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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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880327 No.880327 [Reply] [Original]

How long will this China shit carry on, I bought the dip, when is the shekele flowing?!!?

>> No.880331
File: 6 KB, 171x222, bid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese markets aren't even open today or tomorrow and US stocks are still shitting the bed.

It's awesome.

>> No.880352


The shekels are flowing from you sucker, the correction is just getting started

>> No.880362
File: 33 KB, 338x400, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmitah fag
the correction already happend, the fuck do you expect end of the world in september. gtfo to /pol

>> No.880369

It's this faggot again who made the troll thread "the retard crash of 2015.". You're easy to identify because of your dumb posting style, shitty opinions, and 9gag-tier reaction images.

7/10 chance you're underaged

>> No.880378
File: 837 KB, 384x269, 1341317686546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anonymous board filled with dumb posting styles, shitty opinions, meme images
>"You're easy to identify because of your dumb posting style, shitty opinions, and 9gag-tier reaction images."

>> No.880383

Haha called out and... confirmed

>> No.880393

fucking seldom to find a true retard, rare as goldfish, but here it is, in my thread.

>> No.880396


Have you considered you need to be a pol tard to think stocks are overvalued and due to a correction?


>> No.880399


*dont need to be

>> No.880406

"In fact, based on history, the stock market could climb because the CAPE has been much higher in the past before the air came out of the market, he said." - Shiller

Essentially he says, it is a warning sign, that means absolutely nothing.

>> No.880511


>bob shiller of case-shiller index gives warning
>means nothing

Yes please invest more of your life savings, its only up from here! :^)

>> No.880520

>"I don't know, the stocks could also go up, but could also go down. One thing is sure, we live in very dangerous times."

he fucking said it himself. why don't you read/watch the shit you are posting.