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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8859109 No.8859109 [Reply] [Original]

I want to marry a rich tech nerd. I read that guys that usually go to elite schools are sexually inexperienced and they're just not very forward so i just want to marry a silicon valley guy. help?

>> No.8859126

just poke holes in the condom you stupid fucking roastie thats literally all you need to do to succeed in life

>> No.8859129

Well first off, you need to be intelligent and we see how that's going for you. And second, you need to have money or be on the same level or you'll never be in the crowds they mingle with.

>> No.8859131


>> No.8859141

umm im going to a state school and im pre med and hopefully god helps me into med school. i have a lot of doctors in my family

>> No.8859146

what do you offer in return?

>> No.8859161

Are you good looking? That’s the only requirement you fucking retard. Jesus if we have to explain to you how to manipulate a beta you are probably more autistic than he is.

>> No.8859177

yeah i am but that's not enough idiot. many good looking girls are stuck in ghetto neighborhoods and are baby mamas

>> No.8859180

Give me your phone number.

>> No.8859212

I am rich tech nerd show bob and vagene I will make you very happy in Mumbai.

>> No.8859213

You will bore the social awkward robots and the chads will laugh about you. The value of your pussy is way overrated

>> No.8859245

What Chads? I'm not going after Chad.
Anyway, how would I bore the socially awkward people? I'm not boring.

>> No.8859266

You're going out to dinner with me tonight, and you're going to like it.

>> No.8859288

>Jesus if we have to explain to you how to manipulate a beta you are probably more autistic than he is.
audibly keked

>> No.8859289

>yeah i am
post pic

>> No.8859310

people in silicon valley don't have high income. COL is just higher there lol. In real earnings (how much money you can actually save into your bank account each month) you want to go after seattle tech nerds.

>> No.8859320

how rich does he need to be, there's a matchmaking service...

>> No.8859334

We like a girl that can take charge. A girl that isn't afraid to dominate our boipussies

>> No.8859335

>I'm not boring
Typical roastie. If your med, look to catch another med. I doubt that you will be able to entertain a Nerd who made money in his mid 20's by dedicating his life to his niche because your gender peers ignored him and instead burnt the coal and rode the dick carousel of losers, which effectively brought him where he is. And be assured, even a virgin will at some point get, that your pussy is like any other pussy, including that of prostitutes, which have a better pleasure to cost ratio.

>> No.8859343
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you ugly or something?

>> No.8859348

but all the apps come out of california.
enough for me to not need to bring a second income into the house, have three houses, and to take 3 vacations a year
idk how much that is

>> No.8859349

>Not going after Chad
All women say this until hey get the tingles by then they have no other choice, other than, to be Chadded.

>> No.8859355

>be skinny
>be clean
>talk to boys that interest you

>> No.8859374
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>> No.8859391

>And second, you need to have money or be on the same level or you'll never be in the crowds they mingle with.
This is bullshit.

Just hang out outside of some IT workplace, look for the least repulsive guy who doesn't have a wedding ring, go up to him and flirt a bit. Then ask for his number because he's going to be too beta to ask for yours. EZPZ

>> No.8859394

It takes a special brand of stacey to care whether a guy is sexually inexperienced or not

>> No.8859502

either this is a larp or sheer delusion

you want 3 houses and three high-end vacations a year with one income?

Honey, that's a 0.5 percenter's life there, and you want it for nothing

>> No.8859503

made by broke-ass recent graduates working 70 hour weeks for barely six figures and having to dump it all into insane taxes and rent. Why do you think the top talent is migrating to seattle lol

>> No.8859550

100% larp. Some random troll who thought he could get a laugh because assumed this board is populated by neck beard virgins, or do you see tits with a timestamo anywhere. The frog posting should have give it away

>> No.8859591

I hate to break it to you, but you are gonna have to marry a jew to get all that

>> No.8859627

first you get the nerd then you get the cash

>> No.8859649

This. She’s going to have to look for a guy who will “moon” later in life. Good fucking luck. You might as well invest in crypto.

>> No.8859666

Get a boob job

>> No.8859679

but wont i come off as slutty?
many people experience that kind of lifestyle

>> No.8859684
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Show boipucci

>> No.8859711
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And medical knowledge is hereditary, and the reason people become doctors is luck and gods meddling.

You should be golden. If you’re sooooooooooooooooooooooo ambitious why do you wanna gold dig?

>> No.8859713

you've run out of free posts. TITS or GTFO

>> No.8859730


>> No.8859744

enjoy feminism, bitch

>> No.8859746

>but wont i come off as slutty?
A bit but someone who rarely gets their dick wet isn't going to care too much, also just don't fuck on the first date or two and that thought will go away.

>> No.8859765
File: 99 KB, 834x960, pepebikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off roastie. timestamped tits or get the fuck out.
everyone else remember to sage, don't give bitches attention lads

>> No.8859806

Honey, youre on a board trying to find a gold mine to dig. Youre already a slut.

And if you really want to have this type of lifestyle then find an old gross man and suck his wrinkly cock b/c I highly doubt youre pretty enough for a young millionaire.

>> No.8859861

>people forgetting the age old rule of tits or gtfo to bud shitty larps like this one
this place is 100% reddit by this point

>> No.8859894

OP what makes you think they will assume you're worth marrying? You're obviously just a pump and dump.

>> No.8859957

Its a post about leveraging her pussy for financial gain so her gender is actually relevant here. A lot more difficult for a man to pull this off.

>> No.8859982
File: 8 KB, 196x257, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much new ITT. M00t wouldn't have stood for it

>> No.8859990

You overvalue money. You will end up miserable bound together with some guy you despise.

>> No.8860002


Fucking newfags it’s only tits or gtfo if revealing that she has a pussy is irrelevant to the discussion topic. This is one of those rare times where it is important.

>> No.8860005

Slut =/= golddigger
sluts are easy and fuck for free
I'm not a pump and dump.
i want to make the guy wait like a month+

>> No.8860046

3 holes and a womb

>> No.8860086

>make the guy wait a month+
Fucking savage

>> No.8860095

Lmao. Ok, is whore a better descriptor?

>> No.8860097

She is already planning the divorce buddy.

Typical of 9/10 of females now. Terrible investments. Worse than a used car.

>> No.8860108


>> No.8860116

Now I want to see tits, 100% this is not a pussy, the larp is abysmal or you are the epitome why women lose more and more in value. If you are a roastie, post tits and kill yourself

>> No.8860146

but this is what all women should do. why have sex for no reason when everyone is thirsty? >>8860095
im 100% srs
why marry any ordinary joe and wage slave + be a full time wife/future mom when there's rich betas to pick from?

>> No.8860149

Jewish women are fucking hot. and they're smart and not whores like white women

>> No.8860151

How do we know that's it's not just a larping male if, then? We need some kind of proof. Anyone could pose as a golddigging slut here just to fuck with us.

>> No.8860190

Call yourself whatever you want. Society brands you a whore.
It is a larp. Either an ugly chick or a dude. Bad larp too.

>> No.8860261

Are you that roastie that was putting sharpie in pooper for ETH and calling that entrepreneurial?

>> No.8860327

Lol. I'll answer realistically.

The gist of what you're really asking is "how do I get a luxurious lifestyle with no effort?" And the truth of that is you don't. The wives of rich men work tirelessly to look like they do, and continue to work tirelessly to keep up that look, knowing full well they'll still likely be dropped for a younger woman in time.

So if you really are a young, attractive woman, I'd suggest getting fitter/working out more and getting any facial surgeries you need. Start an instagram (or other social media) and get a following. And if you decide all that effort to perfect your looks is still more palatable than just having enough discipline to get lucrative STEM degree, that's sort of sad, because none of it will matter when you're 30. Relying on your looks to get a rich husband only guarantees you a shallow husband that will leave when you're older, in which case you'll start having to take care of yourself anyway.

if you didn't inherit wealth, you can't have what you want (great life, no effort). That's a reality you'll have to learn to accept.

>> No.8860338

Then post tits, the way you write either suggest that you have been brought up by a pack of wolfs or have too high T levels, if you have tits

>> No.8860362

You're the gold digging roastie slut that we all hate and warn others about. You are not welcome here and do not deserve anything good in your life.

>> No.8860377

That's very good you think that Shlomo. When are you going to marry one and have children to make your mother happy hmmmmmmmmm?

>> No.8860407

open bob i marry u
very rich

>> No.8860411
File: 376 KB, 220x220, 1E6FF046-DAE9-4AAB-B18F-C4636410AB16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re either a fucking nigress, or you havexadopted their ideals. You aren’t special, in any way.

Larp is 1/10 no woman would present herself like this, you need to account for female ego and delusion for your next effort...preferably somewhere else

>> No.8860414

but i already said im going to med school lol
dont wish bad upon others

>> No.8860427

how does how i write suggest that? isn't that a good thing though? who wants to be weak?

>> No.8860442

Lol you're completely wrong. I work for a lot of richfags (I do high end kitchens and bathrooms) and I can tell you that some of their wives are dumb as bricks.

>> No.8860493

I'm not sure how that negates anything I've said. The effort you'd have to put in to get a rich guy and compete with other thots seeking rich guys (which, let's be realistic, you probably don't stack up) is comparable to your med studies, it's just another form of trying to make it.

The only difference is your future well-being. Going the thot route just guarantees you get left for a younger girl later on. Going the med school route guarantees a lucrative career to stand on.

You can't have the lifestyle you want without a lot of work, no matter what form of work that is. That's a reality you (and all women desu) have to learn to accept.

>> No.8860545

how is thinking this way a black way of thinking?
but people do both tho. i wanna work hard and have a good husband and a good career. im far from a thot.

>> No.8860587

Fucking hell this speaks the truth

>> No.8860594

>i wanna work hard... and a good career
If you believe this, then why are you asking /biz/ on how to bait a rich guy like a thot?

>> No.8860608

cause im trying to figure out how to get a nerdy rich tech beta guy

>> No.8860651

Why do you think you deserve a nerdy rich tech beta guy? What value do you bring to the table to justify seeking someone much more successful and wealthier than you?

>> No.8860656

You write way to logical. Women don't structure their sentences like you. Also the amount of questions. There are more anons ITT, including me who write more female than you. Also, no man wants some butch, especially not as a trophy wife. Imagine you at a diner, gross. Face it, with your strategy you will end up as a 40 year old alcoholic with 10 cats in a cat piss rigged apartment and a hole as wide as the Grand canyon

>> No.8860658

Spot him on github or techcrunch or whatever medium, then look at his area of expertise, and start to go to related conferences / events. Then go talk to him and that's it

>> No.8860662

the fucking state of this board full of normalfags...


>> No.8860703

Nobody deserves anything. It's what I want. Anyway, men don't really care about having a super successful wife. They just want her to not be a bum and I don't think wanting to go to med school makes me a bum.
I'm a INTP. I'm not a butch, but I am just more cerebral/logical versus social and emotional like the average woman. It's just my personality but I could always act more feminine.


>> No.8860714
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is this you OP?

>> No.8860716

come on have some fun, market is dead boring and assuming some roastie lurks this thread will make her depressive af, what is worth it, even if the chances are very low

>> No.8860724

Before I say it, let me remind you that nothing is for free and marriage and family is a very big deal so subconsciously, people make a lot of decisions that they are unwilling or even unaware they are making.

OK, here's the secret: Men love women who love children. It's as obvious as women love men who are good providers, but nobody talks about it publicly for obvious reasons. Since you're not going to be a kindergarten teacher (they can marry *anyone*), I recommend going into pediatrics. In particular, a form of pediatrics with a flexible schedule so that the man isn't worried about your career interfering with his or with your availability for your young children.

Good Luck

>> No.8860729

Very lucky people (outliers, if that's a concept you understand) do both. And, keep up with me here- that's the point of this thread, right? You didn't fall into a rich family or rich husband. Thus, work is required. Trying in futility to get around that work ironically ends up being the work, except you have nothing to show for it in the end.

I'm certainly not saying you can't have a wealthy husband and a good career, I'm saying you can't have the VERY wealthy husband you want unless you compete with other gold diggers. Which, again, let's be real: you're a med student. You can't offer him the time, or the looks, or the attention, that a 20 year old with nothing else going on can. It would take a ton of effort, defeating the purpose of finding that rich guy in the first place.

You struggle a bit with reading comprehension, it seems.

>> No.8860740

Oh, and it will definitely help with the perception of cerebral/logical vs social/emotional, bigly.

>> No.8860751

Like seriously. One bodyshot fully clothed and op would be fine. Such a bad larp, doesn't even sound like a girl.

>> No.8860756

Its a wounded roastie. It is looking for attention. It is depressed already. Do not feed it your energy.

>> No.8860761

no you can't. You blew your chance when opting for the independent female meme and not doing what a women should do, motivate a stupid 18 year old to become your cash cow for your loyality. From here on you either have mad luck or it is cat lady time till you suicide and somebody finds you half eaten by your cats after 3 weeks because the cops broke the door do to the smell coming from your apartment

>> No.8860773

The thing is that I don't love children. I only want one child after residency and I want to be a dermatologist.

umm im not ugly. i take care of my looks and im only 22 so not far off from twenty. working out, eating right and putting on makeup isn't difficult and time consuming.

>> No.8860803

good luck, maybe you find a stupid 18 year old you can groom and bind with a child. Too old, and then also INTP, lol at your fucked up life

>> No.8860832

yeah whatever xoxo

>> No.8860938

feels great to have a dick and a full bank account. maybe you can teach a younger sister the following. A womans prime is between 14 and 18, a mans between 18 till he dies. Simple biology, and no empowerment policy and STEM degree will chance that

>> No.8860951

14-17 = not a woman

>> No.8860958

lmao, if you aren't larping, you're too late. Women peak at 21 and it's all downward from there.
By the time you get to the physical point of dating a rich guy (washboard abs, etc), nobody will want you. On top of that, if you're introverted like you say you are, you're double fucked. Have fun with nobody, whore.

>> No.8860971

you don't need washboard abs lol

anyway tell that to meghan markle

>> No.8860977

I'm not sure if I'm confused or you can't read. You ask, "how do I find rich men?" I answer, "you make yourself attractive to rich men. Med student women (their looks, lifestyle. lack of free time, *EVERYTHING*- not just physical appearance) aren't typically attractive to rich men. So stop being a med student and start being more attractive to them."

I get that you want to be a doctor. What I'm trying to get across is that women who find a career they like AND husband they adore are so incredibly rare as to be statistically nonexistant. You are chasing statistical nonexistence.

I get the vibe you're a troll or truly don't understand what we're saying because you're not so bright, so I give up.

>> No.8860994

You don't get it, don't you. Not talking about spreading your damn legs after your first period. It is about finding a boy some years older or same age and groom him with the promise of getting between your legs to do the hard work. Ask your grandman she knows what I'm talking about

>> No.8861019

okay thanks

not smart because women who are first wives to rich men during their build up usually get divorced (starter wives)

>> No.8861049

Meghan markle was an actress, she's super hot/fit, and she has a personality.

You're a roastie INTP who's on /biz/ asking geeks how to be a golddigger and saying you are hot/fit but refusing to post an anonymous pic to prove it. You're not Meghan markle. You're either a bad larp or a unsuccesful ugly whore wishing to get shit handed to her.

>> No.8861063

You niggers never took a bio or evolutionary anthropology course. Scientifically the female peak is around the age of 30 and they have the highest sexuality in their early to mid 20's.

>> No.8861066
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The game plan has already been laid out for you. Go for the sure thing with an older dude who's already made it.

>> No.8861070

did some Bitcoin bazillionaire burn u up and you are trying to snag another ? You are on the wrong board lady

>> No.8861075

she's 36 so she goes against the 18 = it's over
im not a roastie, not unsuccessful.

>> No.8861099

Ask yourself why. Because little miss sunshine thinks she made it when daddy made his first million, when her work just really starts to get hard then. And yes, men cheat, it is in their nature, we can do it because we age like wine, not like a open bottle of milk. Your job is it to bite your tongue, make him feel bad and provide the security so that he will always return and pay your nice shoes and bags. Really, feminism and pro women divorce policies fucked your gender up so hard you are not even remotely able to look 10 years into the future, let alone 20 - and that is why many men prefer prostitutes

>> No.8861100


Just post a pic so we can give you some real advice. We have to see what we are dealing with. Also, there is a 92% chance that the man you are looking for in right here on this thread.

>> No.8861106

Really? You're 22, >tfw no bf, asking nazi neets how to hook a beta.

>> No.8861107
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>and they're smart and not whores like white women

>> No.8861137
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>> No.8861157
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Well I guess the only thing I agree with you is that they are hot.

>> No.8861161

you sound bitter
im not being a starter wife

can someone just help me

oh and can some tell me why an anon says i have a black girl mentality

>> No.8861174

>wants free money
>wants to let the man wait for sex
>nothing in return
>thinks she's worth it
30+ wall hitter confirmed ready for beta bucks. Where are you nice boys?

>> No.8861206

i'll translate for you guys

"I want to marry a rich tech nerd" => I want to mary rich
"Tech nerd" => Beta so he won't leave
"sexually inexperienced" => Is just have to offer sexual availability so i don't have to provide any real value to the relationship

All Woman Are Like That. AWALT bro's...awalt. Don't fall for the 'love' meme. They are incapable

>> No.8861211

Are you going to post a picture so we at least know what we're dealing with as far as looks?

>> No.8861224

Well you're definitely not successful. You're premed going to a state school. That doesn't say shit about your intelligence, plenty of idiots can get into premed. And state school sounds like you weren't smart enough to get into public university.

And if you really think you can somehow grow a personality, have a succesful career and keep a rockin body like Meghan Markle then I guess you can do it. But yet again, you still haven't done shit to prove you're telling the truth. Literally one pic, fully clothed, no face/blurred would do it but you keep dancing around it so it's either you're butt ugly or a larp.

>> No.8861238

uh, yes it does. are you pre med? have you taken the mcat?

>> No.8861252

I'll be your bf I'm not rich yet but I am a beta virgin nerd who will be rich in 5 years. Buy low - invest in nerds before they make it

>> No.8861255

Not bitter, realistic. Do to my job I talk with a lot of your gender peers between 18 and 60, and can listen to there gossip during smoke breaks, it is always the same, the younger talk like you, the older are bitter and try to drag their younger concurrence into the same mutt they are in, but still dreaming about Mr. Right, and ripping the younger apart beyond their back.

Sorry girl, with your attitude and your age you end up as alcoholic cat lady, blame the jew and the feminist marxist who sold you to the capital owners for slavery

>> No.8861292

>have you taken the mcat?
Have you?

>> No.8861307

I'll amend this by saying invest in nerds who obviously have potential, like ones who are smart and mentally stable and who mesh well with your personality. But if you're not mentally damaged you'd have a tendency to avoid people who'd be bad for you naturally anyway

>> No.8861308

yes. why didn't you answer?

>> No.8861402
File: 32 KB, 480x501, FB_IMG_1517020659323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL post a pic of you so we can see your milage and if you can handle one of us. I bet you couldn't even fit my fat million dollar cock in your mouth. Why should I deal with you instead of 30 different 18 yr old whores every month? What do you bring to the table. pre-med? lol. get the fuck off my board

>> No.8861437

Then post your score with a timestamp. If you're not gonna post a bodypic, then at least post this, it takes 5 seconds.

And no, I'm not, I'm getting my PhD in ChemE rn. You don't need to take it to get into premed either. I've had plenty of premeds in my undergraduate, it's not a big deal.

>> No.8861466
File: 16 KB, 259x350, n ailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude has awesome abs yet suffers from the same weak chin as his mother which he cannot exercise away

>> No.8861477

Chins not bad, but his jaw is pretty weak desu

>> No.8861513

Are you a nigglette?

>> No.8861527

>Blatant troll larp thread #9001 gets 120 replies on an hour
>Actual business threads die instantly

>> No.8861554

what business threads?
>Buy my bag xy
>demographic survey thread number 2056
>LINK meme threads

>> No.8861585


Good point

>> No.8861717

any other rich tech nerds monitoring this thread for giggles?

>> No.8861724
File: 61 KB, 634x492, B948749C-48D2-4AC5-852C-B89E9A762635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already said you want his income to be so that you don’t have to work.

Poor work ethic, or no desire to work + med school is a bad combo you retarded little boy.

I can help you with your character dude, she currently sucks and lacks believability.

>> No.8861738

About 25% or less of those accepted into medical school have premed as their major, literally.

Also dermatology is one of if not the hardest specialty to get into because of how cake it is and how much it pays, so essentially you have to be the top of the top in your class.

Long story short she's completely full of shit, she wouldn't be asking this question if she could even get in,

Pre-med means absolutely nothing

>> No.8861744

Why are you guys posting in this garbage thread.

>> No.8861756

markets are chop city so this will have to do for now. i'll sage for you tho.

>> No.8861771

OP isn't black. she's the rare female autist. Immunity to derision in this thread and the inability to digest the fact that she needs compromise for her goal gives that away,

>> No.8861792

she may end up as a nurse.
Funny story, specialised nurses in my country make more than a doctor in the neighbouring

>> No.8861811

Cus I'm fucking bored. Crypotos not doing shit.

>> No.8861815

OP don't bother, if you're actually attractive you won't be able to help feeling contempt for a rich tech nerd for being insufficiently attractive and dominant and you will cheat on him with any guy who is 6'3" with a nice jawline. Unless you're just marrying him for the money and planned to do this anyway, which is morally questionable, but women don't really have values anyway so it is to be expected.

>> No.8861856

Sounds about right

>> No.8861874

Bored desu

>> No.8862381

Looks like OP got scared off.

Hey OP, let us know if you need help with your larp, bro. There's some things that you can improve that'll make you way more believable.

>> No.8862485

desu i look like im 15-16 and im a 23 year old female so there are exceptions

>> No.8862488

>why marry any ordinary joe and wage slave + be a full time wife/future mom when there's rich betas to pick from?
because you can't fake a fucking marriage for 10 years without it backfiring you dumb cunt
honestly i typed out a lot of words based on experience and just deleted them all because now I want you to try and pursue this fools' errand.

>> No.8862494

we're smart enough to avoid thots like you

>> No.8862714

underrated kek
satan kek

>> No.8862979

There was a documentary about golddiggers once. One of the gold-digger trainers explicitly stated that the first thing she must do to a wealthy person is to make him addicted to sex. Then it's over.

>> No.8863672

tinder you idiot