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File: 247 KB, 962x642, AfricanMining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8800737 No.8800737 [Reply] [Original]

I am a major investor in several African mines. AMA

>> No.8800751

Do you anal probe?

>> No.8800752

>investing in negroes
how much money have you lost?
how many of your workers have AIDS?

>> No.8800753

Why should we give a fuck ?

>> No.8800763
File: 107 KB, 1200x858, Existing_282f64_6373820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>african mines

>> No.8800792

are these micro/small caps? is there some possible moon potential in any of them? what resources are being mined? also are the mines within what would be considered "stable" countries?

>> No.8800817


None. I invested heavily after commodities bottomed out in the end of 2015/early 2016. The company I'm invested into the hardest has increased in value by nearly 500%. The shares for one of my other big holdings have increased by 341% since I bought them. It's a good strategy to make money and predictably turn small assets into considerable sums.

>> No.8800870

I invest in large and small cap mines depending on where the market is heading, and what they are mining. Most African mines are stable, I don't think I've ever heard of any actually being seized. Even in the most unstable of countries like Zimbabwe the mining companies can usually hold onto them. You can find a ton of small cap stocks on the TSX and ASX.

Recently I've been focusing on cobalt mining, but also lithium mining as well. One of my biggest investments was into AngloAmerican which did diamonds, copper, nickel, coal, and iron. I sold that off recently, but I bought right when it was at its lowest point so I've done quite well with it

>> No.8801218

"They ruin everything"

>> No.8801230

Who's the war Lord you pay for protection

>> No.8801309

>ncreased in value by nearly 500
Wow, what do you plan on doing with those whole 60 dollars?

>> No.8801349


>> No.8801359

They dindu nuffin colonizer pos

>> No.8801381

I'm reinvesting it.

Local military/police protect it.

>> No.8801401

what small caps are you currently holding onto atm?


i thought these guys were in a bit of trouble, although that might have been a few years ago

>> No.8801596 [DELETED] 

nah they're back huge. Look at their stock price. Mining is a cyclical industry.

Chrometco and Eastern Platinum are the ones I'm buying into/holding that operate in Africa.

>> No.8801629

Do you find it strange the niggers only want the farms back and not the mines?

>> No.8801864

no. Politicians can exploit the farm bullshit but not the mine stuff. That said, in South Africa a lot of talk was around nationalizing mines. Won't happen though.

I've sold off a lot of my African investments specifically, but I'm buying heavily into uranium. Also been investigating various coal companies.

>> No.8801886

how do you get them to work? can you go into detail?
so the chinese are running it?

>> No.8801890

do you have to actually go to africa to overlook the mines?

>> No.8801905
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not even memeing know a family member who invesed into mines in Centre Afrique. Any recommendation ?

>> No.8801908
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how many lolis have you banged?

>> No.8801948

Much of the management is European/Indian. Africans in Africa work a lot harder than their American counterparts. Especially Nigerians and Zimbabweans. I just invest through stock markets though.

Nah, Chinese control a small portion of mines in Africa. They're getting into it more and more but most are privately owned by Europeans, Americans, etc

My mom is South African so I have a lot of family there so yeah. I've been involved in African mines quite a bit through work though. I've been on my work's mines in Zambia a few times. Never been to any other ones though. Never go to the ones I invest in though. Not really worth my time because of the costs of getting there etc.

>> No.8801986

that's bullshit. I read through that and can tell you that story is completely fiction.

>> No.8802039


>> No.8802164

1. Nobody mines jades in Africa.

2. No dad would let their daughter spend a weekly amount of time with a much older man

3. his grandparents left Zimbabwe in 1980, moved to the US(rare in itself), and had enough time for his parents to have a kid that would graduate in the early 2000's?

4. No white African nor coloured is going to accept a dowry.

>> No.8802209

The mobile phone is a remarkable piece of engineering. But look inside. There's blood in this machine.

There's blood in this device because your mobile contains tiny electronic circuits, and they couldn't work without mineral called COLTAN.

It's mined in the eastern Congo. There is blood here, the blood of Congolese who are dying in a terrible conflict.

The West’s demand for Coltan, used in mobile phones and computers, is funding the killings in Congo. Under the close watch of rebel militias, children as young as ten work the mines hunting for this black gold.

Meet the warlord who enslaves local population and the European businessmen who continue importing Coltan, in defiance of the UN.

Fuck you OP

>> No.8802300

Artisanal mines are the ones war lords control. Not the mines I invest in.

>> No.8802509

1. Are the stocks traded on US or European exchanges or are the companies African? If not can you still buy them on the internet?
2. Do you only invest in safe countries in the South (SA, Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, ...) or all over Africa ?
3. I ask 3. because I have family in the CAR but every company that has tried mining there has failed big time and that has put me off trying to put any money in ventures located in the region.

>> No.8802548

>the blood of Congolese

Who gives a fuck.

>> No.8802740

The strange thing is why does every fucked-up disease have its origin in the Congo.
Literally, everything from Sleeping Illness to HIV.
Congo is perhaps the ultimate proof that there are some places that were never meant to be open to the outside world.

>> No.8802770
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>> No.8802882

1. They're traded all over the place. I invest largely through the Toronto Stock Exchange since it's where a lot of the junior mining stocks are traded. Some are done over the counter as well. Many mining companies have multiple listings, e.g. Paladin Mining is listed on the ASX, Namibia Stock Exchange, and OTC. The vast majority of junior mining companies trade on the TSX though. A lot are on the ASX as well.

2. I largely invest in southern Africa. West Africa is a bit different and poorly managed by comparison. As a rule of thumb, former British colonies are managed a lot better. I've invested into the Congo as well, specifically with Katanga Mining which has done quite well. Mining is quite stable though. Nobody gets away with stealing a mine. Anyone that tries will be severely punished. The ones that get warlords and shit are not owned by a publicly traded company.

3. CAR is a shithole. Zambia, SA, Namibia, etc are a lot safer by comparison and more stable. Money in mining can be hard to do if you aren't fully aware of it. I'm a geologist and have been working in mining for ages so I've come to understand what a good mining company is and how to understand its reports.

>> No.8803023

OP buys mining stocks. Congratulations OP.

>> No.8803028


I wouldn't mind investing in Southern Africa, I've been there enough to be amazed at how decently those countries are doing compared to the CAR or French speaking Africa.

How do you find the companies and those company reports? Is it mostly industry insider knowledge? What type of basic geological knowledge would you recommend getting for someone who's interested in investing?

I incidently just started a project for a client to collect and extract info from tenders for energy and mining projects all over Africa, so I'm wondering if I could use some of that info to help with my investment decisions.

>> No.8803187

You sound so virtuous and caring. I take it you don't use a mobile phone? Please back to Rddit now.

>> No.8803289

I go through the TSX list of mining companies and examine the records of each one individually. The information is all publicly available because it has to be. They will release exploration results, cash flow, etc all throughout their public media releases section. You'll find it under the "investors" tab usually or something similarly named.

It's not insider knowledge whatsoever. But you need to know what a good ore yield is versus a bad ore yield, and basic knowledge like that. A lot of the times people pay no attention to the smaller cap mining companies so you can find some shockingly good deals.


This will give you some basic background information, it would be a good start to getting to know the industry.

>> No.8803302

Do you have aids?

>> No.8803337


this one is good too.

>> No.8803397


>> No.8803441
File: 42 KB, 610x425, nigeria.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can niggers be stopped from breeding like rabbits? This shit is really scaring me
Is putting some chems that cause infertility in the water supply an option?

>> No.8803575

Nothing can stop it. Africa is fucked friend.

>> No.8803913

yeah but they're just going to blow themselves up and then migrate to our countries

>> No.8803935

Thanks for the tips. Do you have recommendations for ores I should pay particular attention to? Is Lithium just a meme?

Fun fact: The region my family is from in the CAR has a high infertility rate because of the uranium in the ground.

French company bought the rights to exploit the uranium for a couple billions from a South African company only to realize the mine was worthless a couple years later (something about the uranium ore being to powdery to be profitably exploitable or something)

>> No.8804017
File: 54 KB, 649x459, Merkel scheming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to take them all into europe t. eu government

>> No.8805026

Total noob investor in the mining sector
Would you mind if you give us one good stock and one bad stock so that we can compare and see the difference in their reports ?
I guess that the minerals are traded in USD and since it is in a bearish trend, this would be beneficial to commodity companies.

>> No.8805369

why are africans incapable of managing their own mines? why do westerners have to buy them?

>> No.8805399
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Because they're niggers, what do you think? Especially sub-saharan niggers, they're laughably stupid and easy to exploit.

>> No.8805440
File: 6 KB, 299x168, SHIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do they get those small ships in bottles ?

>> No.8805454

Theyre assembled within the bottle through the opening

>> No.8805455

Go watch 'empire of dust' on youtube.


>> No.8805509

Watched it already, it's pretty good.

>> No.8805528

The Chinese are no better. They only want to exploit what they perceive as stupid people and are not interested in developing Africa outside their supply chains

>> No.8805676
File: 97 KB, 688x793, 1509847606312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westerner in HK here

China seems to have a huge rare earth industry. I speak good Mandarin, so I'm thinking of trying to move into Metals banking or something

Know much do you know about the China rare earth markets?

>> No.8805779

Recently started looking into mining too, cobalt and lithium mostly but it feels like the hype of electric vehicles and lithium batteries will start declining soon, don't wanna buy in at the top and get JUST'd.

>> No.8805857

there is such thing as metal banking as far as I know.

Remember all rare earth fields and mines in China are owned by the Chinese government and all the money made goes directly to them. there is no middle man or whatever.

>> No.8805866
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also can you give any numbers as what you consider 'major''

this all sounds incredible vague. In which stocks are you investing and for how much.

>> No.8805927

Seems to be some money to be made on the side-shows, like M&A, trading, financing etc, rather than the actual handling of the commodity. Looking into it now.

Seems like HK is the place to be to get in on it, though I'll need to improve my Chinese and start networking.

Anywhere in particular you get your news for metals and minerals?

>> No.8806124

Do you buy your whips locally or import them?
I've got nice bulk prices.

>> No.8806238
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>those stats
We're so fucked.