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8838647 No.8838647 [Reply] [Original]

Content manager is a known scammer. Proof in link


>> No.8838897

thanks sold 100k

>> No.8838902

Absolute state of AMBlets

>> No.8838934


>> No.8838940

Ur mam Gabush

>> No.8838952

Guys pow3hd is really the only thing staying green in this market. Im in and you should be too

>> No.8839018


You've done the right thing my friend

>> No.8839043

>Proof in link
It got deleted.

Btw. scammers in crypto are a common occurence.

This fag is the CEO of Tenx

>> No.8839118


>tfw the 56% meme is real

>> No.8839149


Of course it's deleted

What do you expect from scammy company

>CMO rumoured to quit because sexual harrasment from chadsetti
>CEO defend David Drake a know scammer
>CEO hired John McAfee known con artist to shill
>Now content manager is revealed to be scammer

Absolute fucking state of AMBlets

>> No.8839350
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>mfw biztards fell for the swissfaggot, pharmpajeet, and kimchiwhore LARPs
>mfw Mcafee brought on board for bigger P&Ds
>mfw Aneesh Zutshit AMB content manager is a pajeet scammer (surprise surprise)
>mfw years will go by before sensor R&D produces working prototype
>mfw uptrend inevitable for VEN, WTC, and WABI (all chink coins) but no price action for AMB
>bonus tip for legion members: >>/biz/thread/S8552640#p8555832
This is my example of how easy it is to play AMBlets emotions and take their money during P&Ds

>> No.8840490

> yfw you fucked up and revealed your LARP too early: >>/biz/thread/S8552640#p8555832
Being this committed to fudding only means one thing: accumulation

>> No.8840518
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>> No.8840527

>mfw you got dumped on by my "reveal" >>/biz/thread/S8552640#p8555832
Being this committed to coping only means one thing: bagholding

>> No.8840547

So you were accumulating and sold on a 10% bump with minimal volume... congrats on being poor

>> No.8840602

> unironically thinks price went up from his reveal and not from the masternode announcement
> unironically revealed LARP expecting moon
> unironically trying to pretend it was all a ruse
> unironically back to fudding while gathering his pennies to buy more AMB at the bottom
> tfw being this poor and sad

Go back to F5ing... you're wasting time on this thread. There's probably another

>> No.8841399
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>mfw you are "THIS" assblasted
>mfw you got dumped on by my "reveal" >>/biz/thread/S8552640#p8555832
Being this committed to coping only means one thing: bagholding

>> No.8841729
File: 29 KB, 465x499, 1521135948121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Mar 28, AMB released a Medium post about extended lockup and info on upcoming masternodes.
- Price and volume begin to increase slightly
- Within an hour, MrBearFag posts his LARP reveal: >>/biz/thread/S8552640#p8555832 thinking that his fudding days were done
- Price tops out at +10% for the day
- Price is now where it was before Masternode post

So this was your master plan? Fud on the project for weeks to accumulate at a loss and then "dump" you OWN heavy bags for a measly 10%?

You're a fucking idiot if you're telling the truth, but I know that you're not.

Your reverse-shilling is really fucking bad.

>> No.8841803

Hahaha copy and paste for future bear spottings

>> No.8841811

People are already done accumulating AMB, and anyone dumb enough to believe your act is already not buying...
So can you shut the fuck up? I'm tired of you derailing AMB posts

>> No.8842148
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>Fud on the project for weeks to accumulate at a loss
Fucking KEK. That is what AMBlets actually do. Accumulate shit then start projecting.
Let me teach you something. You just have to make sure to be one of the first buyers on "major" news of any shitcoin. This is not hard at all with alerts set.
Let's see... 10% after -80% bagholding loss for you. Or 10% in one hour after grabbing some bags, shilling and "reveal" for me. KEK
Look kid. Here's some advice.
Stop posting. Lurk more. Learn more. Return in one year. Then thank me.
Why all this attention on AMB? Because it's funny as hell to watch newfag cultists on biz getting their money stolen by ico whales (swiss, pharm, kimchi) shilling their bags.
>mfw swissfaggot acts shocked biz autists figured out his fav coin was AMB
>I-I didn't expect that. G-guys my hedge fund not fully in it yet. You guys are so smart :)
>O-oh that pump and dump group coordinating with Versetti? I-I haven't heard anything about it but... don't worry, it won't matter long term :).
KEK. If you are going to keep listening to other peoples moon mission shilling and attack those that tell you what you hate to hear... you won't make it

>> No.8842270

> more unsubstantiated claims
muh opinion = facts!
The day you post ANY evidence for your claims is the day that I will listen to you.
I refuse to believe that someone is so pathetic they would post DAILY, NO, HOURLY FUCKING REMINDERS just to get enjoyment from people's misery.
Sociopath, accumulator or paid fudder. Pick one.

>> No.8842302

>The day you post ANY evidence for your claims is the day that I will listen to you.
Just look at binance chart. Never been wrong. Stay BTFO HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.8842305

You should kys, seriously.

>> No.8842338


Absolute state of AMBlets when they can't accept the truth.

Go cry to your swissbrofag and that al jones autist on TG.

>> No.8842356

You're a true genius to point out that one alt of hundreds has been dropping through jan-feb-mar.

>> No.8842424

Lol? It wasn't a genius move. Just a common sense one. Yet you still fell for the LARPs and held bags throughout all that :)

>> No.8842480
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>pressing f5 all day long looking for AMB threads

>> No.8842505

But I am in other threads too. Sounds like someone is the one in AMB threads all day long MEGA KEK

>> No.8842546
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>> No.8842597

So any proof or just more FUD to accumulate?

>> No.8842723


Ambrosus deleted the reddit thread and the proof is gone.

>> No.8842847

Wtf 2 AMB threads with literal copy paste posts what's up with this

>> No.8842909


More and more people are aware of scam that AMB is pulling. Too many red flags not to be noticed

>> No.8842992

So the link about Aneesh was deleted, do you care to elaborate on the contents of it? In detail, please.

>> No.8843185

Do you not actually know the contents of it because it was fake, terrible FUD?

>> No.8843195

Read the comments. It was garbage

>> No.8843205

Come on, so the proof was on plebbit but exists nowhere else... k

>> No.8843216

Wow. Amazing you can see what ppl hold and when they bought.
Still waiting in proof of your claims

>> No.8843359

The amount of bullshit FUD on this project is astounding for how small the marketcap is