soulless country.

>> No.8862550 [DELETED] 

Buying some Numerai

>> No.8862565
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Parachute made out of Canada Goose jackets.

>> No.8862581

Yeah, the UK is shit.

>> No.8862593

fuck canada

>> No.8862597

Hi iq east asian immigrants dont make me laugh. what you meant to say is you would let any chink with a minus iq come as long as they overpaid and boosted your house prices.

>> No.8862602

it's cold you faggot it just blizzarded like last week and it's fucking april
getting thousands of farmers and homesteaders to move to the new world was the greatest scam pulled in history

>> No.8862604


my old neighborhood which used to be entirely old school european hardworking immigrants is now a fucking somalia and pajeet invasion

fuck off fool

>> No.8862637

I'm hoping based Australia will take white Canadian refugees like they are South Africans.

>> No.8862646

Dont take it for granted.I'd still Take it Over tis sunny tourist attraction shithole.(Tunisia)
I'm trying to get a Job there, I really hope it works out.I'd be a great citizen if make it there.

>> No.8862652

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.8862664

Move to Brazil

>> No.8862666

yeah the boomers dont give 2 shits about the next generation, they rather sell it to chinks with money than fellow Canadians. chinks are the worst because they're like the jews, expect theres 1.4 billion. paper tiger and all, but they're still a formidable foe imo

>> No.8862673

Are you retarded? Have you been to BC? The Asians they're letting in aren't smart. They act like insects and half of them don't speak English. And we're also OVERRUN by East Indian Sikhs, who are the absolute scum of the Earth. They literally stink. They are lazy, do shitty work, are dishonest, rude, refuse to integrate. I'm moving to the Island to get away from these fucking insects and animals.

>> No.8862677
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Just stay and work, perequation money aint fund itself.


>> No.8862702

What I meant to say is its better than nigs coming in and turing your neighboorhood into the south sudan
Yea some area's are shite, but overall the majority of immigrants are "high end". Take most of metro Vancouver for example outside of surrey.
And if you are too much of a brainlet to understand what I am saying go take a trip through the US and you'll quickly understand how much worse things can be.

>> No.8862718

>more diversity
>vibrant diversity
>i'm justin Trudeau.

>> No.8862736

you're a fucking retard. our immigration is 100x worse than the US. go to toronto you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.8862740

I live in Vancouver, I agree with you for the most part. Difference is I have some perspective. Vancouver with its massive immigrant problem is till more liveable than any major US city. Again go see places like LA & Baltimore if you want to see a real shitskin problem.
The stuff you're complaining about here is childs play compared to the coming negro invasion of Europe and the current spicening happening in the US.

>> No.8862743

I've been withdrawing 10,000 a year without claiming it on my taxes and putting it straight into my TFSA. Just have to hold on until 2019 so the dumb ass liberal government doesn't take more money out of my pockets

>> No.8862754

p.s fucking hate you Quebec pussys

>> No.8862755

Fucking idiot. Have you been to LA? Las vegas outside the strip? Baltimore? Miami? Detriot?
Have fun checking out those 10% white cities full of sub 80IQ shits who wont hesitate to stab you.

>> No.8862762


Nah, Toronto is a great city.

>> No.8862766

The immigrants that come to Canada are usually smart which is shity because they know how to milk the tax system here

fuck Toronto you sand nigger

>> No.8862772

Toronto is 50% white. That's whiter than almost all major US cities and a lot of European cities like London

>> No.8862777

shut up you fucking chink. there's african immigration all over ontario. fucking retard.

>> No.8862792

Fuck off retard, seriously you know nothing about anything. Go to any major city outside of Canada

>> No.8862798

you think i give a shit what a chink like you thinks? go back to fucking china

>> No.8862805

Muh 5.5% black population. Try 60% faglover

>> No.8862822

seriously look at the numbers, Canada has a lot of stupid fucking immigrants but the US is worse

could you imagine living in a warzone like Detroit?

>> No.8862841

Do you even know who I am?? Fuck you retard. People like you make me sick

>> No.8862846

Don't worry mate, I don't wanna live in a city. I plan on moving pretty far north and having a little workshop, maybe some livestock to keep me company.

>> No.8862865

it's painfully obvious from your posts youre a goddamn chink. and you have the balls to be talking about immigration. fuck off chinky

>> No.8862877


I traveled to Tunisia. Your govt or (you people) are openly in haram as if Islam doesn't exist. Casinos everywhere, Haram everywhere. Husband would sell their wifes for Dinar. You may not be like them but France/Canada look more Islamic than your country.

>> No.8862886

I'm a jew fyi, and much whiter than you'll ever be.

>> No.8862922
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TFW I live in Victoria XDXDXDXD

>> No.8862926
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pick one and only one.

>> No.8862929

>im a jew
>i'm also white

lol fuck off. even worse.

>> No.8862956

Yes, most of us don't give a fuck about islam, but make no mistake, you'd get lynched if you pull a move on someone ne's wife.
Anyway, I hate Tunisia because because i simply want to do something with my life, I think i can't be way more useful in a country like Canada with My STEM degree ,hunger and youth.

>> No.8863073

Canada is a shit country, I spent 3 years there and since leaving Im convinced i had sherlock syndrome. It's a liberal cuck drug land with wannabe europeans, chinks and dirty mudslimes.

>> No.8863076

fuck canada. im so done with this place. turks and caicos.

>> No.8863104

Have fun on van island, the land of wandering hippie meth heads who rape and murder kids and rcmp do nothing about them. Nice beaches though in tofino.

>> No.8863124

Hmmm, what are you talking about?

>> No.8863125

sounds like a comfy life. i wish you all the best

>> No.8863132

Van island is good. Home of some real racists. I legit got bullied there for being jewish

>> No.8863158

>I presume when he said he's moving to the island, that he meant vancouver island, it's full of stories like this from people ive met there. Right from Victoria all the way up to Nanaimo. Island is full of scum, would never go back.

>> No.8863172

Aww, poor anon.

>> No.8863179

Thats why the island self ignites and has wilfires then i guess.

>> No.8863195

^^^found the jew

>> No.8863197

theres no escape from this barren wasteland. You will live your entire life in shitty cold weather

>> No.8863202

>he's jew
>he thinks he's human

you do realize youre a parasite virus, correct?

>> No.8863255

Get rich enough on weed stocks and crypto and whatever future investing memes come about. Buy house on plot of land. Ignore all politics and so forth as much as possible from then onwards. I don't want to leave Canada. I like it here.

>> No.8863738

toronto is an absolute shithole if you're white

t. lived all my life here and went to school here

>> No.8864091

Leaflet here, I hate this place. it's cucked, cold and taxxed to hell. I'm moving to US.

>> No.8864143

Shalom. I experienced the same thing in Victoria. There's a lot of white trash on the West Coast... it has a magnetic pull for degeneracy.

>> No.8864238

Your entire genetic being is trash.


>> No.8864252
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You mean stockholm syndrome?

>> No.8864279


looking at moving to pei, halifax or alberta

>> No.8864302

Trusting government statistics. It's worse than any of us know.

>> No.8864371


Gain residency in Panama for a couple grand and live there tax free

>> No.8864405

Canada's "wide" open-door immigration policy is predicated upon reaching a population of 100 million by 2100. The purpose of this is rather sick and fucked up, but it essentially boils down to having a large enough population for labour and growing the military. By this point it's speculated that our real wages will be worth almost nothing, forcing people to make a choice: hard labour or the military, or if kids are lucky they'll be selected from a young age for a position in the sciences. They'll send our grand-kids overseas and tear apart Africa. Ironically, it will be the grandchildren of the immigrants that came from those very same countries.

Screen cap this for your kids.

Makes me sick to my stomach every day when I head into an office and I see these fucking clowns.

>> No.8864432

Vancouver island masterrace

>> No.8864440

Whose statistics can you trust then?

>> No.8864455

of course you can trust his casual observation, that would be the rational choice of action right guys?

>> No.8864490

I plan to retire there possibly after the next boom.i think someone saying it's basically Ukraine but north of US is quite accurate except it's filled with immigrants from shithole coutries now. I guess the main perk will be to flash my wealth in lambo form.

>> No.8864499

Hey, I know you, you're from Victoria!

>> No.8864537


You'll need to raise it a few inches with all these fucking pot holes and speed bumps. you're betting off picking up and revamping a LM002.