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8811250 No.8811250 [Reply] [Original]

Nano went from 10 cents to 30 something dollars in 2 months.
Chainlink will go from 30 cents to 50-60 dollars, but it won't disintegrate itself over a faulty network and it will only keep adding partners.

>> No.8811277

nice fud
chick is hot too
10/10 thread

>> No.8811303

what caused nano to moon so hard?

>> No.8811331

whales squeezing hands dry

>> No.8811333

reddit mania
btc moon mission
scammy exchange.

>> No.8811341

the part he left out is that it happened during the alt bull run were tons of shitty coins were mooning hard. We'd need something like this last year to happen again in order for LINK to rise so fast

>> No.8811342

it was on one piece of shit exchange and was near instant tx's but then the exchange got hacked and keks were had

>> No.8811382

Dec/Jan was the ultimate exit pump. People with fuckloads of btc just decided to pump the most shitty alts. Dentacoin went from 50 million usd market cap to 2.5billion marketcap in 3 weeks for example. Now we go into multi year winter, as we should

>> No.8811392

i didnt. when he asked me i answered.
but you can also say that it went from 1k sats to 250k sats in two months...

>> No.8811599
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thanks frens

>> No.8811748

At this moment of history a project like Dentacoin has a similar valuation to a project like Chainlink.

What a great time to be in this market. Link is going to work and be adopted everywhere. Even LInklets will be rich.

>> No.8811815

Can you give me one reason to believe that Sergey is capable enough to do what he claims? Anything at all about his background, prior projects, accomplishments, anything?

Why are you so confident that Link will work, when literally anyone can make an erc20, shit out an amazing idea, and make bank?

Don’t respond with a fucking meme. I’m interested in the fervor but I would be a dumbass to invest in something because it has a horde of followers that believe in it as the only reason.

>> No.8811832
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>> No.8811839
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ChainLink will be lucky to reach 10 dollars. It is the definition of a shitcoin.

>> No.8811846
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>> No.8811847

if reddit does not support your coin it has no chance to moon

>> No.8811857

You know, I checked out nano when it was low. And I discussed it with a friend. And we both agreed that those ugly chinks in the video would never achieve anything.

>> No.8811861

Lol can we get some more FUD please, trying to get back in here.

>> No.8811864

There is none. That's why link is a cult. We need him to be, so we will meme him to be.

Probably not a great reason to bump 100k into LINK if you're the skeptical sort. But the upside is big enough that you'd be dumb not to dump a good portion of what you can spare into LINK.

It has a lot more upside than a project like Dentacoin.

>> No.8811867

why so much tech if all could be solved by crypto signing?

>> No.8811879
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Link is not even an erc20 token.

>> No.8811895

Why should I do a sales pitch, nolinker? You’ve had 6 months.

>> No.8811896
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>> No.8811906
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>> No.8811935

Are you actually serious? pic related is goal I've got 35k link. Dumping tax refund into link soon.

>> No.8811964
File: 97 KB, 949x854, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8811989

That's assuming (((they))) will pump it. The only way that happens is after most neets sell their shares. Nano pumped because some faucet hacking third worlder decided to do a pump and dump.

Apples and oranges my guy.

>> No.8812030

>yfw I got my degree from that place