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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8813409 No.8813409 [Reply] [Original]

I keep seeing this pop up here and on cryptobro blogs...enough. /biz/ is already stupid enough, don't make it worse by spreading fake news you brainlets. you people will believe anything, which is why you always fall for pnd's and larpers.

>> No.8814002


>Jan 27, 2017

>> No.8814873

So? Do you have any evidence that they ARE in crypto? I see people claiming that Soros (confirmed) and the Rothschilds are in crypto, but the way reality works is that claims need to be substantiated with facts, or it's just speculations. Show me anything from a legit source that the Rothschilds are in crypto or stop circulating rumours.

>> No.8814906

It's the Rockefellers that are in crypto, not the Rothschilds

>> No.8814916


There's a video interview with a venrock guy about it.

>> No.8815156

I know that, anons, I didn't say anything denying the Rockerfellers, because I can read. What I'm talking about, is the fact that there are currently THREE threads open claiming that the ROTHSCHILD family is in crypto, which is simply a claim without a shred of evidence.
Here, I'll do the work for you, since you're obviously unable to understand a coherent argument even when it is staring you right in the face. >>8812383
>man, is biz stupid...you people are total mouth-breathers that haven't a clue how to do even the most rudimentary research. MUH GAINZ...MUH ROTHSCHILDS.