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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8820893 No.8820893 [Reply] [Original]

REQ marine's report for duty

>> No.8820902
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>> No.8820928
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guys help me which color for my new lambo will be best

>> No.8820940


I hold req but these threads are fucking cringe.

>> No.8820953


never heard of reked coin before

>> No.8820958

>frog thumbnail posting
That's it, I sold all my REQ, the smart money has clearly left.

>> No.8820979

how much you got lads?

>> No.8820989
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Dayli reminder we burn

>> No.8820993

48k. Not sure if enough to make it with hodl till 2020?

>> No.8821000

also. on a more serious note. if req is gonna go to $100 it needs mass adoption. in order to do this it needs some apps built on top of it to get well used. anyone got any ideas for an app built on top of req? i was thinking a pizza app service that lets you buy a pizza with any crypto/fiat

>> No.8821036

Trips confirm. Build it anon

>> No.8821064

kek has guided me with his digits. i will learn how to code and build this app.

>> No.8821070

is $10 possible eoy?

>> No.8821095

Not if the bear market continues. However, during the next bull, I'd say $30 is quite probable

>> No.8821107

if req delivers on all its deadlines, 100 eoy

>> No.8821132

I'd like apps for travel related shit. Bus/trains/planes tickets, hotels, restaurants. All paid in crypto and received in fiat.

>> No.8821147

yeah like all those other top 10 shitcoins have mass adoption? REQ $100 next bullrun either way

>> No.8821195

the coins in the top 10 are in the top 10 because of aggressive advertising. that means they spent no time working on the tech aspects of their coin and likely have not done much in the way of tech. the next bullrun will be all about the coins who actually have been working on their tech.

>> No.8821233

that is a 50000% increase though... surely that's just not possible even with an incredible bullrun... even $10 is a 5000% increase

>> No.8821255

and? token burn+mass adoption+bullrun.

>> No.8821276


Dubs and dubs, both preceded by the exact same 5 digits..

>> No.8821312

a site that sells whey protein for chad and abortion pills to stacy using request. without KYC of course.. we need to solve this problem first.

>> No.8821368

I feel like it's unlikely that mass adoption will come this year & therefore not much in the way of token burn. I'm certain that we'll exit the bearmarket at some point this year but I don't really expect a massive bullrun and even if there was one I think gains of 50000% are quite ambitious. That being said ETH did it. But is REQ the new ETH? Doesn't seem quite as revolutionary...

>> No.8821387

how does converting any crypto to fiat for less fees than coinbase not make it revolutionary? it also uses automatic tax filing, escrow, etc.

>> No.8821395

$10 isn't outside the realms of possibility though in my eyes, if there is a golden bull! But hopefully I'll turn into one of those screencaps that people laugh at in the future like with ETH

>> No.8821534

i think its been undervalued for so long we are gonna see some serious shit. remember, they have spent $0 on advertising. Their entire budget was spent on making sure the tech works. very soon as req and other projects start finishing up their deadlines people will realize the vaporware shitcoins that only had a whitepaper and just advertised are worthless and will dump.

>> No.8821628

I see that happening as well, possibly on a large scale. Not sure wether that will dump the price for a bit but definitely a good think in the long run. Also, don't get me wrong I think REQ is massively revolutionary possibly on the same scale as ETH if it delivers which I think it will. They've delivered on almost everything up till now and their team has a proven track record of success (Moneytis). I just do struggle to believe that I could be so lucky as to make %50000 on an investment in one year haha but hey that's why we all got into this crypto game right, it's only possible here.

>> No.8821821

desu keeping the price low is advantageous. the lower the price, more tokens get burned with each tx.

>> No.8821862

So will I make it?

>> No.8821879

REQ is my only chance of not having to wageslave so imma hodl hard

>> No.8821889

omg this shit sounds like chainlink. This two really are fucking scams

>> No.8821922

1k for make it in 5/6... years
10k for make it in the next 3/4 years
100k for make it in the next 1/2 years

Just pray that crypto dont crash

>> No.8822062

chainlink has continually not delivered on their promises. req in fact was relying on link to do their crypto/fiat pair but when link didnt deliver req realized they had to build it themselves. so in conclusion fuck link

>> No.8822157

Sergey is a fat USELESS cunt

>> No.8822185

Sergey done fucked us hard in the asses.
I feel the burn bros.

>> No.8822201

He is too busy in McDonald's to fix the Oracle problem

>> No.8822208

REQ always gets sick digits

>> No.8822222

Neither of those things are expensive or illegal to buy in store anon. What dystopia do you live in?

>> No.8822230

kek has spoken

>> No.8822231


>> No.8822272

Gorgeous digits.

>> No.8822298
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>> No.8822370

REQ top 10 coin when?

>> No.8822521

never...it's a token

>> No.8822535

Got 10k REQ and 5k LINK, should I up my REQ stack to 15k or get my LINK stack to 10k?

>> No.8822835

dump all req for link

>> No.8822852

>large team of well funded proffessionals working with large banks and finance insitutions
>never missed a deadline
>paying 30m to build an ecosystem on top of the token
>focus solely on tech and not on hyping


>some random dude who wrote a whitepaper
>highly centralized, most people holding have a shitload of tokens from the ICO
>constantly missing deadlines
>failed to deliver on their promise with req

you tell me bucko

>> No.8823113


This tbqh

I hold some LINK just in case you retards are right, but it's a pipe dream that something so serious would be left to some dude in his Mom's basement.

>> No.8823152

Yea, you know that’s why I’m deep af into link and just hold a bit of REQ. seriously doesn’t req need chainlink to work anyways? At least in one aspect

>> No.8823214

req needs chainlink to work to get crypto/fiat working, but link missed its deadline which set req back a lot as they assumed link would be done by now. now req has to do it themselves.

>> No.8823279

why you would use anything but monero for pizza is beyond me

>> No.8823456


Because Monero is outlawed for CP trade and funding terrorism.

Anyone spotted using it will be assumed to be trafficking in either of the above, because of the inability to distinguish between transactions.

>> No.8823494


>> No.8823975

Pay restaurant tabs with req

>> No.8824535

>advertising and development are required by the same teams
>any mong can start this thread to shill on /biz/, reddit, or any other basket weaving website
Not every mong can code.