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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8833338 No.8833338[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's that thread again


>are you happy?

>> No.8833346

12 inches

you jelly?

>> No.8833357


$10 an hour
Cashier at supermarket


>> No.8833366

>20$/hr+small tips of just over 1$ an hour(fastfoodlife)
>assistant manager at a restaurant with 1m+ sales.
>i am not happy

>> No.8833367

Chef at Wendys

>> No.8833373

This thread wont make it faggot

>> No.8833376

professional LINK investor

>are you happy
not yet

>> No.8833382

$2.1m last year
selling pressed fentanyl xannys to retard kids for exorb prices, it's top shelf pharma broseph
I want to kms every day

>> No.8833389
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>professional LINK investor

>> No.8833397

>$60k/year ($190k net worth thanks to crypto)

>> No.8833411
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>> No.8833417

625/wk plus tips for 70-90 hours of work
pizza maker / """manager""" / """""""chef"""""""

kinda happy but I'm loaded on phenibut

>> No.8833422
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OP here.

>digital marketing & arbitrage/ecommerce
>On track to do 65k this year after taxes

FUCK YES I'm happy. I finally am making enough money to not only pay for college outright, but still have enough to pay for a car I enjoy, and most importantly to see my girlfriend who's very, very long distance.

Also, my business has expanded internationally and it's growing faster than I can keep up with work. Life is amazing. I'm genuinely thinking about dropping out.

>> No.8833425

Video game dev (rendering)

Pretty happy. My job is fine. Probs a dream job for some but I'm not in love with programming, it was just the most practical path to take to a decent salary. My life outside of work is good. Have a fiancé, have friends I love and hobbies I enjoy, moving into a new place soon, have some savings. I just don't want to get stuck in routine, and unfortunately that's exactly what my job seems to make me do

>> No.8833431
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>professional LINK investor

>> No.8833433
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>$0 but I get the GI bill so that’s like $12k a year
>Student chad studying CS at community college

>Sometimes. /Biz makes me laugh. I have 16k stinky links, so I can at least dream. I’m also pretty good looking and have access to invaluable tech that makes getting bitches effortless.

>> No.8833447

~43k/yr after taxes+ full bennies
Purchasing agent

>> No.8833453


>> No.8833465

Early 30's
No idea, about 80k a year with a weird schedule and a lot of time off
Nice try, FBI

Of course not

>> No.8833468

Was thinking about selling xannies to spergs on the side for extra cash, is it worth it in your opinion?

>> No.8833469

>cashier at supermarket
Publix? That was my job before my business took off. I worked in produce.

fuck off

Are you talking about my college major?

I'm a CS major with a business Entrepreneurship minor. My uni just threw $100 million into an entrepreneurship school and I'm genuinely considering majoring in it if the program turns out to be good. I'm only a freshman though.

>> No.8833480

>16 euro an hour
>Food delivery cyclist

Never been happier, but I'm also still in university and have hopes and ambitions.

>> No.8833481
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just turned 29
contract web developer

I am 25% down on my initial investment and at 1/6 of my ATH. I blow all of my personal life on researching shitcoins and margin trading to make it back but I have made little progress. Everyday I read about absolute fucking retards scoring 10M+ from bull-run ICOs. They and their shitcoin have 0.01 chance of success but it's still more than me, who does not have the courage to try.

>> No.8833496

hey baby check out this sick tech

>> No.8833528


I am very happy today because I just accepted a job as a conductor for the railroad ($42/hr) and put my two weeks in at my landscaping job. It's been a good day. Just got my ticket to live reasonably comfortably.

>> No.8833529
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>thinking about suicide twice a month

>> No.8833533


0 income

Had 120k I made from investing in stocks and went all in chainlink at close to a dollar.

Now i'm currently worth 40k. JUSTED lmao.

I just want chainlink to hit a dollar again damn. I got justed so hard.

But who knows. I might just stake my nodes for some passive income is good. I have 135k links

>> No.8833545

>$20 (canadian) dollars/hour
>Office job
>Love the world, hate myself

>> No.8833548

Is that the same girl with her cheeks exposed in the first pic?

>> No.8833556

>Freelance Writer/Analyst

>Yes, for the first time in my working life. It's precarious work though, and fairly challenging.

>> No.8833558

32k links
shoplifter security


>> No.8833559

holy shit, I feel since I bought at $1.30 all at once.. but omfg

>> No.8833562

Pharma research (clinical)

Not happy atm because I have a very difficult home/living situation. Will hopefully resolve over the next 2 weeks or so. Aside from that I am happy.

>> No.8833570

What's the home/living situation anon?

>> No.8833578

probably should drop out do not know why you went to begin with.

>> No.8833581

$12 / h
Tech assembler

Hell no

>> No.8833609

Not sure. Every pic I have in that folder is saved from here, so probably not.

When I started, my business wasn't making a penny. Now I'm nearly through my first year, and I'm up to that revenue.

That, and I need a piece of paper to prove I can code, even if I have taught myself more than my professors have.

>> No.8833639

19 million

>> No.8833643
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pharmacy manager

Kinda happy, not really. Work can be mentally draining and I'm having a hard time getting girls.

>> No.8833679

$75k dollarydoos
Food manufacturing process worker

I'm not happy and don't expect to be happy any time soon. It's part of human nature to be continually dissatisfied, to always be working towards some sort of goal (imo).

>> No.8833682
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£1000-1200 month only work 27 hours over 3 days and been giving a car to use.

Sort of happy
I work for family in a liqore store

I'm basically my own boss,no one tells me what to do

It's an easy job
can watch films and shit if it's dead
I like dealing and get on with drunk fuck ups

And the weird one I like working nights.
Feels more natural To me I feel like I never have to put my alarm on.

>working weekends
>wages are good for what I do but shit in total.Once I move out this won't be enough.
>Long periods of isolation and it's sort of getting to me now I feel like it's making me more anti social when I'm outside work

>i am also a qualified window fitter.Doinf that can bet me like £500 a week take home.

I despise it though.Hate construction.Hate working with my hands like that as a job,Hate early starts and long traveling,hate mixing with the same people all day every day.
Hate being told when I have to have my breaks
Hate the cold hate getting dirty hate how physically tired you end up and how it will damage your body over the years.

> only good thing is the money and I've realised I'll only miss all the holidays I could afford other than that the rest of the spare money was just spent on shit nights out or overpriced clothes

I'll miss that money once I'm back in my own crib and got a girl tho

>> No.8833697

software dev

i'm generally happy but holy fuck am i exhausted, keeping up in tech takes everything from you constantly. i'm in canada so tech salaries are pretty average unless you went to uwo or uot. still doing better than most i know from my home town.

>> No.8833761

Programmer, Entrepreneur, run indie game studio
400k last year, company worth several million if I sell

I'm a lot more happy than I was wage cucking. I have freetime to hit the gym and don't have to deal with a boss. Lot of stress comes with everything though. I started spending my money to get laid. By end of this weekend I'll have slept with 10 girls this year. God I love fucking hot girls.

>> No.8833769
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Tell me more

>> No.8833782

>$190k net worth thanks to crypto
Not for long

>> No.8833791


So many anon's have job + wages instead of career + salary. This was worded because...

OP needed a thinly veiled way to brag about his perfect life, slav girlfriend living far away when she's not sucking other dicks, and damn he's learned everything at 19 wow teenager OP wow we're impressed!!!!

>> No.8833812

Yup, he can add another zero to that by the end of the year.

>> No.8833824

Jesus, how do you make so little as a doctor?

$65/hr or roughly 120k a year
Software Developer

>> No.8833877

Imagine waking up next to that girl, feel her body, touch her, kiss her, whisper her "I love you" in her ear. And then, she rips a huge fart on your face. That would be my ultimate fantasy.

>$700 per month
Such is life in a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.8833913

Federal Judicial law clerk

>> No.8833952


I cashed out senpai

>> No.8834027

Im a junior doctor working in a government run hospital in Australia.
When your fully trained (have a speciality) you can go out into private land and make serious money.

>> No.8834045

Jesus christ how do you make 120k in trading and not DCA over AT LEAST 6 MONTHS into an all in...

>> No.8834145
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>> No.8834156

>$16/hr in a poor economic area
>2nd Year Accounting Intern
>About to graduate in May with BBA in Management Minors in History & International Affairs
>Very happy & fulfilled, but exhausted working 40 hrs a week a hour away and taking 18 hrs in classes to graduate on time
>But why sleep and rest when I could be the goddamn best?

>> No.8834159
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>> No.8834162
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>> No.8834171

Any other welders up in here?

>> No.8834405

>40k before taxes
>logistics coordinator
>job is easy. i have zero expenses in my life so idk what to invest my cash in. so im sorta happy ig

>> No.8834415

Just enough to not kill myself

>> No.8835415

Amen, in tech too. It's endless.

>> No.8835454


>varies from 32 to 64 an hour
>coal sampler

ehh, probably a 6/10 for happiness. trying to find shit to do to increase that without spending too much money

also these threads are the worst humblebrag / larp generators ever, i dont even know why i participate in this shit. fuck you op

>> No.8835463
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500$ an hour
professional pussy fucker

>> No.8835467

>40k before taxes
>enginee, 30
>have a lot of savings because I don't do much
>small amount of crypto

Doing a bit shit career wise considering my age, though I don't really care. I am quite modest and want to live a simple life. Only on here in the wild hope that I buy some shitcoin and it moons so I can retire.

>> No.8835476

>80k plus 15k in side stuff
>government analyst/ landlord
>content but hopeful the future gets better

>> No.8835482

140k/y as Devops engineer
Happy wage cuck

>> No.8835500

>Walmart meat dept associate

I think about killing myself every couple minutes. My short-term aspirations are to get into a trade where I can maybe make 25+/hr and maybe afford college.

>> No.8835516

data analysis / business consulting

>> No.8835548

13$ /h
Security guard

Its actually pretty comfy, my shift starts right before all the bosses leave so 95% of my shift im watching netflix or playing vidya in the company truck which is a brand new Tacoma.

>> No.8835549

Happy enough I guess. Been a long journey thus far.

>> No.8835561

oops. forgot. Software dev.

>> No.8835662

Inst tech

No, life on hold till I make it. I think I found a valuable trade though that will free the bonds of wagecucking, leveraging my position weekly with everything I have.

>> No.8835702

15$ /h
software dev

feeling quite good

>> No.8835706

31 philosophy / lit student
35k $ / year currently (after taxes and tuition fees)
yes, they actually pay me to study and write shit

>> No.8835721

Pizza Driver and Insider.
Base: $5/hr on rd and $8.25 inside as driver, $8.50 at driver
Actual: Deliver Driver is $13/hr on bad night, $18 typical and $25 on a good night.

Not sure. Happy a lot of the time, but not fully content. My time and task management can fuck me hard.

>> No.8835738

>I need a piece of paper to prove I can code
Why? To who?

>> No.8835747


ez life

>> No.8835771

Composer for media series on Facebook
40k a year

Yes. I make 300 bucks a day in two hours then do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.8835773

>minimum wage
>very, very far from

>> No.8835774

what is it?

>> No.8835790

NEET(professional crypto trader)

>> No.8835819

19$ an hour
Forklift driver.
Kinda sorta.

Cost of living is very low in my state (my rent is only 600$), so I am saving to buy some land and start a family in a few years after the next real estate bubble bursts.

After that I'll feel better. Just wish I had started sooner and not wasted my twenties on drugs, alcohol, and sex.

>> No.8835840

Damn dude. Nice job

>> No.8835855

>Things that never happened.

>> No.8835878


200k excluding crypto (won a lawsuit against a trucking company that hit my car shoving my guts into my chest cavity, most of my entrails were up there. Luckily I live in Pittsburgh so a team of 4 good surgeons were able to brainstorm quick enough to save my ass. The truck hadn't been inspected and the breaks failed.)

Haven't checked my portfolio since before the crash and it is nearly 70% ETH. It was about 260K then, make of that what you will.

Natural Science Major, haven't decided on a specialization for grad school yet.

I'm busy as fuck and always stressed, so it's a 50/50 on happiness, the feeling of fulfillment in life makes up for the pain.

Between 5 classes, a social life, volunteering a day a week at non-profits and personal research into my interests I don't have much time for recreation or sleep desu. Not to mention that when crypto investing season for me comes around I usually drop 40+ hours a week of work into fundamentals research. It's payed off though, even if I only go back to my portfolio gains from November 2017 I've made over 1400% returns so far.

>> No.8835881

$11.37/hr ($20k net worth)
Forklift driver at a Lowes


Going into business with my dad in the fall, then I'll be making 60k-100k depending on sales.

>> No.8836108

Going into business with family members is one of the worst decisions you can make, especially for the long-run.

>> No.8836128

My dad's getting ready to retire soon, it'll only be for a couple of years so that I can fully take over. Why do you say it's a bad idea?

>> No.8836217

>don't really have one, don't care
>help out my dad down at the bakery whenever he needs me and when i'm not there I help out my mom instead

I'm actually happier than when I was in uni to be frank, being constantly reminded that you had exams ahead of you was bringing my existence to an hero levels
I also like to talk to people

>> No.8836249

>everyone i went to uni has moved on to bigger and better things
>most of them are getting married, having kids, moving up the corporatecuck latter

>tfw had the best time of my life at uni and ive been miserable since

fuck. i didnt ask for these feels anon :(

>> No.8836257

>Freelance Writer/Analyst
Analyst? How do you get started in this and what do you actually do?

>> No.8836263

Nah with a dad it should be ok since who else is the dad going to pass his share on? Especially if right now they have a good relationship. I'd be wary of going into business with siblings/cousins though.

>> No.8836379

Disagreements in decision making (e.g. he wants to take out business money so he can splash it on his new gf, or new car ..etc, not just financial decisions), but if he's going to retire soon, then I guess you could put up with it.

>> No.8836474

- 21
- 55k / year
- Design Engineer

Yeah, most of the times.

>> No.8836476

22 turned 2k into 1.5m since july

am i happy? idk

>> No.8836486

> $77,000
>Cyber forensics and security consultant

Just bought a beautiful home, life is fuckin goodman.jpg

>> No.8836513

>$330k over the last 11 months. $450k for next 12 from 1 May
>Contract IT Applications Project Manager
>Pretty happy. Work a lot, will be happier when I have more time for shit even if means my coin drops. Pretty comfy after this next 12 months, might knock the mrs up and be a stay at home dad.

>> No.8836541


>120k AUD

>> No.8836603

24,000 / Year
Small Business Owner

I fucking love my job and working, but it'll be nice to pay myself a decent wage one day. Right now it's all sweat equity.

Nice being the boss though, got 10 Bitmain miners in my warehouse heating it up while me and the employees work.

I'm lucky i'm healthy and strong and don't need to be a wage slave.

also helps having fucking rich parents as a safety net... but I've been non corporate since I was 25.

Miss being an early 20s yuppies with disposable cash, but I was VERY unhappy then.

Much poorer now, much happier.

>> No.8836902

What type of Engineering?
Seems like a high salary for engineering at your age

>> No.8836960

Subway cleaner
I’m happy. I tried to do the song in public with what looked like feces on my shoe. I broke out into the song very unexpectedly. Not a single friendly vibe directed at me. Apparently you must not be hideously ugly and smell like a bathroom. The amount of abuse I receive is unbearable every day I exist. Misery shrouds my body.

>> No.8836981

>Are you talking about my college major?
No, more details on your business probably.

>> No.8837021

>300k DKKR

>> No.8837085
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I have no money or any job or profession and I live alone in a shithole, what can I do plz help!
where could I make any money online to pay for food and internet

>> No.8837097

is $90k high?

>> No.8837173

200 rupees/year

>> No.8837246

~20ka yr
Piano teacher/ real estate/ stay at home father

My wife has the real good job and I was running a start up when we learned she was pregnant. We kept her insurance and I decided to raise our child as it didnt make sense to me to get a job to have someone else do it. I’m super happy. Life is great. I try to make as much as I can while also filling all the household responsibilities, life is challenging but I honestly wouldnt have it any other way.

>> No.8837285

forklift driver in the evening/night, studying finance

Been better, really miss my ex

>> No.8837312


>> No.8837386


>> No.8837521

What is your background?

>> No.8837526

>lazy software dev

>> No.8837529

dear lord in heaven i claim this waifu thot <3

>> No.8837551

$6k in a third world country
thinking about kms every day

>> No.8837562

>Small Business Owner
What does your business do?