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8846938 No.8846938 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8847085
File: 86 KB, 519x533, AC6DE278-4288-4917-89DF-EADEBD8AF349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It not about predicting anything. It’s about probability and risk management, even ta wizards fuck up and lose money but they make a higher percentage of profitable trades than mongaloids like you

>> No.8847172

the past is the only causative link to the future

>> No.8847183

the good TAers admit most TA is bullshit. watch krown talk about it live right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E6dMdi7WLo

>> No.8847199

lol, this retarded nigger thinks he can beat the market. Hows that gambling addiction going?

>> No.8847209

TA is basically worthless outside crypto too.

It's funny watching neets try to play stocktrader on here though.

>> No.8847266
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Some retard was telling me with TA memes yesterday on here that the price of "x" was going to do "y" because of "z". I Ignore TA meme nigger go to sleep wake up look at price it does the exact opposite. TA posters should be banned.

>> No.8847273

TA is a self fulfilling prophecy, and only works when traders draw the same meme lines and make the same plays

>> No.8847323

This is also bullshit all it takes is one asshole with a billion dollars to wake up and start buying one thing to fucker over the meme liners just because he feels like it. Or hell he could pay the meme liners to push a price down then buy in on the cheap because of TA meme faggots are desperate for money.

>> No.8847431

It has everything to do with predicting, you fucking spastic. You're using past data to predict the future.

To me, TA is like handicapping horses, or counting cards, or using "systems" in craps or blackjack. On paper, sounds good. In practice...it's all down to luck. The winners are considered "right" by degenerates looking for an edge, and losers are pretty much the ones calling the winners "right" and aping them.
TA in a manipulated, unregulated market is even more useless. You're trying to predict market manipulations, when smarter people like you have their finger on the button.
You can see this in action on the Bitmex trollchat. One dude gets lucky on one of his multiple accounts, and then every loser in the chat is attached to his ass like suckerfish, begging for the next bet. That lasts one or two trades, until the new "guru" is liquidated, and they move on to the next "guru". One dude openly admitted to doing that, having alt accounts that took both sides, because one is always gonna be a winner, and the dolts in chat ignored it or went "Nuh uh, your sock puppet's TA is REAL, maaaaaaaan!"

It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.8847433

TA only works when a famous guy does it because it reinforces the predicament. Famous guy saying we go up? people believe him and buy so price goes up. Says it's gonna go down? People sell expecting the price drop and price goes down. How do people get famous with TA? well if 1000 people do TA, then 1 of them is bound to get it right the most amount of times than the rest. Then people flock to him for TA and boom you got a self reinforced gambling astrology.

>> No.8847442

>when smarter people like you have their finger on the button.
THAN you. Fumble finger syndrome strikes again.

>> No.8847462

Or, move a bunch of bitcoin into a Bitmex account, so you're on the "leaderboard" (most of which are coin parking accounts owned by Bitmex), and viola! Suddenly, you're a TA GOD on Bitmex troll chat.

See: aabtc

>> No.8847506

I don't actually use TA apart from very basic principals of support and resistance but TA is just supposed to give you an edge.

For example if a head and shoulders breaks down 55% of the time that's an edge.

It's like having a weighted coin that landed on heads 55% of the time you could make a shit-ton of consistent money gambling on coin-flips.

>> No.8847535

It is gambling and even the people you are talking about trying to play games will lose in the end the house always wins.

Plane and fucking simple. I found this guy Jack Bogle buffet loves him. Dude has been playing this game for 50-60 years he says "first thing to understand about the market is no one knows what they are talking about"

This guy is money.


>> No.8847573
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>TA is a self fulfilling prophecy,

a myth. trade would become crowded.

>TA only works when a famous guy does it

a myth. nobody with enough money follows somebody drawing meme lines heir twitter accounts or whatever let alone trade size on it

head n shoulders 60's meme. these are highly studied there are no edge in any kind of prize action patterns they are random. secondly you can have 80% win rate and still lose money on a indicator based strategies

>It is gambling and even the people you are talking a

if you had a strategy backtested for 1000 trades within a year or two minus slippage minus spread and still profitable it's probably good for forward trading and in general would be fair to assume it to posses some clear edge, just an example

in general it seems crypto is just forex all over again, forex trading boomed 20 years ago or so and was largest wealth transfer from retail to pros in history

>> No.8847662

You're either making money, or you're peddling a book on how to make money. It's that simple. TA is just jerking off with graphs waiting for the market to do something you can react to.

>> No.8847723
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>all over again

This is the problem you can't predict the future. Time to let go anon no one here is psychic. Anyone who ever post a meme line in any market is just a degenerate gambler get a tattoo of that on your arm so you never forget.

>> No.8847787

>if you had a strategy backtested for 1000 trades within a year or two minus slippage minus spread and still profitable it's probably good for forward trading

Until that 1001st trade wipes you out. It works, until it doesn't. Look at Buffett - he doesn't bet on TA, he bets when he's researched a company, it's history, the state of the market it's engaging in, and it's future, and it's market's future. Then he puts his money on the line. That's how you should approach trading. Pick one sector, start learning about the sector, start reading the shop talk of that industry, see what the emerging products are, the strengths of current products, and the health and viability of companies, and either short or long. That's TA to me, not drawing lines on charts. You know a company like Apple or Adobe is blue chip and long term, because they have a strong market and a good product pipeline. That kind of thing. Watching the news the last couple of weeks was shorting opps for Tesla and Facebook. No TA could predict either of those, because what effected the stock price wasn't past performance, but current events.
Crypto is kind of the same, it booms and busts on current events, but there's more fuckery under the hood because of it being unregulated, so exchange fuckery has more influence than anything, and doing TA in that environment is ludicrous.
Let's be honest, most of the TA fags here are just larping being swinging dick traders, drawing lines on charts makes them feel important and smart and lets them pretend they're being productive - and if they really dug into crypto on a common sense level, they'd realize what a pipe dream it all is now.

>> No.8847857

TA is about forecasting, not "predicting".
Trading any asset is gambling, not only crypto but even forex, stocks or commodities. owever TA does give you an edge and improves your odds. It's a forecast, not a prophecy.
Don't weather forecasts fail sometimes? It's the same with TA.

>> No.8847891
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jesus fucking christ, you sound salty as fuck, did you get scamed by some ta crypto guru and his paid group?

yes, ta cant predict the future, neither cant fa, specially in crypto. And of course trading is gambling, yet the market can be analized, studying cycles, trends and sentment. People actually make money on stocks, forex and crypto.

>> No.8847910

> these are highly studied there are no edge in any kind of prize action patterns they are random

That completely depends on the chart in question, many charts especially less liquid ones have easily exploitable re-occuring price action.

>> No.8847940
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Not one mention of occam's razor anywhere in this thread. It's like /biz/ is nothing but children.

>> No.8847962
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don't look at me like that. you know I am right bobby

>> No.8847986

>TA is about forecasting, not "predicting".
They're the same fucking thing, you spastic little retard.

gerund or present participle: forecasting
predict or estimate (a future event or trend).
"rain is forecast for eastern Ohio"
synonyms: predict, prophesy, prognosticate, foretell, foresee, forewarn of
"they forecast record profits"

Just stop posting.

>> No.8848005
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I rather not even start to correcting some basic errors in your post or advicing you further in your investment plans =) Sounds cute tho

>> No.8848092

Oh, look, a TAfag has something to say...no, he just wants to say he has something to say, without saying it, because he's SO ANGRY that someone is laughing at his larping at being a real businessperson.

What else are you gonna do, draw lines on charts REALLY HARD at me?


TAfags are fucking hilarious.

Besides, I didn't ask for "advicing on my investment", illiterate TAfag.

>> No.8848100

Assessing the probability of outcomes doesn’t equal prediction, don’t confuse me with Marius tier ta fags who draw some lines and triangles on a chart and claim x price in x amount of time.

>> No.8848208

Blah blah blah. Another neckbeard who thinks he can make up what words mean.

"It's not predicting when I do it, only when others do it!"

Go draw some lines, it'll be more productive than the shit you're peddling here. At least it will keep a retard entertained.

>> No.8848222

> mfw implying to go all in with every trade

i have been trading crypto for 2 years and i made my 5M$ by using ONLY TA and im not talking about fucking lines and triangles on a chart. im talking about statistically significant indicators (take a statistics class on coursera) that outperform the market in the long run. no shit 1001st trade may fuck you up, but you only play with 1/1000 of your stack. you will gain on the other 75% of trades.

>> No.8848235

Yeah, i totally believe you.

Everyone is a gazillonaire on 4chan!

>> No.8848272

> triggered by anon posting gains
> ignoring sound advice
are u a nigger?

>> No.8848288

Salty much, kiddo?

>> No.8848293


thats value investing, which is completely different. TA can be useful on a smaller timeframe

>> No.8848366

Not at all. I'm actually enjoying this, because A. it's 4chan, it doesn't matter, B. I'm right, C. Herr durrr.