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8860424 No.8860424 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is a weapon against centralised power. Throughout history, store and movement of value has taken many forms, determined by the peoples confidence that everyone can agree the amount of value in a tangible object or material such as gold or diamonds. With physical objects like gold, it is inherently more desirable due to its scarcity. People therefore agree a higher value. The value of FIAT money is made tangible by distributing pieces of paper “We all agree this piece of paper represents a fixed amount of value”. The first problem is trust, what happens when not everyone agrees that the piece of paper with a 20 written on represents the same amount of value as before. People can no longer trust that if they swap 1 piece of gold for 100 pieces of paper, they would be able to return the 100 pieces of paper and receive the same piece of gold back. Because not everyone agrees the value of the paper. As time goes on, more pieces of paper appear in circulation and people perceive its value to be less because they know that it was created from thin air by man and no value has been transferred to it from the old measure of gold. Think of the new circulating money as a simcard that has not be credited with talk time aka value. Also it is no longer as scarce so is not as desirable as before. This is an inflationary currency.
Bitcoin is scarce (unlike fiat)in a sense that there will never be more than 21,000,000 bitcoin units to represent its value, therefore that dictates the peoples confidence in whether they can all agree on the fixed amount of value represented by 1 bitcoin. Bitcoins do not require trust, they exist on a computer code shared and operated by people on computers all over the world. The system only allows the owner of the value to transfer it to someone else by providing a private code unique to them. Each transfer of value is processed by the system and recorded on a public, immutable distributed ledger that everyone can see.

>> No.8860426

The software also dictates that no more than 21,000,000 bitcoins can ever exist in the system. So this has left us with a representation of value in the form of bitcoins that everybody indefinitely agrees the value of 1 bitcoin will always be highly desirable due to its absolute guaranteed scarcity. And there is nothing anyone can do to manipulate the circulating supply of bitcoins.
What if I say you can now transfer that value without having to physically transfer the tangible object such as the piece of gold that represents the agreed amount of value. Bitcoins are not tangible which makes transfer quick and can only done by the owner of the value. imagine being able to transfer value by just looking someone in the eye and telling them how much value you are transferring to them and have that moment witnesses and recorded by pretty much every person in the world, it would be impossible to reverse that transfer of value without the recipient transferring it back to you in the same way and everyone witnessing and recording that moment. It requires no trust to exchange value.
Bitcoins are absolutely scarce with a fixed quantity therefor it won’t be long before this mentality of placing higher value on scarcity is applied to bitcoin. everyone will eventually agree that 1 bitcoin has a high value and they will always agree on or thereabouts the same value. not everyone has the foresight to see the inherent high value of bitcoin yet, and by the time they realise this, a majority of it will have been accumulated by forward thinkers. Meaning that a time will come when someone with a lot of bitcoins will only be prepared to trade you 1 of his bitcoins against 100’s of your pieces of gold to the value equivalent.

>> No.8860440

Fundamentally people always favour storing value in something that is scarce and in something they are absolutely confident everyone can agree on the value it represents consistently with very few fluctuations of opinion. Bitcoin is currently in a speculative phase, forward thinkers are trying to reach a general consensus on the value of 1 bitcoin, this will be an ongoing process until everyone can agree. A Trustless, worldwide monetary system that boasts certain scarcity will win the confidence of the people eventually and the largest redistribution of wealth will take place at the same time. Always try to be more forward thinking.
Also LINK $1000EOY

>> No.8860464
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>> No.8860499
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