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File: 56 KB, 1399x519, POLFAGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8792369 No.8792369 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy your taxes my deareastern europeans

>> No.8792402

you know it funny how poland claims to hate communism but all socialist had to do to gain power there was be a leninists who occasionally say a hail mary.

>> No.8792441

my country can go like 5 years back in time to get taxes back, so if they found some sort of income that people have been using, they can tax for the entire 5 years

however, it doesn't work if something was declared tax free 5 years ago, but is taxed now

rip pooland though

>> No.8792541

How this is pol?

>> No.8792643

/pol/ loves Poland because it's a country of backwards peasants which results in this kind of tax situation

>> No.8792737
File: 8 KB, 236x203, kurwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kurwas on suicide watch kek

>> No.8792768

>shithole country has shithole measures

not surprising

>> No.8792783

Poland is not Europe. They're just a small step up from Russia, Belarus and other commie shit holes. I have no idea why they were ever allowed to join the EU

>> No.8792792

well its funny, because the polish government is not really functional except on the national level and perhaps corporate level

very few individual citizens report their taxes honestly, and the only real money the government collects from citizens is from foreign remittance through taxation of transfers back to poland

most of their money comes from trade tariffs and corporate taxation, since they have no way of tracking private citizens, much less the money and personnel to enforce tax law

you can be born in poland, live there your whole life, work and be paid in cash, and never pay a dime to the government and nobody would consider it odd


somebody has to clean the toilets

>> No.8792819

oh, I will add that Poland is trying to kill crypto, because crypto would be a way for polish citizens abroad to transfer wealth back home to their families, without the government being able to track and tax it

a huge amount of their revenue could disappear in the next decade if crypto became widespread as a transfer of wealth, so they absolutely must incapacitate crypto trading in their country in order to maintain the status quo

expect similar measures to pop up in other shithole countries like Poland, with large amounts of workers abroad: Philippines, Malaysia, India (already happening there), etc.

crypto means the gvt can't take what they believe is their cut from their serfs working overseas, and they won't have it

>> No.8792849

>hurr durr muh based poles with retared tax country at least htey have no blacks

>> No.8792937

they can't tax you if you don't cash out
just trade until you have enough to live on your gain then leave the country and then cash out there

you'll be able to buy anything in btc in 10 years anyway

>> No.8792964

Poland is the Greece of Europe.

>> No.8792966 [DELETED] 

Wtf is this nonsense?
Does it apply to stock trades as well?
Fucking polish government

>> No.8793010

>he wants to cash out of crypto
>he wants to pay someone taxes
>he wants to give up superior money
you dont deserve crypto

>> No.8793012

>Does it apply to stock trades as well?

no because when you trade stock for cash. after every trade you have a taxable amount of money
it's not the case with crypto. the government cannot tax you if you only hold crypto including tether ...

>> No.8793025

what ?

I literally said "don't cash out" and " you'll be able to buy anything in btc in 10 years"

how is this not pro-crypto ?

>> No.8793030

Time to go Monero and underground. Fuck the govt. This is what we are building this shit for.

>> No.8793043

lmfao as if any Polish people are going to give a fuck.

>> No.8793084

Pole here. We're actually living in a communistic state, the only think is, that we can buy stuff with our money.

>There is "the first secretary of the party" Jaroslaw Kaczynski. He even said, that Gierek, which was the first secretary of the communistic party was a patriot.
>Public television, and press belongs to the party
>Either you sit, or stand, you get 500 zloty (around 120 euro). When you have more than two children every next one you have, will generate you 500 zloty. Also if you're a part of territorial defence you also get 500 zloty every month. Free college, cities having in their law written, that their obligation is to provide homeless people with a place to live. And after they "give" all that stuff, they want tones of taxes
>Don't drink alkohol after 10pm, trading ban at sundays, so that people can attend to the church
>Nationalisation of banks
>Law and Justice hates NSZZ Solidarnosc even more, than the commies.

And now this. I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY MORE. Well, at least they're not stealling, like the previous government.

>> No.8793114


>> No.8793133

kurwa co tu robic teraz, skladac PITa czy nie?
z jednej strony nie zlozenie moze grozic przestepstwem karno skarbowym z drugiej morawiecki jest tak pojebany ze nawey jak zlozysz to sie nie zdziwie jak zaczna tych ludzi przyciskac o jeszcze wiecej kasy pozniej

boje sie tez ze pdfy z binance/kucoin etc beda potraktowane jako smiec a nie dowod

>> No.8793222

złóż raz i wykurwiaj

>> No.8793295

Kurwa co to jest

I give a fuck, I wanted to cash out and live here cause it's a nice green country with no niggers, sandniggers or terrorist attacks. But now I'm having second thoughts. 500k USD is an amount I could retire off of here, and they just want to fucking tax me that much? They're not getting my LINKies.

>> No.8793330

co to znaczy zloz raz? za rok dwa jak wszystko wykasuje i udawac ze poprzedniej historii transakcji nie bylo czy zaplacic wszystko na raz lacznie z karami odsetkami i grozbami Sztumu?

witam kolege z LINK Marines, co planujesz w zaistnialej sytuacji ? czytalem gdzies ze bitbay ze swoimi prawnikami planuje spotkanie z KAS w przyszlym tygodniu, wiec na pewno tydzien mozna poczekac

>> No.8793352


BASSSEEEED Poland saving the Western Ideals and the White Race again! Protecting the European Values© from the menace of (((crypto))).
Eastern Europe truly is the EthnoParadise on Earth, am i rite, fellow white bros? Who wouldn't want to live there? Don't listen to the cucks who criticizes BASSSEEDDDD POLAN, they are all Ahmeds and cucked Svens.

>> No.8793357

LOL and why would I give a single fuck about this? Only normalfags are scared.

>> No.8793360

złóż raz i wyjeżdżaj z Polski, nie ma co się bawić z podatkami w kraju, którego głównym celem jest cię wyjebać

>> No.8793378

I sometimes wonder if you people know that Poland has a literal native muslim population and that the most famous depiction of the virgin mary in poland has her with black skin

>> No.8793386

Damnit why is the choice always between some right-wing nanny state and open-borders?

>> No.8793427
File: 168 KB, 1366x768, 1517293734820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong and wrong.

>> No.8793432

taki jest plan, chyba zaplace normalny dochodowy na Pitcie bez PCC, musze policzyc jakims skryptem ile by to wyszlo ale pewnie nie duzo, za 2018 mam nadzieje sie juz rozlicze w innym kraju

>> No.8793440


>> No.8793453

>hey look at this marginal muslim population
>guess you gotta open up the borders and import millions of africans

>> No.8793474
File: 31 KB, 300x240, movingthegoalposts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793483


OP is a stupid newfaggot and thinks /pol/ is an abbreviation for Poland.

>> No.8793536

Lots of places have a native Muslim population that goes largely unnoticed. Vietnam for instance. But ya, Polish are just cucks of a different color. How based can you be when you run that holocaust theme park all year round?

>> No.8793610
File: 75 KB, 1104x927, 1519483349442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard. Yes, muslims live in Poland. TWO THOUSAND OF THEM. Good job proving nothing.

And the "black madonna" doesn't represent an actually black Mary, the skin looks black because the damn art is hundreds of years old and attempts at its restoration (600 years aago) were unsuccesful.
So yeah fuck off you dumb amerimutt.