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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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883672 No.883672 [Reply] [Original]

>have never succeeded in anything in my life
>3 years of college tuition left to pay
>know i'm gonna fail in the business world, some intelligent handsome nephew will walk all over me no matter what I do
>I could probably juice money out of my parents in tuition/maternal love for a grand total of 5 years (3 uni, 2 doing nothing) until I off myself
>or I could just do it now and save them the money
what would you do in this situation?

>> No.883675

Be a salesman during the summer. Tuition gets paid for, and you can off yourself whenever you'd like.

>> No.883679

Sell what? No one would hire me.
i've been trying to get summer jobs for 3 years. never worked a day.

>> No.883741

Pest control. Those companies will hire any loser off the street.

>> No.883829

What did you learn in college?

>> No.883837

You have tried, but have you ever considered that maybe you haven't tried hard enough?

>> No.883931

How about you do a shitload of meth and go all cave man on the tiny people (manlets) with a baseball bat until you get shot by the cops.