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8861563 No.8861563 [Reply] [Original]

Fell for the hodl meme. Down to less than 600k.

> No job
> Dropout
> No car
> No house

Last few weeks /months have been hard...

Suicidal 24h nonstop ..


>> No.8861573

Same but I only have 40k. Stop crying.

>> No.8861582

>Have 600k

Thats it guy, Im going over to /b/ to hang around normal people for a while.

>> No.8861584

Buy blue chips and ofc

>> No.8861587

300 to 35k here

had to get a job, feels bad...

>> No.8861598

Just wait you pitifull faggot unless you're holding shitcoins you have nothing to worry about

>> No.8861607

And? Your not special anon. Your old man probably lost more when panic selling amazon during the dot com bubble.

>> No.8861611

Spotify was just listed.

Couple of years and it will be up 20%!!!

>> No.8861614

from 64 to 35k

>> No.8861615


same boat as you OP, had $2 million in december, felt like a god

down to $500k now. Don't worry though, the rothschilds, rockefellers, and Soros are all going to pump the market to astronomical levels before crashing it

just make sure you get out at the top this time

>> No.8861628

Can't live off 600k.

>> No.8861632

It's all relative man.

>> No.8861636

$76k here at ATH. BitMexed on downturn. Now I have $1500

>> No.8861650

It was overvalued at 50 billion. IPO bag holder? hahaha just buy BAT and hodl for 2 years, swing trade it every few days if you are good at it to accumulate

>> No.8861655

wtf can u get with 600k?

>> No.8861661

Try living off 600k debt then come back to pol.

>> No.8861662

you have 600 fucking thousand dollars. you have zero reason to be suicidal. you have very much freedom and options

>> No.8861666

Please post prove for the amusement of the crowd

>> No.8861668

Same. Felt really good about myself. Only lasted a few weeks though. :((((

>> No.8861671

thanks for hodling so others can make decent cash. now sell faggot

>> No.8861673

You can pretty much live off of that for decades if you are not dumb

>> No.8861678

So kill yourself and send your $600k in pocket change to me. I can retire for life on that, and still have enough to help my mother.

>> No.8861685

Are you stupid? A house will already set me back 400.000 min.

>> No.8861687


>> No.8861691


Try killing other people before KYS, you can practice this way !

It is only a crime if you get caught, and even if you do. jail is neet life.

>> No.8861696

Rent a shitty apartment

>> No.8861701

I want to say Link and Req, but that meme is just sad

That said, I went from 5k to 28k on crypto. Before crypto I went from 25k to 5k on stocks.

When you have 28k or 600k, you have so many options to turn that x10 right now its insane!

Dont worry about me mates. That 28k is my play money.

>> No.8861707

Do you understand the difference between a millionaire and a normalfag?

>> No.8861711

>a house
How about hiding your money, live off NEET bugs and get your rent paid by the tax payer

>> No.8861722

Yall some silly niggas.

>> No.8861726

>Thats it guy, Im going over to /b/ to hang around normal people for a while.

Wait for me, please!

>> No.8861728

Lol bro got 600k and wanting to die.

Nigga I'm getting evicted, car is on the repo list and only scraping by doing work for food.

You need to get a grip. That's several years of living

>> No.8861739

Haven't worked in 6 years. Already renting a shit appartment. I could taste the good life for a few weeks. -at least in my head.

>> No.8861751

>striving for luxury
Get off my board normie

>> No.8861797
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>> No.8861810

Hmmm, should’ve at least bought a house and furniture.

>> No.8861898

depends on the country. The more communist the better. Never paid for rent, thanks to socialists keeping NEETs alive

>> No.8861957

almost same
but i didnt pay taxes yet
had one and now 100k left
300k in debt now
my life is over if it doesnt moon soon

>> No.8861996

Had about half that and down to 500k. Kind of just in limbo waiting for things to crash entirely so I can go back to wageslave NG or moon so I can retire and neet for life.

Here's hoping we make it m8

>> No.8862042
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why would you buy a 400k house while trying to live off of 600k?

>> No.8862117

These larp threads are tired.

>> No.8862155

please tell me youre not the guy that got destroyed by the huge green dildo while btc was plummetting to 6k. we all think to this day this guy killed himself asap

>> No.8862183

You're the kind of guy that shorts btc and gets destroyed for life.
You don't deserve what you have, anon. You're way too stupid

>> No.8862224

>can't live like a new money degenerate off 600k*

>> No.8862238

I'll kill your for half of that desu

>> No.8862247
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>> No.8862264

I’m with ya op I had 900k and am down to 110k now.

>> No.8862273

op, srsly, kys

>> No.8862330

you could literally put it in an index fund and collect about 20k per year while sitting on your ass
a good part of the population lives on that even in first world countries

>> No.8862377

Same Op.
I went from 2.8mil to 600k.
It's recovering atm.

>> No.8862435

Please tell me you guys are larping..

I'm sitting on a 2k folio hoping that it will become 10k some day because that could legit change my life.. This thread made me sad lol.

Good luck bro's, hope you all make it.

>> No.8862447



Good luck anon.

>> No.8862455 [DELETED] 

If you buy NMR right now you are probably gonna be a millionare again pretty soon.

>> No.8862469

OP i hope you put aside 550k in taxes and 140k additional for medicaire and social security tax, if you didnt you may face penalties of up to 50% on that balance.

If I were you I would take out a bank loan to pay the tax.

>> No.8862484
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>being sad about having $600k

>> No.8862486


>> No.8862542

ATH 1.6 mil here. Cashed out 900k Have to gib 250k to the government. 650k left.

>> No.8862559


just die and release those 600k into the economy. rly.

hard times require weak people to vanish into thin air

>> No.8863167
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Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.8863933

In a similar boat but it's not like you could have cashed out anyways because of all the exchange limits. A lot of them would straight up steal your funds anyways.

>> No.8864039
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You need to find yourself a girl mate

>> No.8864068

the crash didnt take 1 minute
there was an optimum window
9. to 14. january
i even wanted to withdraw but didnt reach my goal of 1mio. i had 800k. now 200k left at best. REEEEE

>> No.8864142

why the FUCK would you not keep enough money to live on?

that's just fucking retarded

>> No.8864382

>suicidal with 600k to his name

Those are what are commonly called "White People Problems"

With a quarter of a brain you nor anyone in your immediate circle would ever HAVE to work again with anything over 300k let alone double it

>> No.8864544
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I'm sorry to hear of your woes OP, however thanks for being there to hold my bags, It's much appreciated.

>> No.8864556

OP you've still done VERY well

>> No.8864567

Oh fuck off, 600k can yield $2k a month for life, you basically never have to wagecuck again.

>> No.8864595

literally wait 6 months and have some perspective about how many people would kill to have 600k right now and you're going to kys because it's "not enough" faggot.

>> No.8864612


If this is true, you have some serious work to do mentally.

Rich or poor, your mind is dysfunctional

>> No.8864626

>suicidal 24h nonstop

kill yourself you cunt

>> No.8864639

>25 years
>for life

only if you live in america and eat burgers everyday you can live of 600k "for life"

>> No.8864665

No, you invest it in etf's with 5%+ dividends.

>> No.8864690

+ Then you sell out of the money put spreads using margin.

>> No.8864701

3M here but didn’t drop down below 1M- what shit were you holding!

>> No.8864735

fuck that whiny baby what are you holding good sir

>> No.8864762

Dude, 600k is a big amount of money already
Many anons would be happy to have so much money, me included
If you are lucky you'll be multimillionaire relatively soon

>> No.8864839

You are a fag for not cashing out at 3 million.


>> No.8864933

No, we need people like this in crypto.
Sure, they're retarded but they make the rest of us rich.

>> No.8864959

Bears make money. Bulls make money. Pigs get slaughtered.

>> No.8865736

500k to 110k - FOMOd my dad in at 50K on Jan 07...

>> No.8865768
File: 437 KB, 5186x2029, Cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought the peak in december
>Hodl i was told
>brother telling me every day hodl, gets mad when i sell
>from day 2 in the game think.... fuck that
>become trader
>make bad trades in beginning
>slowly learn, learn TA as well
>addicted to trading
started with 2600 and i'm at 2500 now so i consider that 100 a learning experience

You guys suck fucking dick, i knew from the beginning HODL is the bitch ass pussy way. No way i'm riding that beautiful pump up all the way down.
Enjoy the bags now

>> No.8865830

There were goys like you after gox OP, some of them eventually actually made it, maybe you will too or maybe you will never be a millionaire again

>> No.8866359


Are you rich?

>> No.8866376


>bought ath
>down $100
>says others suck

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8866504



>> No.8866584


Jesus fucking Christ. If you guys are serious and not just larping you are fucking morons who deserve to lose it all. If you make a couple mil in crypto you TAKE IT THE FUCK OUT, put it in low risk investments, and live comfortable for the rest of your life. Fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.8866669

its called autism do you know where you are

>> No.8866705
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>> No.8866709

You need more than a million dollars for the type of lifestyle you want

>> No.8866716

wew lad so close to some killer quints

>> No.8866729

don't sell you'll be back. You need other help if that makes you upset. everyone lost the same amount and I barely give a shit, because I know BTC will recover beyond 20k. Its going to 100k or 1 million in years. all I have to do is wait or buy more BTC

>> No.8867059
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I bought in during the normie invasion
All the hodlers got JUST
I lost barely anything

>> No.8867068
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Bro, shit's literally about to turn around. Hold on for the bull run. It's close.

>> No.8867071

Don’t you like traveling or reading a book?

>> No.8867084

these humble brag threads are the worst. feel free to off yourself faggot

>> No.8867092

I’d hold ChainLink even then

>> No.8867399

Nope cos they're all going to Guantanamo

>> No.8867424

Chill out and go buy a Porsche 911 Turbo and a 5 star hotel room for a few days with some "companions" you'll feel better.

>> No.8867431


Filthy nigger putting smoke right in the POTUS face...

>> No.8867443

Theyre just the weirdest type of larp.

>> No.8867451
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yeah yeah yeah, you hold bud.

Remember, we are the linkmarines ! we don't sell!

>> No.8867464

Yeah similar story here. Not that bad though.
Got a 90K a year job within a week :p

>> No.8867467

Then get a job you dumb nigger

>> No.8867497

Of course he isn't

>> No.8867571

You'll make it. I had about 2k early last year, hit 100k at ATH, about 35k now.

>> No.8867591

Did you set aside 35k for taxes or are you gonna have to take out a bank loan? Might be 40k after social security and medicaire tax

>> No.8867613

In Estonia I could get a nice city center apartment, a cottage in the outskirts, 2 nice cars and still keep enough money to survive a few years.

>> No.8867625

>Implying I'm a burger

>> No.8867628

He doesn't owe 35k if he never cashed out at 100k.

>> No.8867631

I had $5 mill. Got most of it seized by feds. Now only have $500k left :(

>> No.8867727
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You have 600k you crybaby fuck.

>> No.8867798

you can only cash out about 50k a year because of all the limits

>> No.8867906

So many salty poorfags in this thread. You don’t get to 3 millions in the first place if you’re «muh muh I can live comfortably the rest of my life on 200k». If OP was like you he would’ve sold before the dec/jan bullrun and not even have 600k today.
Also, stop crying OP. You did good.

>> No.8867930

WTF are you talking about? Some of us cash that out in a day

>> No.8867993

Not really no, I did quite well in January from the hodling retards but I still wagecuck as head of seo at one of the large sports retailers.

>> No.8868002

If wish I had 600k just lying around, you whiny fucking nigger.

>> No.8868136

youll never win big thinkibg this way

>> No.8868158

3 mil is my cashout marker. Wtf is wrong with you

>> No.8868191

135k to 45k feels also bad :( i was so sure that this year i will hit 1 mil and cash out 500k by EOY 2018 but now im happy if im up to 100k by EOY -.-

>> No.8868207

roulette all on black

>> No.8868226

Barely enough for a rope

>> No.8868237

wtf i love socialism now

>> No.8868263

Time you fucking faggot. You can't live off 600K FOREVER but you can live off 100K for at least two years and during that time you can spend your free time turning what is left back into millions.

>> No.8868308
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>Fell for the hodl meme. Down to less than 600k.
Get out fucking now!
600k likely still put you in a superior position to 98% of your age peers.

I went from 10 million in crypto down to 2 million and cashed out over the last 2 months. Never looked back. Nothing wrong in exiting with a fat profit.

Also fuck 7, 8, 9 and 10 million. they fuck with your mind and life as all the economics that guided you throughout all your life COMPLETELY break down. E.g. it doesn't make sense anymore to sell your used stuff as your time is worth more and you just give/throw it away. Working also doesn't make much sense as even most careers out of college become financial unappealing.
With 600k you are still able to live a super comfy life while being part of normal society.

>> No.8868359

I have 1200 in crypto, 90 euro in the bank and 10k study debt. And own nothing either.

I feel fine desu.

>> No.8868827

oh fuck off op you fag

>> No.8868852


>> No.8868900

How can someone stupid enough to believe 5%+ is a safe withdrawal rate be smart enough to even know what put spreads are

>> No.8868945


buy 50 linkys and come EOY you wont be super stinky any more

>> No.8868949

Are you the anon who always posted blockfolio with bch and btc? You really sold?

>> No.8869016

Yeah, I'm a but if a smaller fag, started last January with $200, ATH was $35k. I took 10 percent out at every 10k and put it in guns and silver, so I have taken much more than my initial profit out. I'm sitting on $6k now

>> No.8869055

> normal people


>> No.8869099

You can buy a few tow homes all cash and begin renting them out. Assets. Buy Link etc.

>> No.8869147

dont let money rule ur life.

>> No.8869157

How the fuck do you have 3 million usd without a job

>> No.8869345

Literally my life plan when my portfolio hits 600k

>> No.8869369

It's really confusing and I have no idea why, but I notice most rich people don't have jobs. They are reluctant to discuss money but ask those old people you see eating at mcdonalds at weird times like 1500 or out at the country club. None of them have jobs but somehow they have a lot of money, so much they don't even need to work for money.I have a job and only $35k invested(I still cry thinking about how much it'd be if I sold during peak). They must know something we don't.I will find out what that is and then I'll be the one eating at mcdonalds at 1500.

>> No.8869370

still makes you a loser though
i started buying in march 2017 because i'm not retarded and DCAed because i'm not retarded and took profits because i'm not retarded, so i'm still up x10 while you obsess over mitigating losses
making a couple good macro decisions beats making a thousand good micro decisions

>> No.8869819

Can someone tell me how the fuck you can go from 3 mil to 600k and others from 300k to 30k? How can you fuck up that badly? What shitcoins did you invest in? I need to understand

>> No.8869894
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Wrong. Gdax has no limit

"Cant cash out" or "trade limit" was FUD to make us hold

>> No.8869919

Wrong, coinbase let me do 100k/week and I find out later gdax could have done it all instantly at market price

>> No.8869977
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>newfag to crypto

it's the bear version of the "100x on shitcoins" meme

>> No.8869998

are you new? you sound new.