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File: 635 KB, 2035x2575, PicsArt_04-10-12.57.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8835718 No.8835718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz. Im gonna be a daddy. I own 30k link. Please tell me im gonna be ok.

>> No.8835737

Is that your wife?

Also... are you black and having a mixed shitskin kid?

>> No.8835746

Niggers arent allowed to own chainlink.

>> No.8835750
File: 16 KB, 305x458, 10672753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with piercins like that babys gonna come out half negra

>> No.8835758

If you don't have an equal amount in fiat then she's gonna leave you.

Because you need biz for validation she's gonna cheat on you.

50/50 you get rich from link and she divroces u and takes half.

Stay cucked fag.

>> No.8835775

Youre about to become a dad and still talk like this? That's not a great example for your son

>> No.8835788

>Piercing only one nipple
>Ring piercing rather than bar

>> No.8835804

This is the one place i have where i can act immature senpai.

>> No.8835820
File: 229 KB, 1293x1491, whypolmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8835826

Nahh. Theyre both pierced. The other one must've got turned up when i pushed her shirt over it.

>> No.8835936

Link $1k
Lose half Link
Lose house
>Bogged by wife

>> No.8835962

I would beat my wife if she wanted nipple piercings.

>> No.8835991

Nobody cares what you think muslim.

>> No.8835995

>pierced nipples
>pierced belly button


>> No.8836130
File: 39 KB, 553x960, 00376934435-e1515415427103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tattoo or piercing on a girl means shes slutty for me and shes becoming a case of pump and dump. Stop bringing your purity into this u American mutt.

>> No.8836134
File: 586 KB, 4688x4688, IMG_5188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coal burner piercings

>> No.8836141

t. niggerish negroid blackfilth darkydark nigger

>> No.8836153

Are you naming the child Sergey? I was thinking the other day it might be cool to name a son Nazarov. You could call him Naz for short

>> No.8836173
File: 83 KB, 800x601, guys_sharing_their_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. What a ridiculous point of view. Good luck being sad and alone til you die anon. Or maybe you can find one of those untainted, pure girls while she's still a preteen and lock her in early. Retard

>> No.8836189

We only just found out a couple days ago. Not sure what its gonna be yet =] . If i were to go that route tho, wed just name him Linkavitch, Link for short ;)

>> No.8836218

So you posted a picture of your wifes tits on 4chan? And shes a pierced slut
Better give the baby in adoption.

>> No.8836226

Well congratulations anon. You are living my dream. Quick question, where did you meet your wife?

>> No.8836231

Shut up nigger

>> No.8836237

>Better give the baby in adoption.

Lol fuck outta here street shitter.

>> No.8836256

Likelihood of divorce rises with number of premarital sex partners the woman has had, and literally 100% of girls with both nipples pierced have been riding 2+ BBCs per week since age 11.
I hope she appreciates all the LINK she's gonna get when she accuses you of marital rape and says she cheated because you didn't meet her "emotional needs."

>> No.8836269

Thanks senpai. We met as we were both in our own seperate groups leaving the theater after seeing Anchorman 2

>> No.8836315

You sound like you wouldnt care if your future wife was sucking whole football team cocks in hs. Imagine someone talking about your wife as a "team player" and then everyone laughs looking at you.

Fucking kys yourself with your future coal burner wife you degenerate idiot

>> No.8836342

Are you ok anon? Why does my good fortune trigger you? I got a fat stack of link. Fine blonde qt wife. Baby on the way. And all you can think of is nigger cock? Lay off the porn homie. Maybe exercise a little. Make your life something more than just watching the crypto markets and jerking off to cuck porn. If you cant even help yourself no one is ever going to take you seriously. =(

>> No.8836432
File: 1.64 MB, 1000x1154, 1523178675157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least it is your wife and a planned pregnancy. in anno domini 2018 I am terrified as to how people accidentally knock women up. condoms exist. oh and btw Link will never succeed. I know my shit (irl businessman and old money here)

>> No.8836461

My dad works at Trojan and said chainlink will put them out of business. Linkies will be rawdogging and knocking up every bitch on this planet by eoy. You're the last of a dying breed faggot.

>> No.8836467

Are you sure? I was told my linkies stay super stinky? 1000 eoy? Also, ive wondered this, youre successful and have money, do you use dating apps like tinder or do you just go out and handpick who youre fucking that night?

>> No.8836481
File: 46 KB, 620x310, 7437F2AC-1BA7-4C26-8BC5-667DA4CD8676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mum has navel jewellery
>dad has chainlink
Poor kid never had a chance

>> No.8836504

I live in a religion obsessed country. things work differently here

>> No.8836529

That doesn't sound fulfilling to me personally anon... I've had plenty of pussy over the years... I'm ready to settle down and start a life. If that's not for you tho i get that. Family life isn't for everyone. It takes a special kind of person to be a successful husband and father. You have to be dependable. Protective. Strong, emotionally, mentally, physically. Devoted. Trusting. Caring. Loving. Capable of putting others before yourself. I'm ready for that =] ... I just hope that my link stack makes it all super easy for us. I'd love to retire and raise my child and care for my family without the burden of a job.

>> No.8836544

wow man. after reading that post I am now 100% more focused on not to knock any bitch up

I already use 2 protection methods

>> No.8836566

Yea. And that's fine. If that's how you feel you should probably go ahead and let your lineage die off after however many thousands of generations it took to arrive at you. There's nothing wrong with being selfish and only caring about yourself, some of the most successful people are just like that

>> No.8836586

Oh I agree I just wanted to larp at the larper. The only thing I want out of life is to have a wife and children.

>> No.8836588

>muh lineage

you speak as if you are the king of france. i am old money and even i barely give a fuck about having heirs

>> No.8836594

>>>8836467 (You)
>I live in a religion obsessed country. things work differently here

You're talking about a muslim country where rape and pedophilia is tolerated... arent you?

>> No.8836634

No, Christian country.

>> No.8836638

I hope you get everything you want out of life, friend =)

>> No.8836646

>The only thing I want out of life is to have a wife and children

the more people want this; the less they get it

>> No.8836651
File: 50 KB, 663x707, 1506857124931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many link to impregnate ur wife

>> No.8836708


>> No.8836731

it is ALWAYS like that. always works that way. I know people IRL and its common knowledge. the mor eyou want that THE more you wont get it. dont ask me why

>> No.8836756


>> No.8836760


>> No.8836761

Times are tough since they shut down backpage, huh anon?

>> No.8836816

>muh dick

>> No.8836820

>I know people IRL

Lol wat? How you gonna tell us you "know people in real life" like that's something that even needs to be said. Fucking weirdo.

Dont listen to this obvious pajeet senpai. The fact that your end game is a wife and kids makes you more of a catch in the eyes of a woman.

>> No.8836888

>The fact that your end game is a wife and kids makes you more of a catch in the eyes of a woman.


quite the fuckin opposite

>> No.8836942

Maybe in your experience, in which case I can almost guarantee the problem isn't your life goals or achievements, but rather some obvious and scathing personality disorder that makes you completely undesirable as a partner.

>> No.8836987

have fun raising Chad's son

>> No.8837025

I hope you were both equally disappointed with that shit movie. Shoulda let it die after the first good one. Congrats OP wish i had 35k link for every child i had.

>> No.8837061

Have fun spending the rest of your evening larping as an "old money IRL businessman". I'm not particularly cocky or full of myself, but next to you, little boy, I AM Chad. ;)

Hah! Thats hilarious. That's honestly how we began talking. We were walking out of the theater both saying how shit it was compared to the first. Thanks for the kind words OP. We're all gonna make it senpai.

>> No.8837110


>> No.8837186
File: 254 KB, 736x736, 1506803290739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon, you're gonna make it. I reckon $50-100 EOY, 1000 in 2019
Extremely relevant pic I made ages ago

>> No.8837205

Give me reasons dog. I need to feel good about myself because I'm failing all my classes, but I have 20k LINK

>> No.8837242

those piercings are disgusting really

>> No.8837248
File: 2.80 MB, 2342x1376, 1494854254620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just in it for the hype, but Link gives me the same feeling as ETH shilling in 2016 did, when I was a dumb noicoiner. Same with antshares before it became neo. I'm not missing out again. Even if link doesn't see widespread success, I think you'll still be seeing $5 ish next year

>> No.8837251
File: 154 KB, 750x742, IMG_3721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you said it'd the only thing you want.. this seems a bit, obsessive. No hobbies? No passions? No career or business or expressive ambitions? How do you expect to provide not only financial security but also stimulation and life experience if all you can offer your future family is the fact that you created them and that's about all you've got goin on.