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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 748x191, buttcoinwasright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8804400 No.8804400 [Reply] [Original]


We could have missed this entire crash had we listened to these geniuses.

>a community for 6 years
>Monday July 18, 2011

>> No.8804411

And? They are still right, price doesn't change anything
It could go to $1M and it would be the same piece of shit backed by nothing and used to fund drug cartels, pedophiles and human traffic

>> No.8804426

>price doesn't change anything

Price is the only thing that matters in this world, friend :)

>> No.8804431

For you
Everyone is different

>> No.8804435

Price tells you how the rest of human civilization else values something.

>> No.8804438


Imagine having this much cognitive dissonance

>> No.8804458

Yeah nice civilization, getting rich thanks pedo ponzicoins and crime
Really proud of this civilization

>> No.8804460
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A Fucking SubReddit that does not value bitcoin but seeks up votes for validation and karma that you can't use for\ anything.

>> No.8804474
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can't argue with the market

>> No.8804508

Why would you dedicate your life to hating bitcoin though? What do you get out of this other then like 5 upvotes on a Reddit sup with 1000 views maybe.

>> No.8804518
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>These fucking digits

>> No.8804529

Becausemits destroying the planet you fucking retard
If you were just a fan of a music group I don't like I wouldn't give a fuck
But when you're wasting natural resources and generating pollution and aids everywhere, I have to raise awareness somehow
On top of this, tons of people lost thousands of dollars thanks to these scams
How many lives do you plan to ruin, scammer?
How much is too much?

>> No.8804550

Okay, but I am not fucking personally responsible for that. I did not make the thing and having a subreddit that laughs at people losing money or getting fucked over by scam artist does not really draw in a crowd or send a message.

>> No.8804561

>How many lives do you plan to ruin, scammer?

Cryptocurrencies are going to make large scale war impossible. I'd say it will all be worth it. All the resources that is seems to be wasting will lead to massive reductions in future waste as we move into worldwide deflation.

Unless you actually don't care about the environment and only care about redistribution of wealth and current social programs being paid for.

>> No.8804570

If you're an "investor" you're buying and supporting this shit, you don't have to create the whole Ponzi to be part of it
>does not really draw in a crowd or send a message
It does, the message is "this could be you"
We laugh at them because they were warned countless of times and they STILL fall for it
Sure kid

>> No.8804590

Stop eating meat

>> No.8804592

go back to something awful. Hope you can vote for some neoliberal that makes you feel good about yourself.

>> No.8804597
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>We laugh at them because they were warned countless of times and they STILL fall for it

Look this is the highest upvoted thing in the sub and it has nothing to do with some noble message.

No they laugh at people because they want others to suffer like they are simply because there is something called bitcoin.

>> No.8804599

Just imagine being a buttcoin oldfag who never bought. The butthurt would be strong enough power a small country.

>> No.8804608


crabs in a bucket mentality 2bh. They hate seeing others succeed and become wealthy

>> No.8804620

They rationalize it by saying Bitcoin is EVIL and should be illegal.

Cryptocurrencies are never going away, just like you can't completely get rid of black markets in your communist utopia.

>> No.8804632

I've been guilty of doing that when it comes to dating. Misery loves company.

>> No.8804640

you missed a lot of usecases. he burgerland gov uses btc to send funds to shitholes

>> No.8804656

We told you it was going to tank hard and you kept saying it was going to 100k
We told you
What is 'success' to you? If by success you mean scamming other people and supporting the worst od the worst just to make a few bucks sure, you're a 'successful' human being and I bet your parents are proud of you
But for me, you're a piece of shit
Chemical weapons are not evil, if you just leave em on a table they won't do nothing to you. Retards who use em are evil to murder millions of people are evil.
Same goes for cryptocurrencies
Name ONE use case that doesn't involve anything illegal such as buying drugs or pyramid schemes or scam ICOs
Steam stopped supporting this scam in December right before the bubble popped. You think you know better than these big companies companies? I don't

>> No.8804657

Don't bother arguing with them. If one person uses Bitcoin for something illegal than the whole thing is tainted.

Mean while your tax dollars go to torturing and bombing civilians in the Middle East.

>> No.8804672

>We told you it was going to tank hard and you kept saying it was going to 100k
You also said it'd never go back over 1k, its easy to be right eventually if you always say its going down.
>Name ONE use case that doesn't involve anything illegal such as buying drugs
Buying drugs is a great use case though. There is no reason that an adult shouldn't be able to buy something to put it in their own body.

Its amazing to me that your whole subreddit is built upon circlejerking each other about how good little normalfags you are that follow all the laws. I can't imagine leading such a boring existence.

>> No.8804674
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>you kept saying

I did not say any of that??? You don't know who I am.


>> No.8804684

>wasting natural resources

glad our financial system has no friction and runs on magical fairy dust.
you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.8804695

bank account dictates who's right :^)
buttcoin is short for "community of people BUTThurt about bitCOIN", it must be harder and harder for them to cope

>> No.8804715

Environmentalism is virtue signalling.

>> No.8804724

>Leftism is virtue signalling.

>> No.8804725


>> No.8804803

Thank god these Something Awful fags weren't early whales. They could have dumped on our asses and killed Bitcoin.

>> No.8804867
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>drug cartels, pedophiles and human traffic
you underestimate this

>> No.8804873

It's really funny because it's obvious how ignorant you retards are to this technology. You just regurgitate the same shit you read on some New York Times article
>muh 51% attack
>muh steam
>muh internet pedophile money

You don't know what you are talking about. Buts it's pointless arguing against people like you. Your mind is already made and no one in the fucking world can tell you different. So you will just continue virtue signaling with your holier then thou attitude with your fingers in your ears screaming, refusing to listen to anything unless it helps conform to the bias that you already have made about cryptos.

>> No.8804884

Imagine being this brain damaged. KYS nigger

>> No.8804889

Seems like a good definition of the USD.

>> No.8804901
File: 63 KB, 671x508, IMG_0601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting for you to tell me a legit use case for this awesome and revolutionary technology

>> No.8804915

Its use case as a digital asset.

This is not rocket science. I should not have to spoon feed you the most basic of information.

>> No.8804920 [DELETED] 

And RIGHT NOW, not in 10 years, right now, how's it being?

>> No.8804929


>> No.8804931

And RIGHT NOW, not in 10 years, right now, how's it being used?

>> No.8804955

What are you asking?

Right now it's being used as an asset and as a currency.

>> No.8804974

A competing global monetary system that isn't based on infinite increasing debt.

>> No.8805017

>Heterogenized trustless edge computing
>Immutable voting
>Unfalsifiable accounting

>> No.8805025

ok I'll bite.

native digital assets under cryptographic control are required to collateralise smart contracts, which will inevitably reduce the cost of doing business for millions of people and thousands of use cases all over the world, particularly those without access to mature and relatively non-corrupt legal frameworks for contract enforcement, in all likelihood allowing underdeveloped societies to bootstrap themselves to higher levels of social development and social capital, while freeing plenty more in developed economies from bureaucratic drudgery.

post this to r/buttcoin I dare ya

>> No.8805039

Unless you're an amish vegan or some shit you're just talking nonsense. Nobody actually cares, pretend you're an alarmist while you continue to contribute.

>> No.8805048

stay poor faggot.
your tunnel vision ignorance will be your doom.

>> No.8805066

If you wait 10 years it will be too late to buy you dummy.

>> No.8805068


>> No.8805087

>16 years old
Americans are such retards.

>> No.8805095

Who the fuck is wasting all our drugs? BAN BITCOIN

>> No.8805104

Blah blah blah your fancy words won't work against me
The tech might be useful, who knows
Even if the tech gets adopted doesn't mean anyone will buy your scamcoins, those are two completely different things
Any big company can build their own blockchain from scratch without having to deal with some garbage scam that could go up or down 50% overnight

>> No.8805113

Concerts and festivals are actually incredibly destructive to the environment. Not only the obvious cost of the average degenerate behavior that goes on on these things, but the noise and light pollution is disruptive to wildlife, on a scale similar to minor earthquakes.
You won't ever join a subreddit about that though, because there isn't one, because reddit is all about (relatively) young people pretending to be controversial by following a consensus. Campaigning against music would be actually controversial and that scares the shit out of your limp-wristed brethren.

>> No.8805127

Tons of use cases
>trolling and triggering reddet so hard that they can't stop crying about it
>making me money
>helping people evade glow in the dark gov niggers
>sending value cross borders, cheaply and quickly and for the most part anonymously
But in the end who even gives a fuck if there's a "valid" use case. Memes and pissing people like you off is more than worth it

>> No.8805130

Why do people assume that anyone arguing against bitcoin is poor? Where does that come from? It wasn't like this back in the day
I have a decent job and make an average of 350k/year, what about you?
At least people have fun on concerts and festivals

>> No.8805138

>At least people have fun on concerts and festivals
I have fun buying drugs with bitcoin and I don't even hurt any animals.

>> No.8805146

>I have fun buying illegal drugs on the internet
See? That's illegal
Going to a concert is not illegal

>> No.8805149

>9 posts and counting by this id
Triggered as fuck, stay mad nigger lips

>> No.8805153

What a strong code of ethics you must have for morality to fly out of the window the moment someone has fun. Even that is an awful argument: there's an obvious gaming element to crypto trading attracting a population who was previously doing the same in video game virtual economies, and then there's actual gaming on ethereum.
>inb4 "b-but those people aren't REALLY having fun, they just think they are!"

>> No.8805163

>Any big company can build their own blockchain from scratch without having to deal with some garbage scam that could go up or down 50% overnight

Lol. You are funny.

The value in these things come from the network themselves. Look up metcalfes law.

Why did google buy youtube for billions of dollar? Because the website was just so amazing? Because YouTube was just revolutionary?

No, google bought YouTube because the amount of users the network was able to generate. This is business 101.

>> No.8805173

>muh laws determine what's good and bad
Suck my dick statist

>> No.8805201

> Blah blah blah your fancy words won't work against me
you mean my plain English invoking basic concepts that any economically literate person should be familiar with?
it's a clear argument and I expect to be fully vindicated on all counts within a decade, including the far-reaching social effects.
> Even if the tech gets adopted doesn't mean anyone will buy your scamcoins
to function successfully in the role of collateral for smart contracts, the digital asset in question must have organic value. certainly, this could be achieved with assets that are simply pegs to fiat (e.g. USDT or TUSD), but those assets only exist in the first place to facilitate the trade of unbacked digital assets, and furthermore they involve an extra step of unnecessary trust in the institution maintaining the peg compared a native digital asset, if the cost of allowing for extra volatility is not prohibitive.

>> No.8805224

A network controlled mostly by a Chinese guy who also holds most of the supply??
You really think Facebook or Google is interested in any of that?
Here's a history lesson for you since I see you must be way younger than me: Google bought YouTube AND took control of the whole YouTube network, they didn't let the previous owners manage it or have any control over it, that's how big companies work
And again: no serious company in the world wants to get paid with something that can drop in value 50% overnight
Very mature argument
>if the cost of allowing for extra volatility is not prohibitive
In real world, it is
>Steam is no longer accepting bitcoin as a payment method. The company is attributing its decision to cryptocurrency’s “high fees and volatility.”

>> No.8805236


>> No.8805254


No no no no no

It went right over your head. You need to read my reply again and argue on topic. There is serious arguments to be made about bitcoins network but none of which is even close to what you are talking about.

You need to understand that the network bitcoin has generated is inherently valuable. Hence the price of bitcoin when compared to other currencies.

Think about my previous reply and try to stay on topic of it just a bit. I know you can do it.

>> No.8805255

Why would I need an argument when you don't have one?

>> No.8805264

Decentralized pegs are a thing anon good job now i don't believe anything you said. Dan Larimer is so mad at you right now

>> No.8805268
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>> No.8805279

>In real world, it is
I happen to think that if the business advantage of trustless agreements is worth more than the capital cost of collateralising 100% of an agreement, it is highly likely to be worth more the capital cost of collateralising 200% worth for a safety margin as well (see: scale invariance). the advantages are literally too large to pass up, if the alternative is unenforceability.

>> No.8805302

yes, but they themselves involve collateralisation by a native digital asset, thus proving my central point of their indispensability.

>> No.8805306

And it's worth noting that only fucking idiots argue for bitcoin to be used as a currency to replace fiat.

Take your mind off the currency aspect of bitcoin and look more of it as an asset.

Now ask yourself why might bitcoin be valuable as an asset. I will explain to you why friendo:

With common assets like pieces of art or precious metals (gold/silver) one thing that really sets bitcoin apart is its fast liquidity. If you wanted to sell your art or gold you would have to first find a seller and also verify the validity of your asset. With bitcoin this is done automatically, so if you wanted to liquidate your assets it's done very quickly with bitcoin as opposed to those mentioned above.

Not to mention, if you wanted to hold money in art or gold your would need to find a place to store it, and if you wanted to physically own your gold you would need to ship it very slowly and also very expensive to do so. With bitcoin you simply store it in your private wallet and keep it safe and your good to go.

Hope this clears some stuff up for you.

>> No.8805344
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i was wondering what kind of bitter oddballs would be actually butthurt enough to make such a subreddit

thanks for confirming it had to be done by mentally ill people

>> No.8805416

The price of bitcoin is controlled by the Chinese guy I mentioned before and 10 other people, that's it
You really think wealthy people will trust these criminals to dictate the value of their assets?
I can see the federal reserve releasing a bunch of cryptocurrencies but with a fixed, constant price, none of this volatility bullshit. Something like tether but backed by something. That's it, no mass adoption for your crypto scamcoin, stop dreaming about it.

>> No.8805449

Ok. It's glaring obvious you don't know what you are talking about.

A young boy went to a wise old sage. He asked the sage "what is the key to happiness" and the old sage replied "the key to happiness is to not argue with stupid people." The young boy said, "that can't be it! That's not the key to happiness." And the wise old sage said, "Ok".

>> No.8805747
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>> No.8806044

Fucking tree-huggers with one digit IQs. I'll make an ICO to exterminate you faggots.

>> No.8806072

You are quite the soyboy aren't you ?

Most of btc holders doesn't give a fuck about anyone but themselves, if btc goes to a million it'll make a lot of neets millionaires while nocoiners keep wagecucking and by saying "bbbut muh druug cartel money reeee"

>> No.8806074
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>> No.8806126

im surprised little whiny faggots like him dont just kill themselves already. spending over 5 years crying online while nobody listens.

>> No.8806202

It's only volatile because of low market cap.
If you look at % value (not USD)changes then you can see that volatility has decreased with Market cap. Currently the market crap is a small fraction of gold. When it reaches the same level, it will be as stable, but a more convenient way to store value.

>> No.8806251


>> No.8806288

Sounds like what usd is used for poo face.

>> No.8806380

>buttcoin destroys planet! hurr durr
go and have a talk with the 1% you fucking edfy nigger kid and kill them all. glass the east and kill 90% of the population of china and india then we can have a clean start.

planet is dying since the industrialization, we are dumping poison in the oceans. Holy shit 40 years ago ppl were blowing radioactive shit in the atmoshpere/ocean/desert because "muh dick".

the food you eat is plastic and gives you cancer because the 1% buys up everything worthy, healthy.

we could plant solar panels on every rooftops and drive full green cars but then "muh profits" would tank the whole economy and start wars.

buttcoin is morally wrong and total bs waste of resources? yes. banks are giving out imaginary money loans and top 1% avoids taxation? yes. eveything around you is manipulated and jews are killing palestine children in the very moment? yes. muslim sandniggers flooding europe bc the economy is unsustainable and the population is getting fed up with this bs? yes. terror propaganda is going on everywhere you go?...

see, buttcoin is your least concern. right in this moment it would take me 40 years of work to buy some 30 old washed up family house while many earn this ammount in a month doing nothing but doin 1 hour or less of effective work a day. even strippers earn 10times as much as you. new ww is coming.

>> No.8806462
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Went there from 2014 till 2016
Never bought any coins cause I thought they would have peaked and never checked prices.
Left sub in 2017 cause content was dying in 2017. Never checked why.
Discover uber bull run in dec. Realize I knew eth since its inception with all the tech detail.
Fucking kill me (pic upvoted post not my own)

>> No.8806569
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how can you watch the price go from a few dollars to thousand and still be a whiny bitch is beyond me

btc is money same as dollar and yes it can be used for the same criminal activities
but using btc for criminal activities is retarded since every transaction is recorded unlike cash money

btc like every other form of currency or asset has the value people are ready to pay for
why is this cs-go skin worth over a grand ? because people are ready to pay that price

>> No.8806616

For the cryptotraders
I am proud reseller of Eonbot, an advanced auto-trading bot for cryptos.
It works perfectly and it's constantly updated by the core dev team. It supports the main exchange platforms and it has 5 different strategies to combine.
Referral code: yogsotho

>> No.8806626

imagine being a pedocoin faggot degenerate who lost all his money buying faggy shitcoins at 19K USD

>> No.8806639

Buttcoin needs bitcoin to exist

>> No.8806719
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>Reminder you can't take r/buttcoin seriously

>> No.8806776

Holy shit anon. You have opened my eyes. We must stop the rock music! Damn hippies killing the planet with their long hair and wah pedals. Were do we start?
I think we should burn down the Marshall amp factory!

>> No.8806835

R-buttcoin actually has some of the most sincere discussion in the cryptosphere. Yeah, people post immature jokes about butts but on /biz/ it's constant shilling and BRAPPERS.

>> No.8806956

If I wanted financial advice from a bunch of tranny communists I'd sign up for the something awful forums

>> No.8806988
File: 154 KB, 1021x746, leddit rekt again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder the whole Buttcoin thing started on 4chan /g/ before Ledditors made their copycat sub

Leddit rekt again!

>> No.8807000

tomatoshi bread

>> No.8807625

>>We told you it was going to tank hard and you kept saying it was going to 100k
>You also said it'd never go back over 1k, its easy to be right eventually if you always say its going down.
>>Name ONE use case that doesn't involve anything illegal such as buying drugs
>Buying drugs is a great use case though. There is no reason that an adult shouldn't be able to buy something to put it in their own body.
>Its amazing to me that your whole subreddit is built upon circlejerking each other about how good little normalfags you are that follow all the laws. I can't imagine leading such a boring existence.


Wanna know what's funny about Buttcoin? It got me into BTC to begin with, and now I'm rich. I go to the thread pretty often, there's still one on SA. Funny how it's basically a support group now

>> No.8807746
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>> No.8807769

Back at college in 2009 I shared an apartment with two comp sci guys who mined and bought thousands of Bitcoin, they kept on telling me to get into it but I thought the idea was stupid and just kept laughing at their comedy gold, I would relentlessly mock them for wasting their time with internet monopoly money.

I later moved cities but as time went on and the Bitcoin price skyrocketed I started to see pictures on facebook of their now awesome lives of leisure, travelling around the world doing what the hell they wanted for the rest of their lives.

I had a job I loved in the retail service sector but still, I started to fall into a deep depression thinking about what could have been if only I'd listened to them and not simply mocked them.

Then I found /r/Buttcoin, the great people there allowed me to realize that I'd made the right decision by not getting involved in Bitcoin, and simply laughing at butters.

I learned about the moral implications of Bitcoin and now when I see these facebook photos of my friends having fun in exotic destinations I feel sick, because I know their great lives came from helping pedophiles, child-torturers, terrorism, snuff-porn creators, animal cruelty enthusiasts and libertarians.

Now I dedicate most of my free time to watching the Bitcoin price, seeking out and mocking Butters wherever I can find them all for the sake of comedy gold.

/r/Buttcoin saved my life.

>> No.8807788
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>> No.8807865

People always say how crypto is a bubble and yet, despite being genius enough to recognize it, take no action to make money. Bubbles are obviously insanely profitable. It goes up hard, you make bank, it goes down hard, you make bank.

Even as an inexperienced trader, I 3x'd a part of my stack on low leverage trades on the way down. The nature of the bubble means there is dumb and emotional money to prey on. Everyone says >muh bubble and refuses to trade the volatility. They prefer to sit on their high horse instead of making money.

>> No.8807882
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>> No.8807939

>yes, everyone should hop on and throw all their money into a bubbling asset, it's a surefire way to make bank whether it goes up or down! no, i'm not just saying that because getting more people to buy in increases the value of my assets...

>> No.8807958

If you don't know how to manage your risk it's not my problem.

>> No.8807968

> “When I see a bubble forming, I rush in to buy, adding fuel to the fire. That is not irrational.”

- George Soros, crypto god.

>> No.8807988

It could go to 1 mil and still be a piece of shit that made me a multi millionaide

>> No.8808003

wow anon you are so brave and self-sacrificing by not participating in asset bubbles
how can we be more like you? do we need to train as Buddhist monks?

>> No.8808004


Such faggotry. USD finances more of all that shit than anything else.

>dem dere fancy words

And you just lost the right to fucking live by posting that shit. You've got NOTHING you sjw shitpile.

>> No.8808008

I can't imagine human beings making posts like this. It has to be bots. No self respecting human would make a random, pointless post like this in the hopes that some other organism out there in the world would notice it and give them a moment of their time in exchange for an empty refutation like this that provides no information and adds no value to the discussion. It's unreal to me. It doesn't make sense. Do you not value yourself and your time? What drives someone to make pointless posts like this repeatedly ad nauseum like a drone until your brain turns to sludge from a drought of critical thought and mindless regurgitation of warped input?