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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8808852 No.8808852 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is this in the top 20 much less top 100. Almost 1 billion fucking dollars for a coin that has been hacked. Literally dogecoindark rebrand. Are people this stupid I'm having a hard time comprehending this

>> No.8809164

Educate yourself instead of rageposting.

Largest community
Actual huge partnership coming up
Received tons of publicity (look at the Google Trends chart)
Only good performer in bear market

Verge IS the next Bitcoin. Even if people do not want it to be.

>> No.8809196

Is this bait

>> No.8809329

>/biz/ is FUDing verge again
when will you neets learn?

>> No.8809331


>> No.8809349

double kek

>> No.8809375

McAfee shilling brought this coin back up into relevancy and the hype based around its enormous jump from 50 sats to nealy 2000 is still going strong. There's no actual reason as to why its valuable, but hype is a strong thing.

Anybody that tells you it isn't shit is full of shit
>Yeah guys the fact that someone hacked the coin and was generating thousands of coins a second is no big deal, it got fixed a little over a day later

>> No.8809382
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>> No.8809418

explain why it is better than monero desu

>> No.8809448
File: 11 KB, 482x220, Verge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John blackmailed Verge into paying 1M in Ethereum cause he 'promoted' Verge. They didnt pay him and he removed all the shills afterwards.

This is all true and you can find the facts and evidence online easily.

Thinking John Mcafee helped Verge is extremely stupid to consider. Literally. You ARE retarded if you fail to see this.

>> No.8809449
File: 60 KB, 575x602, 1523200493896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verge 4 Live !
Vergefam vs biz

>> No.8809465

>They didnt pay him and he removed all the shills afterwards.
That's fucking irrelevant because the starting shilling is what got the ball rolling for them

>> No.8809479

I'm not sure but this is what I'm talking about literal idiot like that exist >>8809329
100% do not own verge and never will. I own Monero, Eth, Link, Req, and BTC
It isn't.

>> No.8809931

I keked at that guy's comment saying it is the new Bitcoin, I didn't think I would've to say it concretely but no I don't think it is better than Monero...

>> No.8809956
File: 371 KB, 900x968, Vergetard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 104K XVG
How fucked I am ?

>> No.8810203


You're holding a literal cuckcoin.

>> No.8810214
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>> No.8810647

Biz literally hates money.


> muh JNT

>> No.8810796

triple kek

OP, crypto market is full of pajeets (and more incoming every day). So yes, people in market crypto is fucking stupid.

>> No.8811060

Verge is a rebrand of another project with copy and paste spaghetti code because it's sole dev has no clue how to code.

>> No.8811736
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As i've said before... it's a shitcoin, but one worth having in your portfolio. Even a 51% attack couldnt stop this one from growing. It's a very strong signal of actual mass adoption.

The normies love this shit, so im still riding the wave. This utter piece of shit will be 2 dollars before the end of the year. Screenshit this.

>> No.8812188

Jesus Christ, /biz is more autistic than the Verge community.

>muh "no fundamentals"
>muh "51% attach"
>muh dogecoin dark

You idiots still don't get it do you? Win the normies, your coin becomes a gold mine. Normies do not give a fuck about tech, how well the coin can connect to the culture buying into it is what actually matters.

>> No.8812246

This guy gets it.

Verge is winning the crypto culture war. That is more important than any fancy feature added to a coin, regardless of how unique, helpful, or fast the coin actually is.

>> No.8812277

apparently binance disabled deposits so no one can dump their bags and the price artificially goes up
this is what I read on reddit

>> No.8812638

It would still mean that people could sell, and it doesn't somehow force people to buy.

>> No.8813034

it has a large community of idiots.

>> No.8813299

What a wrong with doge coin other than the name? Doge coin has 8k commits and worked on by 100s of developers. OP it's time to learn that the Verge hate is unfounded. Doge is good coin and hacks are expected in the software world. Very few big companies haven't been hacked

>> No.8813901
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2 * 15 seconds = 15 minutes

>> No.8814020


before buying xvg i did some research. They've been hacked more then once. before the moonshot in december a lot of pre-moonshot xvg holders got fucked when coin pouch was hacked. All users got their bags stolen.

Mind you, these were loyal holders who helped put xvg on the map. The devs or the verge team didnt give a shit about them, after telling them the wallet was the safest thing for IOS lol. Just pretended it never happened.

How this thing got so big with such lousy antics boggles the mind. But im in till 2 dollars.

>> No.8814153
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Its advertised. Same as Ripple. A bunch of fags tweeted about it etc and it made good gains on the chart. Nevermind that logic dictates it must come down, normies just see the chart and some dude on twitter they "trust" talking about it.

Honestly not sure but that's the best explanation I've got. It's a shill coin of sorts I think.

>> No.8814558

lol at $2, that's a 30bn cap.

I can see it getting to 5bn, though, if crypto does well.

Popular normie coin. Biz hates money so won't buy. Xvg is my confiest coin for now.

>> No.8814885

You must be retarded if you think that any large company wants to prtner with a lead developer that only copy/paste codes and doesn't know what hard fork means. Stop shilling fucking pajeet

>> No.8815383

so the coin is actually fucking broken and nobody cares? the logo sucks and the name is deafening to ones ear

>> No.8815454

>so the coin is actually fucking broken and nobody cares?
Yes, unfortunately.

>> No.8815491

> It's a scam
> It's broken
> It's for normies
> The lead dev wears a baseball cap
> It's a scam
> It doesn't actually exist
> It's broken
> I literally hate money

>> No.8816069

this autists will never understand it
They don't want to make money they want to look at technical specs like some Linux Autists
Meanwhile Normies buy the Apple OS of Crypto wich is Verge

>> No.8816115

It literally is the new BTC since I made more gains in XVG than with BTC despite that I bought BTC 2 years ago also just look up how well it performs when the market goes down
Meanwhile Monero is going nowhere, normies aren't interested in it

>> No.8816129

>cult like community
>constant hype cycle with ever looming goals/features/partnerships

its everything a coin needs to keep going up. once a coin has a working product its pretty much out of moon missions.

>> No.8816134

How do we get more normies to buy Monero? Should we tell the Monero devs to break a few lines of code? Do they need a new, douchier face of the coin instead of that fat ponyfag?

>> No.8816164

are people this dumb that they can not see monero is far superior ? 1 billion dollars....for a piece of broken code and it isnt even private.

>> No.8816175

Seriously though, normie faggots probably account for something like 5% of all total XVG held. Whale games for days with Verge.

>> No.8816184

normies don't care about muh darknet so monero is sort of useless and goes no where
One thing XVG did right was copying BTC so normies have a easier time to understand it, also the huge supply. Normies are so stupied they think it is "cheap" when they buy it for 5 cent

>> No.8816236

Its a shitcoin yes.
Scam, no
Its a terrible coin with incredible upside potential due to hype. If this partnership is shit the coin will die. If mediocre, $2 eoy. If yuuugggee, boy.. we flying. Terrible team, terrible marketing, great community.

>> No.8816387
File: 82 KB, 882x641, BetterThanMoneroInEveryWay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verge is literally better than Monero in every way

>> No.8816389

People actually are that dumb. The last half year should be enough proof.