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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1098x311, Passive Income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8860056 No.8860056 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best ways to make passive income, /biz/ you seem like you might have some good Ideas.

>> No.8860077

There is no such thing as passive income.

>> No.8860391

Trading daily or swing, even buying so you can sell for more profit later, is equivalent of robing a store.

You can rob store once and you will live nice and comfy for a week or a month, even a year. But then you will have to rob again. And again after a while. And again.

What you ultamatly want to do is get into small companies that turn huge and pay dividens. Why small companies? Because stock/token price early vs late is huge difference and you can get alot more stocks/tokens early.

If you have 1 million and buy google or apple stock now, the dividens on that million is so small because of the amount of stocks you can get. But buying snapchat or twitter now (before they accualy start earning money) and you can make HUGE dividens once they explode.

See, its all about getting huge about of shares early and HODL that crap in good companies.

>> No.8860399

Buy LINK, run node

>> No.8860405

Let dudes fuck you in the ass while you’re asleep

>> No.8860429

>drop $5,000 into COSS when is was $0.05
>have 100,000 COSS
>get $1,000 a week when the exchange's volume increases

>> No.8860454

I have some apps that make $500/month (total) on the Play Store in ad revenue.

Trying to make more.

>> No.8860572

get in on gvt and let pros handle it

>> No.8860809

EOS airdrops

>> No.8860840

Pimpin. It ain't easy, but if you keep them in line, you can have a nice income rolling in.

>> No.8860844

Monkey Project (MONK), staking has been working pretty well for me.

>> No.8860857

>implying snapchat and twitter will ever turn a profit

>> No.8860874

What apps?

>> No.8860966

consumer junk that's relatively easy to make. think of stuff in the personalization/entertainment category

>> No.8860981

What do you use to code? How easy is it to just rip a stupid game off and charge 50 cents for it?

>> No.8860984



Both of these sites provide huge dividends and are being actively developed.

>> No.8860985


True dat, have to smack a bitch every once in a while.

>> No.8861156

Real Estate

>> No.8861171

ownership and renting to persons without accumulated capital to begin owning themselves.

>> No.8861228

If you have money: Buy property and hire a property manager to manage it.

If you have skill and imagination: Write some utility applications and sell them on android/apple stores

Otherwise buy some cheap dividend cryptocurrency like COSS and pray the volume rises.

>> No.8861467

based dubs anon tells truth. there is nothing passive in this world except death.
passive income is a yt guru meme and you have to be more of a brainlet than clink bag holders to believe it.

>> No.8861483
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>> No.8861495

react native. it's not easy to code, major pain in ass. i don't rip games so i don't know how hard

>> No.8861499

blue chip stocks with high dividends

vanguard ETF

real estate

>> No.8861510

real estate is far from passive you absolute brainlet the only people who think that are people who don't own any much less make money off of it.
There are 2 ways to make money from realestate and that's sales and renting and both of them are very active occupations.

>> No.8861511
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>> No.8861514

gitting gud

>> No.8861522

this, unless you literally don't know you have it generating income, you are still going to worry about if it stops generating income or generates less income.

passive income is a meme.

>> No.8861523
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This one is barely paying for electricity but I let it run anyway

>> No.8861535
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This one is the cheapest entry level one (used 470s)

>> No.8861562
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Based 580s to dump on gaymerfaggots for msrp once they hit 1.8 years use (and they will call it a steal)

>> No.8861564

How much are you bringing in monthly?

Are you holding on to your coins or selling?

Paying electricity out of pocket?

>> No.8861569
File: 105 KB, 1129x495, MGICPASSIVEINCOME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome, anon. This is just simple graph reading, DYOR into the company for more reasons why this is one of the best passive income stocks

>> No.8861577
File: 196 KB, 1600x900, IMG-20180410-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

560s I got for $80 each used. Pretty decent at cryptonight. Ofc I had to rice it up with some gay ass leds

>> No.8861581

I mine and hold the coins and pay the electricity out of my pocket, I have a business though and can write off my electricity bill.

>> No.8861608
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Im holding but kind of regret it after the crash. Still going to keep holding. I cash out electricity and 10% monthly earnings to hedge some of the hardware

This one was a very good deal I got from a panic selling newfag

>> No.8861658
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This isnt mine but I helped set it up. Romania has cheap kw prices so we bought the cheap antminers for $400. R8 cable management

>> No.8861697

I had some good luck buying hardware during this crash.

I bought 6 1070s on an octominer for 3,000

Great board by the way, I'm running HiveOS on it and have had no issues

>> No.8861702
File: 201 KB, 1200x1600, IMG-20180305-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have some fresh cards, just waiting for the other parts. Fucking ram/13 card mbs are hard to find. I should probably stop dumping money in more cards by now

>> No.8861703

But biz still thinks it's a meme coin

>> No.8861704

You said pretty specifically Play Store but the main point of react native is for iOs too isn't it?

>> No.8861712


>snapchat and twitter
>earning money

pick one

>> No.8861723

3k full rig? Its an ok price, but definitely not a great deal. At least not here, 1070s go for $450 new

>> No.8861735
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Passive income requires significant initial capital to be truly passive. Even a meme niche website selling affiliate products needs to run a social media ad campaign during juicy seasons, install updates, maintain email lists, update links/content, and so on.

Once you have a few million, laddering CDs is truly passive income.

Buy one CD each month for a year with a 1yr expiration, and perpetually roll it over. This will make sure that money stays safe from inflation and nets you a little extra dosh once the first year is up. After year one, that money will continually return money every month until you stop the rollover. Reinvest the returns to compound growth.

You won't have access to that money until you end the deposit though, so it's more "passive wealth" than passive income.

The only true way to get passive income is to run an efficient business in which you're hands off from the day to day operations and only manage big events like major purchases or expansion.

Sadly there isn't really many ways to make money without doing anything.

If you can license a patent or SaaS, that's good. Sell books or get royalties from music/TV? That's good. Sell popular apps? Even better. Those will all require consistent maintenance though, whether it's support, supply chain, or debugging.

Focus on making more revenue streams before you worry about passive income.

>> No.8861748

They are 500 on ebay here. So getting the board and plugging it in same day here puts me ahead probably $550

>> No.8861778
File: 76 KB, 1600x1200, IMG-20180202-WA0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, started with a shitty ass 2k rig last year mining shitereum and have about 60k in hardware and 45k in various shitcoins I ocasionally use to buy more cards. (I try to keep it 50/50)
23 yo college dropout

>> No.8861783

yes, but there are different guidelines for what's acceptable and technically possible on each platform. i just publish for android atm. it's still a better dev experience than doing it natively (imo) and if i need to wagecuck it is a good stack to know.

>> No.8861785

mining on cryptoknight.cc

>> No.8861791

twitter already turned a profit you fucking retard.

>> No.8861814

Got it, makes sense bro. Was only asking as I've been looking into starting something similar, but flutter could be the better choice for me once it implements native apps

>> No.8861825

If you cant find a way to make money while you sleep, you will never make it.

>> No.8861828

I've got a method for truly passive income, but involves ad fraud and other dubious tricks.

>> No.8861832

College is the biggest waste of time and money

>> No.8861850

Bravo tie coaie

>> No.8861854

Im patiently waiting for the new novidia cards to run a few tests. I can actually get them early so I can make an assessment on what their mining value will be.
If they turn out to be beasts, Im going to dump my whole stack on them and resell at a 30% premium. My guess is the 2080s ti will hash around 800 sols on equihash for $1000 msrp. If they hit something crazy like >1200sols, im in

>> No.8861864

go with react native, it's already established, tons of people around so 80% of the shit you need is already on github. google doesn't maintain their projects

>> No.8861877

what are you trying to make?

>> No.8861886

> google doesn't maintain their projects.

The absolute state of frontend dev's and their ability to see beyond js.

>> No.8861901


Literally too passive to make passive income...

>> No.8861918

I'll have another look into it, thanks bro

>> No.8861961

It was literally my savings. Im still poor from an american point of view, but I could actually buy a house and a car here

>> No.8862295

Bine fra dar nu trebuie sa ma iei in eng
(are you actually not romanian and just living there or.. ?)
PS: Daca esti roman nu iti cumpara nimica aici ca nu ai nici un viitor. Pleci dracului oriunde dar nu sta in romania ca e praf

>> No.8862327

im looking to make about 500 bucks for a flight before the summer

any tips that don't require too much long term investing?

>> No.8862399

Im portuguese but I have some friends here. My romanian is still rusty, I can basically survive

>> No.8862475

Let's face reality together. Get a job.

>> No.8862504

>trading daily

Do you even know what "passive income" means?

>> No.8862557

How alike is Portuguese to Romanian? Wondering as both your language have vulgar latin roots, with the whole crude K sound on C and so on. Is spanish/Italian easier to understand despite this?

>> No.8862579

I think you are right. There is going to be a big jump.

I stopped buying AMD

>> No.8862683

how do you find consumers? do you pay to advertise? where do you list your apps? how do you popularise?

>> No.8862685

Romanian is a big mix kek.
Portuguese is closer to pure latin, like italian and spanish

>> No.8862851

Would agree with this and add high yield dividend stocks as an option but
>requires significant initial capital

>> No.8863600


>> No.8863751

Neo gas. What ever you do dont buy pos. They have been my worst perfoming coins. With the exception of bit bean

>> No.8863928
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I sell used VHS's that I get for free from places on ebay

>> No.8864333

index funds

>> No.8864368

Moria token.

Wait for it to hit the exchange. Watch is drop in price below the 1USD list price. Receive 20% dividends in ETH a quarter.

This only works if you actually have like 10k+ and assuming that ETH gets and stays above ~800

>> No.8865526

mining rigs

>> No.8865540


>> No.8866057

Blue chip dividend stocks and bonds. just buy and hodl forever

>> No.8866605

sell crack/heroin to politicians and uni students

>> No.8866622
File: 186 KB, 900x488, E1579C7D-55CC-40E6-9EEE-F0B41AE69672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICO pools like Pooltrade are about to explode

>> No.8866637

how much would an ico pool group bring in on a monthly basis?

>> No.8866647

I’m actually not sure but I’m sure the token itself will give you dividends based on each ICO invested in.

>> No.8866667

the more that i think about it, the more I like it
amerimutts cant invest in a lot of icos but this will allow it, right?

>> No.8866687

With the virtual tokens? Basically kek

>> No.8866696

But muh /r/financialindependence
This is why I come to /biz/.

>> No.8866699

oops meant to reply to

>> No.8866710

sheeeiiitt is that legal?
no worries nigger

>> No.8866718

I guess we’ll find out sooner or later but I’m pretty sure it’s legal somehow

>> No.8866731

buy a linda coin masternode for 3k and get 96% return over a year.

>> No.8866748

ETF's: REIT's, Preferred Shares, Bonds
Selling Options

>> No.8866797

all financial subreddits are like "do nothing to enjoy ur life, eat beans and rice, retire by 33"

like why the fuck would i want to do that lol

>> No.8866808

Dividends from shares is passive income

>> No.8866903

idk anything about mining, but these just neat. even if it wasnt plugged in

>> No.8866908

Try getting a job

>> No.8867261


>> No.8867318
File: 228 KB, 2312x1638, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powh.net getting good passive eth here