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8805820 No.8805820 [Reply] [Original]

Not a commie here, why do I have this feeling that every major country is slowly and relentlessly pushing society towards a sort of communism

>> No.8805871

Because shitskins are invading them and shitskins reproduce the behavior that led their countries to be trash in the first and place among them: voting for socialist policies.

Textbook example are the US where, at the exception of some cubans, all non-whites vote for more government and more gibs.

>> No.8805879

This + left-leaning media and educational system

>> No.8805880

Because you're right. Except it's not slowly. It was slowly for the past ~70-200 years, now it's already in the end stage.

>> No.8805887

You're totally wrong.

>> No.8805898
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Also you're likely pic related

>> No.8805900

Because Marx' communism was correct in predicting where certain elements of society would end up in the future.

/Biz/ and /Pol/ hate it but that's mostly because they've not read anything about it other than their echo chambers.

I dislike communism strongly but there are aspects of the economy and societal structure that are demonstrably moving away from a centralised structure to more regional autonomy and wider participation in most aspects of society. It's ironic that /biz/ are actively participating in blockchain adoption which will further move society towards a de-centralised power structure

>> No.8805914

cause you're a retard who sits in internet echochambers all day

>> No.8805923

t. internet echo chamber user

>> No.8805939

ancaps will NEVER win

>> No.8805944
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I'm 100% right, statistics show it in the US, France, Germany and UK.

I have a family tree going as far as 1600 without a single non-european in it, not an amerilard either, try again Ahmed.

>> No.8805964

You're 100% dumbass. The countries aren't going socialist because of shitskins. The shitskins are only here because "whites" voted socialist. Anyway I don't discuss with communist drones anymore. Enjoy your high horse.

>> No.8805974

Democracy plus a diminishing IQ, which is a generic trait, and higher immigration. It ultimately leads to taking away the things white men hold near and dear.

>> No.8805983

You are projecting hard France reality is not the same reality as others and shitcoins aren't inherently socialists, theres a bigger picture out there about why is this happening and you seem stuck in the small one
It is that Marx predicted the future or the people with the power to do so is shaping the future based on Marx predictions

>> No.8805992


>> No.8805993

>theres a bigger picture out there
Try to explain this to some Amerifat who can't even grasp the fact that statistics might have a context.

>> No.8805995

This isn’t even a good ad hominem

>> No.8806041
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Lenin predicted this with "the burgeois are going to sell us the rope with which we'll hang them".

Capitalism's inherent design flaw is that it educates workers more and more, so it can more efficiently suck surplus value out of them. The reality however is that specialized education doesn't exist, and mathematical logic "seeps through" to other aspects of the worker's thinking as well.

worker that gets taught how to understand efficiency cannot ignore the inefficiency of his payment system, for example. That is why Marxist argued that deterministically, there would be a revolution and following that, the proletariat's reign.

The thing is, his analysis failed in predicting the time needed for that. What I am afraid most of all, most of me or my parents or loved ones dying, is us dying without seeing the system collapsing, and living a life in wage slavery.

>> No.8806068

god I hate communists. They grope the trunk and think the elephant is a snake.

>> No.8806069

>The shitskins are only here because "whites" voted socialist.
Both the cuckservatives and the left leaders wanted more shitskins here, the first because it meant cheaper labor, the second because they are deluded ethnomasochists, it was never something reclaimed by the people.

> Anyway I don't discuss with communist drones anymore.
How anything I said is communist? Fucking pajeet with low reading comprehension, neck yourself.

You niggers don't give a single argument and just keep posting smug comments.
In the meantime:

>> No.8806082

>the first because it meant cheaper labor
Literally don't know how to talk with someone who still believes that.

>> No.8806112
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>literally can't give a single counter argument since the beginning

>> No.8806118

>No arguments since start of discussion

You're so fucking stupid

>> No.8806171

It's an interesting question but since the results are the same you could argue that it's irrelevant. The fact is that maybe his theories of economy aren't bulletproof but his theories on where society was heading and how things will be in the future will be vindicated in 100-200 years in my opinion. I reckon a global culture will emerge in this time and become dominant for the rest of human history, we already see it with the americanisation of other cultures which is essentially an alpha of what will eventually be a global culture consisting of a "muddied" english language unrecognisable from the current with much "newspeak" involved. Class system will not dissapear as marx predicted but rather will make peace with a hierarchical system with mutually beneficial arrangements to keep order (equal opportunity for children to climb social ladder but enforced adult hierarchy.)

>> No.8806199
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Come on dude, you're on 4chan and you're only asking yourself this now?

>> No.8806250
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It could be militaristic, communism and socialism can only be achieved through internal strife, it's never happened that a country became socialist without a preceding civil war, so it could be that countries are being subverted and lead towards making socialists decisions that cause inner conflict and instability within their boarders so that the subverting country (the one responsible for subverting the now pro socialist country) has an easier time dealing with the subverted country. You know, something like that could totally be possible. Like, all those immigrants could have been talked into migrating in bulk into Europe by the subverters so as to speed up the inner conflict. But, what do i know.

>> No.8806277

Capitalism is the most efficient way to allocate scarce resources.

Resources are no longer scarce enough that we have to worry about allocating them effectively. Over the coming century capitalism will be rendered completely redundant as AI can allocate and create resources as necessary and humans can find new ways to occupy their time

>> No.8806298

Why would those in control bother keeping the people who are dependent on the system alive once they are no longer needed?

>> No.8806302


tell us how AI will "create" rare earth metals in the crust

>> No.8806317

You are dumb man. Former Soviet occupied countries are seriously anti-communist because they lived through how shitty is was.

>> No.8806340


>> No.8806350


Maybe because the capitalism phase was just so people could get rich and be on top during the coming communism phase

>> No.8806375
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because it's the ideal, just really notoriously difficult to implement in the real world. Eventually it's going to happen in some form when we can create resources on a whim [they're already growing meat in labs].

>> No.8806389

Because of progress and automatication.
Deep learning will allow self driving trucks that drive 24/7. The logistic industry is 20% of all jobs in the world. So be ready for 20% more people without a job in the next 5-10 years.

>> No.8806403

inequality is at an all time high.
its the other way around. we are full blown capitalists right now.

>> No.8806404
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>discussing ideologies instead of tangible problems

>> No.8806414

>omg u are so wrong, I literally can't even argue with you because u are so dumb

>> No.8806436

t b h the arguments made on both sides of this thread are equally stupid
the societal push towards communism is due to global dysgenics
low quality people (be it shitskins, whites, yellows; obviously there's a much greater percentage of low quality people in shitskins, but the majority of whites and yellows are low quality regardless) are subsidized, while high quality people are soft pressured into low fertility rates
low quality people are actually more conservative in nature, because their intellect is unable to apprehend new ideas; but they vote for their perceived short-term interests, that is handouts, which is what the leftist parties give them
when the money runs out so does the "socialist" sentiment. the poor would cannibalize the rest of the world ten times as fast as the rich if they had the same power
as for why the elites encourage this sentiment, it's just common sense for them to crush any sort of upper middle class that would threaten their power
the more layers of unwilling human shields you put between you and the masses, the safer you are
there's no need to believe in drone armies and global population reduction conspiracy theories to understand the above strategy, which has been true for all of history
benevolence can only exist through competition, if it provides a competitive advantage. the more power disparity, the less relative need for the rulers to appease their outgroup

>> No.8806448

Because it's a system that rewards competence, not just hardwork. You have to work hard, but also be able to network, learn skills quickly and adapt rapidly, and have a saving mentality so that should any hardship strike, you have a safety net.

Only a very small amount of people are capable of this, so it just leads to the incompetent outpacing the competent in terms of growth, and the we see the Pareto principle and the ideas behind human capital theories play out even more. Successful people just keep on being more successful, not to mention the better foundations they give their kids, while unsuccessful people continue to mass reproduce, so there's even less to go around for those that are already poor, which often become bitter and resentful, and attack those among them that try to succeed, trying to keep everyone down.

I've experience that shit first hand, growing up in a shit Hispanic neighborhood. For fuck sake, I moved there when I was 8 with my senpai, from an actual shit hole, a mountain side village in El Salvador, the poor in the US live like kings in comparison. I wasn't bitter, I wasn't resentful or demanding, I just studied constantly and worked hard because that's what I was taught, and come high school, I was ostracized and constantly berated for being a sell out and "too white" despite being actually born and raised in a Hispanic country. So that sort of shit leads to a super large block of resentful people that politicians pander too through "gib me dats".

I think a decay of culture is also a big factor.

>> No.8806466

>All these people talking about automation and the loss of jobs
>we've already been through countless cycles of technology completely destroying industries, yet have never reach any catastrophic end

>> No.8806471

>Because shitskins are invading them and shitskins reproduce the behavior
Why is it that every single fucking commie I've met in college is a pasty-skinned soy-consuming goy or a Jew?

>> No.8806480

because they're the "educated" leaders of the "revolution" the shitskins are the ones politicians pander to with commie policies. Higher education are just indoctrination camps

>> No.8806506

Not if you study something real. Computer science or an engineering discipline.

>> No.8806577

>water is good for you, let's drink unlimited amounts of it.

>> No.8806588

thats true. but libertarian minarchists will win.

>> No.8806635

Its not ideal, how can it be ideal, when its first rule (all humans are the same) is wrong? all humans are diffrent, though a state shouldnt value humen diffrently ancap is ideal, but not practical.minarchist is practical and perfect.

>> No.8806647

no the us is full blown crony capitalist. There is way too much regulation and taxes for true capitalism.

>> No.8806658


Surprised anyone calls the US capitalist when they see the retarded fucking crypto taxes, that shit is full blown communist

>> No.8806671

>remainder that property ((rights)) are an perversion of natural property
>remainder that without some ideology/state protecting property, poor beta males wouldn't be able to defend even a scrap of real property and would fall pray to the alpha males

>> No.8806822

>allocate and create resources as necessary
This "allocating and creating resources as necessary" mantra is exactly what communism is in a nutshell.
The idea of living in post scarcity is simply not true. Globally there is scarcity, and there is no such thing as "we" here.
AI as a solution to a fair or equal distribution of goods (according to needs, am I right?) is just a wishy washy science-buzzwordy way to plant the ideology of communism in the heads of the masses without having to use the word communism.

>> No.8806911

Erm this board is for discussing money and not whipipo. If you wanna discuss whipipo there's another board for that you retard.

>> No.8807113

We're headed towards ancap, volunterist society that doesn't expropriate and redistribute wealth or subsidise subhumans
As soon as central kiking systems fall