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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8824012 No.8824012 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8824035

So what you fucking chink

>> No.8824037

hurr telegram said annoucnement at 10:30 cst time 30 minutes to buy before moonski

>> No.8824044
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>> No.8824047
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calm down 56%er and envy our ethnostate

>> No.8824053

Lol please, sure it will be

>> No.8824055

lol wasn't that like their first "partnership" they announced?

>> No.8824064

they've been working together since 2015 and Sunny was CEO of LV China

>> No.8824074

CIO. Fucking vechain fags don’t even know their own team

>> No.8824089
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>> No.8824091

Where's the proof?
Because it "says so on their website"?

>> No.8824117

Jesus Christ they are working with a French luxury brand and sunny was the CIO of LV. It should be painfully obvious LV is who vechain are providing solutions for. Stupid fucking community

>> No.8824126

still a former executive, point remains.

>> No.8824130

The fact that you morons think a high end brand like LV would ever partner with chinks is almost as delusional as vechinks saying they aren’t paid shills

>> No.8824138

go fucking google it

>> No.8824144

Eat your dick in 20 mins fool

>> No.8824156

Sorry fag vechain doesn’t have enough money to pay LV to partner with them. Unless it’s like the BMW partnership LOL

>> No.8824165

Just did that and found out it's a completely made up statement. Fuck this scamcoin.

>> No.8824186

in all of 4 minutes

>> No.8824249

god fucking damnit, I am here on acid trying to make sense of this shit and now I don't know where to put my 10btc.

>> No.8824263

>Guy in VeChain office buys a Louis Vuiton bag:

I literally can't trust ANYTHING that comes out of these Chink mouths after the BMW travesty.

>Sign up on some shitty startup spotting website made by BMW where 99% of them do not end up working for or with BMW(literally name, email and description on the site to be in the garage program)

>> No.8824268

how about up your larping asshole

>> No.8824312

Also this is not just a partnership announcement. It's a live solution showcase, Vechain's chips are already in bags across stores.

>> No.8824550

I used to like Vechain, bot honestly, this CCK shit is so immature. Go on ven subbreddit, people behave like he is their god or something. Absolutely cringe stuff

>> No.8825259

Survival bias and stockholm syndrome

>> No.8825283


holy fucking shit, they STILL are doing this pump and dump shit? people still falling for it. I like Vechain till i saw this coca cola shit ant hyping shit for what it really was. pump always followed by a big dump without any exception.

>> No.8825303


vechains reddit is like r/bitcoin.

its disgusting and when a community gets to that point you need to jump ship.

>> No.8825326
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>no ass
stop posting ugly gooks

>> No.8825337

Christ this board is dumb.

>> No.8825400

They are just trolling dude. Nobody actually doubts the potential of VeChain. It's the Eth killer

>> No.8825440

And 95% of the fud posted about Vechain on this board is the same guy anyways

>> No.8825441

how come there can never be a serious discussion about this coin on this board? its all FUD trolling and meme shit

>> No.8825855

There’s no serious material to talk about. It’s all marketing normie hype over centralized databases.

>> No.8826354
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they will buy a bootlegged LV bag from some chinese market, post pic on twitter and call it partnership.

>> No.8826394

because people are so unbelievably comfy in this that it isn't even worth seriously debating and everyone FUDs their own coin for teh lulz.gif whilst just waiting for everyone else to see the obvious

>> No.8826448

Bitconnect holders were comfy too. You have yet to see actual FUD regarding ven.

>> No.8826486

>billionaire VCs invest in ponzi schemes
okay, come back to me when you have an actual point.

>> No.8826503

fpbp and chink shills eternally btfo

>> No.8826504

who's louis vuiton?

>> No.8826526

Unknown, he is the man that made bitcoin. Many believe it to be a fake name.

>> No.8826546

Yep billionaires slowly squeezing profit. Then one day theyll just take their bags and run. Leaving you with a red dildo in your ass.

>> No.8826580

like they did with facebook, etsy, ethereum and circle?

>> No.8826650

"advisor" not investor or shareholder

>> No.8826687

Hit us up when LV follows VECHAIN on twitter.

>> No.8826711

>takes LSD
>trades shitcoins
what the fuck is wrong with you. go outside and enjoy yourself.

>> No.8826713

>I am here on acid
European? What darknetmarket you get it from? what seller?

>> No.8826735

It's literally in Breyer Capital's investment portfolio, but continue..
You can't be a shareholder in a non-profit foundation that does not even offer equity.

>> No.8826759
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>> No.8826766

VEN fud on here is hilarious. Salty walties btfo

>> No.8826796

>not taking hallucinogens to deepen your understanding of 4D TA

You will not make it.

yes, got them from the huge german 1p lsd reseller. Clearnet and all legal, was a year ago though, I don't think the shop exists right now.

it literally was something like "1plsd.de" or something like that.

>> No.8826820

>what do Venture Capitalists do
jesus fucking christ. stop already.

>> No.8826826
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Cappasity is 12 million cap, VeChain is 1.8 billion cap, they're both announcing the exact same news. Which is the better buy?

>> No.8826848


None of the other companies say advisor, why is that?

>> No.8826868

Gooks; fucked up teeth and plastic surgery.

Fucking ew

>> No.8826877

This is really interesting and confirms what I've been saying. Breyer has not and will not invest a dime into VEN, and he's been receiving free VET to dump on plebs at will.

>> No.8826884

>1p lsd
Oh. I'm trying to cop som legit LSD and DMT. I've read that 1p is close to it but not exactly the same but I'll consider it.

>> No.8826911

are you micro dosing at least? i've eaten a shit ton of lsd in my life, but i guess i've never used it as a tool to increase awareness of something besides the self. i like to eat my acid and go see some music.

>> No.8826950

they advise a product until it becomes a reality then make an investment. he did it with facebook, circle, ethereum
he even mentions that in his medium article.

>> No.8826988

.You're right..Kind of like Floyd Mayweather and Centra

>> No.8827011

nigger that isn't an award winning, world renowned venture capitalist
you got anything else?

>> No.8827050

Lol get fucked faggot, ur mad cuz it's the same set up. Enjoy that carton of ice cream covered testicles slapping against your grundle you fucking delusional downs.

>> No.8827063

aaaaaand there we go.
nothing left in the ol' FUD tank eh?

>> No.8827088

I have done normal and 1p loads of time. There is no difference at all.

no, I never tried it.
Today was just the only completely free day for me and my gf, just a day of "degeneracy" in /biz/ terms,

>> No.8827090
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How dare you disrespect Breyers ice cream.
Also inb4 people try and convince you LMVH isn't a big deal
>42.5 billion euro in annual revenue

>> No.8827383

100% in VEN and kekd good. Nothing beats the ice cream meme

>> No.8827495
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>Average VEN fudder

>> No.8827972

Christ, what a subhuman