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8821083 No.8821083 [Reply] [Original]

Trading is a fucking meme and I'm fucking sick off it. The whole thing is a fucking joke. The math is so fucking stacked against you, it's literally impossible to win without huge amounts of luck.

Think about it. A coin moves down 50% and you lose 50% of your money. Fine, shit happens, but now what? You need to move 100% up to just fucking break even. It's a complete joke.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.8821150

When I bought eth, it first moved 50% down and a year later it was 20000%

Day trading is pointless. It's even worse than wagecucking, you still spend whole day doing computer work and get crumbs for it.

>> No.8821158

That's why you short

>> No.8821186

>it goes down 200 then sideways buy
>goes up 200 sell
?????? must be hard being a brainlet

>> No.8821222

anon this is basic game theory, how is the math hard?

>> No.8821262

I'm literally 2x just by daytrading.
Sure the market crashed and I'm still on fiat loss but shit just happens.
You're just a fucking brainlet

>> No.8821272

worst. daytrade whole day and lose money. kek.

>> No.8821301

>that's why you lose all your money in a volatile market

>> No.8821360

What are people doing to survive the current market trends? I was 70k up and i lost it all Hodlin, I was thinking of tethering at 10k then buying back in round 6k and just do that over and over. I'm looking for some legit tips here

>> No.8821376

Wow look at this guy who got 100% gains while the market went up 30x.

>> No.8821388

90% of traders lose money.

Sorry op, but you belong with the brainlet masses.

>> No.8821389

the answer to your dilemma is that you keep some cash to buy more.

>> No.8821390

Its called a stop loss you imbecile

Hint= if yoi're long, and the price drops below the last swing low, sell instantly

>> No.8821787

>do good all day
>lose all your gains and then some on one bad trade

>> No.8821831

Just learn to cut your losses shortly and don't hold for too long. That and don't start trading with shitcoins that have been freefalling for days.
That's all it takes.

I said that I increased my coins while the market was going down the shitter you mentally impaired imbecile.
I'm at a loss because they're now worth shit.

>> No.8821912

Trading most competitive games on planet since time begins.
Unless you consistently top 2% of every thing you do, not bother with trading.
Also if you not intuition understooding options and margins, stay away from trading.

You can still try long term swing trades if are brainlet tho. Try only making 1-2 trade a month

>> No.8821923

Agreed, buying shitcoin at the very bottom is the only way

>> No.8821932

>Think about it. A coin moves down 50% and you lose 50% of your money.
This is not for you already, I can tell.

>> No.8821946

>A coin moves down 50% and you lose 50% of your money
What fucking retard trader holds a 50% loss? Set a stop loss at a reasonable level, like -5 or -10%. If it triggers, feel good that you've stuck to your guns.
Anyone who buys and doesn't have a stop loss is gambling, not trading.

>> No.8821958

Fucktard. There are indicators that predict market moves if you spend 10 mins understanding how they work and 1 hour learning how they work IN THE MARKET YOU ARE TRADING IN (Imortant) the btc crash that just fucking happened was signaled as early as 10 hours ago you fucking chump. Learn the profession. Make money. Brainlet.

>> No.8821983

How much money have you made, anon?

>> No.8822069

I don’t trade crypto mate, forex is where it’s at

>> No.8822072

>the btc crash that just fucking happened was signaled as early as 10 hours ago you fucking chump.
what signal was that? I'd be interested in knowing how you were able to foresee that drop. Bitcoin was above the 10-day moving average right before that drop. Bitcoin was in a very good spot. And then poof some whale decides to take a shit.

>> No.8822087


>> No.8822100

I asked you one simple question. How. Much. Money. Have. You. Made.

>> No.8822122


this but unironically

>> No.8822124

can only agree as a forex trader myself. All markets are manipulated but this crypto shit is manipulated the most by FAR.

>> No.8822125
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Bought now m8 bull trap will come in 2 days, i'm pretty sure. Oh and one more thing if y loose your money dont blame me, blame your self for listening to some random guys on the internet m8

>> No.8822138

Fuck off, larplord, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8822161
File: 78 KB, 1916x972, EURUSDM15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy wagecucking soon or learn forex


put some time into your education and learn how to consistently make money.

>> No.8822162

>unregulated markets are surely not manipulated

>> No.8822170

also check EURUSD rising right now and my profits going up, is that a larp?

>> No.8822181

Volume. Learn what it means in the market you trade in, it’s the first thing you should consider before making a trade

>> No.8822276
File: 232 KB, 802x802, 1500828231882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy your insane fees
>enjoy your spread
>enjoy having to use magin to do anything
>enjoy having to deal with broker manipulated data that is designed to fuck you over because your broker is betting against you
>enjoy getting jewed on every move
>enjoy not being able to cash out if your broker denies it (seriously google this, it happens OFTEN)
As I said, you have no idea what you're talking about and linking a babbies guide to forex makes it even worse because you obviously fail the realize the devious purpose of these guides.

>> No.8822297

unless bots just fap on each other in order to fake an increase overall volume

>> No.8822398

>there are no fees - find a broker without commissions, 0.6 pips spread on EUR/USD which is tiny if you make hundreds of pips on 1 trade. Maybe you're talking about swap fees, which are small aswell and only due to margin
>what's wrong with margin trading?
>implying manipulators in crypto don't have access to all positions which they inevitably LIQUIDATE on the daily
it's the same shit in forex and in every other game be it stocks or futures.
>regularily cashing out without problems

Crypto is essentially the same game as forex only with the difference that the big players fuck you over much harder.

That babypips guide should be sufficient to build a base knowledge and from then on you can form your own system and trading plan. it is free because 95% of all traders are doomed to fail. They attract dumb money - it's up to you if you can make it up to the 5%.

>> No.8822435

>Being this brainwashed by the jews.
Yikes, bro.

>> No.8822756

Do you guys serious? far out youze are brainlets,

Bitmex chad here, scalping daily picking up points

>> No.8823020

>still trading crypto

sorry but that party ended in late 2017. Early 2018 were for people who desperately didn't want it to end and thought it would be realistic with infinite exponential growth, and later it was artificially pumped by whales. now its controlled by whales who randomly pump/dump the price a long with their short/longs, but unless you have info about when it happens its a complete gamble

>> No.8823076
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contact me if you would like to know how money's inherently broken


>> No.8823092
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>> No.8823233

sounds like too much work

>> No.8823394

for the lazy/stupid folk (>95% of the world) yes, absolutely it is

>> No.8823608

this is a total scam. he gives some nonsensical math pages as ((preview)) and then charges $200 in btc for "full package". he is preying on desperate anons left in biz for a quick buck. dont fall for it

>> No.8823626

also notice how it's basically all testimonials he made himself with the right emotional triggers to lure in victims. the first red flag of any scam

>> No.8823758
File: 1.07 MB, 332x214, 1512751099886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol... trading. You don't trade, you buy low cap coins and hold. Then sell at target price.

Allright faggots, buy this:


Put them in hardware wallets and never look at charts again untill 2020. Do some actual work in the meantime and build up some fiat reserves. Sell crypto's in 2020 and retire.

Its literally that simple. I'm 35 and retired 3 years ago lol. Never had to post a wojak.

>> No.8823788


>> No.8823861

honestly, I really should be charging like $200,000 (probably more) but I'm a nice guy

>> No.8823892

oh, and it's $225 now; the student after will be $250; the next, $275 (making it more of a supply/demand thing)

>> No.8823964
File: 173 KB, 681x1024, 3300054_5_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOt is a casino gamble, and 99% of people lose.

Crypto is shit and it is dying

>> No.8823988

and I take any form of payment, crypto, $, whatever

can you transfer penny stocks? lol been wanting to get into those lately

>> No.8824056


Then you're a fucking amateur. You shouldn't be on danger of losing your gains from one trade if you have good money management strategies.

>> No.8824529

but warren buffet said to hold