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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8813389 No.8813389 [Reply] [Original]

I cannot fucking take this anymore.

I bought at 0.09

And I sold literally 5 minutes ago, at 0.03

Fuck you all and fuck this shitty ponzi scam,

I hope you all rot in hell

>> No.8813408

Im not selling, since this is literally the bottom, but I feel you anon

>> No.8813429

I bought at .14. I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.8813430
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>> No.8813443
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It is time

>> No.8813451
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Yo got to learn when to hodl them
Learn when to fold elummm
Learn when for walk way
Learn for to run

>> No.8813463
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>> No.8813464

eagerly waiting for this shit to bottom at 1 cent so i can move in heavy.

any reason i shouldn't

>> No.8813477

Nice larp op

>> No.8813669



>> No.8813687

This thing is justing me but icx makes this feel fine kek

>> No.8813819

3 cents fun is free money desu, wish I had some cash

>> No.8813863

The coin didn't even have a reason for existing, it makes no sense to have a proprietary coin for gambling on one specific platform.

>> No.8813865

you fell for the fun meme anon. The writing was on the wall that casinos didn't want this shit, and that there is too much red tape to make it work on a large scale. 100% bad investment and don't feel the least bit sorry for you.

>> No.8813885


You're the guy who sold his 30% share of Apple inc for $700

>> No.8813895


>> No.8813926

>that feel when blew most of my money on 11k FUN at ATH
Please bully me. I enjoy the pain now.

>> No.8814850

Bought 100k @ 0.13

>> No.8814859

Yeh. The fact that casino release is in 20 days means it won’t go lower

>> No.8814870

Sold at .11, just bought back in.

>> No.8814894
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>> No.8814903

Still believe in this project, great things ahead. Buy more if you have the cash.

>> No.8814921
File: 1.04 MB, 1242x2208, C3179A75-BA4D-4B88-928C-2BDB44C03B1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8814929

Anon doesn't know yet that what people say and do can be different.

>> No.8814938
File: 1007 KB, 1882x1154, Screen Shot 2018-04-08 at 3.53.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many great opportunities for big profit in the crypto market right now if you know what to look for. One of these hidden gems right now is Fun Fair.
At a time when bitcoin is falling, bringing many altcoins down with it, and fears of South Korea banning crypto exchanges.. FUN is holding its value rather well. Lets look at why that is

>> No.8814971
File: 1.10 MB, 1242x2139, 4E7FBE1E-C41B-4445-802E-278572C6B603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8814977

guys I want to gamble !

lets go buy Bitcoin on Coinbase, wait 7 days until it's completed, then transfer it to Binance, buy FUN, then transfer it to my favorite casino.

yeah sounds legit (meanwhile FUN's being dumped)

>> No.8815121
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 14b38ace0f2b62b883625aaadc04f188dd56d6aedb3365b1150c53e491adf989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10000000000000000000 USd eOy
JustD have Som eFAith Op IT Will MOON nOW>!

>> No.8815126

You're retarded. The sites will sell FUN directly with less red tape. There are a lot of reasons for FUN to exist and as a person who values coins with actual use cases this is easily one of the top 10 coins that actually has a reason to exist and gives benefit to the holders.

>> No.8815145

I still don't know what fun is and why it needs a token

>> No.8815217

Any minute now casinos will be signing up to dodgy exchanges to buy billions of fun... r-right?

>> No.8815223


who else FunTeam here? Thanks for the ez cash, retards

we dumped on you at ATH

>> No.8815260

>implying they need to dump

Their ETH is worth like a billion dollars since they raised their ICO money back when ETH was like 10 bucks. If anything the team themselves will do a buyback and burn some of their own tokens. They are fucking rich beyond most ICO's dreams.

For the billionth time they aren't marketing to the fucking Wynn or Ceasars. They are marketing to small players, maybe charity casino operations, maybe if a crypto whale always wanted to run his own casino, online community casinos, ect. There is a huge market for casino products outside of multi billion dollar corporations. Look at all the underground gambling operations still in business today. Also, you will eventually be able to stake your FUN to bankroll new casinos and earn interest.

>> No.8815308

>Their ETH is worth like a billion dollars
80 times less than that faggit.

>> No.8815315

I can literally gamble with cash anywhere in the world. Digital cash. Physical cash. Today. No tokens needed.

>> No.8815393

Yeah but they are targeting the digital market and trying to make a system that is trustless. There are lots of online casinos but most of them are shady as fuck, especially ones from little guys.

It has it's flaws but is still one of the top 10 coins out there in my opinion with actual use cases and benefits for the token holders. Most coins are just complete shit, a few coins are really good but have no value system to reward holders, and then there are very few coins that are both legit projects with built in rewards for holders and a system in place to promote an appreciation in value. This is a brutal drop for sure but I still hold 10k FUN (i know hardly anything now) and I doubt I'll sell them for anything less than $2.

>> No.8815408
File: 563 KB, 686x1024, sexy-burqa-by-Kevin-McShange-Large-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying fun coins from a casino with a credit card then staking them... No exchange registration required, easy on ramp.

>> No.8815424
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>> No.8815427
File: 1.18 MB, 1136x640, F71DB0F2-A41D-4493-A626-49508B5A4BC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go to Times Square and play 3 card monte if you want. I’m sure it’s provably fair.

What are your odds? What’s the house advantage?

You literally don’t know, but we can say that about most things in regards to you, can’t we?

>> No.8815428

Don't blame us, blame yourself for being autistic.

>> No.8815492

dumb decision

>> No.8815712
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>> No.8816146

Who's talking about 3 card monte? Casinos are legal where I live and I can visit one anytime. I can even gamble online via a government run site. And guess what? No special fun money needed lol.

>> No.8816898
File: 61 KB, 406x480, contempt_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]