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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8818206 No.8818206 [Reply] [Original]

Time for bed my wagie slaves, need you to have lots of energy for tomorrows workday.

>> No.8818215
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>> No.8818217



>> No.8818231
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>> No.8818236

Should I tether up before I go to bed? Today's been pretty positive and I'd hate to wake up to a bunch of red.

>> No.8818268

The told me I have a job

Ok great, well I just want to finish the job and go back to being a neet

But it doesn't end. It just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going...

>> No.8818273

9 hours and 15 mins to go im fine on 6 hours of sleep if goldstein doesn't increase my work load

>> No.8818289

jokes on you NEET cuck
I work on week ends
I get to be a useless fag like you guys on week days
I need another job, too much free time gets me in trouble

>> No.8818332
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Once again, you make this thread.
Once again, jokes on you. I'm at work right now.

>> No.8818351

>choice advantage
>choice central
You work at a hotel?

Also, is that Pooltrade in the tabs?

>> No.8818360

You don't know what a stop loss is yet? Fucking peasant . This must be a fucking autistic joke

>> No.8818362

Please stop stealing from your employer anon and get to work.

>> No.8818363

>tfw NEETs run the world thanks to Soros

Wagecucks BTFO

>> No.8818364

Lol yeah I'm a night auditor
It's boring as fuck but I get to shitpost all night.
And yeah I was checking it out.

>> No.8818376

What does a night auditor even fucking do? And get the fuck in pooltrade if you haven’t already.

>> No.8818384

>TFW working long and hard is my fetish due to being submissive

Thank god I LOVE working can't imagine how this shit is for people that don't get off on it.

>> No.8818388
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>> No.8818405

I too get off on the sight of my boss metaphorically fucking my wife in front of me.

>> No.8818407
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boring excel reports

>> No.8818410
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hehe sunday scaries wagies. its time to get some rest for the long day tomorrow.

>> No.8818440
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here is what an average monday looks like for NEETs

>> No.8818468
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>> No.8818528
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Proud 30 yo neet living in my childhood bedroom at my parent's house

I used to work the 9-5 office life and after 6 months I felt like driving off a cliff every morning, how the fuck do people do that every day baka

>> No.8818549
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fug it feels good being self-employed

>> No.8818564
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Don't let them get to you bro, we're better than them. They will never get to know the joy of doing a good day's work and coming back home to relax and crack open a coldie and commence shitposting.

>> No.8818674

Noooooo I've done both working is awful

>> No.8818833
File: 210 KB, 1280x809, oy vey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true life of a modern NEET is checking our portfolios and then going to the gym each day. When ladies ask "what's ur job?" just reply "currency trader" and they literally think you're some type of genius. It's disgustingly easy and fulfilling

>> No.8818893

Checked. I like that line, "Currency Trader."

>> No.8819147

this feels 10 times better than sitting home shit posting all day

>do something productive
>make money
>come home on an after work buzz and shitpost


>wake up in smelly virgin room
>PC power on before breakfast
>Get on biz
>4pm eat cereal
>5pm fap
>6pm more shit posting
>5am sleep

NEET life is absolutely terrible and i can't wait to find a 2nd job

>> No.8819683
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Stockholm syndrome is a condition that causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity.

>> No.8819928

"What do you do?"
"I'm a currency trader"
"What does that mean"
"um I trade uh currencies *spaghetti begins pouring out of every orifice*"

>> No.8820039
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wagies BTFO

>> No.8820071

>tfw wash dishes for a living

Mother fucker expects me to work like a slave too, while flipping out at me sometimes and tossing dish racks across the kitchen

>> No.8820076

I have a meeting on my day off fuck you all

>I don't mind it

>> No.8820105
File: 22 KB, 374x393, 59BCEABB-11FB-43B1-BA0A-01D6E03FD55B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a wagie, am a universitycuck and classes are fucking hard man. if this is what wagecucking is i won't live long
>t. ee fag