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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8842218 No.8842218 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on EOS.

>> No.8842258


>> No.8842289
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>> No.8842309

look at dan larimers presentations and his arguments with vitalik buterin. his system is credible, his experience and team is superior, and hes a bit of an asshole. Im betting there will probably be a period where ETH holders are scared of how fast EOS rolls out improvements. smart to hedge now.

>> No.8842344

poorfag here, I got 25 EOS am I gonna make it

>> No.8842430

sorry anon, you need at least 10x that to make it
Sell all your shitcoins and go all-in on EOS

>> No.8842714
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1. Dan is the new king of /biz/
2. EOS will deliver what Ethereum promised and scale to millions of free transactions per second
3. 1 billion capital injection program for new tokens
4. Those tokens are airdropped to EOS holders
5. Not vaporware. Active testnet and dev community
6. Launches June 1st - it's being priced in
7. Google co-founder Eric Schmidt and Mike Novogratz working with $1B EOS VC fund
8. They will pick winning projects to airdrop
9. EOS has no user transaction fees
10. User transaction fees are now obsolete
11. EOS is sustainable through < 5% yearly inflation for block producers
12. It's more decentralized than Ethereum (21 rotating voted in nodes - verified identities)
13. Zil, Hashgraph, Plasma, everything will be dead on arrival
14. Brock is officially uninvolved but officially has insane connections
15. This is like owning NASDAQ and receiving huge amounts of free stock in all of the emerging blue chips.
16. Interblockchain communication baked in
17. You can code with any language that can be compiled down to WASM (C++, C, Rust, and others. Google, Microsoft, Amazon are working on WebAssembly to support more languages)
18. Smart contract code can change if there are bugs without hard fork
19. Lost password recovery / friendly account for normie adoption
20. Supports floating point arithmetics
21. Implements IPFS for distributed file storage to BTFO Storj and Siacoin https://github.com/EOSIO/Documentation/raw/master/EOS.IO%20Storage.pdf
22. Has a lot of ETH to dump on ethfags
23. ADA copied Larimer's ideas https://steemit.com/cardamon/@dan/peer-review-of-cardano-s-ouroboros
24. EOS and Bitfinex will create EOSfinex decentralized exchange
25. Many ICOs are already queued up to launch on EOS and dump ETH
26. Based in Cayman Islands to avoid tax rape when cashing out the ETH from ICO to fund EOS development
27. Hired team of C++ developers to work full time on EOS and deliver ahead of the schedule every milestone

>> No.8842743

I said I wanted redpills, not shill posts.

>> No.8842754

Good project but overhyped asf

>> No.8842780

redpill= biggest hope for crypto in 2018
ETH is a fucking joke (see cryptokitties) and EOS has a strong team and testnet ready to bust a nut into vitaliks face by dumping millions of eth before launching mainet and buying EOS with it

>> No.8842843

not hyped enough. will do everything that ethereum was supposed to do but can't. hundreds of millions of dollars dedicated to a VC fund ready to invest in the most promising dapps. blockone funded projects will airdrop tokens to EOS holders. you're a fucken brainlet or a nigger, maybe both

>> No.8842867

Here's the real difference trying to be unbiased


The issue involves making a platform with all three of these things. Currently eth is decentralized and secure, sacrificing scalability. Eos is secure and scalable, but sacrifices decentralization. Eth is trying to improve their scalability, while eos is content with their centralization.

>> No.8842866

only one sentence, its about to break out.

>> No.8842868

No there are billions, 3.6B in VC

>> No.8842894

Ethereum is more centralized than EOS, what are mining pools? check the wallets.
i stand corrected

>> No.8842895

Someone post that meme chart of the eth/btc mining pools vs block producers.

Also no one talks about this but there are 121 block producers and they all receive inflation. So if each producer/validator being less then 1% isn't enough for you, then you are a brainlet. The main 21 are the computational layer and people don't get that

>> No.8842910

Oh also, working .5s transactions

>> No.8842932

EOS doesn't actually have a product, so while chuckleheads like >>8842867 post this bullshit, they don't ACTUALLY have a working product

somehow people seem to have forgotten this fact


>> No.8842946


Pools are groups of miners, not one entity

EOS's dpos gives the illusion of decentralization, but will likely end in the delegates forming large parties (probably 2), similar to what has happened over time in the USA political system.

>> No.8842968


it is all sooo good, if it only worked ...

>> No.8842996

I don't like the way EOS does their voting system, its like they're recreating something similar to the government parties for votes.

>> No.8843008

So communism is the awnser?

>> No.8843022

They have a working product though

>> No.8843060

Quick rundown on EOS

>1 billion dollar startup dev fund
>pedo advisors
>clinton foundation connections
>"it stands for everyone's open society"
>"jk it stands for whatever you want"
>george soros announces he's invested in cryptos

Really makes you think.

>> No.8843080

Le current year man shat on it harder than he shat on drumpfkins. It's going to the moon.

>> No.8843684
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>> No.8843833
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Drumpf it

>> No.8843885

21 different entities. that's way more decentralized than Ethereum. also they can be voted out. it's governed by a constitution not by who has the most mining rigs. way more decentralized. just compare wallets and you'll see the coin distribution.

>> No.8843891

It will be the one to rule them all. Buy few hundredths just to be safe. You have time until End of May.

>> No.8843960


Consider the stability of democratic countries with more than 2 parties. They are generally in conflict and inefficient in making and enforcing policies. The EOS system will inevitably consolidate to increase efficiency. As for the wallets, a single individual can be in control of many wallets, and many individuals can be in control of one. Just veiwing the wallet amounts doesn't tell you much

>> No.8844022

you're misunderstanding something. that's governed by force. this is governed by volunteerism. not at all the same. the voting will create competition for the block producers. you actually know nothing or are confused

>> No.8844047

also the token distribution allows everyone an even playing field. 2 million coins dropped per day, essentially a mini ico daily. the market determines the price daily, unlike traditional icos where whales scoop up everything for cheap and dominate. do some better research then come back.

>> No.8844271

the true selling point are the millions of eth that they will dump to pump and buy eos tokens

>> No.8844294

I don't think I am. I'm just trying to criticize the platform fairly, since 95% of the posts about it are
>muh eth killer! no flaws! fud impossible only brainlets disagree

>> No.8844326

It's a concern for sure. No coins/tokens have no flaws. Another flaw potentially is Dan Larimer is a prick that thinks he's smarter than everyone in the space

>> No.8844338
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get ready for KYC

>> No.8844501 [DELETED] 
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I would jerk my fat cock fucking raw if that happened

>> No.8844660

>Everybody's Open Society
Just another cuck coin

>> No.8844693

Really, really, REALLY TRULY AWFUL logo. A bad brand will never make it. This is ironically dead in the water because it LOOKS LIKE A DIGITAL SHIT.

>> No.8844702

EOS is a glorified centralized database, it's nothing like Ethereum.

Vitalik will achieve true decentralization.

>> No.8844712

>He doesn’t know what sacred geometry is

>> No.8844717

maybe it has flaws, but ethereum has more, a lot more. just gas alone is the biggest piece of shit idea from a retarded autist ever. nobody will pay money to use ethereum when they can use EOS. and ethereum is centralized, it's an arms race to see who can mine the most coins and dump them on the market. fuck ethereum and it's autism. EOS smokes it easily. it actually is muh ethereum killer, only brainlets disagree.

>> No.8844721

they dumped it already

>> No.8844731

Desu how is an erc 20 an ETH killer? Kek

>> No.8844735


who cares, eos is a scam

>> No.8844943

they have much more and will collect approx 3M more eth in the last weeks

>> No.8844967

so they will collect over $1.2 billion just in the last weeks. gee whiz.

>> No.8845078

>faggots think they're in the early days despite john fucking oliver talking about this shit on national TV and it already being valued in the billions despite not even launching yet

Yeah, the bubble isn't over.

>> No.8845425

Redpill me on its 800 mil circulating supply and already 5 bil mcap

>> No.8845663

they pump eos while dumping eth to collect more eth and repeat the pattern

>> No.8845684

and who exactly is going to be investing $1.2 billion in new money? soros?

>> No.8845778


800 mil circulating is about 8 times that of eth so assuming it is as good as eth we can reasonably expect the price to be 1/8th that of the current eth price. Currently eth around 400, so 50$ per EOS token would be equivalent. EOS tokens trading at ~6$ so potentially could x10+ in the event of a flippening

>> No.8845798

the market you idiot.. the price gets pumped on exchanges -> people buy via the ico to get tokens

>> No.8845805

Satans coin. Probably should buy some tbqh

>> No.8845811

man this level of delusion is just sad, I actually pity you

>> No.8845818

it's the crypto market we're talking about, what the fuck is this reasonably expecting nonsense lmao

>> No.8845938


Here's another one

Dan headed BitShares before he worked on EOS. BitShares has 3x the circulating supply of EOS and is currently trading at 14cents. Assuming EOS will be as good as BitShares, it is overvalued by roughly x13

>> No.8845939

senpai, you have to register tokens before the blockchain launches. erc20 is a fundraising mechanism. token swap? are you new? lel

>> No.8846244

>not FUDing EOS till mainnet so brainlets don't buy

>> No.8846308

>1. Dan is the new king of /biz/
Wrong, no one cares about him
>2. EOS will deliver what Ethereum promised and scale to millions of free transactions per second
Wrong, the mainnet will barely do 1k TPS. Theoretical considerations are irrelevant
>3. 1 billion capital injection program for new tokens
Except the money isn't there. It's just an announcement
>4. Those tokens are airdropped to EOS holders
Only 2-3 announced to do so
>5. Not vaporware. Active testnet and dev community
Even TRON has a testnet. Their dev community is dead because no tooling
>6. Launches June 1st - it's being priced in
Yeah to be dumped before June
>7. Google co-founder Eric Schmidt and Mike Novogratz working with $1B EOS VC fund
He's not co-founder and there's no 1B fund
>8. They will pick winning projects to airdrop
No, they don't decide who airdrops
>9. EOS has no user transaction fees
Yes, because you pay through inflation
>10. User transaction fees are now obsolete
You don\t understand the economics of EOS

>> No.8846327

stay po

>> No.8846370

>11. EOS is sustainable through < 5% yearly inflation for block producers
Actually this is an implementation detail and it can be however much they want when they launch the blockchain
>12. It's more decentralized than Ethereum (21 rotating voted in nodes - verified identities)
Lol, you need literally super computers to be a node so no, not more decentralized
>13. Zil, Hashgraph, Plasma, everything will be dead on arrival
2nd layer solutions will scale better than EOS
>14. Brock is officially uninvolved but officially has insane connections
Officially he's hated by all the community and no one wants anything to with him
>15. This is like owning NASDAQ and receiving huge amounts of free stock in all of the emerging blue chips.
Penny stocks are not blue chips
>16. Interblockchain communication baked in
Except it's only between EOS blockchains lol
>17. You can code with any language that can be compiled down to WASM (C++, C, Rust, and others. Google, Microsoft, Amazon are working on WebAssembly to support more languages)
No dynamically typed langauge and also no one cares because there's no proper tooling. Couldn't even run it on my Linux distribution because they don't support it lol

>> No.8846390

only got 350 EOS am i gonna make it?

>> No.8846395

>thinks /biz/ moves markets

>> No.8846409

This is American NEO.

>> No.8846459

>18. Smart contract code can change if there are bugs without hard fork
Yeah, so not immutable, so can't do shit. Want to run an ICO? Actually, the code just changed and founders get more tokens. Want to do financial instruments on the blockchain? Sure, but the BP will adjust them as they like
>19. Lost password recovery / friendly account for normie adoption
This can be done on any blockchain with off-chain solutions like Coinbase and normies won't be able to tell the difference
>20. Supports floating point arithmetics
Decimal numbers are just fine
>21. Implements IPFS for distributed file storage to BTFO Storj and Siacoin https://github.com/EOSIO/Documentation/raw/master/EOS.IO%20Storage.pdf
Yeah but those are actually decentralized so everyone hosts your files. In EOS just BP host them and they can charge a lot for space
>22. Has a lot of ETH to dump on ethfags
Not that much left actually and Ethereum will survive
>23. ADA copied Larimer's ideas https://steemit.com/cardamon/@dan/peer-review-of-cardano-s-ouroboros
Ada is the superior vaporwave anyway
>24. EOS and Bitfinex will create EOSfinex decentralized exchange
ETHfinex exists too and no one cares
>25. Many ICOs are already queued up to launch on EOS and dump ETH
They won't. Coding solidity is easy. Coding in C++ on an unreleased platform that keeps changing and doesn't run on many distributions and has no documentation means there will be no development support this year
>26. Based in Cayman Islands to avoid tax rape when cashing out the ETH from ICO to fund EOS development
So they can exit scam easier? Great point!
>27. Hired team of C++ developers to work full time on EOS and deliver ahead of the schedule every milestone
So they got a bunch of contractors? They didn't hire perm people for block.one because they don't need developers after they release mainnet and leave? Makes sense

>> No.8846469
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>> No.8846488

But their biggest office is in Hong kong?

Enjoy your shitcoin faggots

>> No.8846518



>> No.8846567


>> No.8846653

Absolutely brutal redpilling

>> No.8846662
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based star anon

>> No.8846750
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>Ada is the superior vaporwave anyway
btw epic posts man

>> No.8846857

no but you can buy a new Macbook with that in a year

>> No.8846989

if that's such a problem you can wait until mainnet in june to buy in then. it'll cost twice what it does now but hey at least they will "have a product"

>> No.8847121

maybe in a year or two. the problem is nobody really cares about "true decentralization"

>> No.8847229

by the time the flippening occurs the market will likely be higher than it is now so you're probably looking at 20x returns over a year or so if you buy now. not bad.

>> No.8847308

"red pill" yourself you lazy nigger.

few anons provided you with enough info to buy or not to buy. Now fuck off.

>> No.8847390

They just rebranded, ya dummy

>> No.8847406

You sure know a lot about the project for someone who is so against it.


>> No.8847552


>> No.8848475

Step 1: FUD
Step 2: accumulate

Nice try.

>> No.8848613


> Yeah, so not immutable, so can't do shit. Want to run an ICO? Actually, the code just changed and founders get more tokens. Want to do financial instruments on the blockchain? Sure, but the BP will adjust them as they like

It's up to the block producers to support whatever chain they want.

> This can be done on any blockchain with off-chain solutions like Coinbase and normies won't be able to tell the difference

No it can't. If you lose your EOS, you can get it back. Try doing that with Coinbase or ETH when someone jacks it a la DAO-esque ways.

> Decimal numbers are just fine
Not for margin trading, considering, oh I don't know Bitfinex is planning to use it?

> Not that much left actually and Ethereum will survive

True. Most projects "survive". Whether or not it'll thrive is the real question.

> Ada is the superior vaporwave anyway
muh peer review.

> ETHfinex exists too and no one cares
Having a large company buy in and support it validates its existence.

> So they can exit scam easier? Great point!
It's to ensure the project doesn't come under any scrutiny by some burger entity such as, uhh the SEC?

> So they got a bunch of contractors? They didn't hire perm people for block.one because they don't need developers after they release mainnet and leave? Makes sense
It's open source, ya dummy. That's the entire point of it.

Nice fud, though.

>> No.8848866

That's exactly what I thought when I first read into EOS, but remember everything is transparent whereas political parties are anything but. A transparent version of US politics is my dream. All in on EOS for this alone.

>> No.8848925

Idk the word "Ethereum" was enough to put me off when I first heard it in 2016 and it worked out okay in the end.

>> No.8849120
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>> No.8849135

Larimer's previous project, Steem, already shows a use case for decentralized consumer applications.

With Cuckerberg being scrutinized for people taking advantage of people's data, there will be increased interest in people having "value" in the content they create.

EOS is a platform for these applications to develop. Everipedia (decentralized encyclopedia) and ONO (decentralized social network) are the first movers to airdrop.

Everipedia has been around since 2015 and already has massive traction. They have the co-founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, as their CIO.I would not be surprised if Everipedia and Wikipedia merge at some point.

If Everipedia succeeds on EOS as a widely used consumer DApp, it's game over.

>> No.8849341


Why do you think it would be transparent

>> No.8849348

But the working product is shit for 80% of crypto users. Have you tried using LN?

>> No.8849509

Because that's what blockchains do

>> No.8849625

Ye so everyone can seen the collusion after the fact but it still work prevent attacks

>> No.8849639

*Won't not work>>8849625

>> No.8850353

Never considered the merger. Makes sense, but Wales is a dicklet (although Sanger is a weirdo).

>> No.8850420

From a normie perspective what does it matter where Wikipedia runs on?

>> No.8851123

how about you read their wp..

>> No.8851518

Sure eos is a great project but 4.7B usd mc without even releasing the mainnet yet? No way this is going up any further

>> No.8851564

5% increase since your post. stay poor

>> No.8851582
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>> No.8851636

EOS will likely have multiple chains on launch. Eg these cucks evolutionos.com so you’ll likely get bags of shutcoin versions of eos too, kinda like an immediate hard fork on launch

>> No.8851736

All you did was quote every line and say "no" with no actual argument.

For example, "no one cares about him".

True, it's only the 6th biggest market cap and trending crypto project. "no one cares about him" lol.

The rest of your arguments are all equally wrong and baseless. But I won't go and refute them one by one because I have a life.

>> No.8852011

EOS wont flip ETH

>> No.8852124
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>EOS won't flip eth
It's pretty much a guarantee unless ethereum releases pos and sharding within the next few months. There's no reason to use ethereum over eos otherwise and developers will quickly move over. I'm a developer myself and I'm really liking what I'm seeing. Eos is the Linux to ethereum's dos.

>> No.8852184

This chart makes my dick hard

>> No.8852686

ETH and BTC have huge network effects and wont be flipped anytime soon.

>> No.8852909 [DELETED] 
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illuminati kikecoin

how can you lose??

>> No.8852950
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literally an illuminati kikecoin.
How could you possibly lose OP?

>> No.8852968


>> No.8853152

if I wanted a non-immutable blockchain I would use Dfinity

lmao at thinking 21 servers are going to provide censorship resistance. 21 entries in Turkey's blocklist and no more Everipedia.

>> No.8853247

overvalued before release
shills itself through aquiring public figures
centralized even more than ripple
not even a crypto
needs a network to run smart contracts on, doesn't have one
since its centralized your contracts are centralized and can be pulled down at any second
pretends to be a solution for scalability problem solves it by storing network on its own servers lmao
doesn't even hide the fact that its a giant ponzi by telling you you will get roi for lending your coins for network to operatre
literally bancor 2.0

its all a theory, in reality its just an erc20 token with a scammer dev

>> No.8853273
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brainlet funny that you say "Eos is the Linux to ethereum's dos."
It's not because Linux is better than Windows that it'll flip it, you're just like /g/entlemen that say every year that it'll be the year of Linux

>> No.8853279

you forgot the part where the ToS says in plain text that they can basically fuck over investors by not delivering a product.

>> No.8853624

>overvalued before release
>shills itself through aquiring public figures
>centralized even more than ripple
>not even a crypto
>needs a network to run smart contracts on, doesn't have one
>since its centralized your contracts are centralized and can be pulled down at any second
>pretends to be a solution for scalability problem solves it by storing network on its own servers lmao
>doesn't even hide the fact that its a giant ponzi by telling you you will get roi for lending your coins for network to operatre
>literally bancor 2.0
>its all a theory, in reality its just an erc20 token with a scammer dev
literally every single one of these statements is incorrect.

>> No.8854353

w-when is it going back down

>> No.8854367

I cringed at this post

>> No.8854369


>> No.8854382

Worse than ADA

>> No.8854630

>Worse than ADA
more like ADA is a shittier version of EOS that will come out 2 years too late (if it ever does).

>> No.8854655

stop it with your enby hate mysogynist pig REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8854955

EOS will be destroyed by mighty Cardano

>> No.8854996

ADA's retarded little brother

>> No.8855120

tfw I set up perfectly for this pump but then at 2am randomly sold all my EOS into the very top of ONT.

> ONT bags
> miss EOS pump that I predicted

What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.8855160

>Team EOS
Ok EOS shill, thanks for your very thorough rebutal

>> No.8855177

You're the same star faggot that fuds nano and shills EOS in nano threads

Why are you so autistic?

>> No.8855441
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>> No.8855471

Team EOS shilling paid off

>> No.8855611

actually no. ETH does not have a huge network effect advantage. most of the action for ethereum has been buying icos. many of which will be launching their own blockchains and performing a token swap, collapsing and failing, or exit scamming. it's a false network effect considering the handful of shit dapps and ponzis are the only remaining use cases. new icos are choosing to go with other blockchains because ethereum has shit tech in comparison to the newer blockchain 3.0 projects. you believe bullshit that some reddit fag or youtuber is spewing with zero evidence.

>> No.8855648

Zero chance it flips eth.
This is the highest EOS has been in a month.

>> No.8855864


Yep, it has nothing to do with the upcoming airdrops or the news/rumors, it is the shilling on /biz/ that moves billions around the world

>> No.8855892
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feels good being all in on EOS

>> No.8855933

this. based dan

>> No.8856229
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And had you been all in on eos for the last month like me you’d basically be printing free eth

>> No.8856297
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Redpill me on being redpilled

>> No.8856538

this works until it doesn't, and then you lose everything
i'd hold eth to -75% from now rather than gamble i can time the eos high
if you're in crypto for real, you're shooting for btc, eth or xmr, depending on your philosophy. anything else is just a game of hot potato, as your real goal is to make usd/eur

>> No.8856748

I’m still in fiat trying to make a decision to get back in. BTC and XRM are in different categorie than ETH. ETH is in the same categorie as EOS. Now, as far as currency coin, sure BTC and XRM are the best ones but, you have to consider what ETH is wich is a platform. You have to ask yourself, considering the cryptokities episode for example, when is ETH going to scale and become properly functional? From what I can gather it is a long way away. Looking into EOS you will find it’s testnet works flawlessly, it has a huge team behind it with a fuckton of money. They will deliver a perfectly functioning mainet, meaning it will blow the fuck out of ETH in terms of functionality in about 6 weeks time. The only question is, will the first mover advantage work for ETH even though it’s tech will lag behind by a considerable amount of time? I don’t know man, this could be a MySpace saga for ETH. Time will tell.

>> No.8856931

The amount of retards who are still skeptical of EOS is alarming. At least it has become extremely easy to pick retards out of the crowd.

>> No.8856986

>it’s tech will lag behind by a considerable amount of time
That's an understatement. Eth scaling is 2 years away. 2 years is everything in crypto. No one even cared about Eth 2 years ago.

>> No.8858133

missed it too lmao sold in the morning too buy back later now I'm fucked fml

>> No.8858255


>Mainnet released
>Devs can finally work on it
>2 years for any dapps

It's equally far off