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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8820300 No.8820300 [Reply] [Original]

@all App programmers here. Why are 99% of mobile game commercials literally the same and why are 99% of mobile games all the same cancerous free to play but pay for crystals or diamonds or whatever shit? Is this industry literally the ugly, autistic, greedy Jewish cousin of gaming as a whole?

>> No.8820405

because mobile games are not designed by game designers, they are designed by psychologists and mathematicians to maximize profits. guess what? 99% of people who own phones are retards and you can squeeze money out of them with retard f2p methods and no actual gameplay.

>> No.8820487

This. Why put effort and imagination into something if you can copy paste the same crap for a lot less and make a killing.

>> No.8820517

if you want to play games buy a gaming pc

>> No.8820532

I bought a used gtx 1060 from ebay yesterday because the prices are way too high for new ones right now. Hope it will last me a few months till the prices finally drop enough

>> No.8820556

Why are you on /biz/ if you don't like money? F2P games with in game transactions are the way to make it as an indie dev in the mobile industry.

>> No.8820566

What about games that actually take effort, look beautiful and that you pay like 5 bucks for one time only?

>> No.8820601

It is very hard to sell games as an indie, unless you are great at marketing. Dont underestimate the power of the word "free", Ive read about this guy that uploaded the same game on Android and iOS, with the difference that the iOS version wasnt free. Iirc he got 500 downloads on iOS and around 10k on Android.

>> No.8821398

don't worry, I game on a 770 and i'm top 50 in Overwatch and high master in league (also 6 figures in crypto and arguably hot gf)