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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 385 KB, 680x649, 1518050362554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8857852 No.8857852 [Reply] [Original]

WWIII Edition

/smg/ official hedge fund:

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

>> No.8857880
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>> No.8857888

awesome picture OP

>> No.8857899


>> No.8857912

Bought my first mutual fund (VTSMX). It's been a week now where are my gains?

>> No.8857913
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>> No.8857915
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>> No.8857919

Lunchtime sell off is real

>> No.8857937
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better entered short !

>> No.8857959

what stocks are you guys waiting to buy at discount after the dip?

>> No.8857962

Nah they are back from lunch and the real action is NOW

>> No.8857964
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>> No.8857967


>> No.8857983

post benis

>> No.8857984
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Am I gonna make it, boys?

>> No.8857985

bring it. ill be so fucking rich

>> No.8857992



>> No.8857999

are you long or short overall right now?

>> No.8858010

should have gone 100% bonds

>> No.8858016
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From +0.6% to -0.03%

>> No.8858023

Should have invested in CBOE TVIX Corp. m8

>> No.8858038
File: 6 KB, 387x148, 3c0d6ad1-8080-49b5-9310-e0df2a3e7fb1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well by bags got a little bit lighter today, but still a long way to go...

>> No.8858051
File: 107 KB, 570x608, 1521827074596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long. I have a handful of options, but I have a bunch of money tied up in MU and MU calls.
i know :(

>> No.8858066

wew. idk. pay attention to how the FED shitpost affects things. its at two

>> No.8858088
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>> No.8858104

Can't believe they are selling shares 99% below intrinsic value.

>> No.8858107

The market is going to be flat until Chase reports earnings on Friday

>> No.8858130


>> No.8858137


>> No.8858152

Is it time to rebalance my portfolio for WW3? I'm thinking nothing but missiles, guns, cigarettes and alcohol.

>> No.8858163

Shit I've got class at 2. Maybe I should put down a straddle on something? I don't know the words the FED will be using.

I'm the guy who got schooled on stradlles yesterday lol.
Is it too late to buy TVIX?

I bought some KTOS, PPA and USO. Not much at all but a little, heh.

>> No.8858170
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>> No.8858183
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get meme'd on kiddo

>> No.8858186

Just go all in on a strangle. Cant go wrong, where tvix easily can.

>> No.8858213

I've done heavy analysis and we're going down another 60% in the next month. dump all your bags now

>> No.8858262
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>SPY Still trading inside of the Channel


>> No.8858264
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Please gib war


Removal of Kebab is always good

>> No.8858272
File: 12 KB, 425x435, RARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have some rare visitors to the hedgefund site today

>> No.8858279

Strangle seems like a good idea but I don't have much starting capital desu. Also not sure which stocks might make big moves.

mfw 4chan is the most diverse place on the internet

>> No.8858334

hope you're conforming to GDPR :)

>> No.8858350
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>> No.8858361

My first bots

>> No.8858387

>mfw 4chan is the most diverse place on the internet
thats the funniest part. this place HAS been the most diverse place on the internet for a couple years now. everyone else just virtue signals across the internet at each other. were actually all here everyday, bitching at each other and fucking with each other. we get more done than the UN in terms of establishing relationships with people in different countries

>> No.8858414


>mfw 4chan is the most diverse place on the internet
No wonder this place has always been such a shithole.

>> No.8858433

I'm glad you did an hero :)

>> No.8858436


Literally nothing wrong with segregation. Especially when you can get your non-lethal dose of bantz over the internet.

pls be joke

>> No.8858449


Look what the dog dragged in!

>> No.8858452


>> No.8858456
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wher did u get this infos

>> No.8858466

post memelines lad.

>> No.8858490

Don't forget Rad-X, RadAway, Mentats, and Buffout.

>> No.8858539
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>> No.8858545

Can someone tell me the syntax for linking to generals? I want to make /smg/ a bookmark

I think it's something like >>>/biz/catalog/smg/ ?

>> No.8858567

closest you can get is a link to catalog search


>> No.8858580

Is there such a thing? This is a repeating thread that has a new number each time. Someone has to make it every time it hits the bump limit, like I did just now.

>> No.8858593

it looks like whatever you put after the >>>/biz/ is what gets entered into the search. if you made >>>/biz/smg that might work

>> No.8858597

Comfy confirmed psychopath

>> No.8858607
File: 57 KB, 1418x827, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to play around with options. I want to write covered calls, but am having trouble figuring it out.

I want to hold my stock and collect the premium unless buyer decides to exercise. How do I do this? Instead I sold the stock and own a call option.

Its the actions that confuse me.

>> No.8858609

yup >>>/biz/smg works

>> No.8858625

I guess it's not possible to link to something directly even when you know there's a certain phrase in the OP, like /smg/.
>>8858567 is the best that can be done.
I guess I'll just add /smg/ to a filter so that whenever I show hidden threads it'll show up.

>> No.8858630

buy 100 shares, sell to open one call. You're just short NVDA and covered with a long call now.

>> No.8858645
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It's a secret :^)

>> No.8858646

If anyone's interested:

>> No.8858652


this works if youre on 4chan

>> No.8858679

>this works if youre on 4chan
As opposed to reddit???

>> No.8858709
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>> No.8858718

Because you want it to.

>> No.8858722

i just meant that its useless on any other chan, but should work on any board here. wasnt sure how to explain it

>> No.8858732


What do you want to go down? I'll buy some of it just for you

>> No.8858760
File: 119 KB, 1000x581, 1514157086297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bogdanoff he did it
>he shorted? pamp it

>> No.8858769

I missed my opportunity to buy under 2600 last week :(

>> No.8858781

theres a lot of things about to happen that could seriously cause the market to tumble. buying out of spite is very poor risk management

>> No.8858787

ah, my mistake was selecting buy to open, not sell to open.

The problem is, it wants me to buy 100 shares when I already own 100 shares.

Is a normal sell to open call order the same as a covered call when you already own the 100 shares?

>> No.8858798


No no, everything I buy goes down. I was just offering to help >>8858709

>> No.8858810
File: 306 KB, 800x600, sicp_1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He links his shitty wordpress in the OP pasta and grabs the info from whatever built-in potato analytics/logs WP offers. It's not comprehensive of the thread, just anons who click the link.

>> No.8858813
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>> No.8858816


minutes should come out any minute now. if its good it could offset the action in syria.

>> No.8858835

im nervous guys

>> No.8858839

If you already have the 100 shares, just sell to open one NVDA call. You don't have to use what ever covered call interface thing that is.

>> No.8858848

dont worry. its going down 1% today then up 1% tomorrow, then down 1% the next day and so on

>> No.8858849
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>> No.8858850

thanks anon, that was my confusion

>> No.8858863

>Is a normal sell to open call order the same as a covered call when you already own the 100 shares?


>> No.8858875

gold stocks up today, is it finally happening biz? AUY up 6%

>> No.8858876

Shitpost is in! I'm going to lunch.

>> No.8858884
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Whew glad me only enter site biproxy

>> No.8858907
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Fed shitpost status?

>> No.8858929

Is this Drumpfttkyumpfts fault?

>> No.8858947
File: 40 KB, 720x738, 1497155046701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green close today or nah

>> No.8858960

How many shares of DRYs do I have to give you for succ, kneepad girl?

>> No.8858962

gold tanking now

>> No.8858965

gold is moving
fed shitpost has begun

>> No.8858979

we mooning boys

>> No.8858982
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>He didn't invest in CBOE TVIX Corp.

>> No.8858985
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bogs have been activated

>> No.8859009
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Dump it.

>> No.8859010

UVXY is objectively a better company. TVIX GTFO

>> No.8859020

Nothing makes sense in this market

>> No.8859022
File: 32 KB, 600x375, The+lady+doth+protest+too+much+_f4d26438be9439174d82330b801e3945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about the merger

>> No.8859031
File: 952 KB, 860x1089, 1491877256707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs confirm, merger EOY

>> No.8859034

it makes sense. it was really high for the day. powah hour is gonna be a bloodbath for everything else

>> No.8859046
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>> No.8859079

Thanks, I didn't even see those links.

>> No.8859092

>that id

how do I invest in Juul

>> No.8859094

so when is this supposed data dump on google and facebook? i havent heard shit on it. looking to close out my straddle

>> No.8859111

Curious, why would you invest in an overpriced vape company? There are others like it as well and people forgot about them 6 months later.

>> No.8859121

because juul's are exploding in popularity lately

>> No.8859123

up down up down up down wtf

What did the fed say?

>> No.8859130

KTOS has been flirting @11 all day
what does it mean??

>> No.8859147

good economic outlook, unanimously voted to raise rates to 1.75%

>> No.8859170

load up on tvix?..

>> No.8859174

a lot

the uncertainty must have more to do with the middle east shit developing

>> No.8859199
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Yes. People need to understand that vollitility /= short.

>> No.8859206

i think FB has absolutely topped for the day. im closing my call and leaving my put till close

>> No.8859226

Green day mostly. Some smaller caps lagging behind. The big four are all hovering around +3%. Good news out of the US this morning. Former Republican House Speaker John Boehner has joined advisory board for a US grower Acreage Holdings. That's a big ideological swing for him.


>> No.8859239

That it is trying to break resistance.

>> No.8859244

movement resembles some variation of a Konami code retracement, technicals suggest sequence may shift quickly to left left right right select start

>> No.8859250

Going long term in a stable boomer stock now yay or nay. What do you say, based on macro economics? I'm a noob and unable to time this shit.

>> No.8859256
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>"Pump it"

>> No.8859259

brainlets can buy index funds


>> No.8859293
File: 109 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180411-143632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My chart is coiling like a tight spring. What's it mean geniuse level intellects of smg?

>> No.8859298

'boomer stock' is too vague a description, at least give us a sector

>> No.8859300
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>buying power $1.50

>> No.8859303
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Fuck i wish I had bought more than 5 shares

>> No.8859307
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>> No.8859327

Always do the opposite of biz, thanks just added 100k!

>> No.8859352

triple mountain ridge pattern, extremely bullish 100x long right now

>> No.8859362

The market looks like a vfib arrest right now

>> No.8859363


>> No.8859375
File: 1.81 MB, 341x376, shekels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youve been jewed my friend

>> No.8859385
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>He leaves flat cash in his portfolio
I remember you from a week ago. I've been all in TVIX for 4 weeks
>Inb4 you shouldn't long the VIX

>> No.8859397


>> No.8859399
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I was thinking Berkshire Hathaway actually.

>> No.8859408
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>> No.8859416
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Pierce the heavens with your drill!

>> No.8859428
File: 86 KB, 1359x601, FB fibs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the make or break point for FB if it clears the 50% line and goes through the 68.1% line its gonna keep moving up. if not, its going down hard

>> No.8859431

class A shares or bust or bust anon

>> No.8859441


Post this on stock twits and get a million yous

>> No.8859447

nah, wait for his or the market's death

>> No.8859460
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This guys a fucking madman

>> No.8859461

What are some oversold stocks? Market is prime for some gap-ups today. I purchased everything I wanted but I've got 500 bucks left and want to hop on something new. What bags are you holding that you think are prime. I want a stock thats deep red that shouldnt be

>> No.8859469

Yeah, Buffet-sama's death is going to cause a correction regardless of the market circumstances at the time.

>> No.8859470

closer look at the memelines. its having trouble at 50%

>> No.8859471
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>He doesn't keep some powder dry.

>> No.8859473

what did you buy anon?

>> No.8859476

FB but unironically

>> No.8859479


>> No.8859480


>> No.8859491
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forgot pic

>> No.8859525
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man the daily charts on all the major indexes look like absolute shit. i think the verdict is in.

we live in a boggs world

>> No.8859553
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>tfw should bough tvix 20 mins ago

>> No.8859565

Well I've been long on the following for some time

I just picked up some $X , I think steel is gonna have a brief run soon. I also went long NFLX. I started paying attention to NFLX this week and noticed it does pretty well even when the market runs bearish and I believe in their growth model. I just sold a ton of $SRAX. Did pretty well on that one. Trying to make some agressive plays in the next week or so. I work on a fishing boat in the bering sea without internet though, so in a month I'll have to buy long positions and ride it out.

>> No.8859588

I like both these plays, I bought a few shares of each. When my next check comes I'll probably double up on em

>> No.8859594

More like 20 days ago.

>> No.8859602
File: 2.05 MB, 320x240, this fucking guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying shares in normie face book cancer

>> No.8859621


Down down up up left right left right B A START. Extra bullish military strength.

>> No.8859642
File: 232 KB, 1024x683, 5115456708_afd32491f1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring a stock that has increased 515% in the last 5 years with relatively consistant long term moving averages because "normie cancer"
I bet you're holding a portfolio full of penny stocks waiting for a moon mission.
I did that my first year of trading. I turned $5000 into 10 grand in a month. The second month I lost $7 grand. I'll take solid, regular growth any day over gambling for moon missions.

>> No.8859672

ill never invest in shit like that, banks, surveillance corps, all that shit is cancer and if you sell your morality for money then might as well go circumcise yourself while your at it

>> No.8859705

why dont you like banks anon?

>> No.8859721
File: 28 KB, 329x302, 1523408863713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy trades with morals

>> No.8859732

Take my advice and get out of finance now. You are wasting your time and money. Or don't. The money you're throwing at the market may end up in my pocket

>> No.8859734

I hope so, I've been long X since the election and keep kicking myself for not closing out over $40.

>> No.8859774

something happened?

>> No.8859783

I have been watching and waiting. If you look at the archives, back when $CLF was $3 a share and $AKS was the same around 2016, I posted a ton of my own research on here telling people to buy the shit out of it because iron ore pellet prices had been consistently rising to 2008 levels. Some anons followed my advice, and a month later those stocks had nearly doubled.

I work with a ton of liberals and I bite my tongue when I hear them bitch about trumps 'Trade war'. Obama slapped 516% taxes on Chinese steel in 2016 as well. This is pretty routine. I think we're gonna lift off again soon, but I admittedly havent done the research this time, mere speculation.

>> No.8859784

Newfaf here, if aside from earnings reports, news affects stock prices, wouldent it make sense to buy just before a earning report.

>> No.8859789

Earnings reports are not always positive

>> No.8859790

Look at OLED and tell me you want to do that.

>> No.8859796
File: 144 KB, 394x360, AAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK. My Day Change just keeps going down! MU is the last man standing.

>> No.8859821

depends on the stock. You can generally look at the history of how the prices reacted to news in the past. I like to ride the hype prior to an announcement and keep a tight stop loss. If you don't know about stop losses, google it. Basically if the announcement is bad news and the stock crashes, a stop loss will trigger a sale quicker than I could have noticed and sold on my own.

>> No.8859826

oh i dont know maybe they steal 6% of all your income and maybe you shouldnt invest in thieves

>> No.8859830

sell pressure on everything just bumped up a lot. i think theres some news on the horizon

>> No.8859835
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>> No.8859839

Yeah i mean its important to grasp whether it will be good or bad, but if you hold onto stocks waiting for bad/good news that cant be predicted.

At least a earnings report you can kinda tell what will be there.

>> No.8859843

The bottom looks to be falling out today.

>> No.8859852

market is pretty bearish today, just have patience anon

>> No.8859854

>Take advice from biz

>> No.8859883
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>> No.8859893
File: 43 KB, 650x650, 1522183762698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys didn't hear about the buyout?

>> No.8859901
File: 526 KB, 364x489, 1522336923778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closing short for today


>> No.8859902

New session low lads

>> No.8859912
File: 1.24 MB, 993x765, 1523465503390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das it mane, here comes the dump

>> No.8859925
File: 1.37 MB, 500x281, panicpanicpanic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8859927

TVIX just posted record earnings

>> No.8859930

>one share of DRYS is $3.75 at time of posting
You need to up your prices, thats just sad

>> No.8859934

damn you are quick at grabing memes :^)

>> No.8859936

ur not a real gril

>> No.8859948

Come on FB, stop resisting, you can go down too

>> No.8859953
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1523302821579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reluctant kneepad girl
Put on a trip and show us your tits

>> No.8859955
File: 1.03 MB, 305x360, 1491267065114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are beautiful

>> No.8859963

>BA down 2.5%
Should I buy now or will it go lower?

>> No.8859968

stubborn boomers, arent they?

>> No.8859977

What can I say. I'm a cultivator of the arts. ;)

>> No.8859984

She isn't a girl.
why would a girl specifically browse this board for investing advice. girls have no motive or need to invest.

>> No.8859991
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>> No.8860011
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>> No.8860019
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>> No.8860031

>slowing down the US economy
If anything, this thread shows there are already too many neets shitposting instead of working

Please don't slowdown muh economy !!!!

>> No.8860036

I'll give you 5% of the company if you A) become my internet waifu B) post tits under a trip

>> No.8860037

It is volatile right now because sediment is weak due to supposed 'trade war'. Boeing buys a lot of steel

>> No.8860041
File: 24 KB, 399x320, 1522518665550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably a dude, but you know how rosties like to infiltrate male environments and ruin them

>> No.8860055

Saved, what is this new wojak called?

>> No.8860071

you are right.

It's probably a looser roast with no friends and needs attention from men.

>> No.8860078

admiral akbar is disappointed in all of you for not seeing this obvious ambush

>> No.8860092
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>> No.8860106

i assume all women on chans are traps in programming socks. its safer that way

>> No.8860111
File: 369 KB, 725x704, needgainz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help baby needs gainz

>> No.8860120
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>thtead derailed by discussion about 3d roasties

>> No.8860129
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I'll give you one green candle.

move fast ...

>> No.8860137
File: 390 KB, 2762x1349, ChadShortVitginLong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Covered Half Short too early

Nothing wrong with taking gains.

it's male

>> No.8860152

I almost went 48 hours out of rehab with out drinking. Well, nothing left to do but watch the market burn.

>> No.8860177
File: 70 KB, 599x633, saige goes in all fields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female (male)

>> No.8860182

But Boeing buys its metal from suppliers that they have fixed contracts with. That's why when aluminum prices went up like 30% last year it didn't really hurt BA stock. So it's just dumbasses scared over nothing then? I was afraid that there was some news I was missing. I'll look for a nice entry point, thanks.

>> No.8860187

>sediment is weak

>> No.8860198

oh wow I actually have that

>> No.8860199

Now we are talking ;^)

>> No.8860231
File: 9 KB, 350x263, 1503673457824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sediment IS weak.
we need a rock solid foundation of bedrock on which to build this economy on.

>> No.8860237

Stay strong bro.

>> No.8860259

yeah, no bad news. actually the opposite in my opinion. They talked about a bunch of new orders they should have a busy year. Just people being dumb IMO.
sentiment. w/e kms
Idk if its doing it now cuz I stopped watching it but after it ran, it stayed up in down in almost the same daily range for 3 weeks. I just kept buying at the bottom, and selling for an easy 10 percent every couple days. ya gotta watch the moving averages when it bounces like that because its gonna get tighter and drop earlier and earlier.

>> No.8860262
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>> No.8860268

IoT is my next move, late to the party as always. Thinking of yoloing a few pennies, any suggestions?

>> No.8860274

guess i gotta close my FB puts on a loss. someone talk me out of it

>> No.8860283

might as well hang on to them until they expire

>> No.8860290

Are you winning dad?

>> No.8860297

tomorrow. i guess your right. its just i could close out now and only lose 50%. im torn

>> No.8860311
File: 21 KB, 509x619, 1498295851650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back in a few minutes son. daddy needs some alone time

>> No.8860326

I think oil is going to $80 a barrel from $60. Anybody have any good oil memes?

>> No.8860339


>> No.8860341
File: 81 KB, 490x714, Gondola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never adopt a son with your trap gf

why even live?

>> No.8860369

oil pipeline REITs

one of the div guys on here knows a bunch of them. ill try to find my list

>> No.8860388

/smg/ hedgefund now has a weekly event called waifu of the week https://autismincorporated.org/waifu-of-the-week/

Plz respond with waifus to post next week

>> No.8860394

Sell USO?

>> No.8860410

I'm never revealing my waifu to you barbaric philistines

>> No.8860420

the trap gf is the hard part

>> No.8860425
File: 328 KB, 672x706, 1522436357661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it even a contest

>> No.8860430

the fuck do you want kids for

all you need is moderate gainz and thailand becomes your oyster

>> No.8860445

there we go.

say it with me /biz/ lend me your energy

>> No.8860450



>> No.8860456

sending my energy to Zuck rn

>> No.8860458

does cuck filter to kek? im confus

>> No.8860463


>> No.8860472

how new

>> No.8860479


>> No.8860496

traps are people too, they aren't just sex toys.

>> No.8860511

prostitutes are literally sex toys by consent faggot

>> No.8860516


>> No.8860527

this is literally the only thread i post in on this whole chan anymore, i left years ago. 4chan is fucked, but theres no other good stock market communities in the whole imageboard universe

except in thailand thats exactly what they are. AND theyre cheap too.

>> No.8860541
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>Revealing your waifu
Im not sharing my waifu nigga

>> No.8860543
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>> No.8860548

how do people normally take profits on leveraged positions? obviously theres value in closing positions and reloading on other stuff since leverage amplifies your returns, but too often doing that would surely end up in too much volatility with too big of risk factors would it not?

>> No.8860553


>> No.8860560
File: 108 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180411-155742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought today was the first day I'd break even since I started lads. How does it feel like to earn money?

>> No.8860567

take profits on leveraged positions

always do at the end of day. If I long something is 2:1 max.

>> No.8860576

that gigantic red dildo on FBs last 15 mins is making me feel pretty ok about holding puts overnight.

thx red dildo, i love you too

>> No.8860614

it feels like a million bucks.
well, that's if you actually earned a million bucks.

>> No.8860628

2x leverage you mean?

I have about 20 positions open on 1broker mostly on multi day trades. For instance I got into EURUSD at 1.223 on 100x on the 5th, 6 days now and im up 100% but the top of the channel is at 1.24 or so i was hoping to take profits there, would you on leverage typically take profit NOW, then just immediately rebuy with my original position and hold the 100% profits off for something else? that seems no different than just moving my stop loss up and letting it run though, and doubling my position seems highly dangerous, though of course thats only ultimately risking what I bought in for to begin with, since the rest of the positino growth was my already taken profits?

i dont know if im explaining how i see it in my mind but im just not sure when is normal to take profits and reinvest on leverage, its definitely different than buying 'normally' and letting stuff run due to the compounding nature of leverage

>> No.8860635

market's closed
good job everybody

nikkei next

>> No.8860650


reminder that traps are gay

>> No.8860655

I always bring a gift or something to remind them they are still human.

>> No.8860684
File: 298 KB, 950x1140, 1522928032393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to bed, fuckin weeb

>> No.8860700

goodnight anon

>> No.8860713

Money doesn't count as a gift

>> No.8860757
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, 1522779048535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuh uh

>> No.8860760
File: 1.30 MB, 500x282, 1522483470861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if nobody else posts a waifu that makes nico the winner by default

>> No.8860775
File: 162 KB, 314x278, 844877C5-3E69-4DD6-A77A-CECA44F8A6C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s gonna happen to that filthy Zuckerberg’s stock? I hope it hits the fucking ground and goes negative.

>> No.8860823

it will gap down tomorrow

>> No.8860825
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>> No.8860860
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>> No.8860899

why didn't you do a straddle ?

>> No.8860906
File: 145 KB, 800x600, wallstreet speculator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here ever played wallstreet speculator? its some shareware game from like the 90s, but its pretty fun (and unless you suck at trading its really easy to get above 500,000, which allows you to unlock all of the options of the full version).

i wanna figure out a way we can play online together it over a network or something. i think it would be fun

>> No.8860952

Just fooling I have an IC on it and thought it was testing my put side.

>> No.8860988

It is strange to use IC for earnings
I am an option noob but I would systematically use a straddle since the market is very itchy during earnings

>> No.8861008

That looks fun

>> No.8861043

ripoff of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_Street_Kid

>> No.8861143

i dunno though. the dude who made it has upgraded it pretty consistantly for like ten years. its a pretty fun game in its own right.

can i emulate this one on NES? or is there no language patch? i cant read moon

>> No.8861145

My thought process is to use the high IV so when it drops because earnings is over and the market won't expect anymore big moves I can buy/close the IC lower compared to the credit I received usually around 40-50% of the original credit.

If I had to use a straddle the breakeven points where really far out around 17-18 and 22-23 before I saw any gains since the debit to buying the straddle has a high premium cause of the high IV.

A strangle would have been good too, but I like defined risk trades more.
I'm just starting out using options too so I might not right.

>> No.8861184

this is good stuff anon. i wish i had margins to trade short contracts. everyone always kvetches saying shorting options contracts is impossibly dangerous, but ICs are pretty much the safest bet you can make (if you want to make em that way)

>> No.8861193

Are you doing a net debit or net credit iron condor?

>> No.8861201


>> No.8861242

You are right
If you only look at the P&L chart, straddle would be the play to go to
But with the greeks, it is definitely a bit more complicated.

So for your BBBY IC, how did it turn out ?

>> No.8861250

Actually your right a credit straddle would have been okay too.

>> No.8861328

It turned out okay probably only see like 20-30 bux if it hovers around 18-19 and I try to close tomorrow.

>> No.8861460

It may only be 20-30$, but percentage wise, it must have been pretty decent for the risk exposure and the time

>> No.8861481

do you know of anywhere i can mess with options P/L graphs? like an interactive chart where i could graphically plan out my moves. my broker used to have such charts, but stopped having them

>> No.8861676

best I could find.

>> No.8861688
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>> No.8861749
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who's ready to DUMP tomorrow?

>> No.8861860

No sorry
I wish I had a good option screener and greeks viewer

>> No.8861867

sick thanks baggy
im glad you didnt ded

>> No.8861907

Should I try to time the market when buying more of my mutual fund? Are we going up or down tomorrow?

>> No.8861958

Mutual funds trade at end of day, so its whatever the price at the end is

>> No.8861990

That's a good point. So if we have a big red day tomorrow I'll scramble to put in my order before 4pm so I can get that day's price. If we move sideways I'll wait a bit longer.

>> No.8862011

ATVI good pickup?

>> No.8862021
File: 386 KB, 1600x943, bueno_excellente.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, buy my 21 shares of ATVI

>> No.8862043

My nigga, AAOI dipped so hard this bounce was inevitable.

Now we just need a good earnings report to moon it half way up the old peak

>> No.8862045

>up 35% in the last year
>up 367% in the last 5 years

Yes, be a good goy and buy someones gains

>> No.8862116

Yeah it's great to be back, now if you'll excuse me I have a wagon to fall off.

>> No.8862445

Don't forget to kys

>> No.8862578

Whats the deal with Robinhood options and Crypto?
Wtf is taking so long to get the features?

>> No.8862647

Can someone tell me why war with Syria is bearish? Surely picking a fight with an enemy that has zero chance of winning will just be a boost to GDP and therefore good for the economy?

>> No.8862684

It isn't bearish
Wars are usually good for stocks :^)

>> No.8862691

That enemy has russia on their side, russias animal is the bear, I dont need to explain it you know the deal with bears.

>> No.8862757

Because growth economics is a meme, you just dont know it yet.
Youll learn the hard way though, as will everyone.
>How would the US pay for war with a 20 trillion dollar deficit?
>By making a 40 trillion dollar deficit
but hey that GDP is oh so fucking important.

>> No.8862771
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>20 trillion dollar deficit

>> No.8862795

OK I got some 12 year old scotch, beer, and some cocaine and want to draw meme lines and prepare some ideas we can use for some credit spreads. So lets get to work. Step one we have to find some meme tickers. I'm going to go to finviz since they've usually got a ton of memes on the front page.

>> No.8862829

Get the fuck out of my crypto board you wagecucks.

>> No.8862860
File: 37 KB, 700x340, TECH-4-11-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one caught my eye.

>> No.8862931
File: 426 KB, 1920x1080, TECH-4-11-18-TV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it is at a buy right now.

>> No.8862977
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>> No.8862983

So lets take a look and see if we can find out when they're due to report earnings.

>> No.8863021

go look up the difference between annual and cumulative, the US is 20 trillion in debt
the earth has limited resources, food prodcution is limited, potable water is limited, growth economics is a fucking meme. you cant keep growing infinitely, at some point it has to stop. or maybe you agree we should import 1 million people to the US a year and see what happens? sigh

>> No.8863022
File: 105 KB, 1693x648, TECH-4-11-18-FV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went back to finviz and found this. May 8th before market open. So we're probable going to want our contracts to expire before then.

>> No.8863051
File: 335 KB, 439x525, 1486783017595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 50% in the last year
>up 145% in the last five years
Buy high, sell low!

>> No.8863082

you were the one who said a 20 trillion deficit so maybe you should look the diffrence up

>> No.8863103

Well when we look at the option chain on these guys, we see the only contracts available before the 8th are the 4/20 contracts. On top of that there's no volume on the options for this meme. No volume = no liquidity = fuck that find something else.

>> No.8863129

We weren't buying it we were just going to place a bull put credit spread and hope it expired OTM.

>> No.8863136

when I get verified on robinhood how do I turn $10 into big money?

>> No.8863151
File: 5 KB, 1370x608, seekrit club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i think it seems a little high desu
not sure how that would effect your credit spread (if it were to fall), as i know very little about options strategies that involve shorting contracts. i thought CSs were for stocks that were flat?

also, if youre interested i actually made a backup board that we can use and not get slid. should be useful to post plans if you feel like sharing em, and since its an empty board we can do whatever we want with it.

i primarily made it to collect and backup books and pdfs (and vids) and share em with /smg/, but the fact that its an imageboard makes it useful to post plans etc...

take a look at it if ya want, and if ya know any good books i should add let me know

>> No.8863166
File: 31 KB, 700x340, USO-4-11-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That oil meme USO have a very liquid options market (I picked up some calls my self today) so lets take a look at that one. How is that one trending on the daily?

>> No.8863216

Looks like it's on an upward trend, and it broke that double top today. It's trading well above it's moving averages which is fine cause this fucking thing can go all the way up to the launch pad, but we're going to need some other kind of fuel to get to the moon.

>> No.8863243
File: 62 KB, 800x800, 1523415442398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they laughed when I bought DBX on IPO day

>> No.8863244


im playing a straddle on USO desu. sold off my 13 calls today and rolled into some may calls/puts on 13.50. if we get no serious action in syria in the next few days it will certainly pull back a lot, but any kind of military action at all will cause a spike

doing pretty much the same strat on SLV. sold my calls today and set up another straddle. good inflation hedges do good in times of inflation, who wouldve thought?

>> No.8863254

Brainlet here

I saw a stock (NRO) that has a high dividend yield, but has been bleeding money for a long time now. How can a company like that get away with having a high div yield despite that?

>> No.8863303


Finviz is good stuff. Best site if you want to find stocks that are oversold for no good reason.

>> No.8863307

no i laughed at the fools who bought SPOT at $160. what kind of invalid does something like that?

well that means they probably are one credit downgrade away from slashing divs to nothing, so probably best to stay away if youre in it for the yields

>> No.8863349
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, USO-4-11-18FVw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to remember what happens to gas prices every summer... It's like a natural ebb and flow with this stuff. Look at a longer time period of this meme on the weekly candles. It pretty much spikes up from May till june/july and starts falling from august to september pretty much like every year. The big crash is probably attributed to the US shale boom and increased supply we saw back around that time. Let me get some more ice for my scotch.

>> No.8863368

I bought a tiny bit of SPOT on the first day at the price it is now. I still think it's a good long term hold.

>> No.8863374
File: 231 KB, 1024x973, 20127288-6E8F-42BE-B996-D5D70775654F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Someone, anybody’s got to bake after the thread hits 300 replies (usually means bump limit is reached). Use sages if the post is hovering at the front page and you don’t want to bump it so fast.

>> No.8863402

thanks for the explanation

>> No.8863422

Looking at this chart I see a strait upward trend that should continue. Now we have to remember this is like some oil meme so we don't really care too much about earnings as much as we would supply and demand and seasonal boom busts that we see in these energy types of commodities. Also unrest in the middle east can cause this shit to fucking moon, as the Eurocucks start importing American oil.

>> No.8863445


youre forgetting whats really driving it right now though. were not to its season yet, but its taking off. its already crushing it because inflation, but more importantly because things are heating up in the middle east. looks like israel launched an airstrike, everyones waiting on US response, UN has already made their mind up regardless of the thus far lack of concrete evidence on anything related to the alleged gas attack, and also the houthis attacked saudi arabia earlier today.

any one of these things escalating further will be a catalyst for oil, and seasonality should compound with it.

>> No.8863491

what we should look for is some sort of ETF/ETN that tracks oil on a leveraged basis. UWT suks because it resets internally daily, so we need to find something that resets on a week to week basis