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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8789829 No.8789829 [Reply] [Original]

What has become of this board?

You morons have turned this 6/10 board into a fucking 0. 95% of the threads are about coins no one has fucking heard about besides here and you morons think every single one of them is going to the MOON. I remember when this board was about BUSINESS AND FUCKING FINANCE. I'm a no coiner but I recognize the potential of something like Bitcoin but come on the fuck on all these alt coins are a joke. Dogecoin is worth something like 2 billion in total, are you serious? Shit I recall when all that happened here was pump & dump on shit like Bombardier (which ended up working out).

No one gives a fuck about the Robinhood thread and those who do are the same guys that are recommending Tesla 5s 2025. FUCKING UNSECURED BONDS ON A COMPANY THAT HAS THE WORST CASH FLOW EVER.

This board has died for me and that's unfortunate because it used to be fun to debate stocks, economics and finance in general.

inb4 no coiner

>> No.8789834

jeez that was worth reading

>> No.8789855
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>I remember when this board was about BUSINESS AND FUCKING FINANCE
newfag /biz/ is literally a crypto containment board
kill yourself and go back to readit

>> No.8789873

Didn't read.

>> No.8789878
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>> No.8789883

you got me, first day here

>>getting on biz until after the crypto craze
>>thinking its always been like this

kys weeaboo

>> No.8789890
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nice, well argued
anime related imageboard

>> No.8789891
File: 71 KB, 890x480, Didnt-HODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest he's right.
I can't understand why most of you happily invest in random garbage, namely all this chink and korean erc20 shit.
not that any of this really matters, you retards always fall for the hodl meme and end up poor.

>> No.8789898

I embraced it a bit more than OP & made a bit of money in 2017, but I agree.

>> No.8789906


>anime related imageboard

this argument has aged well.

>> No.8789928
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>dogecoin threads
>SMG likes Tesla
You're complaining about things that aren't even true you baiting faggot.

>> No.8789959
File: 317 KB, 680x370, 1512454090521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't know /k/ was about anime guns. Does /lit/ mainly focus on anime books too? Shit man anime /mlp/ as well. I also suppose /sci/ is about physics in anime. Nice argument buddy. /Adv/ mainly talks about how to interact with your anime wife. /trv/ is filled with posts about traveling Japan right? I'll give you /a/, /c/, /d/, /e/, /h/, /m/, /u/, /y/, /cgl, /jp/, /vp/ but literally a minority you dumb fucking weeaboo.

Work on reading comprehension. Never mentioned people are making dogecoin threads you fucking idiot, just said that bullshit coins reach insane valuations so the dumbasses here think that their random coin can do the same shit. I also didn't state that people ARE recommending Tesla 5s, just implied that there mental capacity matches that of someone who would.

>> No.8790000
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You sound mad OP. Who hurt you?

>> No.8790015
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>> No.8790027


GTFO off my board faggot

>> No.8790275

A new generation of HODLers sounds aces to me

>> No.8790319

t. Bought in December shortly after hearing about /biz/

>> No.8790387

found the audio for the webm

>> No.8790406

it's literally a bunch of desperate scamcoiners spamming the threads preying on dummies to buy into their shitcoin scams they work essentially exactly like pyramid schemes and people who bought in encourage others to make an even shittier investment, any time someone calls it out they just say "no coiner!" or "FUD U FUD! FUD NO GUD!" essentially defensive memes created for the purpose of perpetuating these scams also anytime you criticize a shitcoin retards think you're criticizing the entire idea of cryptocurrency and don't realize their insecure defense of all things crypto is leading to the real death of cryptos by allowing scammers such free reign and creating a vortex of shit that scares away real investors

>> No.8790421
File: 225 KB, 800x1099, 1523044381543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes yeah you got me
/g/ is still the proper place to discuss crypto right?
i cant believe its been 10 years since satoshi nakamoot created /biz/ to discuss his epic ponzi schemes
consider selfharm my frend

>> No.8790453

Do you even %?

>> No.8790474

Quit your whining and start an interesting thread then, kiddo

>> No.8790507

Did u mean 95% OP?
You're not going to make it

>> No.8790527

But he is actually right lol biz really is a crypto containment board

>> No.8790541

He says the quality dropped down to 0, 95% is part of another sentence brainlet

>> No.8790545

kys boomer

>> No.8790579
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, hot ass bitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8790589

Newfags are here to stay
I use to go on /b years ago then stopped this shithole site all together
Ever since Dec though, i found the beauty of the biz board
This is now the crypto board, fuck out of here with your gay ass gold and silver investments
Shit is so boring, fast cash or no cash

>> No.8790655


>> No.8790726
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Baw God that killed her!

>> No.8790760
File: 51 KB, 378x346, 1521148272849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no help from that chink who runs this board ... minimum requirement are pol like flags to siphon out the pajeet/nigger/shill countries

>> No.8790779

Top fucking kek are you retarded, I was a fucking /g/ regular and crypto was overtaking the whole board. That's why /biz/ was created. Absolute newtrash it's time you go back to rēddit.

>> No.8791304
File: 67 KB, 300x334, 1517705672067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. /biz/ is still filled with weak rp'ing fagots tho and I just came to say I hate you all. Disgusting!

>> No.8791337


>> No.8791338

>Dogecoin is worth something like 2 billion in total, are you serious?
are you a time traveler or retarded?

>> No.8791819

fuck this webm
niggers are fucking disgusting

>> No.8791899


>> No.8791927

>/biz/ is still filled with weak rp'ing fagots tho
takes 1 2 know 1