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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8842105 No.8842105 [Reply] [Original]

If you could create the best currency imaginable, why would it not be ZenCash?

> Anomynous DAG, instant stransactions
> DAO & Smart contracts
> Node staking rewards


> TLS & Tor encryption
> Self funding treasury
> Self funding decentralized governance

Lead DEV who literally was a atomic submarine officer.
Why is this not hyping?

>> No.8842136

I was a navy nuke sub officer and that doesn't qualify me to create a crypto. Ironically, I was thinking about buying some Zencash today.

>> No.8842167

Watch the development youtube videos. ZEN is not a pump and dump, it is the culmination of intelligence and hard work over a long period of time. 6 of those nodes are mine and I don't plan on selling for many years.

>> No.8842192

Thanks, just bought 100k.

>> No.8842213


You are a military grade investor.



>> No.8842262

Thank you watching this now

>> No.8842273

pajeet vaporware scam

>> No.8842294


pajeev vaporware scam which partners with based Charles Hoskinson and some other proffesors at IOHK?

> https://zencash.com/iohk/

I don't believe so

>> No.8842395

Founder is also an electrical engineer with his own mining factory he built himself. I work as a journeyman electrician and I already told him I will quit and join the zen team as their electrical tech if the project gets big.

>> No.8842516


50 people in the team. Didn't realize they had grown that large already. Got in mid October before the pump.

>> No.8842755


I got enough to buy a few nodes, I still need to set them up. Did you sync the Blockchain on all of the servers or did you clone them? I kinda have a lot... Right now 10% of the circulating supply is already locked in nodes, it will be a lot more and it will be a major driving factor behind their growth.

>> No.8842798

I used this https://github.com/WhenLamboMoon/docker-zen-node

It syncs the chain, doesn't take very long.

>> No.8842854

Hoskinson is the vaporware king. Thanks for reminding me that Zen was too because I almost forgot until you dropped his name.

A year later ADA is just a whitepaper with no test net and the specs that he is sticking to are so dated that ETH is faster now.

>> No.8842888
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Thanks, I will have to look into it.

> Hoskinson is king.

Enjoy your pesky gains peasant.

>> No.8842948

>If you could create the best currency imaginable, why would it not be ZenCash?
One word: Monero.
The King can not be dethroned.

>> No.8842974

Can you run supernodes already?

>> No.8843024


Who talks about dethroning? Monero will be the best privacy Currency, but there is room for privacy platforms.


No, but whitepaper on them within the next 24-48 hours.

> https://twitter.com/zencashofficial/status/983389675250438144

>> No.8843170

Zen is a great coin, I own some myself. But I think ZCoin has the edge here. Technically speaking ZCoin has slightly better privacy if they can implement a zerocoin masternode reward which PIVX has already done. ZCoin has TOR integration and is soon adding node to node encryption, which is Zen's main privacy niche. ZCoin also lets you use the coin privately and still use zero-conf and complete the transaction in a few seconds. By definition the zk-snark protocol takes like 1 minute 30 seconds to complete. So you can't use any zk-snark coin privately for in-person purchases. Zen is good, ZCoin might be better, check it out.

>> No.8843488


shh im akkoomuleighting

>> No.8844151


Still just a currency, not exactly a platform. Monero already has the upper hand as privacy currency. But a privacy platform is a fresh direction.

>> No.8844658

Ark's next coin bridge is Zencash. EH & BTC have been completed, Zen is next.

>> No.8845495


What exactly does it mean? I have some interest in ARK but have not yet finished all my research on this project.

>> No.8845712

I don't like Zencash but as a fork of a fork of Zcash it has better privacy than Zcoin. This isn't up for debate.

>By definition the zk-snark protocol takes like 1 minute 30 seconds to complete.
It entirely depends on your setup. Joinsplits can and have been optimized. It's efficient enough that it'll become irrelevant in the future as CPU and RAM become cheaper.

You should point out that Zcoin won't need a trusted setup with Sigma when shilling it my man.

>> No.8846457


>> No.8847213

They are working with academics on a multi-block processing technique that can do 20,000+ transactions a second.