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8793873 No.8793873 [Reply] [Original]

This doesn't make any fucking sense. Why would he announce now that he'd be joining this market? He destroys whole counties and economies by shorting. He is the God of chaos. Why would he come here and short the bottom? Except if he was shorting at the very top and his recent announcement is to trigger a reverse psychological effect for new investors to fomo in so he can short again? What the fuck is his end game?

>> No.8793884

>What the fuck is his end game

he is bored

>> No.8793902

> “When I see a bubble forming, I rush in to buy, adding fuel to the fire, That is not irrational.”

Instead of getting all your information from /pol/ try reading his book 'The alchemy of finance'

>> No.8793909

He lied faggot

>> No.8794468

>Except if he was shorting at the very top and his recent announcement is to trigger a reverse psychological effect for new investors to fomo in so he can short again?


>> No.8794481


You're all paranoid freaks here who don't know shit.

Institutional market is finaly entering the market. That means they are buying coins.

The price will go up and stabilize after the frenzy.

>> No.8794484

Who says he only shorts?
Dude has probably heavy ass bags because he bought in in january, then the senile old fart didn‘t say a thing and now he is getting impatient with his investment, I expect him to say something positive about crypto in the next weeks

>> No.8794489
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>> No.8794494

Probably shorting every currency in the world because he knows bitcoin will soon be the only currency accepted world wide holy fuck I'm going to be rich

>> No.8794505


>> No.8794507
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>> No.8794514

so he doesn’t think crypto has burst either, in fact he thinks the bubble is just forming. KEK WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT.

>> No.8794517
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>Why would he come here and short the bottom?
I have some bad news for you. He is about to pump and dump crypto into oblivion.

>> No.8794538

>not even 1 trillion mcap ever
of coursw the bubble hasnt happened yet.
bubbles dont happen when the msm is screaming bubble all over the news

>> No.8794775

You need to get out if this mindset that shorts = bad guys and longs = bad guys. Successful traders like Soros play all of the volatility in both directions. If the market is in position to start a rising trend, you buy in the normal way. Once it goes parabolic and is ready to drop, you sell and then enter in to a short position to profit on the way down.

Soros is pretty slimy politically but in terms of his investments he's just going to make the most profitable plays he can, whichever way the fiscal wind is blowing.

>> No.8794797

Oh ffs. Shorts = bad guys, long = good guys. It's a classic rookie trader assumption.

>> No.8794798

His company authorized employees 2-3 months ago to trade crypto. It was just made news yesterday though.

Tell me more. What’s his game plan? Biz can make money off this reptile

>> No.8794806

>What the fuck is his end game?

a New World Order

>> No.8794814

The only bags he has are his monstrous eye bags. Look at them. Holy Shit its like you could park a Volkswagen T-6 Bus there.

>> No.8794828

>he thinks institutions are going to be buying btc on exchanges

>> No.8794840

he's unironically /ourguy/

>> No.8794866

how aware of anything is he really? did he actually do anything himself? he’s like fucking 90. you’re all speculating what this genius is thinking when really his biggest concern is the nurse won’t let him
eat rice pudding for dinner every night. it’s probably one of his sons pulling the strings here and for all we know he’s just an idiot like us and there is no master 4D chess move to figure out.

>> No.8794867

trading is a zero sum game, meaning that you can only win if there's an equivalent loser. There is no actual wealth creation, only value being asymmetrically exchanged. Soros and other whales have the money and insider info to move and predict the markets in order to position themselves as winners. Anyone who doesn't have those advantages is likely going to be their losing counterpart. If you think you can just tailgate on his successful strategy you're a sucker and you're going to lose your money. His strategy is making you lose.

With that said, some people might just get lucky, like those who sold bitcoin at 19k. But you might as well be playing roulette at that point.

>> No.8794873

If you buy in to the /pol/ idea that Soros wants a globalist world with open borders and homogenized culture, supporting and investing in crypto is actually consistent with that.

I'm not convinced he's as malevolent as that but who knows. I'm just here to get rich and retire from all this rat racing as soon as possible.

>> No.8794921

Understanding why and how markets are manipulated is important for any trader. You play the game as it needs to be played to win. So far i'm happy to say that i am winning. That's all. It's a defeatist attitude to play the markets thinking the only profit available is for the established whales alone.

>> No.8794937
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>> No.8794991

>dude is probably daytrading 16 hours a day for 40+ years and makes mad profit
>some virgin on a anime board roasts him for his looks

Stop hating Soros
>“but but the refuees!!“
So what? He took advantage of bleeding hearts liberals and took the money of sandniggers and liberals.
From a trader perpective Soros is one of the best because he is thinking outside the box.
The guy has my respect.

>> No.8794997

>it's a defeatist attitude to play the markets thinking the only profit available is for the established whales alone.
That's just reality. Their profits are contingent on those 90% who lose money trading. Trying you take money from soros is like playing poker against someone who always knows what hand you have and who has an infinite stack. Yeah it's still possible for you to make money, but the long term ev is pretty bad.

>> No.8795043

He IS the God of shorting, so it is expected of him to also short BTC to death

>> No.8795105

This pretty much, the old guy is a genius when it comes to making money.

>> No.8795199

>It was just made news yesterday though.
then you know this is a game he's playing. "news" are manipulated, they are released so that people will play the game of whomever is interested in manipulating them.


>> No.8795207

he shorted 3 months ago ofc

now he "announce" he will join, so he can close his shorts, while accumulating even more btc during the moves then start the bull run of april

>> No.8795210

So why are you here then? I assume you invest. Why bother if you assume you can't win?

>> No.8795282

There is no way soros ends up being my guy

>> No.8795414

I invest and try to accumulate satoshi value with the underlying assumption thst the BTC price will continue a parabolic rise over the long term

>> No.8795427

only /pol/tards believe Soros is anything other than based.

>> No.8795434

Based Soros. The new and improved Caesar.

>> No.8795505

He bought in January and February. He's a massive bag holder. He's announcing he's getting into crypto now (a lie) to pump the price lol.

>> No.8795535

The bubble will happen when your mom tells you to send her a few bitcoins for the month...

>> No.8795580

This. Stocks are boring af. Bunch of boomers mumbling TA about 6% per year gains.
Also he wants to ascend to deity level such as Bogs and Sminem (not going to happen)

>> No.8795602

>Why would soros buy into a completely unregulated stateless currency

The absolute state of biz

>> No.8795642

>He destroys whole counties and economies by shorting

Yes, and he found his dark horse. He found the way to collapse all fiat currencies and countries at once.

>> No.8795691

Crypto is the ultimate hedge against financial collapse. You can take your digital gold with you anywhere

>> No.8795777

>muh I believe in Bitcoin and its technology

Nope man stay fucking poor. Every piece of shit knows that we're in this market to make money, nothing else, nothing more. Bitcoin is a shitcoin that will die so fucking make your money and get away.

The only probable coin that may survive all this bloodbath is Monero (XMR). Provided regulators don't fucking ban it.

We're not here for some shitty sentimental value.

>> No.8795879
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>brainless on biz don't understand why Soros, a globalist who HATES non-global currency (see : British pound) would be long on bitcoin, the ultimate weapon against what he hates

>> No.8795887

This is the mindset that I had when I was brand new to crypto. You underestimate first mover advantage.

Fuck off shill

>> No.8795910

Hold on


>> No.8795954

Either this
or the madman prediction

>> No.8796142
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>Has Satoshi Nakamoto wacked, retrieves his Bitcoin.
This faggot wants to short the entire market again by dumping nearly a million bitcoins.

>> No.8796161

Yes nice just bought 100k

>> No.8796262

He's not gonna short his Jew buddies, you don't understand the mind of a Jew.

>> No.8796281

jews are not some hivemind lmao. there are plenty of jews who hate each other.

>> No.8796317

>he doesn’t know about that time Soros assisted the Nazis in WWII and admits it on 60 Minutes.

>> No.8796332
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He saw an opportunity and made money. As a trader, you can not be a stupid emotional bag holder.

But sure, the NEETs of this anime fag board is probably better in macro economic strategies than this 90 year old fund manager :)

>> No.8796378

actually I AM jewish you faggot

>> No.8796383

He’s pumping it.

The market cap will go near $5 Trillion and back down to $0.5 Trillion.

If you know when to sell, you’ll be fine.

He wants to crash the entire market from an a new high, one so big every disgusting corvette-envious boomer throws their retirement at. And they lose it.

>> No.8796395

>He's not gonna short his Jew buddies

Soros shorted Jews when he was helping Nazi germans bro

>> No.8796425

>Imagine being retarded enough to think he'd announce his presence before participating

>> No.8796803

No one here implied this you strawman smartass faggot

>> No.8796830

Bored of not having enouh child blood?

>> No.8796832
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>> No.8796886

That's right. /pol/ blew the lid off the comet pizza thing so he needs a fresh source now.

>> No.8796896
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>> No.8796960

>says he is joining crypto
>waits for pump <we are here now
>loads up the alpha and omega of short positions
>announces he isn't joining crypto afterall, as it's a scam/bubble/useless shit
>cashes out his short position for HUGE GAINS
>/biz/ suicides en-masse

>> No.8796994

Because he IS the bottom. The bottombringer