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File: 130 KB, 1024x624, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8821473 No.8821473 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from the soy market?

>> No.8821487


>> No.8821495

>bottle openers
>investing in colorful PC cartoons
>A cuck Tinder, showing where BBC is

>> No.8821549

Sell into FOMO and buy panic dumps

>> No.8821562

This. The jews are already 2 steps ahead of you.

>> No.8821563
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Raspberry Pi accessories for retro games.

>> No.8821589

Bull prepper ICO

>> No.8821600
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baby labs

>> No.8821611
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also nintendo

>> No.8821615

This is actually cool and fun and isn’t limited to soy boys anon

>> No.8821620 [DELETED] 

Well what were you people expecting?
This guy wants to see the world burn.
Him entering the crypto world is even worse than having banks involved.

>> No.8821645
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>> No.8821679

Comfy tech desu lad

>> No.8821691
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>> No.8821769

B-b-but R&M is actually cool, right?

>> No.8821808

Soylent green..

>> No.8821818
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>> No.8821842

add LEGO

>> No.8821858

Become gyno removal surgeon

>> No.8822591
File: 633 KB, 1701x850, poltards9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger here.
You faggots hate Soyboys for making these gay ass faces and being slaves to modern fads and consumerism, I get it, really I do.
But they also tend to have jobs, wives, children, houses, cars, etc.
When i see NEET ass /pol/faggots laughing at soyboys I get the same vibe I get when from niggers making fun of white men's mannerisms.

>> No.8822631

>t. soyboy
cucks drive cars, do you feel it necessary to defend driving? nope
you come here all upset your nostalgia gaming is attacked because deep inside, you know it's childish, exploitative and indefensible

>> No.8822655
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Get fucked

>> No.8822663

I think soys would rather buy the NES/SNES mini so they can brag with the retarded face rather than using a RPi.

>> No.8822668

Unironically invest in Ambrosus. Numales will love being able to track and verify the source of their artisan soy products.

>> No.8822675

>you have to be /pol/ to dislike consumerist, effeminate men

>> No.8822678

Long Nintendo.

>> No.8822698
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>> No.8823067

fuck you

>> No.8823151


Already monopolized by Hebrews.

I would say get into novelty collectible garbage, like Funko POP consumer shit.

>> No.8823160


LEGO is the basis of a wholesome male up-bringing.

>> No.8823188

you could write a script to front run amiibo releases and restocks then scalp them on amazon/ebay

>> No.8823199

the jews really did a number on you kiddo

>> No.8823213

if you're bearded and bald you should have been done with your upbringing a long time ago

>> No.8823240

>implying there is anything wrong with /pol/

Cuck detected

>> No.8823278

Open up your own soy farm
They are literally the same thing Soylent is based on soy.

>> No.8823285

there's endless things wrong with /pol/, half of you are bitch boy millenial teenagers larping and the other half are normalfags. anyone serious about political topics left half chan for greener pastures after /pol/ tranny mods censored it to oblivion in 2014

>> No.8823292
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t. Soyboy in denial

>> No.8823331


Agree with everything on there except Lagunitas. They make great beer.

>> No.8823368

Sure thing kike

>> No.8823370

Soybean futures on the CME. Very popular commodity to trade. ZS symbol

>> No.8823385

real men drink shit beer and hate every second of it you fag

>> No.8823412

IPAs are literally soy boy beer. Full of hops and estrogen.

>> No.8823418

>t. 8% askhenazi, 20% african-american, 12% mcdonald grease
does your mother know you browse 4chan in class?

>> No.8823429

I’m 35 years old and 90% British 100% European, 0% kike

Nice try kike. What’s your next ad hom attack?

>> No.8823627

Not really Fun with input lag

>> No.8823681


There is nothing good about emulation on the slowest, weakest, most budget + low power hardware in history

inb4 a fucking war about how processor and bus speed have no effect on input lag

>> No.8823714


Worrying about the ingredients in an item you enjoy is a vaginal action. Go back to the cuckshed.

>> No.8823992

What will happen to the soy market when this meme crosses all the way over? How far away are we from companies putting "soy free" on their products?

Everyone thinks the tariffs are going to be a problem, but honestly the combo of tariffs and getting hit with this soyboy shit is going to really hurt the market. Just bet on soy going lower than anyone else that's being reasonable and you can't lose

>> No.8824238

People already put soy free on their labels lol look at almond milk it says "soy free" on it

>> No.8824345

It's probably just that those Chinese controllers suck dick. How much power do you really need for SNES or Genesis?

>> No.8824593

Atleast the women is a cuck too i have more respect for that than the one sided shit.

>> No.8824635

Nintendo is gay shit tho.

>> No.8824756

you forgot vasectomy, vapes and running / spartan race

>> No.8824809

this is antifa trying to low key attack the right.

>> No.8824870

Nintendo is the exemplary soyboy brand. Look at the people that buy their consoles, like what the fuck are you on about. Gas yourself.

>> No.8825462


Trump has a reddit account stop posting this picture.

>> No.8825665
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>> No.8825914
File: 36 KB, 540x285, 1 Pi7yECHXumqmNugKTld8tQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

create soylent green.
made from 100% organic soyboys.

>> No.8826370

Invest in Brazil, biggest exporter of soy in the world.

>> No.8826597

Spyboys are the house niggers of our time.