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8858836 No.8858836 [Reply] [Original]

I thought everyone here was joking about paying crypto tax. Wtf is going to happen to me


>> No.8858865
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>> No.8858867
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>> No.8858890

Does IRS really use a text-to-speech voice when they call you? I figured it'd be an automated response, but a human recording at least.

>> No.8858903

They never call. They send scary letters...

>> No.8858908

you actually believed autists on here who would rather crash the entire market and fuck everyone over despite their own self interests just for a few lols?

>> No.8858912

When they want you just wake up strapped to chair in their HQ

>> No.8858932

That's a big guy

>> No.8859290

I didn't get a letter. Is this just a pajeet

>> No.8859366


So I have a plan to avoid taxes, look at the following example with simple numbers for the sake of simplicity:

>Buy 1 Bitcoin at 10,000
>Sell 1 at 12,000 (owe tax on the 2,000 of capital gains).

Now, what if I do the following:

>Bitcoin goes down to 8,000, buy ETH with bitcoin (so I've basically sold my bitcoin and have gone into a new investment, ETH, which I don't owe anything on until it goes up).

This plan seems flawless and could work for people who did a lot of trading and then find themselves down on their investments (if you use your BTC or ETH to buy another coin at a "loss", then you can mitigate the taxes you gained on your profits.

Is there a flaw to this plan that I'm just not seeing? As long as all trades are done in the same year, then it seems like you come out ahead as long as your altcoin goes up.

>> No.8859444

Your audit is on its way.... thank you...

>> No.8859494

there is a flaw. there is a taxable event occuring when you buy eth with bitcoin.

>> No.8859540

>get burner phone with cash
>use burner phone to verify number at crypto atm
>send to anonymous address

Am I missing anything?

>> No.8859566


I understand that bit, but my point is if I buy at 10k and sell at 12k, I'm up $2000. If Bitcoin goes down to 8k and I "sell" buy Eth, I sold that bitcoin at 8000 to buy eth, so I'm "down" $2000. Until I sell my ETH at a profit, I've broke even. If we're in a bear market and the value of the coins go down, one could trade back and forth between coins, accumulating more even as fiat value is loss. I realize I'm a brainlet so I know I'm probably missing something.

>> No.8859613

The problem is between years. Not in the same year. If you buy for 10k in nov and it rises to 20k you owe tax on that. If it then drops to 6k nobody cares because you’re a hodl faggot.

>> No.8859659

the like kind loop hole was clarified and closed, so you're racking up tons of taxable events that will destroy a lot of your capital. As long as the IRS considers crypto property, your plan is pretty fucked if looked into upon cashing out and paying the additional capital gains tax.

>> No.8859736

The IRS never calls, if you get a call it's a scam. If you don't believe me then google it. They only send letters and if you don't pay then you'll get a knock on your door.

>> No.8859741

Financially irresponsible millennials will break the IRS.

>> No.8859819
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Why is it taxable if I've lost money on the initial investment? Is it not like buying a stock, selling that stock at a loss, and using the money to buy another stock?

>> No.8859838

There were plenty of threads warning you about paying your taxes anon. Enjoy becoming Jamaal's """girl""" in the joint.

>> No.8859864

that's a scam, ignore and report it. the real IRS would send you a physical letter.

>> No.8859868

The IRS doesn’t reach out by phone you unbelievable retard. Let alone with text to voice. If you are really this dumb, you should exit the investing word immediately.

>> No.8859881

it's considered property by the irs, not a security. it's a complete mess right now with sec considering it a security and the treasury considering it currency. only thing that matters is that IRS considers it property so any exchange or conversion of it to another crypto is a taxable event. it's fucking bullshit and i hope someday it will change, but that's how it is right now. you can go along with your plan in hopes the landscape will change i suppose.

>> No.8859905


I understand. Yeah that is very fucked up. Thanks for answering.

>> No.8859916

The "loophole" never existed in the first place.
You buy a thing. (Expense.) You sell a thing for a slight profit (profit) and buy more things (expense.) You have no profits now to pay taxes on.

How the fuck do you think any business has any money to re-invest if they get taxed on their profits BEFORE they buy more product? Amazon has some 140 billion in sales a year and doesn't pay a dime in taxes, because your expenses come out of your profits.

You kikes invented accounting, yet you're here daily lying about the most basic fucking expenditures daily. Is a few extra shekel really worth it? You're going in the ovens regardless.

>> No.8859926

This, one million times.

>> No.8859973


>> No.8860020

you didn't read my post at all. anon is trying to avoid paying taxes but is unintentionally racking up more taxable events with his eth/btc/erc20 conversions.

>> No.8860223
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Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh the meme is becoming reality

>> No.8860272

IRS does everything through mail.