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8818874 No.8818874 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you want to live once you've made it /biz/?

I still live with my parents and wagecuck but someday I would love to have an apartment in the city for the weekends and a cool lodge in the nearby mountains for relaxing during the week.

>> No.8818878

Japan, at least for a bit.

>> No.8818887
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I would get a big house and ask my parents to live with me. I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them. They are kinda old and I want to spend all the time that I can with them.

>> No.8818905

That's too much space. Just want a studio in a nice neighborhood.

>> No.8818974
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Not far from where I live atm. Maybe start off living on houseboat in the gulf of Alaska, explore islands and channels. Cool shit. Then eventually settle on the mainland in Northern BC

>> No.8818988

probably something like this

>> No.8819052
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1000 acres and close to a body of water. All alone except for a few akitas and ragdoll's.

>> No.8819060


>> No.8819124

why japan? Singapore is way nicer

>> No.8819153

And get raped by black flies every Spring?

>> No.8819199

I'm from Pillheadvillage, Kentucky but moved to the "big city" when I was a child. I'm going to uni here and plan to move far away when I'm finished. I speak several languages and learn them quickly so I'd like to get international work. I might join the peace corps in order to do so.
Back to the thread:
>St. Paul's Bay
>Buenos Ares
>Monaco (duh)

I gotta get out lads, this country is going to kill me.

>> No.8819203

im a bit of a weeb, like the shrines/temples, and green tea all over the place. food is also good japanese or western restaurants. ive never been to Singapore but am planning on going for a week next time im in asia since its always recommended.

>> No.8819218

Looooool. Your opinion is retarded.

>> No.8819223

Far far away from the niggers

>> No.8819250

They aren't that bad depending on the area my dude. Just gotta keep reasonable distance from muskeg (holy fuck though I hate black flies)

>> No.8819275

Didn't even know what Muskeg is. I'd move to Northern/Central BC if it wasn't for those fuckers. Kelowna area looks nice too but it's all Chinese these days and I really can't stand them where I am at already.

Where in Northern BC? Like coastal, closer to Alberta, etc?

>> No.8819313


would be too spooky at night

>> No.8819373
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Skeena-bulkley region is where it's at. Lots of accessible resources in case shit goes down, pretty small population too.

>> No.8819397

How are the Natives in that area? We have a pretty significant problem with them in the Prairies.

>> No.8819442

Oh ok cool. I have always wanted to travel to Juneau, Alaska and potentially live there.

>> No.8819503
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Not sure how to compare them to prairie natives, I'd say natives here definitely contribute a lot to society + our economy (tourism, fishing, ect).
Hard workers, I know natives who make more money in a week than I do in a month. Lots of positive role models for the youth. Generally wholesome, share a lot with the community.

>> No.8819522

Sweet!! Hope you get the opportunity some day, it's definitely an experience

>> No.8819537

somewhere with a mild climate. idgaf about my house/apt cus i spend most of the days outside

>> No.8819552

all these open space houses and lofts are a disaster to keep warm in winter, highly inefficient

>> No.8819650

That's good. We have some dysfunctional reserves here producing crime problems for rural residents nearby. Many break and enters, farmers shooting intruders, closest cop is 45 minutes away...

>> No.8819913

Yikes that sucks dude. I remember seeing in the news about that farmer shooting a young guy. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to wait 45 minutes for help.
We got some crime here too but it's mostly on our highway, lots of missing and murdered native women who are usually hitchhiking from their reserves. Pretty sad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Tears_murders

>> No.8819932

Go see them anon, don't wait to be rich

>> No.8819938

I would feel so fucking stupid having a house like that, like the worst human the consumerist society has ever made. You can only attract gold diggers in your life

>> No.8819980


Underfloor heating masterrace checking in

>> No.8820028

He's a celebrity producer and one of the highest paid DJs in the world.
He even dated Selena Gomez a few years ago.
He'd be covered in gold diggers even if he lived in his mom's basement.

>> No.8820035
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you're on 4chan, buddy.

everyone here wants to live in japan

>> No.8820102
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A nice place with some land in the PNW. Something just attracts me to that area.

Some other places might be a house overlooking the bay in Berkeley, some nice Seattle apartment, or a nice Victorian house in Massachusetts.

I don't have much desire to live in another country. I really like living in the nice areas of the US. I might have a small vacation home in Japan or Italy/Southern France though. Maybe Cinque Terre.

>> No.8820113

>wanting to live in a tropical authoritarian shithole

>> No.8820138

By next near I'll have almost 200k saved up from wagekekking. With dividends from risky meme ETFs that's about 20k per year neet income. It's very tempting to quit the rat race then and go live somewhere cheaper. Seems I could live comfy enough in places like CZ, PT, Balkans, or south america.

Where would you go with a US passport and 20k USD every year?

>> No.8820314
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Probably tour some countries in Central Asia or the Caucasus. Expensive getting to places, not so much buying food and stuff.

>> No.8820374

Lake Oswego.

>> No.8820394

Dude what the fuck are you waiting for?

>> No.8820410

this more looks like a cafe than a house t b h. like the look but feel like its a little big

>> No.8820422

>not so much buying food and stuff.
only if you live like a local, speak the language and know the place well, otherwise 90% of the time you'll be falling in tourist traps

>> No.8820615

I've sort of made it (350k) and am planning on something similar. Going to do slow travel (~6 months in each place) for a while. I'm going to Portugal in a few months, probably Madeira. Not sure where I'll go after that. Maybe Georgia, seems nice and cheap, and you can stay for a year without a visa. Maybe Armenia while I'm in that region as well. I'll probably go to Latin America as well eventually.

>> No.8820676


>> No.8820748

Netherlands, nice large apartment in Amsterdam, at least three stories for myself. In the heart of the city. With a vacation house in south France and a smaller one in Greece, along with a winter loft in Austria. Don't need to escape into some foreign shithole country I don't know, I'll mingle under all the other people who made it.

>> No.8820954

Not a bad idea, I had thought about KZ since I can get by with russian. What I didn't like about these places is that they sometimes turn off water and electricity for weeks at a time unannounced so that energy department heads can pocket the savings.

Wow, you've got the same plan. I'm going to Azores in may to check it out. I was in Madeira for 3 weeks and spent less than 1000 EUR including lodging and a rented car. Armenia is also on my list. Good luck and congrats.

>> No.8821032
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I live in my parent's expensive house in an expensive neighborhood. I just want to afford to keep it up and pay taxes.

>> No.8821207

Sweet. I was thinking of the Azores as well, looks great. I'm heading for Portugal in June, probably. What do you do for accommodation, AirBnb? I like to have my own private place and cook for myself. Short term accommodation seems much more expensive, that's why I was thinking of staying in each place for around 6 months. On the other hand, 1-3 months in each place would probably be more fun. I don't like moving around too often though (like every couple of weeks), it's a bit stressful and expensive, and you don't learn as much about the place.

>> No.8822150

quality doors and windows +solar panels +a lil crypto mining farm would keep you warm easily.

pic related would be nice but I dont have nearly enough friends to use that much flashy space and Im no longer college aged.

This is the reason I started cryoto. I want a home or to get enough money to get a good loan. I hope the bullrun starts in this year because Im getting really sad.

>> No.8822169

Warsaw made your list? Mate, if you want to die of lung cancer, just start smoking.

>> No.8822207

Same place I live now, but I'll be traveling more.

>> No.8822211
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>> No.8822278

I think there's an episode of MTV Teen Cribs where they show the insde of this one.