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File: 17 KB, 250x250, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8824425 No.8824425 [Reply] [Original]

This will sound a little unbelievable but whatever, I want you to hold more so that it's us holding the LINK and not these guys dumping their bags.

Don't ask how I know, but there will be some pretty big LINK dumps over the next 16 hours beginning once it nears 4650 sats again. They won't be permanent but they'll be significant.

Once you see these happen, get out and buy back in at 4000-4100 sats, it will dump further than that but get back in there just to be safe.

Let's take these bags from these whales, they are truly cancer.

Don't miss out and good luck

>> No.8824440

Or how bout nobody sell and it won't dump

>> No.8824469

I'm suggesting sell once you see the dumps (once you see, just to prove it's happening), then buy back cheaper so that you are holding more of them. But do what you want, we have a big few months ahead of us.

>> No.8824580


>> No.8824596

Just kidding. This is actually pretty believable cause there's some strange activity with a lack of sell orders atm, we're probably about to get slapped

>> No.8824622

Fucking kill yourself you foreskinless big nosed barstard

>> No.8824692

Yes, you are.

But it's up to you, we'll make it no matter what you do.

stay retarded champ

>> No.8824819

>stay retarded for NOT selling my LINK tokens on advice of an anonymous plebbit spacer when Ropsten is imminent

>> No.8824858

LMAO. he sold the bottom. fuck off faggot.

>> No.8825109
File: 21 KB, 202x315, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already happening

>> No.8825147

you don't know shit, OP. you may be right or you may be wrong.

>> No.8825186
File: 50 KB, 498x522, C03FBDF8-5D0C-4231-BCD0-3579A4C3C086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling link below $1000

>> No.8825406

>strange activity with a lack of sell orders atm

buying link is pretty frustrating. that's not new. only coin i've ever had to actually buy into buy walls higher than current price. i'm not very patient, tho.

>> No.8825439

Not selling my link for several years, will be running a node though. I'll keep an eye out for a sale to buy some more, OP.

>> No.8825490

Thanks OP

>> No.8825640

where did you find this info OP? your asshole? I have a couple grand ready to buy some more stinkies, just waiting for a good entry. every minute I don't buy is hell.

>> No.8825717

I've been swing trading my stack and am currently waiting for an entry point. If you're legit, I will pay you 500 link of my gains. You better be serious because I am

>> No.8825760

Good luck trying to augment your little dump. Everyone here still holding is not gonna fall for the swing trade meme with their most valuable holding

>> No.8826307

Well, it hit 4650, but it looks like it may keep going up. OP, where the fuck did you get this information? Moment of truth as to whether or not you are a faggot, right now.

>> No.8826337
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>> No.8826480

i am kinda worried how it dumped 50 sats on exactly 4650 as OP said, with nothing on the sell wall. Still a possibility that it was a coincidence and op is a faggot

>> No.8826610

4650 is just kind of a round number psychologically, there was probably just a bit of a sell wall there.
No matter what happens though, OP is still a faggot for not citing sources.
>D+ See Me After Class OP

>> No.8826693

that doesnt make any sense at all

>> No.8826882

dubs confirm. OP is oyveyowitz sixgorillionstein and wants our precious linkies

>> No.8826980

Let's keep this thread bumped to show people the dangers of listening to anonymous faggots on the internet.
>4670 sats and counting

>> No.8827131






>> No.8827382

thank you for this my LINK bro

>> No.8827521

good job brother

>> No.8827546

What part of it is hard to understand?

Anyway, I'll be buying at 4120 just to be safe and somewhere in the next 11 hours.

Listen, it's going to happen, and all that will happen after is this thread gets bombarded with "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" or one of you outsiders makes a thread trying to summon me.

I'm not a LARPer trying to buy your bags, if you aren't comfortable selling then that's fine, but perhaps if you are looking to buy don't FOMO in just yet and know with certainty you'll get in cheaper.

Not everyone is larping on this board and although this may sound absurd, ESPECIALLY not with Chainlink. It is one of the few coins here you'll find very reasonable information on from time to time.

>> No.8827587

Whatever if he is legit or not, I just wired my last 250 to cuckbase. let's get comfy and forget about having been in debt my whole life. good luck to us all fellow stinkies.

>> No.8827614
File: 288 KB, 1055x923, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck brothers. we will make it.

>> No.8827633

go away you dumb faggot. There are two kinds of larpers. Price larpers and company insider larpers. You're claiming to know both, and you're a dumb nigger because that makes literally no sense you stupid faggot. Go suck a cock you fucking kike. no fuck the price is going to fall, everything is still on a downtrend even if biz forgets this after two days of the market going up.

>> No.8827687
File: 90 KB, 474x711, 1523140542507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont want you low iq moronic idiots on this ship. your lack of intelligence only allows you to shout profanities instead of intelligently backing your arguments with concrete evidence. its clear you do not know what the potential of this project is capable of.

>> No.8827865


You're a MANIAC

>> No.8827899

>You're claiming to know both, and you're a dumb nigger because that makes literally no sense you stupid faggot.
I knew something about the OP bothered me. What a faggot

>> No.8828036
File: 8 KB, 200x226, bottomless pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK at $0.15. Yes or no. Asking for a friend.

>> No.8828106


Thanks sold 1/3rd of my stack.

>> No.8828127

Not going to sell because that would be stupid, but if OP is legit I'm throwing another $500 at this shitcoin.

>> No.8828153


Warning this sell may preemptively trigger the dump.

>> No.8828156

it looks pretty defended so far but anon seems to have a point

>> No.8828172

Not gonna happen. Way way too much going on behind the scenes. Why did an Ethereum core developer contribute something recently out of the blue?
Big things are coming soon

>> No.8828175

>reddit spacing
>desperate arguing without substance
show proof/reasoning or fuck off.

>> No.8828221
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally same except 24yrs old 35k link some other boring shit. I really am having a hard time convincing myself I'll make it. Thing is I really do believe in link and it seems that if link is successful we'd actually have something that is worth serious value. It would definitely make ETH more valueable/usable. It's just really hard to imagine right now feel like I'm tricking myself because I'm so convinced

>> No.8828242


>> No.8828393

Got me. But we are same situation.

>> No.8828534

are yall really joking about the 1k a coin shit? It's literally 30 cents. how the hell will it get to 1k

>> No.8828555
File: 26 KB, 645x729, 1509200925593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8828577

>Don't ask how I know

>> No.8828967

4500 and counting. Tick tock

>> No.8829112

looks like OP was not lying.. how the fuck can he know? this can't be some coincidence

>> No.8829284

look at those fucking sell walls what the fuck. OP tell us more nigger

>> No.8829307

>can either go up or down or sideways
>”it will go down”
>OMG how did he know?

>> No.8829401

OP delivers

>> No.8829407

dude... SO ARE YOU
you are in every fucking thread saying the exact same shit

"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

>> No.8829429
File: 89 KB, 567x633, IMG_2678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oyveyowitz 6gorrillionstein

>> No.8829536

>he thinks it's the same people posting it in every thread.
That's cute.

>> No.8829632

We're in the same boat except I'm 25... we gonna be alright, this shits karmic for me.
>been thru some real tough shit
>always still believed life was worth it and I'd make it
>white paper dropped on my birthday
>watched meme magic do its work in 2015/16 with Trump
>project has survived the intense scrutiny and weaponized autism of /biz for months
I vascilate between feeling like I'm tricking myself and pure faith, but I turned a coworker onto Link as well and he's in deep now so I've got personal support in the long hodl

>> No.8829648


I am so happy that this pasta is still living on.
I have it saved so that I can keep posting it until singularity

It will be like a chant, a national anthem for all linkies

>> No.8829695

fuck, I never saved the other parts that come after this post

>> No.8829875

We in this together. Know you are not alone. Only reason I'm still here is to remind myself there's other people in my same position. I really hope we all make it

>> No.8829894
File: 208 KB, 756x1118, 1523091019301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got a little convoluted and existential. Pasta about not recognizing pasta and going back to R*ddit, then memes within memes within memes with multiple alternate branching pasta. I'm sure somebody has it.

>> No.8829926

I haven't seen this addition before

>> No.8829937

I'm going to dump. Pls don't sell so that I get a higher price. Pls buy if you're dumb enough.

Linkers are the most deluded hodlers of all coins. That assblaster faggot did the exact same trick.

>> No.8829947

LARP confirming (18/30 confirmations)

>> No.8829955

Wait, is this pasta too? The pasta chain is growing at an alarming rate.

>> No.8830027

I love you, anon.

>> No.8830049

Subtle manipulation fagganon. I’ll keep my 100k in cold storage thanks

>> No.8830151

im not a stinky linky but have been in crypto since august of last year and i kid you not here hasnt been a day gone by where there wasnt a link thread.

an oldfag alluded to the fact that ETH was shilled this hard before its run up. witnessing /pol/ meme magic and all i think i might read up on it. invest once i get back from basic training for the army.

>> No.8830173

sold 25k link just cause i have a little faith in op, if it doesnt go down meh

>> No.8830247


Being this new

>> No.8830260

Please be baiting

>> No.8830366

me too. just more so happy its not every thread like it was

>> No.8830420

My personel favorite is the power of positive thought chant, kek

>> No.8830462

That's it.



>> No.8830486

link being over a dollar defeats the purpose of the token. sell while u have the chance

>> No.8830508


What took you so long?

>> No.8830537

im sad this will never this will never surpass $5

>> No.8830599

The Big Mac Index looks like it is currently $3.57, so based on that, Link token will pull an 11X this year (assuming the BMI stays constant).

>> No.8831463
File: 174 KB, 900x900, 1501888146857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I can feel it working:

>> No.8831710

>trying to get /biz/ to drop their bags so you can buy them up
FUCK YOU you moralless faggot, set up your fucking limit order and WAIT. or if you want it now market buy. trying to hurt fellow /biz/bros is CROSSING THE FUCKING LINE

>> No.8831747
File: 98 KB, 785x827, 34B043E6-76FA-45DD-859B-E58E627FD7E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea tell him senpai

>> No.8832024
File: 30 KB, 162x192, 1521122426851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP it looks like you aren't getting your 4100 buy order filled any time soon, you larping, lying, faggot!

>> No.8832051

Why is it that not holding link is the most uncomfortable feeling in existence. I just want to get back in fml

>> No.8832119

That's your higher self looking out for your future. The only time I'm not 100% in Link is when I swing trade or scalp something else when Link is on a down trend, and even then I check the Link charts every other minute. It's basically my reserve currency at this point, I won't even go to sleep unless I'm all in on Link.

>> No.8832275
File: 208 KB, 720x720, PicsArt_03-31-12.35.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832287

Sometimes I still have a hard time separating the meme from what is really going on with this project.

There is literally no activity that I can see in months.

>> No.8832305

Where are you looking? I'm going to suggest branching out from your own asshole.

>> No.8832322


Link some real news, something from the Dev team.

>> No.8832328

I try to do the same thing, but got rekt with this latest alt pump. Link just wont lose sats lol, so while I could go all in, I just cross my fingers and hope for a better entry. Really getting anxious though, might just have to bite the bullet. Why didn't I buy last week? Permanent regret

>> No.8832347

You just responded to yourself. They are active on Github, durrrrr.

>> No.8832351

Are you serious right now? There was a huge thread just today. Nick Johnson (core ethereum dev) was hired to do work for chainlink, he posted on his twitter today.

>> No.8832362


LOL there is so little activity on github.

>> No.8832366

You see that pump and dump that just happened?
i sold most my stack
i need to buy in

>> No.8832396
File: 66 KB, 988x704, 1522711326875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832408


Still waiting for a link to something from a Dev.

>> No.8832410

What? There's multiple commits every single day and today even the #2 ETH dev second only to Vitalik commited an entire new library.

>> No.8832411
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x2560, 1520858229033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link just won't lose sats
Overall, no, but there is a two hour retrace every day or so. Other than that, if you notice it going down, by then it is too late and about to start going up again.

>> No.8832424

You said there is "literally no activity". Sorry, I don't argue with idiots.

>> No.8832433

Find it yourself, you have google. Posted 12 hours ago on his twitter, that's all the spoonfeeding you'll get.

>> No.8832453


Keep shilling, nothing out there.

>> No.8832469

Uh oh, looks like it's about to start going up again! Last chance to buy under 4700 is slipping through your fingers :^)

>> No.8832496

Oh, you really fucked up now!

>> No.8832527

You are brain dead. Not that I expect anything more of a no-linker. https://twitter.com/nicksdjohnson/status/983321688631906305?s=20

>> No.8832547

Rule number one of crypto is NEVER SWING TRADE LINK. Seriously, don't. If you fuck up and miss the singularity it will cost you dearly.

>> No.8832561

LOL, see you on http://deadcoins.com/

>> No.8832590

Like I thougt, you have no counter when you get the info you ask for. Delusional

>> No.8832616

Wouldn't like that feel.
Imagine if Sergey drops a new medium article tomorrow morning?

>> No.8832635
File: 28 KB, 213x412, SIR GAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8832668


>> No.8832671
File: 175 KB, 960x960, 1521076456796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to swing trade Link:
1. Sell the top!
2. That wasn't the top, but back in at a loss.
3. Ok, now sell the top.
4. On your second and third monitors, open up the official twitter and github, and refresh every 30 seconds.
5. On your fourth monitor, start looking for something you can buy into that is about to take off.
6. Buy ShitCoin
7. ShitCoin immediately dumps due to Chinks pulling out money to pay for their annual week-long dog torturing feast.
8. While you contemplate the savagery of these people, a green dildo appears!
9. Too bad it's on the Link chart. Link is now 2% higher than what you sold at, plus you are 5% down on your dog torturing supply chain token.
10. Weep softly, and buy back into Link, sucker!
11. ???
12. Profit.

>> No.8832722

my life right this second. hope you've had more success that me. what's your stack?

>> No.8832809

Lol its pumping. OP really is an idiot.

>> No.8832817
File: 30 KB, 600x630, 1_v3vvVO3DuvEB-osQDcIqlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i truly am a dumbass for selling my entire stack when it reached 25 cents

is there any hope left? if i go in right now i lose a bit of money

>> No.8832824
File: 79 KB, 590x601, 1523141173403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hard fought 7k. I fucking hate trading Link, the bots are so rude, you can never get a good buy or sell price, and never get anorder in without those assholes pushing in front of you. They know how to trade exclusively with themselves to wash the price all over the place.
I'm just waiting on more FIAT when my job starts again (I'm seasonal) to buy my last 3k, then I will consider putting money into something else (to roll into Link at a profit). I'm just worried I won't be satisfied with 10k.

>> No.8832880

i know sometimes its better to hold but i can't help it
I want as much profits as possible at any rise
I want to increase my Linky stack
poorfag here

>> No.8832892

There is hope, or at least know that you're not alone. I saw .25, and didn't buy. Imagine how I feel now lol

I feel your pain. At this point I'll have to settle for market buying if I want to get in quickly. Trust me, it's never enough. Hope you can get your funds in time, the team is moving faster now and it's almost time for bull season

>> No.8832898

hope you don't end up killing yourself when this doesn't go as you want it to go

Best of luck

>> No.8832900

>i truly am a dumbass for selling my entire stack when it reached 25 cents
Jesus Christ. You sold the literal bottom. And you sold 100% entirety of your stack? What the fuck were you thinking?

>> No.8832942
File: 105 KB, 645x729, 1517429337730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like i said i unironically thought it was going to 20 cents, i sold and 2 hours later it was still below the price but i should have fucking saw that it wasnt going down anymore.

i just gotten into buying crypto a month ago. i got pissed cuz it kept dropping. i had never invested before. i didn't know shit like sell in increments etc.

fuck this gay earth. in 19 days my coinbase limit gets removed but idk if theres hope

>> No.8832974

OP was encouraging us to sell, right before a pump.
Clearly he just wanted our linkies

>> No.8833003

I didn't buy for that same reason. Pls btc just one more dump so I can get back in...

>> No.8833038
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>> No.8833057
File: 410 KB, 900x900, 1520612330670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, I'm poor too, but impulsive trading is how I took my Link stack from 7.8k down to 5.6k. That hurt, a lot, but I bought and traded myself back to to 7k. My recommendation would be not to sell unless on a confirmed down trend after a big (>10%), news driven moon. Then be very picky about what you put money into for short term gains while Link finds it's floor. Best bet at this time is to just take what you can spare from each paycheck and try to find a good entry point.
We can do this, it's just going to take discipline, and management of greed. This shit is having a steady takeoff right now, so there is still a little bit of time.

>> No.8833140

That I cannot answer, but I'm also fucked if it doesn't dump. Let's visualize one more dip so we can get back in

>> No.8833163

when it hits 1000 eoy you will be on the brink of commiting suicide for not buying in at .33 per link

just get in and hold on bud

>> No.8833168

4500 sat sounds so good right now

>> No.8833169
File: 176 KB, 1516x910, 1_cIQiMyyFIzsoZi5M4LbH-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, OP is a real piece of shit. He either lied, and had no inside information (just a dumbass), or he did have inside information and maliciously gave people advice that he knew was against their best interests.
Now where is that cocksucker anyway? He seems to have abandoned his dumb thread after 5 posts. The biggest downside to the anonymity of the internet is that you can't reach through your monitor and drag someone through it to beat them senseless.

>> No.8833183

Lol...I made an extra 500 links by swing trading 16k links.

I realized we're not going back below 4500 stats. So I had to buy up a little more.

I own 134k links.

I'll probbaly cash out when it hits $100.

1000 is just plain silly lol. It could happen. But won't happen for at least another 5 years.

>> No.8833204

i made a promise to myself that i won't impulse trade ever again.

i will wait a week before i touch it. hopefully people cash out to pay irs and i can get lucky off a dump, but if i buy in now its just impulse buy after impulse buy

>> No.8833227

Don't bother selling. Just set your buy orders low. If you sell, you run the risk of getting liquidated.

>> No.8833402

Link is starting to get tricky to trade
It barely dips, it use to not be like this
Maybe the memes are real, it keeps up trending~!!!

>> No.8833486


Is the bottom one justin trudeau =_=

>> No.8833821


>> No.8834034

13. The entire crypto market collapses because you forgot to set an alarm to tether up in January

>> No.8834047
File: 218 KB, 634x425, 1523118113785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone actually sell because of this thread?

>> No.8834113

No worries fren, some here sold at 17¢ and others bought at $1.40, but no one will care in a year from now. Do you hear anyone complaining about buying eth at $5?

>> No.8834117

Unironically yes. In my defense, I was only about 20% in and it hasn't cost me any money. Back all in, we're still pumping, amd since the last bart wave was a dip, we're due to get pumped back to 7k in a day or so. Comfy

>> No.8834153

Just waited to buy more

>> No.8834154

There's been no actual news for a while so this is just the market bobbing up and down imo.

>> No.8834208

Cash out a bit and let the rest ride? 134k link at $100 is 13.4m. Surely you can cash out one M to treat yourself and leave the rest. Staking alone should be more than enough to live well without touching any of your principal.

>> No.8834248
File: 78 KB, 698x911, 2016-11-23 16_03_57-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn asshole. hope nobody sold because of you.

newfriends, let this be a precious example for LARP for you. dont believe nonsensical threads here, especially when they have 0 reasoning and 0 proof

>> No.8834261

>There's been no actual news for a while
the last week we've seen more news than the past half a year combined

>> No.8834285

Yes, but not exclusively because of this thread. Managed to turn my trading stack into 2007 Link (from 2003). Barely made it back in with profit.

>> No.8834328


Damn nigga, you made $40,000 future money.

>> No.8834365
File: 8 KB, 235x235, 1480815692287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, we can't prevent people like OP from trying to fuck people over, all we can do is keep this thread bumped to serve as a warning. And make vague threats.

>> No.8834468
File: 284 KB, 1305x651, larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for future likekind shitlarps

>> No.8834652

Thank you, and saved.
>This public service announcement was brought to you by /biz/: "Because we care, faggot."

>> No.8834665

get rekt, OP

>> No.8835102

May the herpes be with u always, OP

>> No.8835182

I am an impoverished fag who lost coins trying to flip it all the time. Don't do it people.
t. 667 linky at ATH now 224

>> No.8836133


>> No.8836525

still within the 16 hour window, just hit 4670 sats
Expect dumping soon or OP is still a faggot

>> No.8837020
File: 2.27 MB, 2399x1438, 1520414205254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like somebody might be trying to initiate a dump, but nobody else is selling. Might bleed a bit still, but people tend to hold their Linkies close, it just doesn't dump the way shitcoins like Verge do.

>> No.8837214
File: 91 KB, 504x400, 1521396115197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. And I felt bad about my 16k LINK

>> No.8837234

Because you lack the statistics and TA knowledge, as well as a strategy to trading. Probably lack the discipline as well

t. up 10% since I started trading yesterday

>> No.8837262

10% your first day is luck, not skill, especially if it's during a bit of a bullish couple of days. Don't let it go to your head or you'll be down 10% or more before you know it.

>> No.8837289

Yeah I'm looking into a node as well. Are there any specific hardware requirements that you know of?
I thought I read that all you really need is a multi core processor. But I wouldn't know where to find a single core if I tried lol

>> No.8837326

You're going to want to look deeply into reliability to maximize uptime. I wouldn't run it on a pc unless you like losing link to penalties. Maybe on a basic server?

>> No.8837643

Thank you for this info, I will think deeply on it. I should probably read more too. Or lol linkpool I guess

>> No.8837660

Use aws to run it