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File: 5 KB, 278x100, AmwayLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
879785 No.879785 [Reply] [Original]

So a good girl friend of mine just got into Amway. How can I convince her that she will make no honest money out of it?

>> No.879881

You won't, the more you pressure them to get out the more hostile they get. Just let her be, shes gone

>> No.879976

I couldn't convince my friends to get out either. They just either figure it out in the end or stay in and don't talk about it much ... like the other poster said, they will get hostile.

I guess you could try outlining everything and show the cost and >benefits. Possible chances of profit. Plus how can you convince people to purchase generic vitamin supplements and detergent or energy drinks over the brand name labeled stuff they can purchase at their local Costco / Sams Club or grocery store / Target / Walmart chain.

>> No.880784

I was thinking of shipping a glitter bomb to the recruiter who asked me to visit his place.

And leave a note asking for his daughters number

>> No.880790
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is a scam for woman, Alex?

>> No.880793
File: 58 KB, 426x617, J Simpson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should be more concerned with convincing her to put your cock into her mouth, and less concerned with her financial outcomes.

>> No.880813

these people are fucking terrible. I know this lady who made a living by leeching off of her husband who she cheated on (and eventually divorced and stole his house) and running a "home business" which was a day-care that I attended and can confirm walked the thin line of neglect and abuse. Bitch literally waited until all the kids were dropped off, threw us in her "finished" basement, and then went upstairs to sleep/fuck whatever dude she was fucking at the time.

Anyways, now she's also deep into one of these MLM scams called ItWorks, which gives people false hope of losing weight through overpriced pseudo health products. From the looks of it she's actually doing fairly well. She's one of the most spineless and despicable people I've ever met and it's no surprise to me that she excels in scamming friends and family out of their money by selling them false hope, be it weight loss through the products or money made from joining the company under her.

>> No.880815

Ms. Simpson's cameltoe is better than Ms. Decker's.

>> No.880827

Network marketing is not about sales. It's about motivating others to sell for you.

>> No.880839

Someone I know tried to sell it on me and showed me this video. I couldn't stop laughing, and he proceed to continue to try and sell it on me.


This is almost as bad as the people donating to Jesus to get a free car and shit.

>> No.880842

It can be done .. but not everyone can do it. My parents make about $250,000 profit from a multi-level marketing business. They have been in it for almost 30 years. They are very good salespeople.

>> No.880850


>> No.880855

Nah, it's a company that sells a lot of the same kind of shit as Amway. It's just like Amway. If I named the company, it would be obvious who they were for anyone else in the program.

>> No.880857
File: 49 KB, 402x604, 1440379913275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it melaleuca ?

>> No.880904


>> No.880913


>> No.880940
File: 20 KB, 600x413, fat_cat_by_sobreinsart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.880979

OP Here. The real problem is that she's actually making money out of it... The last month alone she did around 6K USD (I'm not from the US), which is not despicable at all . So I will not convince her by making her believe she won't earn anything. I try to go more on the moral side of the story. But well, I see it's kind of hard...

She lives in another city. But don't worry, I'm working on that.

I really don't want to start seeing her like this... At least she didn't try to sell me, it was actually another person and I found about it when I talked to her about that. But I fear she will become like this.

She actually now has a small business of people working for her. Like, a reall business.

>> No.880990

tell her to also double join this then


its new and early also

most people who do MLM's end up doing multiple ones because of the current connections.

>> No.880996

Have her review this and research it, it's super fucking early into this.

And if she has good connections id rather have you join before her so you just get people under you without doing jack shit.

It's super fucking early into this so just power leg to the left side.

>> No.881009

Thanks bro, personally I'm not really into MLM, and she (and most of her connections) aren't really computer people. So getting her into bitcoin wouldn't really be neither worth it nor successful for business. Also, I'm trying to get her out of this, not really double dig her in.

>> No.881023

Oh this is a bitcoin mining operation that uses MLM one of the first.

Most politicians and old business people are the ones attending this no one really under the age of 30, im assuming the have insider information for the months to come of the economic collapse and announcement of the new global currency.

The mining contracts are 1000 days no monthy anything. Mainstream adoption of bitcoin is going to hit hard next year, most big companys and like goldman sachs are right now researching block chain technology, bitcoin is not only a currency it'ts technically a stock also, its just that the consensus of the community.

Next gen samsung phones with the IBM adept are going to use block chain technology and also implement in there phones built in digital wallets, fiat paper money is not relevant in 5-10 years from now.

Block chain technology allows the goverments to see all transactions easier and control it globally when they release there own cryptocurrency.

I don't personally like MLM's. But if I were to fail somehow in bitclub then so do the elite and politicians fail as well that joined it and do the presentations personally.

>> No.881032

Also a post for all of you, bitcoin will only last 1-2 years after mainstream adoption, the transition to the global currency will be a *goverment coin* either being

A digital currency *Backed by gold*

>> No.881040

no. no. no.

Bitcoin will never reach mainstream adoption. Neither will any other shitcoin. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.881045

You honestly don't think that we'll see a time where virtual money becomes mainstream?
I don't think bitcoin will be the one to do it, but I do believe that something similar will make its way around eventually. Technology in general still isn't really "mainstream," (having snapchat and instagram on everyone's phone doesn't count) but eventually it'll be part of everyone's life much more than even today.

Maybe it's just hopeful thinking that we'll see some sort of global currency not necessarily backed by any country. There's a comfy sense of humanity having some privacy from the globalized powers.

>> No.881048

I never said "virtual money". I am talking about Bitcoin specifically.

>Maybe it's just hopeful thinking that we'll see some sort of global currency not necessarily backed by any country

Close. There will definitely be a (or group of) global digital currency(ies) in the near future but not in the sense of some decentralized, private, form of fiat. It will actually be more transparent and subject to government control than cash is.

>> No.881057

Virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies are different things

>> No.881142

Oh my bad I meant digital money, but there are a few more pumps with bitcoin before its tossed.

Mainstream adoption stages before the digital money transition arrives is going to be like myspace to facebook events.

>> No.881147

A digital currency *Backed by gold*

>is a government created coin for the elites who own most of the gold, nor created yet
>Ethereum does not give a shit about bitcoin, but can only be purchased by bitcoin, it's not a currency it's more of a stock planned 12 months from now.

Emunie is on speculation that fits within the platform of taxation within the realms of adoption by the government its why its not called *coin*.

Everyone is racing to build the perfect platform to benefit the status quo.

Bitcoin can't go mainstream due to it's limited transaction process, as in it can only do less then 100k or 10k or it will shit on itself so it's impossible.

Current speculation are the ones I posted in the present time.

>> No.881169

Amway killed my mom and ruined my life, as well as my dad's life

No fucking joke

Just say Amway has ruined people's lives and brought them on the brink of madness/death and destroyed people

>> No.881192

The way you make money on Amway is to make and sell motivation material to people on your downline.

>> No.881933

Sorry to hear that bro. Have you got any source on that? I can't just go saying that out of the blue. But it could work, she literally told me she'd drop it if I show her how she could hurt/steal from somebody.

I know, turns out she's pretty good at that.

>> No.882006

You've already narrowed the search from 7+ billion to about 50 or less. I'm sure your parents would be thrilled with your discretion.

>> No.882787
File: 16 KB, 370x321, 34t5euu4h6uhr5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post some facebook MLM fags.
that shit is hilarious