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8840235 No.8840235 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8840261

good , proceed please

>> No.8840274
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tell me about it buddy

>slowly burning away savings
>don't wanna work
>don't have friends
feels bad man

>> No.8840330

Living the dream. At least you're not a wagecucking like me.

>> No.8840340

be careful what you wish for fren

>> No.8840353

i cant work since i dont have energy to do anything let alone make money. mostly i lie in bed ad sleep all day.

>> No.8840442

send me nembutal (pentobarbital) and ill do the deed. promise.

>> No.8840457

I feel like I'm slipping there as well. It's brain chemistry, it's like you have no control, and it's perpetuated by the fact that nothing will really change whether you do something or not. You can go to work but you still won't have fuck you money. You'll just waste energy and get taxed for daring to receive money, then there's the normie environment slippery slope and you might just end up in debt due to acquiring wasteful habits, marriage, etc.

>> No.8840479

no money = no real freedom tho

you might be free to go around but at the end you stay home and do nothing
your room is just a cell when you're a neet

>> No.8840504

Probably because you do nothing, contribute nothing, and have fostered passion for nothing. You have to earn respect, including self respect. Do something, retards.

>> No.8840516
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Listen to >>8840504 and clean up your fucking room


>> No.8840539

>do something retards lol
Fuck off normie

mommy keeps it clean for me, also she told me not to listen to cult folk

>> No.8840566

I literally can't


My room is clean and all that normie advice like cleaning your room, doing sports eating better etc didnt help me

>> No.8840587
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real freedom comes from within

>> No.8840606

Why can’t you?

>> No.8840639

>Mommy keeps it clean for me
There we have the problem, you're apparently a child.

>I literally can't
Are you disabled? You seem to be perfectly able to use a keyboard and type shit on 4chan. I don't believe you.

>> No.8840643

>normie doesn't understand how depression works

>> No.8840648

no dont do it man
start working any where even restaurant or gas pump ... trust me man once you start to make money everything will be ok ... i understand your problem you are scared to go out and interact with people but remember 1st step is the hardest ... when you have taken the first step THERE IS NO STOPPING you shall then run forward with the speed of light ... also stop watching porn

>> No.8840651

no dude real freedom come from your wallet

>> No.8840693

i have absolutely zero energy and drive and i have taken some of the most potent drugs and medications to no avail

im literally too depressed to function in society

i sleep 18 hours a day. like twice 8hrs or three times 6 hours yet im still tired after 30min-60min

its just hilarious

holy shit at working for min wage at a shitjob just to sustain my miserable existence

>> No.8840695

Same, I lost all my money last week and all I think about now is how to kill myself, my life has been nothing but failure, they even called 'faliure' all throughout middle and high school. No matter how hard I try I can't get anything right, crypto was my last chance and I lost at it too.

>> No.8840703

>falling for the depression meme
I used to hate my life, so I changed it and now I hate it less. Fuck off. An entire generation can’t all use the same excuse. Fuck.

>> No.8840710

The No.1 excuse for any useless NEET for being the pathetic creatures they are. Sure you must be horribly depressed, you poor boy. It's not like your "depression" is a convenient way of denying any kind of responsibility for yourself and your life - and on top, you can even call yourself a poor victim because of this evil sickness that you suffer from.

>> No.8840726

All this normie advice here, can't wait to see a society where killing yourself is perfectly acceptable and not seen as a bad thing

>> No.8840730

i am sorry to hear that Anon. i guess you just can't win.
we are anti-midases. everything we touch turns to shit, not gold.

maybe we can suicide together

>> No.8840778

Fucking normie, one day in my shoes and you would recognize the hellish torment that plagues my consciousness, literally one day in my shoes is worse than getting brazen bull'd two hundred times over, neck yourself you degenerate normie

>> No.8840779

This. Western society provides the opportunity to do nothing and yet still survive. People do so and then have no self respect. Upon discovering that improvement of their situation might take a little bit of sacrifice and sustained effort, they crumple and then excuse themselves with modern medical hoodoo.

>> No.8840784

agree whit >>8840693

shitty job will only make you feel worst because now you have to do something you hate 8h/d for the bear minimum above what a slave would get
it would only make you feel worst

what people need is luck
most successfull people will gloat about their achievement when in reality it's 90% luck and that's the cold hard truth about life no matter what you do or who you are luck good or bad will always decide your fate

>> No.8840786

>I have absolutely zero energy and drive
You seem to have a certain drive to defend your "depression"-caused NEET lifestyle on an anonymous internet forum. If you'd just use a fraction of that drive to do something that's actually useful, you'd be surprised how quickly your life would improved.

>holy shit at working for min wage at a shitjob
This guy got his shit together and is already lightyears ahead of you simply by getting a job. Getting a job means getting out of the house, having a scheduled day - it's not just about the money. You're just too scared to do it too because if you did that you wouldn't be able to whine anymore online about your poor existence and "depression".

>> No.8840801

Give it a decade or two. Machines will be more than happy to off you

>> No.8840808

>There we have the problem, you're apparently a child.
And you must be a grown adult, lecturing NEETS on 4chan how they should behave. Yes let all your anger towards us filthy lazy neets out, good goy, your masters must be pleased, you sure showed us.

hating your life isn't depression, you were just an angsty teenager who couldn't get laid.

If I could give you anything that resembles a tip, although it's probably normie tier as well, is brainwashing yourself to give pro-activeness some kind of meaning. Only way out is hacking your brain.

>> No.8840811

Get a job.

>> No.8840813

How about you just get a job that's actually fun to do? It's not like there is a shortage of work or something.

Somethings you can do with 0 experience and education right now (with a course you get while in employment):

>Assistant park ranger
You get to chill/hike in nature and get paid for it if you like camping,nature and isolation this is a great job
>Bicycle food delivery
Tons of hipster food delivery services in big cities, you get to do your cardio exercises and get paid for it at the same time. You're also always in the open and don't have to deal with colleagues and other people except for the 10 second exchange of delivering the food
>Beach lifeguard
Based on where you live you can actually get paid to lie on the beach check out girls and look through binoculars all day
>Bartender in a club
If you are a "forever alone" kind of guy and secretly wish you had friends, a girlfriend and a social life then you should become a club bartender. You basically experience the nightlife while having no obligations to actually be social since you're just doing your job. But you'll still get the benefit of people trying to hang out with you and offering you drinks if you enjoy that. It's also impossible to not have a girlfriend after 3 months of bartending.

The problem people have nowadays is that they all think work is sitting bored in an office for 8 hours a day or work in a warehouse/fast food chain.

There is ton of different work out there for different types of people and personality types. Try to find a job that you actually enjoy and it'll be like having no job at all. I'm actually a workaholic nowadays because I enjoy working more than staying at home. Can't believe I was a NEET for 1 whole year in the past.

>> No.8840853

>most successfull people will gloat about their achievement when in reality it's 90% luck
It's painfully obvious that you've never been successful at anything. If you had, you'd know that your story is nothing but the excuse of eternal losers about why they aren't even trying.

Luck and opportunities are things that come to you once you make an effort. Ask anyone in real life who actually made it and they will confirm.

>neck yourself you degenerate normie
Looks like I hit you right where it hurts. It's amazing how much energy "depressed" people bring up in order to defend their poor condition.

>> No.8840863

Holy shit to be honest that all sounds like absolute hell, especially the bartender and food delivery part to interact with all these people

I'm pretty ugly too so you're probably wrong
about the 3 months thing.

The best job for me would be to never leave the house, never interact with anyone, or at most through text / a computer screen.

>> No.8840865

Time to get to know your inner normie.
Get a retail job, experience the high and the lows, meet some young thots, have a reason to get outside the house. Being comfortable is great, not gonna bullshit you, but you gotta build that comfy first

>> No.8840925

that's because you only think about luck in positive term

back in 2007 my father invest 800k € into his business and I joined in 2010
right when the economic crisis hit and the gas prices doubled

thing is we used 1000L of diesel a day and when you have to pay double all your margin is gone
long story shot we ran out of money and went bankrupt and at the end I worked 4 years 6d/w with no holiday for nothing, it was bad luck, bad timing but at the end we worked hard for fucking nothing

so don't fucking tell me had work always work because at the end you still need to be fucking lucky

>> No.8840931

you should ineed kys because this is your life from this moment onward

>> No.8840939
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>I don’t have the strength or mental fortitude to do day to day tasks
>i totally have it in me to kill my self though

>> No.8840979

I guess anyone who has ever touched crypto knows exactly what luck & bad luck is.

The thing is, bad luck or not - if you don't try, you'll never make it to anything (and end up as a pseudo-depressed NEET).
But you and your dad actually tried. You didn't work for nothing - you have 6 years of experience in a business. That means that you can try again, and this time, try better. Maybe you won't be able to try with 800k again, but what's the alternative? Whining about your bad luck and fapping to anime twice a day?

>> No.8841002

>fapping to anime twice a day?
You're underestimating my stamina, normie.

>> No.8841018

>NEET here
It's neat to be NEET because you can be an autodidact and learn to do what you like.

>> No.8841019
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ITT (((depression)))
Don't forget to take your ssris goym

>> No.8841033


Seriously stop talking about shit you know nothing about. If someone doesn't leave the house for 3 years, showers once every 3-4 weeks, brushes his teeth once every 2 weeks, doesn't change his bed for 2 years, goes to bed at 6am and wakes up at 3 am, does weed everyday and drinks 3 bottles of vodka a week how is he still pseudo-depressed you idiot.

>> No.8841042

>The best job for me would be to never leave the house, never interact with anyone, or at most through text / a computer screen.

This is wrong but you don't realize it due to depression (I've been there, done that).

Also sadly for you "work from home" jobs are fucked because that means it's a remote job, and those could be done by third worlders for a fraction of the price they'd have to pay you. So you either need to be a really high class programmer/writer to accept commissions or that dream is dead.

Also try to get outside of your comfort zone and actually try to get a job like bartender which you think you'll hate. It's not like you have to do it for the rest of your life. You can quit the moment you think it's shit but just attempting it will change your perception about humanity.

You are probably pretty pessimistic right now. You probably think all women are cheating roasties and all men/normies are just braindead dudebros. But you'll find out through interacting with them that this is not the case at all. Surprise, the majority of people are actually quite normal and all have the same problems,fears and thoughts as you. I am happy and love life and can hang out with everyone right now while I was a self-hating pessimist virgin NEET just 4 years ago.

Trust me just force yourself to do these first steps and everything will improve from then on out. You know I am speaking the truth deep down inside you. I hope you find the strength to follow through because most NEET dudes are actually pretty good people that are just suffering from a downward spiral of depression-pessimism-hate and if you break out of that pattern you're more than likely an above average successful person with a comfy life.

>> No.8841048


fucking amerifag time makes me want to take a strip of oxycodone and half a bottle of vodka and drift into nothingness

>> No.8841060

>weed everyday and drinks 3 bottles of vodka
because this is your problem, not your mind fucking pussy ass nigger

>> No.8841065

being a neet clearly isn't going to make your life better but I just hate it when people say just work hard and you'll be successful because it's just not that easy
also a bankruptcy isn't just loosing your money it destroy you mentally and destroy your family cohesion

I'm not a neet but I can understand them when they just say fuck you to the world and just stop caring living in isolation doing and trying nothing

>> No.8841089
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You would hope for that you degenerate. Why don’t you kick things off?

>> No.8841105

You and every other functional person ITT are wasting their words. I’m going to go walk my dog. It’s my day off from my fulfilling and lucrative job.

>> No.8841115

Yes he fucking is. Here are 5 brutally easy-to-do tips for getting rid of your pseudo-depression:
- Stop drinking
- Stop smoking weed
- Shower at least once a week you disgusting creature
- Same goes for brushing your teeth
- Get to bed before 1am
- Take a walk once a day
NONE of those things have anything to do with depression. The "depression" is just the excuse for not changing anything about it, because if you'd try, you could fail - and who wants to fail? Better to rot away in a pool of your own piss than fail, right? Oh wait...

>> No.8841126

if it's so fulfilling and lucrative why take a day off?

>> No.8841144
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Society has made it perfectly clear that it hates me. So why would I want to ingratiate myself to society? I'd rather get crypto rich.

>> No.8841169

>Society has made it perfectly clear that it hates me
Society most probably doesn't give a shit about you. That doesn't make it hate you.

>I'd rather get crypto rich
Sure, like all the others on /biz/

>> No.8841183


If you like water so much, why not just drink a gallon an hour, huh?

>> No.8841217

>If you like water so much
I don't "like" water you faggot, I need it to survive. Same for his job. Jobs are gay.

>> No.8841273

>good goy, your masters must be pleased, you sure showed us.

Jews don't care that you are a neet, I'm fact they encourage it.

>> No.8841281

The trick to what you weak minded goys call depression, is to keep your serotonin/dopamine levels ballanced and your reward system functional.
Obviously if you only sleep, fap, smoke weed and play gaymes, you will fuck up your reward system until the things that actually should reward you, like exercise, food, sex and social interaction will no longer reward you.
This is revertible, but you clearly don't want to revert it. Dying is easier I guess.

>> No.8841286
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>> No.8841352

i've done all it did jackshit

>> No.8841545

>projecting mouthbreathing wagecuck
my chin, jaw, and beard are 10/10.

>> No.8841687

Jesus that's extreme. Are any of you actually like this? lmao

>> No.8841720

unironically this, even if you make all the money in the world you would have better spent that time enjoying life, in chasing money you become a slave to it in a sense, balance in all things desu

>> No.8841915

Don't stay poor. Hedge the Dow Jones industrial in crypto. Listen to Mordecai.


>> No.8842230

id love to get a job that's fun to do but i live in the suburbs where the only jobs are cashier/stocking shelves, and without a car my options are somewhat limited

>> No.8842447
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>> No.8842461

Me in the back

>> No.8842470

how did you lose it?

>> No.8843360
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>it's 90% luck
Yeah, just go ahead and follow though with suicide now. I've met dozens upon dozens of self made men in my rather anti social life. Most of them started as broke ass immigrants from communist Europe or Mexico. It was will power, hard work, working smart, and differing gratification, all shit which you won't do, which got them to where they are.

You and I aren't going to fail because we're unlucky, we're going to fail because we're soft. So don't you dare try and take away the success of others to ease the embarrassment of all your failure

>> No.8844072

I am genuinely impressed by anons ability to blame everything and everyone for their own shortcomings.