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8801688 No.8801688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was never into Asians before browsing biz. I Thought they looked like aliens. Now I find Asian women very attractive. What the fuck happened? I don’t want this. What is the cure

>> No.8801710
File: 36 KB, 354x286, 1509861196706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint no cure, i dont wanna be cured, asian gf EOY

>> No.8801712

Then why did you post a picture of a man?

>> No.8801720

>What is the cure

Become gay

>> No.8801750

that's a guy OP, you've been spending too long on /b/

>> No.8801762

No cure m8.

I lived in NYC many years ago. I absolutely hate chinks. My least favorite minority; sinky, rude, pushy. Then I had to go to Seoul for work and banged some Korean girls.

I could never look at white women again and eventually ended up marrying a korean woman. Everyone will laugh at you but that sweet gash is all yours.

>> No.8801764
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will my 400 elastos get me an asian gf by the end of the year?

>> No.8801769

there is no cure for the yellow fever nigga. its like aids you got this shit for life. on the plus side asian bitches are hot.

>> No.8801775

Date one and you'll see how unattractive they are DESU

>> No.8801850

trap pill is next be prepared

>> No.8801876
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Only normies and idiots don't appreciate the beauty of asian goddesses.

>> No.8801878

lived in korea for 5 yrs came back to the midwest its a nightmare here ahhhhhhghghhghggggjhhhh

shoulda married one

>> No.8801897


cursed image

>> No.8801907

Why would you ever move back to the states, much less the fucking midwest?

>> No.8801924

At least it hasn't made you a closeted bbc/trap obsessed nazi yet

>> No.8801925

family- about ready to leave to asia again

>> No.8801931
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it's called "consistent exposure and unconscious acceptance" why do you think the media constantly portrays blacks on TV shows, ads, movies etc. as "cool, intelligent, strong" while simultaneously portraying unnecessary interracial (especially wf/bm) as much as possible? There's a reason for subliminal messaging.

>> No.8801933

Asian women are catnip to american men who can't compete in the american dating market.

They think that asian women are like the fantasy that has been created about them... submissive, beautiful, thrifty, serving.

Truth is asian women are like any other woman in the world. There are good ones and bad ones.

But... asian women also know that they are catnip for americans, so they have massive egos. Not to mention most of asia laughs at americans who have to come over to find a wife.

>> No.8801934

The cure is taking the black pill.

>> No.8801936

There is no cure, but its ok. Asian girls are hot. I've had yellow fever for literally as long as I can remember, before I even knew it was called "yellow fever."


>> No.8801941

back to korea? what were you doing there originally?

>> No.8801947

Just move to one of the college towns dummy rich Asian whores everywhere

>> No.8801949

>they looked like aliens
We are aliens.

>> No.8801968

>Asian women are catnip to american men who don't want nor need to compete in the american dating market.


>> No.8802032

>Not to mention most of asia laughs at americans who have to come over to find a wife.

>caring about what a bunch of random gooks think

back to r/asianmasculinity with you

>> No.8802043
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gibe azn gf plos

>> No.8802046
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Is this on-point?

>> No.8802052

they do look like aliens

>> No.8802068
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>> No.8802074

that's only because most american women are fat, entitled, feminist pigs that act like men. I unironically find asian women more attractive just because they are so feminine. latinas are nice too. really anything is better than american white women...

>> No.8802103

are you not average and white or something?

>> No.8802114


>> No.8802154


why not go to a post soviet european country then

>> No.8802159
File: 84 KB, 718x615, 1522835985485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was never into Asians before browsing biz
seriously what the fuck, the same happened to me I guess something changed in my brain.

>> No.8802171
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, 1516225242367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians are cuter.

>> No.8802213

Op suffers from a disease called microphallus. Sad!

>> No.8802216

On one hand, I've always wanted to fuck Asian ladies. On the other hand, I'm aware of the K-Pop General on /mu/; so I'm aware that yellow fever can bring out some serious dregs of humanity.

>> No.8802220


"yellow fever" is a feminist term to shame white men's sexuality.

But its perfectly fine for white women to have a thing for black men, or Asian women to only date white men.

>> No.8802248

where do you meet an azn girl in a US college town? they always seem so scared and travel in packs, havent seen any in awhile

>> No.8802257

I thought east european woman were gold diggers?????

Though they are hot af

>> No.8802262


>> No.8802278

join a club with chinks in it theyll introduce u to all the chinks in town

>> No.8802290
File: 29 KB, 480x598, 1468638390873-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian women represent the real loyal, submissive, femininity that men naturally crave. None of that beyonce, independent woman, feminist bullshit. Unless they've been westernized. Then they're missing the whole point of being an asian girl in the first place.

>> No.8802304

im czech so im tempted to just head over to the homeland and teach english over there trade crypto and wife up. getting old and late 30s never wanted to wife up until recently. wtf is going on

>> No.8802342
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my little anon can't be this deluded

>> No.8802359

Testosterone levels drops after 35. You'll submit to female dominance soon

>> No.8802405

No, improving yourself might.

>> No.8802447

TRT will save him.

>> No.8802474

those women are much better than american white women but I've found them to be cold as fuck and only care about your money. I sure did have a lot of fun in prague though...

>> No.8802493

go to UCLA

>> No.8802973

So many hot asian girls all over the la area. It's fucking great

>> No.8802979


>> No.8803022

What bars do they goto in la

>> No.8803159
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Eurasians are the masterrace of the future anon

>> No.8803275
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They didn't show you the truth

>> No.8803286

This. Good luck finding one that isn't a slant eyed mutt

>> No.8803295

>real meme creators at Reddit
Stopped reading here.

>> No.8803340
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>Falling for makeup and plastic surgery
The truth will set you free

>> No.8803349
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Buy at least 10k COSS and she will beg you to fuck her full of your children

>> No.8803464
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>tfw no custom android waifu