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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8849972 No.8849972 [Reply] [Original]

>oh look its another link thread

>> No.8850010
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>we're gonna make it, fren
>ITT a new link meme!

>> No.8850016
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>> No.8850053

>LinkChain best crypto after singerlarity

>> No.8850109

Wow, you don't see one if these in biz very often

>> No.8850228
File: 238 KB, 1024x768, 1387416341979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to actually believe anyone is serious about LINK as a smart risk/reward investment. The idea is great, sure, but Sergey is a goofy fuck that has neither the background nor experience to actually handle it. When you bring this up in LINK threads they can't do anything but tell you to "DYOR, look at his connections ;)", or shout another meme at you with his face shopped on another person.

How is this a rational investment? You're in crypto, where you're already taking on a fuck ton of risk, and you decide to throw all your money in the hopes that a random chucklefuck with a whitepaper with less background than most in this space already?

And they unironically believe 100% that it's going to be the coin to take them to freedom, when there's a host of more established and realistic projects with greater minds and people of experience behind them?

I get maybe putting a small % of your portfolio in it, like 5%, on the off chance he's able to pull it off, but what fucking retard actually is putting the majority of their funds in it?

>> No.8850239

Alright I am about to make this a link hype thread you guys ready?

>> No.8850244

I'm that retard. Would do it all over again.

>> No.8850252

Goofy? So how would you describe a guy like Zuckerberg for instance?

>> No.8850256

Unironically all in LINK.
The rest of the market seems so retarded in comparison, even with the constant retarded LINK memes.

>> No.8850264

Is it the Uber code they just added to github?

>> No.8850269

no how about this to start.


>> No.8850275

Are you same fagging here

>> No.8850290

Its just newfriends who experienced their first larp with assblaster. They got dumped on, they are holding heavy bags, they try to keep the threads alive so link looks relevant.

Its kinda sad desu.

>> No.8850293

why. I don't understand you.

Zuckerburg actually had a fucking plan and put it into action, and had an educated background.

Sergey communicates nothing, has a background completely unrelated to the project, has no prior completed projects or portfolio of work, there's just literally nothing that tells someone, "yeah, he seems like someone with the experience and history to see this project through."

Can you even answer me, with one fact, about why you believe in Sergey based on his experience, history, and prior projects? Without fucking resorting to a goddamn singularity meme.

The fact that nobody can point out any single fact about him that relates to LINK or programming experience or education in a related field, makes it so that I will absolutely never invest a penny into it. I don't even care if it shoots to $1000 EoY without me, putting any money into it is a fucking retarded decision based on the fundamentals. If you get rich off it, it was still a retarded decision that you just got lucky from.

Because it's the equivalent if any random person off the streets made a fancy whitepaper and site and had a great idea.

>> No.8850303

I dropped the link bags once nootropicat btfod the tech community manager. Voting on what is true instead of crypto signing is plain retarded. And yeah false data is worse than 0.05% downtime.

>> No.8850309


>> No.8850331

Dude check out Cryptamail
The dude built email on a blockchain and the government forced him to shut it down

>> No.8850383

>Do my research for me

>> No.8850389

Why are people still doubting if "sergey can pull it off", when he is literally already doing it?
Just check the Github. How hard is that?

>> No.8850398
File: 33 KB, 515x515, D6F230AE-FD2B-4ED3-A19E-E25803E796BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fugggg

>> No.8850438

Nice find.
"Ensuring it costs more to break the system than maintain its integrity"

>> No.8850442

The level of shilling that link gets is a very interesting phenomenon. I wonder how much did they spend on paying shills, a job that long and that intense had to cost a lot.
And why only /biz/? How peculiar.

>> No.8850453
File: 251 KB, 600x417, horror_of_biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get used to Link threads kids, they're not going away until $1k

>> No.8850458

Do you understand what LINK enables?
I assure you the fascination with it on /biz/ is largely organic. Other forums must not be intelligent enough to grasp the implications of ChainLink

>> No.8850482
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>> No.8850642

TownCrier off-chain computation code added:

Native support of UPS delivery data

>> No.8850654
File: 297 KB, 781x591, GCHrYv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could get paid in link for this, I'm shilling it for free -___-

>> No.8850681

We UPS NOW. What can brown do for you

>> No.8850715

I could provide many facts as to why I believe in him, but I'll refute your FUD instead. He isn't a programmer, doesn't claim to be, but for some reason he is very good at getting important people to take notice, and believe in his project, which is much more important than being the best developer in the world, when it comes to oracles.

>> No.8850721

This is old news no?

>> No.8850738

If you actually think the philosophy major thing is a weakness and it's not just not just fud then you're a tard

>> No.8850755

I miss the Digimarine shilling now

>> No.8850777

Never heard of it before and I'm on it daily since pre sibos

>> No.8850832

>(full disclosure: Venture underscore c portfolio company)
so fucking comfy

>> No.8850895

I would never buy Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos's companies in the 90's. NEVER ! They didnt delivered anything prior ! I would buy KODAK, VHS, BLOCKBUSTER and ATARI. Yeah, they were created by old farts that had experience ! FUTURE !

>> No.8851154

pajeet detected

>> No.8851214

Dat pajeet logic doe

>> No.8851242

Go poo in loo rasheed
Because pajeet is keeping you a free spot, after he fudded linky