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882167 No.882167 [Reply] [Original]

Who /Not good at anything/ here?

I feel like such a retard because I cannot get beyond intermediate in any single subject...

>> No.882177

No one. You're a loser.

>> No.882183

I know you are but what am I

>> No.882184


>> No.882206
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It is your advantage that you truly know your limits.
Over optimistic people are the first to go bankrupt.
Now that you are humble enough to know your weaknesses, pic a subject and only focus on that. For all other subjects, out source.
Richest people on earth don't move a finger. They just delegate the right job to the right person. That's why most entrepreneurs are dyslexic.

>> No.882211

What have you tried?

>> No.882214

Sales, programming, sports, some other stuff.

Literally nothing except scamming people has worked even moderately well.

>> No.882221

Feels bad fam

>> No.882223


Kepp on searching, it does not sound very broad enough - as of your experience. There are literally thousands upon thousands of things you can emerge yourself in to. Your best bet would be - experience more, try things you never thought of trying before. Also listen to yourself, what do you feel, what emotions, thoughts arise when doing things. What I am trying to say, try everything you can until you find that once things that you really enjoy. Then it gets easy, emerge yourself completely in it, learn, experience, experience, research, experience and then maybe start building your own business out of it. There are hundreds of thousand things to do, and who said you cannot INVENT something yourself? It is all about HAVING FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE at something. EXPERIENCE - LEARN - GROW. What is my best example? My dad. He has tried so many different things in his life - starting from selling fish til serving bank business clients, now he is selling fireplaces,stoves,insrts - runing a business for 7 years, owns a penthouse now. It took me more than 20 attempts to seriously try different things to find that specific one I genuinely enjoy. From then on it gets easy - you will naturally start researching more and more about it, different angles, aspects - business, business terms, market, human behavior/psychology, managing money/time, becoming more creative - twisting existing ideas/coming up with fresh/new ones, your life will become an adventure. There is literally nothing worst than not to try, using your brain ofc. Be open-minded sceptic. This post helped me a lot, it gives a great insight to myself about myself. I hope some helps you too, if not, go read a book of your interest. Just for the heck, bitch, nigga

>> No.882231


And dont forget OP, ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE CONFUSED AS FUCK. We are all here to LEARN, especially from one another. Nobody knows the secret behind the existance, the people who advertise a certain belief or outlook are most likely just exploiting you. Remember, nobody knows shit nothing - as for the big picture of life. EXPERIENCE - LEARN - GROW. In case you want to be happy - you will become happy once you emerge yourself into doing things, because those terrorizing unhappy thoughts will vanish. I have come to this conclusion again and again and again. It is natural.

>> No.882235

Shit tier job
You're useless by 30 for most companies, and too expensive to train after 30.
This is a hobby, not a skill
You literally haven't tried shit. Keep trying.

>> No.882322

>Claims to not be good at anything
>Has tried 3 things

lmao how can you possibly know that you're not good at something?

>> No.882369


why don't you stick to scamming?

and what's the difference between sales and scamming?

>> No.882378

one is legal while the the other is illegal. that's the difference.

>> No.882381

...still a loser.

>> No.882422

not even trying to meme around with inspirational quotes, but everyone is good for something

if you don't think you are, you just haven't found it yet, or don't know how to make a living out of it

>> No.882438

>That's why most entrepreneurs are dyslexic.
i dont think thats true

>> No.882446

Just woke up, thanks for advice fams

>> No.882475

I guess it just feels kinda bad to get to an adult age and not really have any deep knowledge in any subject or expertise.

I mean I have a lot of beginner-intermediate knowledge in many subjects, that which impresses normies and regular people but it can hardly be applied to anything.

>> No.882537

I think I am retarded.

I am struggling on simple as fuck math problems, and I just can't figure them out for the life of me...

>> No.882581


Post an example and we'll tell you how fucked you are

>> No.882590

I couldn't figure out the answer to

For hours, and it's one of the easiest questions there...

>> No.882606

Why don't you give building fundamental skills before attempting to pick up a skill again? Build people skills. Learn how to communicate, work on yourself physically, and then try to do something cool. A mechanics apprentice wouldn't be able to work on a car if their tools were too soft to turn the bolts, get it?

>> No.882611

So far the plan is to just wait for my shoulder injury to heal then I'm going to buy bathtub chemicals and get big as fuck and aesthetic.

Big or die tryin fam, u feel me?

>> No.882623

I could hack a script that would solve that but fuck, I am not mathematician and havent touched maths for long time, making a maths equasion (and solving it) for that problem would be easy
If you dont study or are currently involved with math and cant solve that then its normal

>> No.882626

would not be easy*

>> No.882628

Feel it

>> No.882641

It's easy as fuck fam. I am just really really retarded

Maybe I'd do better in Finance tbh fam

>> No.882650

FUCK i really can't do it.

It keeps giving me the wrong answer. fuck it all to hell man.

It's the 2nd question of the website... only 5% difficulty it says. What in the fuck

>> No.882689

This is weird man.
I'm a high school dropout and I have no Idea of math stuff beyond what they teach in elementary school (and maybe some of the early middle school stuff), and I solved it the first time.

Are you sure you're reading the instructions correctly?

>> No.882693

How did you do it?

I thought i got it right in psuedocode as well but when I write it out it never gets me the right answer

>> No.882696

Wait, is it a programming challenge?
LMAO I used notepad and calculator.

Nevermind, I'm the retarded here lol

>> No.882709

It's not necessarily a programming challenge, more of math challenges solved using programming language of choice.

But yeah shit is a lot harder than I thought. I'm trying to do them in C++ and I almost got like 5 done but it gives me a wrong answer and I can't help but feel like I'm overlooking one little thing and I'm almost at the correct answer.

Make an account(don't need email or anything) and try some of the harder ones man, shit ain't a joke fam

>> No.882716

Yeah, it's not easy if you're not used to think that way.

>Make an account(don't need email or anything) and try some of the harder ones man, shit ain't a joke fam
I did to make the first two, and got them right the first try, and it took me way more time than I have, so I don't think I'll be doing more of them (since I can't code and need to do it "manually" lol)

>> No.882725

>Yeah, it's not easy if you're not used to think that way.

Any advice on learning this stuff more?

I never really learned math properly in highschool so most of this stuff makes no sense to me. I figure if I read a couple math textbooks on different math subjects it should make a lot more sense to me...

But I'm just thinking since it doesn't have all that much practical value I'll probably forget it if I don't regularly use it, right?

>> No.882731

Dude, I's probably harder for me than it is for you. I just started adding shit with a calculator.

>I never really learned math properly in highschool so most of this stuff makes no sense to me.
I was in the top 3 worst students in my class throughout all my years in shcool. I almost never studied, and i'm probably the worst person to ask lol

>But I'm just thinking since it doesn't have all that much practical value I'll probably forget it if I don't regularly use it, right?
It depends on what you do for a living or hobby. If you never use a skill, there's no point in learning it whan you could learn some more useful stuff.

Anyway, you could try http://www.khanacademy.org/ for some courses.

>> No.882741

I've programmed for over 30 years and I still don't know if I'm any good. Feel like such a useless cunt.

>> No.882766


True fam. I'm finna read some books I torrented about discrete math and shyt

>> No.882777

>I never really learned math properly in highschool so most of this stuff makes no sense to me.
There's your problem.

Get on KhanAcademy and start from the VERY beginning. Buy some math books and work through those too. There's also http://artofproblemsolving.com/alcumus for math problems that make you think a bit more.

Once you've got some Algebra I, Algebra II and some Probability and Statistics under your belt, you should be ready for some computer science classes.

Give up Project Euler for now, but don't give up programming.

>> No.882783

Thanks fam.

But I can't help but feel a lot of this stuff is just "extra". In memegramming you don't seem to really need super-complex algorithms or knowledge of data structures to make many things.

>> No.882798

don't waste time on "building yourself up".

think big and always take action immediately. planning "perfect execution" is for beta faggots who are overly cautious (this is the same attitude many women have).if it's something new to you, go ahead and research it for a few weeks, but always be trying something. always have a project going.

learn by doing. and gravitate toward things you enjoy. it's the only way us average intelligence guys can excel.

>> No.882839

Fam I'm just ashamed of being so dumb at every subject tbh.

Like I have to go back to grade 8 math and re-do it all to get started on learning actual proper shit.

>> No.882854

my brother was always "dumb" and never did well in school and he was driving a 40k Mercedes by 27 and owns 2 homes at 30.

just don't think like a pleb. get out of the pleb mindset.



An example of the pleb mindset: you'll get amped and bookmark these links fully intent on reading them later. Then you'll go back to plebly things without taking meaningful action.

At very least read the article on intelligence and save Think and Grow Rich for later (soon, if you're serious).

get your goals straight. Is your goal to be "competent at math"? or is it to become fucking rich? throw away everything extraneous that you don't naturally gravitate toward. and of the things you do gravitate toward, find a way to make them profitable.

>> No.882867

>At very least read the article on intelligence and save Think and Grow Rich for later (soon, if you're serious).

I've already read all of the posts on WSP.

I like it and speaks a lot to me but the thing is that when it comes to applying it to myself I really suck at it. I can be very critical of other people and analyze what they're doing wrong and how they can improve but when it comes to myself I usually draw a blank.

i am considering just completely lying on my resume and trying to weasel my way into getting decent experience and going from there. Currently unemployed without any experience in things with room to grow/not for subhumans, so I don't have much to lose. Seems like a solid idea I just need to figure out how to act the part.

>> No.882871


Is the answer 4613731 ?

I can't be bothered to set up an account.

I hacked this small JS script together, because I couldn't be bothered to fire up a serious IDE either.

Press F12 and paste it in the console.

var n1 = 1;
var n2 = 1;

var total = 1;

var n3 = n1 + n2;
n1 = n2;
n2 = n3;

if( n3 > 4000000 ){
else if( n3 % 2 == 1 ){
total += n3;

alert('Total: ' + total);


>> No.882876

if you aren't naturally good at anything, they recommend learning how to sell.

>If you have no skills in any of the three categories… You should get to work immediately. Of the three skills, Sales and Synthesis are the *easiest* to learn (numerics is the hardest to improve upon).

Go find a product to market on Clickbank or a niche to fill that needs a cheap website (and make money through Amazon affiliates links)

It sounds to me like your problem is indecisiveness and thinking you have to know exactly *how* to procede. you don't, you just have to try.

Here's a good video that got me started:

He even gives an example.

>> No.882881

>Is the answer 4613731 ?
Wrong answer

>I can't be bothered to set up an account.

I suggest you make one fam. You don't need an email address or anything else. Just username and password

>> No.882883

What is this degenerate stoner even saying.
His voice and demeanor is annoying but I'll watch it.

Thanks breh, I think i got some good ideas.
I'm going to try to just bullshit my way into a decent job for starters. At the very least if it fails i should learn some important things, and I'll ask for feedback from hiring managers.

>> No.882889

This is so much b8 in one post it should win a fucking award.

>> No.882907


I'm a goddamn idiot.
I got switched around on what even and odd mean, and made the sum of all odd terms.

The correct algorithm:

var n1 = 1;
var n2 = 1;

var total = 0;


var n3 = n1 + n2;
n1 = n2;
n2 = n3;

if( n3 >= 4000000 ){
else if( n3 % 2 == 0 ){
total += n3;

alert('Total: ' + total);


I changed the second if and removed the initial 1 from the total.

Btw since it seems kind of interesting I did sign up, not bad OP

>> No.882915

I'm trying to do problem 6.

Too bad no code tags on this board but here's what I got so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>

double sum = 0;

int SumOfSquare(double n)
for (; n > 0; --n)
sum += pow(n, 2);
std::cout << n << " to the power of 2 is: ";

int main(void)
using namespace std;


return 0;

Should in theory be correct but for some reason it keeps giving a completely different number. Not sure why, trying to le debug

>> No.882935

FUCK I mis-read the question...

i just finished it calculated the wrong thing.

My answer was 1.14481e+011 which is certainly way too large

>> No.882947


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>

double sum = 0;
double buffer = 0;
int numbero = 0;

void SumOfSquare(double n)
for (; n > 0; n--)
buffer = pow(n, 2);
sum += buffer;

int SquareOfSum(double n)
int x = 0;

for (; n > 0; --n)
x += n;
return x;

int main(void)
using namespace std;


cout << sum - SquareOfSum(100);

return 0;

>> No.882968


I was doing problem 3
>paste in browser
>browser freezes


I know what I did wrong though.
I took the naive approach and tried calculating all the factors beforehand and then iterating through them, instead of checking each one on the fly.

I'll fix it tomorrow.

>> No.882981


>> No.883745

bump tbh fam

>> No.883838


>> No.883857

god I hate Cpp

>> No.883903

here you go fam :3


Answer is 4613732

>> No.883910
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, tbh fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fam but I already solved it last night.

Pic related, my solution to le problem.

It really took a lot more work than i thought it would :'( smdh fam

>> No.883911

you're a fucking idiot m8

OP, programming is not easy. it takes a lot of effort

>> No.883912

my answer was for question 2. I guess you solved that one too?

>> No.883919

Oh right, I forgot which question we were posting about but yeah I did

>> No.883924

keep at it, nigga. we all start somewhere

>> No.883932

Thanks bruh.

I'm finna work hard this year, do whatever it takes to get ahead. In fact I'm going to try to do something different than I did previously in order to change the outcome, the opposite of my "natural reaction" so to speak.

>> No.883961
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>> No.883963


back to /g/

>> No.884037

u tryna squab fam?

>> No.884499

Bump fam

>> No.884874


>> No.885422

Come on fam, what's holding you back is a negative attitude tbh

>> No.885523


>> No.886037

Bruh is we guapping

>> No.886044

lol wtf man, what do you want?

>> No.886045

I want help. My life is out of control

>> No.886062
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so fix it

>> No.886068


>> No.886070
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Tell me what do you on a daily basis

>> No.886084


>> No.886105

I sit at home, either mindlessly browsing the internet or watching movies. Occasionally I study programming or something for a few hours.

>> No.886108


You live by yourself?

>> No.886153

No I leech off my parents

>> No.886350

If you want to developed your knowledge of programming and computing I suggest installing Linux, break it, then fix it.
It will teach you shell scripting and bash command.
Then install a server on it, anything, that will teach you about networking. Host an apache server and website, bam you know HTML/PHP, depending on the type of website you might get some JavaScript and SQL in you.

I literally did exatcly what you did for the past 3 years, but I was using Debian unstable and my OS would break fairly frequently, so I would fix it. I learned quite a bit.

Now all I need to do is sit down and program an algo trading bot.

If you don't give a rats ass about computing then read books about what you do like, and I mean actually read, an hour a day at least.

>> No.886366

>If you want to developed your knowledge of programming and computing I suggest installing Linux, break it, then fix it.

I have done this.

>Tried to install 32 bit libraries for le 64 bit memeux
>System breaks have to do a bunch of retarded shit to fix

Eventually grub broke out of nowhere.

One day my linux partition is missing, i spent many hours trying to fix it, ask people for help on irc, post on /g/. No one could help.

I think memeux is more trouble than it's worth. But new Debian looks very good now i think i will use it with XFCE

I am currently learn C++ but it's not going so well, might just learn python to learn machinelearning and all that jizz

>> No.886392

Persistence is what you lack.

Clearly computers arnt your thing if you just gave up. Did you learn about fstab and how Linux mounts drives? Maybe.
But you didn't fix your problem so you didn't learn everything about it.

My recommendation would be to start reading. Not on the computer I mean like books, or PDF's on your phone, something you can move around with. Read in open areas where people can ask you about what your reading. This way you build friends for potential jobs.

Also try and break your internet habit, turn off the data on your phone and disconnect from WiFi when reading.
Get your network admin to set time restrictions on your computer so you can only use the internet at certain times, forcing you to go out and look for a job or do something else productive like reading.

>> No.886409

If you want to learn programming or math or anything else, treat it like you would any other "school" subject; start from the beginning, schedule your study periods and persist with it. That's it. None of this half-assed, dipping in and out, non-structured horseshit. Make a pledge to sit down and concentrate on whatever it is for a set time per day and do that every single day; eventually, it becomes so much part of your routine you'll find yourself getting angsty when you skip it. The reason so many people never get past basic skills in things is because they have no structure to their learning.

>> No.886442

>Clearly computers arnt your thing if you just gave up. Did you learn about fstab and how Linux mounts drives? Maybe.
>But you didn't fix your problem so you didn't learn everything about it.

No no I understood the problem, and I did fix it. But it was a whole bunch of dicking around trying to fix it compared to just Winblows and it "just werking".

>Get your network admin to set time restrictions on your computer so you can only use the internet at certain times

Do you think i'm in a prison fam? im the fucking developer, sysadmin and manager of my house.

Thanks this is actually hella good advice, I've been trying to write out my day and try to keep it as productive as possible by justifying everything I do as working towards my goals or not.

>> No.886455


If you're struggling with C++, it might be a better idea to start with Python - it's more forgiving.

This is a good starter site:


And its follow-up which deals with C:


Both are set up in a lessen-by-lesson basis so you actually have the thing structured for you already. How quickly you progress is dependent on your prior knoeledge and skill etc. but you should work your way through those.

And when you're learning anything, it's best not to go balls out; a few hours per day on different things with breaks in between will stand you in better stead than trying to marathon 6 hours worth of study at once.

>> No.886477

>If you're struggling with C++, it might be a better idea to start with Python - it's more forgiving.

It's not that I'm struggling as in it's "too hard", I'm just having some trouble remembering all the syntax shit and it's intricacies, and also remembering difference between pass by reference and pass by address, pointer shit, classes, STACK AND HEAP, error handling, header files, type conversion, all the array shit, keeping track of memory and not going out of range and all that shit.

It's like, I could do something in a few lines in Python or any other higher level language or I can sit around for 2 days with dozens of lines of code debugging it...

>> No.886484


That's why learning something like Python properly first is a better idea. You're developing the programming "mindset" without having to keep so many plates spinning at once. It makes things easier when you move to a more complex language because by then you kinda know what you need to do and how to code properly, if that makes sense. It's like learning another spoken language; once you've learned a second, it's easier to learn a third becasue the second taught you so much about syntax an sentence structure that you already have a solid idea of how they work, you don't have to spend as much time struggling with it.

>> No.886537

I've learned an intermediate amount of Python and C before moving onto C++. The 2nd, 3rd language thing only really applies when you become C++ master or something and move onto easier/higher level languages.

Being Python pro would very very minimally help you in C++, other than the extreme basics. It's a whole other beast fam

>> No.887371

Fam smh

>> No.887981

Lol anyone finna shoot 2g of heroin to leave this planet?

>> No.888638


>> No.888676


Just cancel your internet.

If you are seriously that depressed about your lack of knowledge, then do the following.

>Get a nice notepad
>Write down the name of a subject you wish to learn
>Below that subject, write how much time you will dedicate towards studying that subject
>Go to the library and find a book about the subject and use your time to study the book until you can move on to a more advanced book on the same topic

After you dedicate 100 hours of reading or so (Probably as many hours as you dedicate to the internet a week learning dank mee mees) you'll be better educated on the subject than 95% of people.

When there is a knowledge gap like that, there are ways to monetize not only your experience with the subject, but other people's lack thereof.

>> No.888682

But my internet is what I need to learn about programming.

>> No.888694

>muh library muh books
why can't you just do that on the internet

>> No.889029
