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File: 1.00 MB, 1000x710, coss is very spiritual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8841123 No.8841123 [Reply] [Original]

First time COSS volume has been over $2 million USD since the beginning of March, when it spiked at $0.63. Curious.


>> No.8841199

Crypto is dead son. These are the last pumps until we go to shit.

>> No.8841291
File: 635 KB, 750x520, coss bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your attitude.

>> No.8841314

Just broke $0.25.

>> No.8841908

ok den

>> No.8842081

Coss volume is at $4,692,501 USD https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/coss/

Was just under 2Million couple of days ago

And why the shit is "helloGold" pumping and having the most of it's volume?

What is this shit, what is it's purpose and why are people trading it on COSS of all things

>> No.8842177

HelloGold is backed by real gold and can be redeemed by holders. It will probably always have volume in order to chase a parity with gold prices.

>> No.8842293

This is a good thing isn't it?
It increases COSS volume

>> No.8842327

I am obviously talking about COSS token, not the exchange, you massive fucking retard whose mother should have aborted him.

HGT is being traded mainly on COSS because there was/is a promo for it there.

And if you understand how to use the internet, which you very well may at some point in the near future if you keep making stupid statements and asking stupid fucking question, you can even look and see that COSS is literally the best exchange HGT is on. Yes, haha, COSS is so bad, omg like wtf how can a beta exchange not be as good as Binance lmao skateboards hang loose yay college.


Faggot ass bitch motherfucker. Don't post in my thread anymore.

>> No.8842349
File: 424 KB, 702x475, coss homer with love from india.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, Liam/Noah/Logan/Seth, you are a motherfucking genius.

>> No.8842403
File: 531 KB, 852x510, coss legit autist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the 24 hr trade volume for COSS exchange right now is $6,030,053, and it jumped from rank 66 yesterday to rank 57.

That's right, Aiden/Mason/Elijah, COSS exchange is about to break into the top 50 before they even come out of beta or release the FIAT pairs.

Holy shit, Ethan/Lucas/Carter, do you know what this means?

It means buy motherfucking COSS, Jaden/Owen/Gabriel.

>> No.8842515
File: 146 KB, 720x898, 1510771222451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right you know

>> No.8842577

Meh I'll put a couple hundred into it.

>> No.8842613
File: 287 KB, 601x291, indiana jones and the temple of coss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two types of people in this world: genius investors, and people without a bigass COSS bag.

>> No.8842625

chill out my man

>> No.8842650
File: 935 KB, 982x644, sandra checking out sexy coss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is only 1 PM and there is so much more work to be done, plus three hours at the gym afterward. And then I will grab my bag of 420 blaze it and can "chill out," as you call it.

>> No.8842665
File: 257 KB, 1409x902, 1518755698011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he's right you know

>> No.8842701
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1518759705363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally only Green ID's in this COSS thread
Meme Magic never lies.

>> No.8842735

Ohh shit its actually happening

>> No.8842766

These threads are weird.

Anyway, COSS exchange 24h volume just broke $7 million and moved to rank 55.

>> No.8842776
File: 666 KB, 699x999, 1522778423493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k COSS = you made it
100k COSS = financial elite

God bless all y'all.

>> No.8842788

Coss will go interstellar, all the green in this thread proves it.

>> No.8842836


you guys are happy about 4 mil daily volume kek. All the volume is by coss token and a stable coin...double kek. Coss has been around longer than binance....triple kek. Coss has never delivered on any promise yet deluded coss fans believe they will bring fiat and an amazing platform and volume will magically come back...i can't handle this shit hahahahhah

>> No.8842858
File: 3.16 MB, 1300x1300, coss ganesh sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These threads are weird.

>> No.8842880

You're a little braindead bitch, go to hell faggit.
I'm already up 30% while people like you struggle to make a couple percent a year.
so stfu

>> No.8842899

I sold 50k at $2 still have 10k that I can't wait to dump. Will dump right when they announce some stupid shit that will once again fail to deliver.

>> No.8842945


>> No.8842963

Coss hasn't been around longer than binance.

>> No.8842983

keep telling yourself that kek

>> No.8843226
File: 561 KB, 750x520, coss third eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hindu shit has the coolest aesthetics, I swear.

>> No.8843244
File: 1.48 MB, 2454x1389, coss mantra for peace of mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Binance even compete anymore?

>> No.8843319
File: 174 KB, 781x272, coss satyam truth sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843367

deluded cosstard here

got into kucoin before the pump, dumped half of it near the top, then dumped the rest until I had 1k kcs left.

Got into coss and holding some heavy 50k coss bags

Right now kucoin's volume is only x4 of coss so looks like I got out in time. But coss is a retarded exchange that's still not fully functional

Of all the coins/exchanges that pay out dividends, coss seems to be best on paper.

Convince my deluded ass why I should dump my coss bags for something else that gives dividends and explain why it's better. Rules: no masternodes or other PoS retardedness, I've already got that covered. And no neo, got that as well.

>> No.8843370

I know right? Binance is younger, not as much volume, less profitable, won't have a dex, wont introduce fiat...oh wait it will nvm rip coss

>> No.8843455

You don't dump those bags, that's the trick

>> No.8843486

I wasn't planning to, but maybe I'd learn something new

>> No.8843559 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 1078x520, coss media pack url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should probably realize I'm too fucking stupid to put a virus or anything malicious in this even if i wanted to.

>> No.8843734
File: 20 KB, 237x237, coss hindu-quotes-hinduism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844035
File: 459 KB, 728x520, coss creation of the universe sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844109

HelloGold has the highest volume on both coss and radar relay. If people want to buy/sell it they sadly have to use absolute shit tier exchanges. Once it's on a real exchange coss volume will slowly dwindle to zero.

>> No.8844193
File: 389 KB, 656x401, coss third eye 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844230
File: 1.60 MB, 1091x1133, coss hindu-trinity-brahma-vishnu-and-shiva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844236

That's not how it usually works. Exchanges that have such dominate volume of an altcoin usually retain the volume even when other exchanges list it.

>> No.8844253

Mordecai pumped it. That bastard kike is right. Whales are hedging the Dow Jones by buying HGT


>> No.8844259

Coss had a way smaller budget than binance
Coss is cheap now, why would we be calling it a good investment if it had already mooned with massive volume?
Maybe go buy McDonald's stocks

>> No.8844293

>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.17
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.20
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.25
>you are here
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.33
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.50

>> No.8844367
File: 846 KB, 1099x936, coss pirate ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844373
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1522786379208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is pure meta-pajeet-shilling bullshit but i'll answer to (you). When COSS was 80% of volume they said an exchange which only has its own coin will never succeed. You now told us the excuse for the 4mil volume of HGT what will the next excuse be?

>> No.8844396

Have you ever seen what happens with ICOs? They have massive trading volume on pajeet exchanges like ED and as soon as it is scooped up by binance it takes all the volume.

>> No.8844422

Decentralized Exchanges have always been an exception to that. The indirectness/latency doesn't lend well to day trading. Centralized exchanges don't follow this pattern.

>> No.8844447

Coss is slightly better than a DEX like ED or radar relay due to the reason you mentioned, but like I said, once a real exchange comes a long it will take all the volume.

>> No.8844603
File: 393 KB, 949x900, coss a whole new world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COSS becomes a major success
>coin hits $40
>early investors making thousands of dollars a week in dividends
>suddenly, 404
>COSS is being sued by Walt Disney because of this picture
>our funds are seized
>Rune's one successful, non-scam project is the one that gets him thrown in prison

>> No.8844736
File: 7 KB, 428x315, 5a6f80727e7a3536028b45cc-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.8844826


I don't see this "exchange" being around for much longer

>> No.8844827

I'll tell you curious. I had this whore of a coin when it was over $3. It's curious that I didn't sell the cocksucker then.

>tfw I'm still way up on the trade
Imagine what I bought in at.

>> No.8844868

I know it's popular to shit on it, but COSS IS a real exchange. A coin trading 4 million a day isn't going to just 'up and leave' volume wise because it goes to Binance or whatever. Besides, other exchanges don't want to touch securities coins anyway, and it's an easy case to make that HGT is a security.

>> No.8844977
File: 31 KB, 728x358, FC05A921-F6FF-49C4-8F8C-EE9824EBFEB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but IOTA is the new world order

>> No.8845171
File: 362 KB, 489x368, coss sandra legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the IOTA exchange is going to be so profitable man
Can't wait til they release the FIAT pairs

>> No.8845542
File: 393 KB, 598x822, coss elena-flerova-blessing-the-new-moon-jewish-art-oil-painting-gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to make some kosher/Jew-friendly COSS ads in case George Soros comes by? I have to finish real work.

>> No.8845792

What about 2000 with the potential to buy another 5000. Will it be enough to live a modest life off the dividends?

>> No.8846035
File: 1.06 MB, 1182x1533, COSS red sea crossing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donno guys, Jewish art is not that cool.

>> No.8846046

20k here...
I just like the easy numbers so I can calculate 200,000 in my head when it reaches $10..

I think you will regret if it hits.
have kcs but will dump that if it hits 20 again or in 5 months when dividends go to shit..

>> No.8846102
File: 18 KB, 235x214, B0DC7324-2C98-445F-B88C-E2198A3FDBE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 8% today
So far

>> No.8846500
File: 1.02 MB, 788x736, coss sandra shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8846763


you guys are happy about 1 mil daily volume kek. Coss will NEVER even get close to reaching 4 mil daily volume kek

>> No.8846859
File: 25 KB, 808x508, coss exchange volume today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're right.

Don't you love how its exchange rank climbed 10 spots in the last 24 hours without even any new news or updates?

See you in the top 50 tomorrow, and then site updates and FIAT pairings and... I donno enjoy being poor I guess

>> No.8847453


>> No.8847485

Someone make a COSSLINK

>> No.8847583

i bought 5000 coss when they were 2 dollars each

>> No.8847584

> $7,224,213 USD

it's pumping.

>> No.8847676

I've got 30k COSS, will I make it? How much do we need to make it and just retire and live comfy off of fee splits in a year or two?

>> No.8847706


You are going to be rich as fuck dude

>> No.8847726

That is if it goes to binance.

>> No.8847745

If you look at KCS ath, you will be.

>> No.8847789

Fuck man, I hope so. I got almost all of it in november at 7 cents.

I've got KCS too, I bought at the same time in Nov as I bought COSS, I figured betting on exchanges were a safe bet (I was brand new to crypto then). I'm still pretty optimistic even though it hurt to see KCS fall from 20 dollars. I think crypto can only grow.

>> No.8847820

If you wanna buy coss, now is the best time. We're still pretty close to bottom and the price seems to be kept at a minimum by whales for promo trading purposes.

>> No.8847838

I'm thinking of grabbing 10k more to get to 40k. Really tempting but I'm trying to decide if it is FOMO or a good idea.

>> No.8847854

FOMO was that spike to 30 cents you saw a week ago. Bottom was like 20 cents when volume was dead and the market absolutely bearish.

>> No.8847903

you won't see this as a good decision once COSS hits 15c because BTC 4000 and ETH 300

>> No.8847921

COSS/USD pair will mostly decouple it from eth/btc since almost all volume is on coss.io.

>> No.8847941

>if you wanna buy coss, now is the best time. We're still pretty close to bottom
You know you guys have said this from $3 or whatever high price all the way down to 18 cents right?

>> No.8847953

I didn't. I bought at an average of $1.5 in January and averaged down.

>> No.8847958

true but i think FIAT will not be usable until in a month due to KYC process and volume slowly picking up. So unless it goes below 20c in a week you're safe buying today

>> No.8847993
File: 96 KB, 605x520, 28E4FC47-4A0B-4A77-896F-F19AB97EACFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I bought in at $0.14 back in like October dude

I really, really wish I sold in January but whatever.

>> No.8848006

If you held until now you might aswell hold until we reach kucoin share levels.

>> No.8848601

500k COSS bro here. Wish I sold in January but oh well. Things are trending in the right direction now so I'll just get comfy with my fee splits.

>> No.8849151

Wow dude.

>> No.8849273

COSS whale is that you?

>> No.8849280

I hold 2000 but I'm a poorfag ;_;

Should I use the last of my savings money (which I can afford to throw away) to top it up to 2500 now? I can't afford any more after this but my mind is full of maybe it will drop before or after the promotion ends. My average buying price is around $0.40.

>> No.8849699


you guys are happy about 1 mil daily volume kek. Coss will NEVER even get close to reaching 4 mil daily volume kek

>> No.8849820
File: 397 KB, 870x1280, 1521023407042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.17
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.20
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.25
>you are here
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.33
>you didn't buy the COSS dip at $0.50
>she will never be yours

>> No.8850015

The rising tide lifts all boats. Crypto will grow and coss with it.

>> No.8850097

we will be over 250 billion DAILY volume at the end of next year. Do not underestimate the market. Biztards have a habit of not looking more than a week ahead.
Crypto is still an infant.

Volume is king.

>> No.8850199

That's extremely optimistic. I doubt it will be that much but I certainly hope I am wrong!

>> No.8850227

the coss exchange can't even get close to 2 million daily volume

>> No.8850297

Why would you buy this instead of BNB lol. Binance > COSS

>> No.8850302

You meant million right? Billion is impossible..
Because bnb don't give fee split.

>> No.8850342


But isn't the coinburn based on volume which means it's basically the same thing?

>> No.8850352

how is it the same thing?
one of them you buy it and then sell it for money
the other one you buy it and then get free money every week, and then sell it for money
there is one extremely important difference, the weekly paycheck.

>> No.8850363

Not quite. You get the actual coins being traded on coss. And if those coins were to moon, you'd stand to make a hefty profit.

>> No.8850381

Yeah, this. Also it is pretty much passively diversifying your portfolio.

>> No.8850415

You realize it's over 7m today, right? No issues.

>> No.8850416




>> No.8850426


>> No.8850433


>> No.8850434
File: 115 KB, 550x309, brolycoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to meet another 30ker. COSS is my biggest bag.

Watching this shit go from $1.00 to $.20 was one of my most painful bagholds, but this is a coin I really believe in. I've made a lot of money off crypto(six figures from a $4k buy in), but COSS is one I feel I can legitimately retire at 22 on.

Fiat + promo reaching end is gonna send this shit up so high.

Report in COSSlords

>> No.8850456

bought 5k initially, then upped it to 10, then doubled down for 20k, told myself that was good
sitting at 50k now and im done buying more, but i feel like i really made a major decision i will remember forever.

>> No.8850480

You'll make a good amount of passive income at this rate.

>> No.8850500
File: 173 KB, 1188x439, 9FDC0A5F-6F07-4D2B-8EA3-9F5A899A3BFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still goin

>> No.8850524

Srs question: I have 2k req that I’m considering selling for more COSS. Thoughts? I think req will take longer to achieve adoption but has serious long term potential. More so than COSS actually but as a poorfag this is all I’ve got

>> No.8850637

I sold my other coins for COSS for this reason.

COSS will go big within 2-6 weeks. The others will take a while.

>> No.8851025
File: 70 KB, 1334x750, 2F94112C-C2E1-4EED-8B97-DD7758E7C10E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.27 now.
That escalated quickly.

>> No.8851104

Buy orders are spilling in at ever increasing amounts.

This is a pump and dump but will raise the floor quite a bit (see: previous one). Hope you guys got in today if you hadn’t already.

>> No.8851176

So you're saying we'll be able to short our Coss stacks and maybe even double the amount we've got?

>> No.8851219


>> No.8852319

I have ETH on the sidelines for the post fiat dump

>> No.8852412


Cheers to those anons shilling this last august/September when it was 4cents

Made a handsome profit when it reached a dollar, still have a 5k stack but will probably increase it.

>> No.8852837

So let me get this straight... if I hold COSS I will get paid passive income for each transaction that goes through?

How much COSS I need to hold to make that viable?

>> No.8853034

These aren't fantastically accurate but they're good enough to get a ballpark figure:


So using coss-stats with current volume the token is STILL undervalued according to current volume. Tempted to pick up more myself. Unlike a lot of other cryptos you can find a direct relationship between COSS and its actual use case as an exchange currency, which makes it less of a speculative asset (less being relative here) in relation to other cryptocurrencies.

>> No.8853200

Got a measly 75k planing on a long term passive hold. Will see what happens.

>> No.8853271

I'm unironically thinking of buying 100k. If this even hits Kucoin levels of volume I can live off the dividends. Isn't this pretty likely once fiat is live?

>> No.8853361

There will probably be a post-fiat dump unless the UI is incredibly convenient. But yeah, picking up 100k now might be a good idea. Coss will probably pump up until fiat release, but once fiat is done, it's there forever.

Next steps will be an API for bots (which afaik will dramatically increase volume). Not sure if coss will be this cheap again desu

>> No.8853412

it will take some time but anything is possible, it won't end the year with more than 50mil