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8796393 No.8796393 [Reply] [Original]

Is it only me ot are others out there who are also so depressed that it just feels hopeless?
I had over a million but didnt cash out and now 100k left.
can not go out of my bed anymore. Dont want to eat and drink.
I fucked up hard. This year will decide. Make me or break me.

>> No.8796414

No one knew if it was gonna go up or down, despite what the meme graphs say. You will get another chance

>> No.8796430

100k is still a nice sum of money. you'll be ok.

>> No.8796431

i hope so
didnt cash out but if crypto to crypto counts i am in trouble

>> No.8796436

stop crying and dont get greedy again the next time youre at a million

>> No.8796455

in an alternate universe bitcoin never crashed and just broke $42k ATH
and your portfolio is worth $3mil

>> No.8796460
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, 452AF891-E955-47B9-B35C-3656CCD7516A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s nothing. I have lost more money than that. But what’s made me really depressed is I lost my last 100k and now my baby is going to be born just in time to see his father flat broke.

I went to the doctors because I was thinking about ending it all but the antidepressant made me feel weird so I stopped taking it.

So now I am absolutely the brokest I have ever been and now I’m going to be a dad. My life and my child’s life is fucked at least you have 100k still

>> No.8796487

You didn't "have" anything. Until the money is in the bank and you've paid taxes, you have exactly $0

>> No.8796501

Certainly doesn’t feel that way mr. IRS shill

>> No.8796505

Just cash out now fago

>> No.8796506

It doesn't count, they can't see what you did on some chink exchange unless you tell them

>> No.8796522

Don't worry he was talking to someone who had hope friendo, stay strong

>> No.8796523

i veryfied because of low withdraw limits
if i sell now i would still have 250k debt
but i am a neet. no idea if thats a good thing in this situation lol

>> No.8796528

Don't forget to pay your taxes.

>> No.8796541

put it all in ELEC.
thank me before EOY

>> No.8796549

Took you multiple years to make the million but you're going to "make or break" in ONE year

>> No.8796550

thanks for the salt in the wound

>> No.8796571

yep because i will not drop the soat in prison
also i put my live savings in and have 2k left

>> No.8796591

you still have 100k... if you are gonna beat yourself up over anything that doesn't go perfect you're gonna have a hard time with life, if you want more money why don't you come up with a business idea that doesn't rely on speculation

>> No.8796597
File: 88 KB, 716x716, 1499719760791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one knew if it was gonna go up or down

no crypto cucks - it was supposed to just keep going up forever.

fucking greedy goblins - you deserve everything - kill yoself before your gambling addiction does

>> No.8796615
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ROFL - you cryptocucks were so sure of yourself a few months ago.

>> No.8796654

but how????
i mean i still have the shittiest shitcoins left. did you short?

>> No.8796671

Pssst... localbitcoins..

>> No.8796700

to be fair its not even my 100k
i lend it

>> No.8796705

I had a gambling accident in January martingale away my last 40k I still have about 5k in shitcoins but it’s not enough to do anything with. The thing is I have no one to blame but myself.

>> No.8796723

>don't want my baby to see me low on fiat
>better commit suicide
you fucker. a poor dad is better than no dad

>> No.8796734


The end of all scarcity is just around the corner. Your kid needs you to help navigate the future. Watch Ray Kurzweil and ignore these broke nocoining faggots.

>> No.8796766

i lost 95% of my money in leverage trading, gotta stay strong anon, if you're about to become a father then find some way of income, crypto isn't recovering anytime soon.

>> No.8796791
File: 61 KB, 431x415, 1397597343359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k thx just bought 100k.

>> No.8796858


That shit is normal

Just wait and cash out next time. Markets go up and down. They're roller coasters.

>> No.8796859 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 948x532, Stardust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marketcap losing 30% to bottom, do you concur?
(someone post the coinmarketcap glitch that had BTC at 5k & ETH at 300 please!)

>> No.8796873

Yeah but I’m just another mouth to feed. Was going to liquidate all my assets then give the mum the cash before offing myself.

>> No.8796910

what should we do buddy? i almost lost everything too but started too late
all in on two shitcoins ? ocn and bos ? no idea yet

>> No.8796914

Here's your absolute worst case scenario.
They audit you and say you owe them more than you can give them. You have to sell all of your crypto and go through bankruptcy proceedings. Debt ends up wiped and you end up with no crypto.

>> No.8796916

50/50 LINK and REQ. If you're lucky you might make it.

>> No.8796949

Never ever
money was lend
also i rather escape and wait in exile for my stack to go up

>> No.8796955

>Yeah but I’m just another mouth to feed. Was going to liquidate all my assets then give the mum the cash before offing myself.
You're a selfish asshole for even considering taking the coward's way out and leaving your child with no father.

>> No.8796977

seriously just check it out

you don’t b too depressed if you actually stick to it

>> No.8797003

This, I remember the exuberance, the arrogance.

It's never going back up cryptoshits.

>> No.8797004

Are you stupid or are you stupid?

>> No.8797200

Sometimes kids do much better without a dad. My dad ended up turning me in to the loser I am today, meanwhile my friend who grew up without a dad is doing great. Just having a dad doesn’t automatically mean your life is better. I’d rather my kid had no dad than a loser dad

>> No.8797255

Funny all my childhood friends with no father ended up in jail or oding. I'm 35 so it may just be time.

>> No.8797296

The grass is always greener on the other side. I’d rather my kid grow up wondering what I was like instead of KNOWING that I’m a fucking loser

>> No.8797308

Who the fuck are you and where did you get that pic. That belongs to me.

>> No.8797342

look out the window towards the right....

>> No.8797349

There is a third option where you are not a fucking loser and raise your kids with the best available technology. VR teaching them from the best professors. Extend their intelligence and your own and brace yourself and your family for the exponential growth of technology.
Or you can give up and roll over. I hope you don't give up anon.

>> No.8797430

How will I do that? I’ll have to sell my last few stack to buy baby stuff cot pushchair etc. And then I’ll have literally no money left. Been applying for jobs and stuff but it all seems like so little compared to where I was. The universe cursed me and I’m scared that if I’m alive I will pass that curse down to my kid. Simply by being miserable I will make my whole family miserable. If I’m gone at least I won’t be there to bring them all down

>> No.8797527


I'm also down over 500k from my high and I'm looking at a tax bill that far outweighs my cash reserves (not crypto related). None of that matters though. Watch Ray Kurzweil. In (at most) 10 years we will have consumer grade hardware that runs AI removing all resource constraints. Combine that with robotics and you start to see a future where every need is taken care of as soon as it is understood (long before it is explicitly stated).

I think it might be sooner that we solve all explicitly stated needs. It's going to be weird and confusing and you understand technology better than them (you have to to understand crypto). They need you so suck it up and persevere.

>> No.8797559

>not cashing out with a million
Wow I'd be depressed too idiot. What were you waiting for, 100 million? Idiot.

>> No.8797561

>Ray Kurzweil
Yehh muh freedums, muh internet tokens, muh robots

how high are you nigger. no wonder you lost 500k fuckin greedy kike

>> No.8797605

Exponential growth combined with compute is going to surprise you. Watch director of engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil. He was right about so many things all based on plotting compute over time.
Or read this and understand it https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.08568 . It's a implementable definition of consciousness from a father of modern AI.

When I entered crypto I had a plan for what happens at certain time periods. I'm sticking to the plan, which is not greed but follow-through.

>> No.8797675

Thanks for the insult.
I dont know. I was too sad because i had 1Mio Coss which i sold at 10 cents....
So i didnt look into my portfolio for a week and when i did i was 60% down already

>> No.8797727

The amount of money I've spent on crypto is enough to buy a small house. I got over it and so will you.

>> No.8797749

Yeah well, if robots are going to provide for my kids then that’s even more reason to just off myself. Thanks for trying to help. I’ll probably try heroin soon if things don’t start feeling better

>> No.8797755

OP, I am with you.. I had 2.1 Million on my ATH. Now down to 300K and this is no larp. I also hope for better days again obviously. I fell for that hodl meme too hard man.

>> No.8797786

you guys are way way too spoiled

>> No.8797855

Well, live and learn. Hope you didn't sell.

>> No.8797857

It's not going to be straightforward. That's the point, it's going to be confusing and terrible for the normies which is why they need you.
You do what you want though, I'm not trying to force you to do anything but realize exactly what you are giving up by giving up.

>> No.8798432

if you are such a 'loser' how did you meet your wife? Why would she stay with you

>> No.8798448

Anyone have any advice on how to find a male role model?

I've never had a father figure and now I'm 23 without any direction in life.

>> No.8798481

300k is my "making it'

>> No.8798494

Teach him not to make the same mistakes. You will be given a second chance through him

>> No.8798511
File: 72 KB, 660x716, 1520806327912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can not go out of my bed anymore. Dont want to eat and drink.
i'm similar, didn't left my bed since 2017. feelsbadman

>> No.8798535

What absolute shitcoins did you faggots invest in to lose 90%?

>pro tip the market down turn is just an elaborate tax evasion scam. Everything will come back to normal April 16th.

>> No.8798548

Strong thread - similar situation here, OP. I had a sum of money that I could have easily retired on, givine me 3x my current salary as passive income, plus some cash to spare. But I didn't sell, I don't know why, I guess I thought it *might* keep going up.

The problem is we never had a plan. Never had a way to skim profits on the way up, and didn't have a sensible exit strategy.

I lost most of my sats so I will never see that kind of money again. I'm using some non-pharma anti depressants and it helps a lot. Previously, I was having severe anxiety attacks for half of each day and could think only of killing myself, vivid fantasies of doing it. Worse than any physical illness I've experienced, by far.

Good luck, OP.

100k is still a huge amount of money, make some sensible moves this year and you may see a million again. Or you may realise you don't need a million after all.

>> No.8798882

you have to stop looking at it as "money" but instead simple digits that you can move around to make what you want happen. i play poker. once i detached myself from the value of what the chip itself represented i was free to use the chips as an instrument to force luck my way. it really works if you detach yourself from the money and are free to use it with full regard.

>> No.8798936

have you just been shitting between your sheets?

>> No.8799032

we're just trying to escape the rat race anon

>> No.8799074

As someone with kids who lost it all as soon as son was born. Don't do it. I was flat broke with maybe $30 to my name. No place for my son to even stay with me as I was sleeping on the floor of a relatives house. My ex ( sons mom) would bring him over and we would hang out and goto the park and go window shopping alot. We went exploring together like looking at the train-tracks and other places around town. We went geocaching and to the beach. Basically free things that didtn cost anything. We played alot at parks. In the evening his mom would come pick him back up and id crawl back to my shit life. I worked at walmart and was mega embarrassed about it. But my son was so excited for me working there he would tell all his friends. He really made it all worthwhile and gave me purpose in life. I worked and hard and long for years to build up to rather successful life now. It takes lots and lots of persistence. I now enjoy a good life with my son finally able to buy anything he wants. We play video games together alot, have deep conversations, eat where ever we want. Never once has he ever said or mentioned that being embarrassed or disappointed in me. He was feeling sad and depressed the other day and wanted to see a therapist. I got him one and am now helping him in life. If I wasn't here he would not be able to have his pops guiding and helping him. Therefore you need to be in your child's life as well. Money comes and goes but we only got one life and short one at that.

>> No.8799298


Let me tell you guys, I put in $25,610 and at one point I had reached around $140,000.

Now it's only worth around $100 and my wife doesn't believe in me anymore.

Guys, what am I gonna do?

>> No.8799632

What are we doing guys ?
Wasting our lifes and gamble.
I lost so much, my goal is now not to cash out anymore, but accumulate bitcoin.
If a coin is down in Sats i buy, and sell when it is high in Sats, not looking at the $ value anymore. If i had done this earlier i would have made it i see now,

>> No.8800294
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Send her my way...daddy will take care of her

>> No.8800796

I guess we can just hope

>> No.8800852

You'll have killed yourself so he'll know you were a fucking loser.

>> No.8800996

What shit did you buy that is now worth 0.1% of all time high?