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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8798794 No.8798794 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8798800

My life savings is in EOS and I don’t know what will happen.

>> No.8798808

I lost .3 ETH on ponzis yesterday

>> No.8798810

You're gonna be just fine
Im moving a bunch into EOS this year.

>> No.8798820

I'm a nocoiner

>> No.8798831

i bought a bunch of link but feel like i was just memed

>> No.8798841

I get scared when shit goes sideways for long before hitting my targets. Moon or hit my stop you piece of shit.

>> No.8798857

I am considering converting my whole stash of $80k into either all btc or all ltc.

>> No.8798859

I just shilled WAN today knowing that the drop happening right now would happen.

Suck it, tards.

>> No.8798873

the airdrops are going to be feel so rewarding

It's gonna blow up on CNBC and all the normies will find out about it. it's gonna be amaziinggg

>> No.8798897

unironically move that to Chainlink, EOS has too much competition

>> No.8798928
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On the outwards, I pitty that people lose money in cryptocurrencies and try to act all wise and smart. Most people in crypto really see me this way.

On the inwards, I laugh hard at them, as I know that the law will fuck over most the scamers anyway. Them fuckers acted way too obvious in 2017 and were waaaaay too greedy to not be obvious cases for jail.

>> No.8799002

i lost 500$ on bitconnect

>> No.8799037

Bought DRGN at 4.80

>> No.8799056

I'm thinking about selling 25% of my link stack for wanchain.

>> No.8799131

Lost 80% of my btc stack on bitmex yesterday

>> No.8799228

I don't own any crypto but I often successfully larp as a whale.

>> No.8799281

me too
i only come here to laugh at people losing all their money
and to save pics of chicks with fat butts

>> No.8799405

Brah this aint r9k ;^)

>> No.8799806
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>> No.8799834
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Lost 13k trading in last month. Not too bad but 3% drawdown is always sad.

>> No.8799836

I fell for the chainlink meme and bought at 0,90$
Also got gook'd by ICX at 12$

>> No.8799844

I'll take your bags if you don't want them, no joke

>> No.8799869
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i think something happening tonight or tomorrow.
strap in boys!

>> No.8800265

I won't trade at Bitmex because it's owned by a nigger.

>> No.8800419
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I am all in on Chainlink

50% of my net worth

>> No.8800434

I shorted BTC at 6.4somethingK. My bags were over 25K but now they are only 5k. I expect to be up 30K by the end of Orthodox Easter. Catholics BTFOd.

>> No.8800446

i fell for the following memes

medicalchain, block array, axpire, live edu, cargo x, INT, ITC

forgive me lord as i cannot forgive myself

>> No.8800468

I am a LINK marine but I sold the top and bought the bottom for an additional 50K LINK. I know we don't sell. I'm sorry my fellow marines :(

>> No.8800488

I've been posting pro Soros thread because that's the current narrative.

>he's ourguy that's going to save cryptos

i'm a big bear fag

>> No.8800494

damn anon as if you bought that fucking Live Edu shit, I fall for memes occasionally but even I seen through that one. Would have been funnier if youd bought BABB

INT however is not a meme, hold onto it.

>> No.8800814

wait till the market correction and buy good stocks.

>> No.8801414

Bought 10 NEO @ 200 dollars for the KEY Ico. Failed to get in.

>> No.8801539

i believe all of crypto is a scam

>> No.8801892

>"IRS can eat a dick. I'm not paying shit."

Paid my taxes last weekend.

>> No.8802000
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This is the IRS we thank you for your patriotism!

>> No.8802069

I moved over 20% of my worth into chainlink only cause the memes, don't quite grasp what it's suposd to do, but I was around when vitalik anounced eth at bitcointalk and I didnt get it either and missed out, I have 200k sitnkies, will see if I kms or not in a year

>> No.8802086

I thought binance coin wasn’t a Chinese scam.

>> No.8802094

i only buy eth because i'm too lazy to sign up for altcoin exchanges

>> No.8802113

Swing trading to grab even more link is a tactic of the most dedicated marines. Added 20k doing it myself, we're gonna make it

>> No.8802126

To all that powm shit that fucking shilled nonstop? I had to leave biz for a bit or else I would of bought in.

>> No.8802153

i have lost about tree fitty hundred

>> No.8802172


Fuck you.

>> No.8802188
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>didn't take profits
>bought JNT @ $0.60
>down 50-70% of initial investment

just fuck my shit up

>> No.8802433

Sell that shit. It’s scammery

>> No.8802455

I'm all in on PRL, it's a gamble and fuck me if I lose this gamble.

>> No.8802534


but.. what if its not a scam?

fuck me man, i just want this shit to work out. it was all good until the team was fucking retarded and changed everything. goddamnit.

i held this fucking long, need to read more about it. fuck, if they even pull through on 1% of their claims this shit will moon hard. can't throw in the turban on this, will hold this shit as a lesson. Discipline.

>> No.8803181

God damn me too. I expect to get burned

>> No.8803912

I decided to spend a year putting $500 of my poorfag paycheck every month into 12 cryptos that have been speculated on /biz/ to be long-term moons
Two months have already passed and two cryptos have already been bought and hodled. One of them is LINK