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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8853423 No.8853423 [Reply] [Original]

So this whole thing is bullish for crypto, right?

>> No.8853500

Yes, particularly for privacy coins/platforms

But then, even the cryptography that bitcoin is based on such as SHA256 could be used to encrypt peoples emails, instant messages, and harddrives, if only they had the motivation to learn how to use the tools

>> No.8853737


Tfw you need to pay people to coach you on acting like a human being

>> No.8853765

Ironically Zuckerberg is /ourgoy/

>> No.8853860


>> No.8854302

I don't get why people here hate him. Faggot's a socially akward retard who struck gold, something all anons on /biz/ should be able to relate to and get inspired by. Maybe it's a combination of MUH KIKES and success breeds jealousy?

>> No.8854329
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>> No.8854339

Ah, so it IS muh kikes stuff.

>> No.8854346
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>> No.8854360

Don't worry anon, i know, you're too stupid for these newfangled "keyboards" so imageposting is all you can manage. One day you'll catch up.

>> No.8854363
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>> No.8854374

our time will come, enigmarine.
EoY 2019 is moon time

>> No.8854550

Q3 2018 mainnet and staking brah

>> No.8854599

OP i laughed so hard

>> No.8854835

It's not our brand of social awkwardness. He just acts like a dozen giant spiders in a human skin suit.

>> No.8854849
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>> No.8854874

the most accurate description I've ever read

>> No.8854949
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>Maybe it's a combination of MUH KIKES and success breeds jealousy
Its a combination of MUH SYNOGOGUE OF SATAN and being complicit in spying on the entire world for the (((cia))) and jew world order.

>> No.8854957

But CIA are the good guys, it's the FBI who is anti trump.

>> No.8854975
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>> No.8855059

That was disturbing.

>> No.8855068

I heard he made cryptochow.com

>> No.8855086

you should watch this hearing, they were absolutely zuccin' his balls

>> No.8855089

CIA are the most evil out of the bunch, that' why they work for trump

>> No.8855096

Oh, you must be one of those latino murricans or central asians

>> No.8855108
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is it just me or his bot eyes look like they been leaking salty fluid?