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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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882850 No.882850 [Reply] [Original]

>My BA in sociology demonstrates my critical thinking skills

>> No.882857

>i value hard work

>> No.882858

>I leverage my house
>I leverage my car
>I have no emergency fund
>I make money through Forex
>I buy Bitcoins
>I need a new car
>I don't read at least one book a month
>I don't read to my children
>I don't exercise
>I pay $50-$100 a month for a cell phone
>I have cable television
>I commute more than 15 minutes to work
>I own a timeshare
>I work for an unpaid internship
>I support Bernie Sanders
>I vote Democrat
>I don't have a budget
>Married me make more money
>I don't care about my wife's past
>I tip at least 20%

>> No.882865
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>i circle-jerk in a pseudo-intellectual image board

>> No.882868


>> No.883437

>Stock market is too risky there are no guarantees man
> What is an ETF? Is that electronic fund transfer?
>I play golf to fit in with upper management

>> No.883439

>I play videogaymes more than 15 minutes per day

>> No.883440

>I studied business in college

>> No.883453

>I'm going to get an interview let alone a job without going to college

Tai Lopez please stop posting

>> No.883493

>I don't care about my wife's past.

10/10 Would contempt.

>> No.883511

>business major reading comprehension
I'm not saying people shouldn't go to college, I'm saying you shouldn't major in business because you won't learn anything.

Hell, if you aren't going to major in something useful like a STEM, you might as well study a liberal arts subject that you enjoy.

Business seems to be the default major for people who went to college for the sake of going to college.

>> No.883518

>i post shitty jew memes on a japanese website

>> No.883520

>i'm a butthurt jew

>> No.883526

>I'm not saying people shouldn't go to college, I'm saying you shouldn't major in business because you won't learn anything.

Why not? How else are you suppose to learn about business?(Pls don't say youtube tutorials)

>> No.883533

Actually bullshit. While you're right that a Bachelors in business alone won't get you a good job, going to a quality college of business at a decent university is just about the only way to snag an internship (and subsequently a management position straight out of school) for a major company.

>> No.883535

>stem master race

>> No.883537

> buy an item for 45$ on ebay
>sell item for 46$ on ebay
>think they made a 1$ profit.

>> No.883546

Accounting master race. Get a CPA. That's a more concrete thing than just "lol business".

>> No.883554

There's 3000000 accountants in every city on Craigslists offering to work for pennies fam.

also your work is being automated by turbotax, your profession is irrelevant.

>> No.883567

The same place Jack Welch, Eric Schmidt and all the other great CEOs learned: on the job.

>going to a quality college of business at a decent university is just about the only way to snag an internship (and subsequently a management position straight out of school) for a major company.
Really, that's the only way? I must be doing something wrong because I've gotten several summer internships and a job lined up at a major semiconductor manufacturer without doing any of that.

>management position straight out of school
Are you talking about project management, which is a type of job, or asset and wealth management, which are types of businesses? Either way, no one's taking orders from a 22 year old straight out of college.

>> No.883580

>The same place Jack Welch, Eric Schmidt and all the other great CEOs learned: on the job.

How do I get the job without going to college? How am i suppose to get my foot in the door?

You seem to be living in the 1950's where you think people who graduate highschool can go and start as a lowly worker and work their way up to president of the company.

HR departments won't even look at your resume without a degree or experience(which you need a degree for).

>> No.883589

Welch started off as a chemical engineer, Schmidt started as a programmer at Sun. Both went to college and hold multiple degrees.

You seem to be a retard who thinks everyone over the age of 50 got their first job through a handshake and a smile.

>> No.883598

>I can't afford to invest.

Oh really, but you spend hundreds on video games, Netflix, weed, and alcohol every month.

>> No.883607

Niggas in this thread be like:

>I have hobbies
>I believe there is more to life than ruthless efficiency
>I believe in evolution
>I once had fun

>> No.883615

>Both went to college and hold multiple degrees.
>Both went to college and hold multiple degrees.
>Both went to college and hold multiple degrees.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

>You seem to be a retard who thinks everyone over the age of 50 got their first job through a handshake and a smile.

I mean that in today's overpopulated and overqualified world, surviving without a degree requires extreme luck, extreme intelligence or very hard work(much more than simply going to class and passing exams for 4 years). HR departments will simply never contact you if you have no degree in most cases

>> No.883627

Jesus Christ, read my second post. I'm talking in circles here.

>> No.883631

>Netflix: $8
>Weed: Lol no
>Alcohol: $35
>Video gay: $30 max

The poorest of the poor can afford this. Hell, 144 condoms is like 30 dollars online.

>> No.883634

>follow your dreams

>> No.883685

>No ones taking orders from a 22 year old straight out of college

Except they do, all the time. Both in project management and operations management. I graduated from a Big 10 school with a BS in Business Admin (major in Accounting) and I started as an assistant PM for a top engineering firm in Chicago. My roommate did the exact same thing and got a job running a team of technicians at Lockheed installing systems in the F-35 in Fort Worth.

Most Fortune 500 companies hire people straight out of school into their management pipeline. Most of these people majored in a business field. They take people who majored in engineering too, but they're less common as engineers usually apply for entry-level engineering gigs out of school instead.

Good on you for getting a job offer. is it an engineering job? Unless your company raises engineers into supervisor roles with experience, you're most likely either going to need to move laterally or get business education to move into jobs where people report to you, as opposed to just crunching numbers all day.

>> No.883691

>Weed: Lol no
Suits this thread.

>> No.883718

>Play videogaymes
>Watch TV
>Use drugs/alcohol

>> No.883754

Total money wasted a month according to your post: $105


If you used this 105 dollars to buy two bikes in a junk yard, fixed them, painted them and sold them to random mexican drug dealers, you would have made at least, AT LEAST, a 100 bucks. And that's only a month.

Let's see:

I pay $10 on the trashed bike.
I spend $40 fixing it.
I sell it for $80 to $100.
Your profit margin is 50%.
If you invested 10000 on your bike fixing business you would have earned $5000.
If you reinvested those 5k in painting equipment and wholesale parts that cost 20% less, your marginal costs would drop and your profit margin would raise.
Let's say you now have a conservative profit margin of 48 to 58%. You would earn ~$5300 now.
Now let's say you use that money to buy wholesale bike structures that cost half of the price of the scrapyard. And that you also save $5 from removing rust.
Your cost is now $32 dollars and your profit margin is 60 to 68%. That's ~$6400.
Let's say you know hire someone to fix them for you. Let's say you pay him $9/h. Your only cost now is $20 with the parts, plus a fixed cost of ~$1300 a month.
With a profit margin of 80% now minus your employee's wage you earn $6700 in profits each month.
If you reinvest at least 30% of profits each year, and that the investment increases your margin by 2%, in 2 years the expected market cap of your company will be worth $7.475.160.000 (seven billion, four hundred seventy five million, a hundred and sixty thousand United States of America Dollars) which is more than the GDP of Monaco.

>> No.883764
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Nothing wrong with a sociology degree. I mean yeah you might not start out high, but if you enjoy the field and work your way up you can earn good.
White person here. Fuck off.

>> No.883765
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>I vote Republican
>I support any retarded Republican candidate
Fixed for you. You do know red states universally earn less right? Now fuck off.

>> No.883766

>Nothing wrong with a sociology degree. I mean yeah you might not start out high

>One of the lowest related-field post-grad employment rates
>Some of the lowest starting salaries even if you do manage to get a job in the field
>Very little room for growth, only people making good money are ones either with phds or got very lucky/connections to get high position


>A mere 2% of companies are actively recruiting college graduates with liberal-arts degrees, according to a new study.

>Not surprisingly, many more corporate hiring managers are on the lookout for engineering or business majors, according to the survey by Millennial Branding, a research and consulting firm, and Beyond.com, a career advisory website.


I am guessing that sociology or whatever isn't far off from the hiring rate of liberal arts majors.

>> No.883792

There are many many many liberal arts major degrees, so you can't say that sociology blanket is "better" or "worse" than all of them.

Also that study is biased because it didn't look in companies that are tailored toward liberal arts people. Schools and design firms obviously hire more people with those kinds of degrees.

As for sociology the data is mixed but:
>According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage of sociologists was $72,360 in May 2010. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $44,000, and the top 10 percent earned more than $129,870.
It's not the best, but you can earn if you work your way up like I said. I'm just doing CS though.

>> No.883818

>I pay $50-$100 a month for a cell phone
It's worth being able to keep in contact and check emails on the go.
>I commute more than 15 minutes to work
Not everyone works at the local grocery
>I support Bernie Sanders
That doesnt make you poor
>I tip at least 20%
That's just courtesy. You should be grateful. Most you guys seem to work minimum wage jobs.

>> No.883933

>Goes on /pol/, aka stormfront v2

>> No.883967
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>inb4 a dollar is a dollar


>We can just buy snacks at the movies

>> No.883980
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>not being a cheap fuck while you are poor
>listening to music/watching movies/ shitposting/wasting time in general
>not scheduling your day/week/month
>not constantly reading
>not trying new stuff
>listening to unsuccessful people

>> No.883982

>implying constantly reading gets you anywhere

>> No.883985

You know that you are right, fuck reading stuff written by successful experienced people, I should shitpost everyday and listen to 4chan virgins, the knowledge will just come to me.

>> No.883991


>gets a job as a recruitment consultant

>> No.883993

>life is either constantly burrying yourself in self-help books or shitposting

Viewing the world in black and white is proletarian tier.

>> No.883996

>self-help books

What is better than reading in your free time ? Seriously interested

Even if you share the 4chan point of view that 'studying STEM is the only way to be happy and successful' reading should be a priority in your life.

>> No.883998


lol getting a CPA instead of a CFA

>enjoy making 80k max

>> No.883999

The best thing is to take ample time to unwind and not constantly flooding yourself with information. You need time to progress and more importantly to think for yourself. Reading is important, but in moderation. Contemplation is at least as important, and plainly doing nothing as well. People get their best ideas when they're just fucking around, not while they are constantly engaged in goal oriented activity according to a strict schedule being constantly obsessed with spending every minute 'productively'.

>> No.884006

Carrying around cash rather than having it in your account. Niggers are especially bad for this, they save up some money and then carry around $1000 to impress their hoodrat friends.

>> No.884015


but then i still gotta take the 105 out of my billions anyways at an opportunity cost of billions

when do i get to enjoy my money??

>> No.884021


>credit cards are for suckers
>home buying is for suckers
>i was too stupid to get enough grants to pay for college, therefore college is a scam

All I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.884023

All my hate for those people. Total mouth breathers.

>> No.884028

>generalizing out of your ass with no data to support it

>> No.884038

explain how credit cards are bad, I use mine to get miles and was able to travel a bit.

Bad part is, I always seem to overspend so I stopped.

>> No.884039


You srs, nyukka?

>> No.884040

>White person here. Fuck off.
good one, kike lmao

>> No.884044


>Tumblrizing this hard

>> No.884054

>explain how credit cards are bad, I use mine to get miles and was able to travel a bit.

They're not.

That's the point of this thread, "shit poorfags say".

>> No.884063

>calling names when you get called out on your bullshit
>neckbearding this hard

>> No.884065

>gets BTFO
>repeats self

>> No.884066


>Muh racism motherfucker

Are you Swedish or Australian?

>> No.884074

>accountants basically just do taxes all day
great contribution anon

>> No.884080

youre mom is a faggot you stupid retard

>> No.884086

>dat broscience

i love this board

>> No.884089
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>this thread

>> No.884117

>Post "shit poorfags say" threads
>Go on /biz/ for business advice

>> No.884681

So why don't you do that? I bet you don't actually do that.

>> No.884684

>Hell, if you aren't going to major in something useful like a STEM, you might as well study a liberal arts subject that you enjoy.

You said this unironically? Shiggy diggy doo.

What is Finance? Economics? Linguistics? You also make it sound like nobody who studies STEM does it because they enjoy it. What about Med and Law school?

>> No.884700
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You had me until I read the end. Fucking kek.

>> No.884704

>My family and i are taking our annual 1-week vacation to [insert generic tourist trap here].

>> No.884713

Poor fags have more credit cards than anyone else. The more cards you have, the more you use them.
Better tone safe and not have any plastic.

>> No.884716

>Study what you love/find interesting
>I went to (insert shitty university here) to save money and to have a better social life
>woman's rights
>da wyt man keeping us down (I actually know a Jamaican guy from highschool, laziest fucker I ever met, he went to some shitty college for liberal arts, obviously didn't find a job and now complains about white ppl while liking interracial pictures on Facebook)
> "I want to be a singer/model"
>highschool were the best years of my life

>> No.884862


>Not having a CA/CPA
>Enjoy not being in the executive committee

>> No.884875

Poorfags have more credit cards than richfags. So what you guys are saying is what poorfags also say. Some richfags have one CC, while others have none.

>> No.885091
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>So what you guys are saying is what poorfags also say.

Hence they are poorfags.

>> No.885117


Don't you know the difference in breeding ground for right and left, idiot? Large cities where the wages and rents are highest will always spawn cesspools of plug eared faggots that think Bernie is the shit and clap watching him lick some BLM asshole like a champ.

>> No.885128


>I invest in bitcoin
>I invest in CDs
>Penny stocks to the moon!

>> No.885270

Yup. I need a credit card said all poorfags. You need liquid cash to buy assets, not credit. A loan is much different.

>> No.885394

> voting

>> No.885777

>I work for an unpaid internship

I would agree, but as someone with a shit GPA and an Econ degree you have to get your foot in the door somehow. Doing one just landed me my latest job.

>> No.885778

Can be done with proper networking and experience. But most people just expect to graduate with a job.

>> No.885782

One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.885877

>I give 10% of my wealth to a church

>> No.885885

>getting tattoos
>muh body art

>> No.885907

>How do I build my credit?

>> No.885956


>doesn't account for any cost of labor

Stay pleb

>> No.886571

>I don't care about my wife's past.

explain to me faggot.

>> No.886617

Win fucking Rar

>> No.886622


>I pay cash for my house
>Gold is a great investment
>arbitrage is for faggots
>The stock market is too risky
>Lets have more kids!

>> No.886629


>kids not a good investment

Enjoy checking yourself in the nursing home and spending years hoping to die before you run out of money.

>> No.886631

You read that wrong - I have kids and speak from experience! At least I get the deductions.

>> No.886929

>The latest xx came out!!

>> No.888628

Cringe everytime I hear it. I can understand if the Church is excellent at giving back with scholarships and activities. But as a general practice it's dumb as fuck.

>> No.888629

If you're relying on your kids for a full life you're doing it wrong.

>> No.888653

So like, a game of chess? Or a few games of minesweeper?

>> No.888655

>i post on 4chan

>> No.888665

>I post on 4chan about how successful I am in the middle of the working day

>> No.888687

Its a nice thing to do if you find a legit awesome church. Like my Catholic church is pretty based and gives away lots of food and clothes with our money so I feel like its better than Amway as a charity, its a difference I can SEE.

If you don't have a based church you know about or your church is lame and just uses the money to buy paintings of saints then screw those guys.

>> No.888706

stay poor

>> No.888729

>doesnt know what the difference between an accountant and a bookkeper
>clearly isnt an working for himself or he'd know the difference
>hows your salary treating you?

>> No.888959

Lemme hol a dolla

>> No.888971

>He doesn't post in "things successful people do" thread

get in here >>888715

>> No.889014

>You should only trust physical gold!
>Vote Bernie Sanders
>Vote Donald Trump, he'll make America great again!
>It's the fault of the 1%
>It's the fault of the immigrants
>It's the fault of the Jews
>I don't have time/money to eat healthy
>I don't have time/money to exercise
>Uses the word metrosexual to mock those better dressed than him
>Can I pay with coupons?
>You are tipping too much!
>Can you call me?
>Can I use your phone?

>> No.889107

You forgot
>"The Media"
>Can I get some gas money?
>Can we split the check?
>Hey can I get some money for rent?
>Sales isn't a real career
>What's consulting?
>Complains excessively about their job
>Takes out payday advance loans
>Always tired
>"Who needs grad degrees?"

>> No.889112

Same anon.

My all-time favorites:
>"Wall Street"
>"Big Corporations"
>"The 1%"

>> No.889121
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>Same anon.


>> No.889127

college being useful lel

>> No.889128
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>> No.889130

>I go out and don't budget for a 20% tip
difference between frugal and cheap.

>> No.889138
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>Be me
>Bought 1000 Buttcoins for $3 in 2009 because buddy was studying it for some comp-sci class
>Promptly forget about it because lol $3.
>Nov 2013 rolls around, CNN does a story about the $1200 peak posted on Mt. Gox
>Holy shit, got $1.2 million on an old laptop
>Pull it out of crate, crushed...
>Please oh please
>No boot
>HDD inspected by buddy
>Platters cracked

>> No.889467

People say that to rationalize the fact that their wife is a whore and they have no other option. Probably not the most successful people.

>> No.889501

>I got a cashies loan

This one doubles up for drug addicts

>> No.889502

How'd you snag internships?

>> No.889951

>Thinking the people control who get elected
>Thinking any party will do something different to fix anything


>> No.889954

>I always seem to overspend so I stopped
>get miles and was able to travel a bit

Are you retarded?

>> No.890047

is accounting a good degree? im applying to a masters program that will get me a masters and my CPA

>> No.890088


do you know how hard it would be to crush a hard drive like that?

either your buddy took them or you're just trolling

>> No.890093

>>I make money through Forex
>>I buy Bitcoins

Sounds like a poor fag I know.

>> No.890338

>not being /fit/ so you don't end up the nursing home

>> No.890373

lol you got it all figured out bud

>> No.890380

Don't really get this one when all of the richest people in the world studied business in college.......

>> No.890383

>explain how credit cards are bad
>Bad part is, I always seem to overspend
fucking neck......

>> No.890430
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I have a BA in Classical Studies, one year later I work in business banking

its not your education, its your ambition

checkmate richfags

Also even the oldest money was nouveau riche once

>> No.890438
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Video Games > ok I do want a PS4
Netflix > Download for free
Weed > Never pay more then $40 a year
Alcohol > Easy $400 a fortnight...you got me

>> No.890607

>Work is a virtue
Had a nice laugh about this with my friends.

>> No.890869


>> No.891084

Nice Jewish meme idiot, stay poor.

>> No.891088

>I browse 4chan

>> No.891138


Only weed and alcohol you bitch