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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8814072 No.8814072 [Reply] [Original]

Intermittent fasting, Hit the gym 4am, took creatine as pre-workout, listened to Beethoven Ludwig Van the entire time while lifting the most weight, protein+BCAA's post workout, mediated 30 minutes, went to work, chicken and rice, came home ran 3 miles, eating steak, sweet potato, esparagus, water only. Will browse all ChainLink forums, slack, telegram, biz, r/linktrader and check github and medium. Sleep. Repeat.

This is a typical day for a LINK holder who's ALL IN we are acutely focused, knowing we need to prepare for the biggest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen and become the new 1%.

Soon there will be /CLG/ ChainLink Official General teaching everyone how to set up a node because Link will have captured 10% of the API economy.

This is your last and final warning. Nobody knows the time or day but everyone knows it's happening. The question is, will you be the one left behind.

>> No.8814159

>be me
>all in on LINK
>wake up 9AM
>drag my feet to tech startup
>browse biz on my phone on next door company's free wifi
>try to do as little work as possible
>come home
>shitpost on biz
Each day brings us closer to the singularity, and for once in my life I'm looking forward to my future

>> No.8814205

>be me
>read link memes
>buy and hold 10k
>stop going to classes
>no job, parents paying rent
>smoke weed all day
I have given up working already, really stressing this singularity, it'll happen before grades get posted, r-right?

>> No.8814227
File: 80 KB, 685x723, BD0882A0-EED4-4067-91DC-32F8D8591A45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop going to classes
are you me

>> No.8814246

we can't forget that this is 4chan still,
50% of us are proud body-pillow waifu owning neckbeards and the other 50% are liars

>> No.8814247

>I'm looking forward to my future
I don't have the heart to tell him.

>> No.8814271

its the same process that led to the Raëlian mass suicide i'm afraid

>> No.8814280

>hold 10k link and 10k req
>gonna buy more soon
>not bad

>> No.8814287
File: 328 KB, 561x561, comyffrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>read link memes
>buy and hold 32k
>no job, parents paying rent
>smoke weed all day

>> No.8814359

>be 4chan neet
>be rich later this year

>> No.8814362
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>all in with 20k link
>close to getting kicked out by parents with no job or education

im gonna make it or end it all

>> No.8814383
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Is 3k enough as a suicide insurance?

>> No.8814395

stfu for god's sake. chainlink doesn't solve a real problem, if you knew anything about how market data feeds work you'd know this is retarded. this whole decentralize everything bs is fucking retarded. and yes you moron trolls i know wtf i'm talking about as i deal with market data feeds every single day.

>> No.8814407
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that's fucking comfy. as long as ma and pa don't kick you out you'll have made it in 24 months from now desu

>> No.8814410

>my dad works at nintendo and

>> No.8814420


>> No.8814619

are you me, dude? just replace "smoke weed all day" with "read philosophy books all day" and its my life

>> No.8814645

Ma man. the only difference between you and me right now is that I'm not all in on link. If i put in around 1k USD... this is my life fucking savings... What kind of crazy returns should I expect by EOY? Really need some Karma my way bro.

>> No.8814739

I'd like to do all of that too but I have a job.

>> No.8814758


Rule still applies, treat it like going to the casino.

Would you put your life savings on a blackjack table?

>> No.8814777
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>he hasn't heard about the Chainlink suicide pact.
If we can't get rich, the plan is to not be poor either, if you catch my drift...

>> No.8814857
File: 928 KB, 3000x2961, IMG_1607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id put what you can into LINK. worst case scenario you sell the LINK back for 10k in 2 years. Unless you'll need the money at anytime in the future it's a good Hail Mary play.
Poker player here. Going ALL IN makes perfect sense when you have the correct odds to do so. In this case I believe ALL IN is +EV play in the long run.

>> No.8814875

100% Same scenario, parents paying rent, failed all classes for not going, bought 10,000 linkies, drink beer, fap and browse /biz all day.
> If this shit doesn't moon I'll just kms

>> No.8814931

Similar position here, godspeed bros

>> No.8814932

I became a linker just yesterday and went 100% in, now I don't have the desire to daytrade anymore and all the other "coins" look like shitcoins. I finally can relax and do other things with my time.

>> No.8814943

bcaas are the biggest scam in the entire supplement industry, go eat 300g of chicken breasts youll get all you would need
no reactors is where its at if you want that extra x%

>> No.8815135
File: 377 KB, 3000x2961, 7573756E-C48F-479E-A649-C68B777ED90E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I was tethered trying to swing trade and I realized LINK was NOT going below 25 cents or 3500 sats anytime soon, back 100% LINK, 90K stack. Been relaxing enjoying life with family.

>> No.8815554

It creates a backbone for the trustless economy for the internet of things era that will come soon. I'm sorry you're too much of a brainlet to understand.

>> No.8816283

Keked and checked.

>> No.8816321

Way to represent the link marines! Kek is proud

>> No.8816338
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>> No.8816350

>be me
>missed all classes
>weeks behind on homework
>spend day free lancing small jobs
>buy LINK
>stay up late working
>sleep in and miss classes all over again.
How do I fucking care about classes at this point? It’s only taking up time I can be earning money.

>> No.8816369
File: 131 KB, 714x552, sergbuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to soon enjoy my new life. thank you sergey. this has been the most surreal experience i've ever experienced.

>> No.8816374

how do you find jobs? and what do you do?

>> No.8816386

Why’s LINK mooning?

>> No.8816400

I make art (not that porn artist) it’s pretty comfy I can start and stop whenever.

Logically I can take on as much work as I want, logically I can set time aside to do homework, but LINK has gone from $0.27 to $0.32 and the singularity feels closer than ever.

>> No.8816403

Just keep your mouth shut and be patient

>> No.8816473

How many links do you own?

>> No.8816486

too many.

>> No.8816496

shhhhh, you'll scare the bull away

>> No.8816577

Yeah decentralization is so retarded and businesses totally will not benefit from it.

Link related:

>> No.8816585

How can you guys afford so much without working? legit question.

>> No.8816604

How. Many.

>> No.8816634

A lot of people here larp as NEETs, don't be too hard on yourself.

>> No.8816700

i cant reveal my power level. lets just say eth helped me get where i am.

>> No.8816937

How many do I need to make it and should I buy anything else? I'm all in on link and thinking about putting money into EOS and BTC just in case

>> No.8816980

Min. 10k

>> No.8816992

Can anyone here actually EXPLAIN what chainlink is? Every time I ask people get as shirt as fuck and then post a bunch of autistic pseudo intellectual jargon that actually makes no sense when you parse through it all. If you can't explain it to a child then you don't understand t at alll, and why would you ever invest into something you don't fully understand?

>> No.8817021

>too many

Pick one

>> No.8817043
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>> No.8817047
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I could 100% explain it to a child and they would 100% understand it. But you're retarded so I will not waste my time on pastamyasta

>> No.8817048
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>Doesn't understand it
>Claims other people don't understand it
>Baits by asking for your childlike explanation
>Has the IQ of a child and desperately needs an explanation.
If you can't understand it why should I explain it to you? Someone explains chainlink literally everyday on this board.

>> No.8817060

2.4k here.

We'll have something to our name at least.

>> No.8817073

Neh just link

Wane bet on hyperledger buy link

>> No.8817081
File: 168 KB, 1297x963, 1523187487742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a nutshell, LINK will connect real world data onto the blockchain so that smart contracts can be used in numerous industries. if you dont know what a smart contract is or a blockchain is, you need to do some more self learning and research more about this whole space.

>> No.8817104

>muh trustless
>trusts an api data source

>> No.8817105

atm, smart contracts are a meme and are in their most basic, primitive form. chainlink will allow them to be used to their utmost potential.

>> No.8817112
File: 15 KB, 250x227, IMG_0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I Totuly understood how chainlink wurkz because I read the white page and it had a bunch of smart words and smart contacts and stuff
>oh what u want me to explain it? lol as if. Only smart peopul understand the TRU POWER OF CHAINLINK

>> No.8817117

datasource api is down. Hui bub, who would have thought that delivery without something to deliver would not work.

>> No.8817144

i cant wait to kill myself with you guys if LINK fails. for the first time in recent memory, i dont feel alone

>> No.8817148

you're super low iq. It's not your fault and you can still copy what smart people do so there's that

>> No.8817170

please sir buy mobius sir, link is a scam sir

>> No.8817176

If link fails literally everything fails. People will understand eventually. You're not alone at all. Even people that don't own link, don't know it yet, but it's there last hope for their dying shitcoin.

>> No.8817229

Will early June be too late to buy?

>> No.8817259

You can't "explain" Chainlink, properly in a 4chan post. It takes a grasp and a worldview, to imagine the implications.

As with anything in the world, learn to be an independent thinker. Or stop asking stupid pajeet tier questions.

>> No.8817283

Word, same bro. Going full monk mode training hardcore, got my lifting buddy and we increasing on bench hard with spotters. Kickboxing, and its fucking spring. Letsgo.

>> No.8817285

you cant even spell asparagus right you stupid, stupid, faggot.

>> No.8817294

Pic is you.

At least do yourself a favor and market sell anything you have.
I need it.

>> No.8817325

any poker player that puts their entire bankroll on the table at once in a NL game will be broke soon enough

>> No.8817377

start stocking up on sleeping pills now

>> No.8817432

Intermittent fasting doesn't just mean you skip breakfast faggot

>> No.8817466

Probably bro

>> No.8817489
File: 1.61 MB, 2560x1091, jason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll explain it

>> No.8817712

Trip sev

>> No.8817742

That's not vitalik
Arms are too thick.

Seriously though, is he on calorie restriction?
I am horrible with food but even I'm not that sickly thin.

>> No.8817822


>> No.8817890
File: 798 KB, 1512x2016, 73192454-AF9E-493D-80CA-39F816977374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the greatest combination of digits ever? Maybe if the 14 and 88 were switched.

Either way, keked and checked. Put me in the screenshot

>> No.8817905
File: 132 KB, 949x854, DBE95073-218C-45ED-BB36-9FD2B8202C6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8817943

What the fuck did you just fucking say about ChainLink, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my crypto economics class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on BitBean, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in gorilla fudding and I’m the top Link bagholder on etherscan. You are nothing to ChainLink but just another shitcoin. I will wipe your markets the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Linkies over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Pajeets and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, no-linker. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack your private keys in over seven hundred ways. Not only am I extensively trained in cyber memetics, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the blockchain and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn brainlet. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8817959
File: 7 KB, 255x220, vile desu !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> last and final warning
if only

>> No.8817966

Living in some rich western country, for us poorfags from shitholes this kind of life is out of touch

>> No.8817985

what philo exactly ?
are you me ?

>> No.8818023

nice tldr dude

>> No.8818034

I am a NEET why do you hate us?

nature hand selects a chosen few to be crypto NEETs.

you should be worshiping us for gracing you with our DNA

>> No.8818216

>Link will have captured 10% of the API economy
Enough of this fud already. 1 link will be worth 1 Nathan Rothschild eod and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.8818304

This was actually very helpful. Thanks Anon.

>> No.8818353

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Cryptoeconomics, and I’ve been involved in numerous DLT projects, and I know of over 300 confirmed NDAs. I am trained in GoLang and I’m the top coder in the entire cryptosphere. You are nothing to me but just another pajeet. I will wipe you the fuck out with coding the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of bogs across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in Ledger Tech, but I have access to an entire arsenal of chainlinks and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8818400

So what are you actually purchasing with a ChainLink token? I now somewhat understand its applications and use with smart contracts, but what kind of data is actually on the token? Can you Stinky Linkies answer that?

>> No.8818741

>Open White paper
>Ctrl-f token
Can you manage the bare minimum?

>> No.8818752


I put in my life savings of 20k then I maxed out my credit card for another 3k.


>> No.8818782


I'm gonna help you.

Companies will buy LINK tokens then pay nodes in those tokens to provide them their data.

The tokens have no data. It just used as payment.

>> No.8818850

[several people are typing]

>> No.8818938


chainlink is a song in a jukebox. the only way to make the chainlink song play is to insert chainlink tokens.

>> No.8818960
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Ooooh. Now I understand.

>> No.8819477
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>> No.8819622


>> No.8819807


>be me, 60k LINK since October
>just woke up and had a shower to wash off the remenants of last nights deep dicking I gave my European girlfriend
>drinking my vitamin fortified fruit drink and vaping while eating protein rich oats with milk after dropping 100mg of Modafinil I bought with bitcoin
>meditate for 5 mins after this
>about to drive to work in a startup I bailed a big finance org for after becoming disillusioned after 6 years there, in part due to the movements in the industry not only tech wise but which influenced a significant part of the decision
>put in solid work with a great bunch of lads
>drive home to my girl who will have a freshly made healthy meal ready for me as I return
>greeted with a kiss and food
>eat and then get a nice blowjob
>read the economist and check up on /biz/
>comfortable to know each day is closer to the singularity

>> No.8819950

90k family man, I see you in every thread lately.

Godspeed to you and your family.
If this works then you will be setting up your lineage.

>> No.8820128
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>tfw lost some of my link because thought it would swing back but it didn't

>> No.8820135

Are you me?

>> No.8820145

Trading and timing link is haram

>> No.8820161
File: 359 KB, 512x368, 1521921431286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw legit scared it'll actually moon
I'm not afraid of it tanking since I bought in low anyway, I'm afraid of waking up and seeing it at like $50+ one day and being tempted to sell my entire meager stack only to have it shoot up to several hundred afterwards. I saw that one post of the guy who sold all his ETH last year at like $40.

>> No.8820416

So it seems what you guys are saying is that chainlink is capable of doing incredible things in the near future. Is it currently being traded like other crypto currencies?

>> No.8820417
File: 49 KB, 657x527, cof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why is it mooning?

>> No.8820441

sergey's bots are printing bullish signals to fake buyers' interest in the wake of the altcoin season

>> No.8820467

There are no other cryptocurrencies where we're going

>> No.8820469

are you a total fucking brainlet, go to binance and buy some with btc or eth and stfu and get rich.

>> No.8820472

God you're fucking retarded. Baiting or not, you're a total brainlet.

>> No.8820492

Are any of you guys setting up a node, or are most of you just primarily buying chainlink only?

>> No.8820811
File: 70 KB, 960x769, 1379579980776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a flash

The lambo dealer's phones were a ringing

Those with no links' rectums were stinging

A child in Mesopotamia pointed to the sky

Short trader's panicking, green candles too high

Soros' eyes waned, he drew his last breath

The bear slumped forward, no trap, this was death

Biz catalogue Link maxed, all hilarity

For they had just witnessed the Link Singularity

>> No.8820823

real talk, buy into it or don't? people seem so enthusiastic about it, except for the hordes of people who hate it.

>> No.8820828

I bought 5k and im a total retard. You can do it

>> No.8820836

Kek, literally doing the same. Sitting on the toilet taking my daily paid shit as we speak. We'll make it boys

>> No.8820837

it would be really funny if the singularity would be just a hour green candle from 1$ to 500$

>> No.8820859

How do I go about buying link? I have a couple of grand I wanna chuck into something.

>> No.8820895

Download binance on your phone and use the ref code 20365631.
You can use it to exchange eth (or bitcoin, but don't) for link. You can buy eth from a lot of exchanges, but Coinbase is easy.

>> No.8820908

I take three shits a day, each one lasting 15-20min.

>> No.8820988

Done. Is there any videos or websites you reccomend for learning this stuff? Wanna make sure I'm doing my best and not being a dumbcunt buying stuff because the internet told me to

>> No.8821005

Sergey = JSON.parse(occupation: "scammer")

>> No.8821055

Cheers m8. You could start by reading the white paper on their website, but it's pretty tech-heavy. Maybe watch some of Sergey's conference speeches.

>> No.8821079

You LINK faggots know that everyone has filtered your shit already, right? The only ones without Chain Link filtered are delusional bagholding faggots like yourselves.


No one gives a shit about your useless, whitepaper only, vaporware.

>> No.8821117
File: 16 KB, 357x411, IMG_0053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy 3k of link 3 months ago
>chicken out after a week and pu it back in btc, lose ~10%
>link starts mooning 2 weeks later, I'm afraid I'm going to miss the lambo train so I put all my Btc back into link
>it starts to crash immediately so I panic and put it all back into btc losing ~20% this time
>read this thread
>thinking of putting my btc back into link

Sh-should I?

>> No.8821143

How heavy are you bags “filter” boy

>> No.8821156

>The only ones without Chain Link filtered are delusional bagholding faggots like yourselves
And yourself?
Filtering on 4chan is gay as fuck
Plus who doesnt like to laugh at the desperation of some stinky linky posts

>> No.8821169

What's life like in India?

>> No.8821190

>aluminum foil hands.

>> No.8821199

question is whats the best way to capitalise on my link. 64k planning to hold until 2020 or mad price whichever comes first. Goal is to buy some land and build my own house (UK). Not sure on UK taxes but hope there are some more reliable on/off ramps. Because realistically I don't know if builders are going to accept crypto by then. Or chances are the farmer I buy land from will want FIAT. Don't wanna get raped by the tax man if can avoid. And don't want the gov knowing what I'm worth either. I'm guessing I should dmor but wondering if anyone has any legit thoughts on this scenario. Don't bombard me with link fud. I hold other positions that I'm confident in too.

>> No.8821206

what's life like having a faggy trip?

>> No.8821269

why would you stay in UK once you make it?

>> No.8821433

Because I already live in God's country part of the UK. Lots of countryside and greenery. Low crime. Desirable area. House prices rise here still. I like the seasons. Friends family and quiet life. Good schools. Would have a meltdown if i lived in some bustling metropolis. Simple creature simple pleasures. Have never relied on extravagance to make me happy.

>> No.8821452

I know what burgers think of the UK. It's like anywhere else, there are shit bits and reaaaaaalllyy nice bits. I like the nice bits that are off the radar. Plus we don't have a gameshow host running the government. Not saying ours is much better but I cba to open that can of worms

>> No.8821537

It's only a matter of time till it gets culturally enriched though

>> No.8821576

I see that in some of the cities I frequent with work. I'm confident it's nowhere near my current retreat otherwise I would be looking at other locations. Everywhere is getting diversified. From what I see it's a minority giving the majority a bad name

>> No.8821598

Nah m8 it's just niggers being niggers

>> No.8821612

It's the religious extremists that concern. Or anyone religious for that matter. Archaic as fuck and totally regressive .

>> No.8821658

Much appreciated <3

>> No.8821907

That’s the eu for you

>> No.8823011

God damnit your stupid this>>8820469

>> No.8823123
File: 1.43 MB, 2504x2020, ict_equipment37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under what evidence do you guys actually believe chainlink is gonna moon? Is it based on research or the collective idiocy of wishful thinking?

>> No.8823305

Is biz dead? Never seen the board this slow before. Less than a post a minute what the fuck