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File: 18 KB, 1200x600, 1200px-Flag_of_Canada_(Pantone).svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8850513 No.8850513 [Reply] [Original]

What's their economic future?

>> No.8850520

mcwageslaves in the american dungeons

>> No.8850521

Depends on the next elections desu.

>> No.8850532

all real estate has been sold out to chinks
welfare programs for mudslimes and shitskins bankrupting the country
stock market in the shittter

only hope is oil rebounding desu but its not looking good

>> No.8850542

3rd wolrd country in 15 years

>> No.8850551

We are gonna need two walls

>> No.8850578
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Any bc/Alberta bros worried about the kinder Morgan pipeline being halted? Don’t care about some “trade war” but at the very least there’s a chance at a lost 6-7 bil investment but I think more importantly, future investment staying the fuck outta bc now

>> No.8850597

be more worried about the price of oil and natural gas in general.

if oil doesnt go up alberta is fucked regardless, and same with natural gas and fracking in BC

>> No.8850612

We'll always have massive flows of hot Chinese money pumping our real estate to fall back on, right? R..right?

>> No.8850614

Apparently BC is offering tax breaks for a 40 billion natural gas line, extraction and LNG plant. Almost a little hypocritical, par the course for yuppie environmentalist.

>> No.8850628

Annexation by the US after the caliphate gets too uppity.

>> No.8850644
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Just don’t think about it
There’s enough taxpayer money for everybody

>> No.8850672
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>> No.8850686
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The balance will budget itself

>> No.8850694

It won't balance for like 30 years bro.

>> No.8850727

Iffy. The left wingers in office are not doing anything to improve the situation except possibly for legalizing weed. If Canada legalizes roughly on schedule as planned, it will give Canada first mover advantage in the global cannabis market and is projected to start a cascade of other first world countries following suit in decriminalizing/legalizing for medical/legalizing for recreational. The is the main reason I am heavily invested in weed stocks and am very bullish on the sector. Trudeau and his ever so gender diverse group of ninnies NEED weed tax money or they will be in big trouble and the country as a whole along with them. That is why the legalization will go through.


Scares the shit out of me as an Albertan. Premier Notley has actually shown some balls in the conflict with BC over it, which I am pleasantly surprised by. I'm just concerned she's not the most skilled negotiator and may lose the fight.

>> No.8850886

weed stocks will turn into a speculative bubble

>> No.8850900

we're counting on weed to pay for the massive budget deficit

>> No.8850903


nigga they already have. look at their p/e ratios.

canadian weed stocks make stocks like amazon look cheap lmao

>> No.8850951

>weed stocks will turn into a speculative bubble

Oh yes, that's a given. A lot of the smaller companies will go under once earnings reports start coming out after legal sales start. That's a stock market issue though. Doesn't matter from a tax perspective. So long as the consumer market for the stuff is strong, government gets their cut.

>canadian weed stocks make stocks like amazon look cheap lmao

That hasn't been true since January. It bubbled and popped. Share prices are pretty cheap for now. I fully expect it to bubble up once more before legal sales start.

>> No.8850994

canopy growth corp has a market cap of 5billion and revenue of 40 (forty) million.

its literally the most expensive stock in the entire world.

>> No.8850996

Like a snowy hong kong

>> No.8851072
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Economy has been terrible since 1980. I left this third world country in 2009 but last I checked it's only gotten worse. Foolish goys actually hired a literal substitute drama teacher to become PM. I knew Canada was big on nepotism but this is becoming suicidal. The Chinese are progressively infiltrating every seat of power and buying all your real estate and soon they will replace you. When Canada becomes annexed by China maybe then the economy will have a boom. What a bleak future.

>> No.8851086

Any sask bros here?

this province sucks

>> No.8851092

What's a good country for a leaf to live in? Fuck this shithole

>> No.8851094

Weed is NOT going to save the Canadian economy.

>> No.8851130

The valuations are based on earnings potential after legalization, not current revenue. It's not fair to compare companies building up while their product is currently illegal to blue chip stocks running in established markets.

The important bit is this: WEED current share price is $27.51. It has an all time high of $44. When the bubble inflates again, and it will, that all time high is the benchmark it will pump towards and probably a little beyond.

Keep in mind I never claimed these were long term stocks to hold. You are a colossal fool if you hodl these things and refuse to sell when they're obviously teetering on the brink as they were in the first week of January. Buy them, wait for them to pump stupid high, sell them.

>> No.8851142

Vancouver faggot here. Everyday I wake up and reminded that my country is going to shit at an alarming rate and there's nothing I or any other Canadian can do about it. Our leaders are all ignorant fucks and no one really cares about the citizens who actually reside in the country. They're more interested in fostering a favorable public image then actually crack down on the rampant problems plaguing our country; chiefly real estate, ridiculous immigration loopholes (looking at you Quebec), and the acceptance of refugees with open arms. I'm thinking of moving to New Zealand within the next couple years to watch the world burn from afar before finally putting a double barrel in my mouth and pulling the trigger when the mushroom clouds start popping off.

>> No.8851153

to be fair i have no problem with syrian refugees but canada needs to stop importing africans

>> No.8851171

Where'd you move to?

>> No.8851179

Oil will rebound, and it will help Canada in the short term. However, that just means the government will spend that much more, and they'll go deeper into debt. They'll hedge their future on insane temporary high oil prices. In short, they're fucked.

>> No.8851237
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I initially took up ESL in Korea/Japan for a few years to save money. I couldn't get any job despite good degrees in STEM. When I couldn't even get hired as a dishwasher or other menial jobs in Canada I knew this country was already 3rd world status despite how pretty it looks.

I eventually moved to Australia where the roads are paved with good like the US in the golden 50s. Canadians tend to shit on Australia because MUH cost of living but job are plentiful, wages are good. It's not half as bad as Canadians think. Went from NEET from poor family to 60k job then quickly bounced into job paying 130-140kCAD/yr. Never would have happened in any province of Canada. Made almost 2m in crypto thanks to my disposable income made here.

I went back last year to Toronto. Nothing has changed. Economy always in dumps. People not smiling. Weather is trash. All my friends and family friends all just surviving. I feel bad knowing they have no chance. My cousin who is a big corporate lawyer wants to run to Australia too after hearing stories of dumb Canadians going from rags to riches in Australia. Unfortunately, it has gotten a lot harder to permanently move here in the last decade...

>> No.8851331

I'm looking at WEED right now, this was a obvious short in the middle of January, I will wait to see how much it corrects, $13-21 doesn't seem so unlikely

>> No.8851387

What kind of job were you working in that was making 130-140k? Do you know what the living situation is like in NZ?

>> No.8851477

>I'd run this country way better
Armchair politicians are almost as good as armchair investment/business professionals. Carry on geniuses

>> No.8851621

I don't want to out myself but it something I could get with a degree in biochem which is pretty worthless. I got my brother to move here with a worthless poli-sci degree and he's in a 60k/year (low pay by Australian standards) job on the verge of getting his permanent residence this year via company sponsorship. In Melbourne where I live there are a lot of Canadian girls doing menial work like stripping, hair salon, etc.

NZ is much easier to get into and a back door into Australia. Once you get PR there you can free travel and work in Australia. NZ/Aus is analogous to Canada/USA. NZ is cold and has low paying and terrible job prospects and Australia is the complete opposite, thus NZ people jump shipping over to Australia all the time for jobs just like we see Canadians going to the USA..

When I look back I remember that I was initially going to ditch Canada for the US. A state like Texas would be equivalent of the booming job market of aus. It just so happened that the Australia thing worked out for me.

>> No.8851678

Can you "buy" a citizenship with investments if working is out of the question?

>> No.8851754


MB here

>> No.8851776

Aside from Sydney, Melbourne, Perth where else are there up-and-coming cities in AZ?

>> No.8852600
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>runnning a country better than Justin Trudeau
The bar isn't set very high.
Time will show.

>> No.8852730

you can always buy a citizenship with enough money. most first world country are 500k+

>> No.8852738

berta bro here. anyone with a brain is worried. the NDP/Libtards will bring this country to its knees

>> No.8852743

You can buy any citizenship

Every country wants millionaires willing to invest

>> No.8852953
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1 year left before we get rid of the moron

>> No.8853035

I have a STEM degree and am similarly marooned in Canada.

How do I get to Aus now?

>> No.8853154

2 years and no STEM job in Canada, I am getting really worried about this country and myself. My startup isn't working out and I'm about to call it quits.

>> No.8853259
File: 267 KB, 637x360, 80000259-FD4C-49E2-AACB-D8FA109BFE67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saskbro reporting in. This is the asshole of the world anon. What’s with all the immigrants...?