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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 571 KB, 807x847, jew_lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8795303 No.8795303 [Reply] [Original]

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.8795326


>> No.8795343

It's pretty artificial shilling, wonder how much he paid to shill on /biz/ to make this seem like a good thing.

>> No.8795348


>> No.8795361

Paid to shill on biz lmao, it's despo pajeets who want their moons

>> No.8795368

> He thinks biz has any influence on the market

>> No.8795394

>he thinks Soros has any influence in the market

>> No.8795425

>he thinks you don't shill everywhere to create ground-up consensus for the mob

>> No.8795471

soros doesn't give a fuck about what neets on 4chan think of him. /biz/ doesn't matter. It couldn't even get reddit to jump on the chainlink shill train when people here were openly paying others for chainlink shill threads.

>> No.8795481

George Soros shill here.

Getting paid $1000 by one of his subcontractors.

>> No.8795520


shows that even the self proclaimed "aryan master race" will turn their backs on their own people at the first sign of earning money


>> No.8795534

you could instantly get rid of all the jews in the world and the people to replace them would do the exact same things.

>> No.8795674

I owe nothing to anyone.

Only subhumans with IQ below 80 (Pol/niggers/christians/sjw/alt right/liberals/communists) believe in circle jerking so as to hide their pathetic weakness and their inability to fight and struggle alone.

>> No.8795738


when was the last time the chink owned media decided to sow discontent in both the multiple economic classes as well as different ethnic groups in china?

>> No.8795762
File: 11 KB, 231x231, King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The globalist will buy the globalist coin.

>> No.8795781

t. 100 IQ who thinks he's smart in a sea of retards

>> No.8795784
File: 716 KB, 830x1262, 1507561421941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This old hag needs to take a fucking gunshot to the head.

>> No.8795872

This jew will dump harder than anyone else prepare your exit strategies accordingly.

>> No.8796030

Oh the fucking irony. The exact same excuse Soros used for assisting the Nazis in WWII. The absolute state indeed...

>> No.8796293

>implying Soros isn't paying his contractors in memecoin

>> No.8796340

all I got was to shit in an alley and a roll of tp 2ply

>> No.8796394

amazingly enough biz matters, pol matters as things seep into the public consciousness from here. Groups funded by open society foundations such as media matters absolutely have a presence and a purpose

>> No.8796668
