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File: 120 KB, 720x809, thenextETHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8787290 No.8787290 [Reply] [Original]

Lets hear em', Part III of the series.

See image for ETH shilled on biz mid 2017.




JNT / DAO / TrueUSD?



Choices choies...

>> No.8787315
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>> No.8787358
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Who will be the TOP contender??

If you put $1K into the top 10 coins now, can you expect a majestic bull run like 2017?

>> No.8787385

Unironically LINK+REQ.

>> No.8787410

EOS without a doubt. Despite the memes and fud, really do your research on this one biz.

>> No.8787460

I think VEN will continue to marginally outperform the crypto market for 2018 not counting random PnD that outperform during specific months of the year..

>> No.8787480
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>> No.8787539

Link without a doubt. I cant figure out why the market thinks its valued so cheaply. Probably because we just came out if a crypto bubble.

>> No.8787558

But that guy in OP was actually right at the time you fucking newfag brainlet

It was silly to invest then, because it really didn't have much going for it. Only after some time went on it became clear

OP is a newfag and a fucking faggot


>> No.8787562

Ahh yes the daily "which lottery ticket should I buy" thread

>> No.8787579

LINK has nothing right now right?


Lol agreed somewhat, imagine looking at this thread in a year from now

>> No.8787578

Also plebs don't realise how much ETH was spammed here. Pretty sure Vitalik spammed here.

Everyone was sick of hearing about it after a week. In 2014 the ETH threads started.

>> No.8787581

At what point did the fundamentals change to a buy?

>> No.8787586
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>> No.8787592

Yeah, you're a fucking newfag with hindsight.

Where were you nigger? You were playing Xbox

It was fundamentally garbage you fucking retard
In fact, more idiots bought then people who actually did their research. It was the Upfiring of its time but just did better.

Stop posting new cunt and pretending you know anything

>> No.8787614


Read some of the ETH shill threads. People who actually spent hours researching decided to pass. No one can blame them, really. (providing they bought in at 50 or 100 or something), but NO ONE expected it to moon as it did.

I would honestly bet that more gullible retards bought in than smart investors who did research.

>> No.8787631

You really think 100 bil mc?

>> No.8787689
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JNT is going to be the next x1000, we all know it.
others have potential but how much?
ICX is at least a 10x
OMG has already mooned, you're late.

>> No.8787709

jnt is dead considering it is only used for jbond

>> No.8787736

No one will fall for these stupid shitcoins anymore, at least not anytime soon. only big players with the most use will moon first

>> No.8787774
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>> No.8787843
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Partnership with zeppelin_os guarantees link will be used in the backround for almost all ethereum smart contracts. Successful Proof of concept with swift (confirmend still in talks with + definitely under nda) that handles financial data for more than 11000 banks. Req put their mainnet on hold for links oracles. Origami network will be using link. Link has a working testnet and a simplifies mainnet already released. Link is the only decentralized oracle network with a working product. Usd pairings coming soon. Decentralized oracles networks will be a requirement for blockchain tech to be adopted. Banks will need it for financial smart contracts. Insurance will need it for automated trustless payouts. Its an almost guaranteed moon mission waiting to happen. The only way link fails is if the blockchain was all a big ponzi scheme with no real world use case. Saying link has nothing going for it is the biggest understatement of the century.


>> No.8787887

considering market caps and use-case, jnt is the only real 100x i see here.

>> No.8788018


I think so too

Possibly only time will tell

REQ / LINK seem likely to do well by 2020

>> No.8788092
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David Zhou of Banyan Network has stated him and Kelvin Long (Union Pay smart Founder) aim to be as large as Alibaba someday. He's not joking either. 429 Billion divided by 11 million = Andromeda.

>> No.8788960
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>> No.8789031

WanChain will be $100 Jan 2018 gimmie a shout out next year OP

>> No.8789089

i think zil,tomo,blz and fusion can do x50-100 this year if the bull back.

block collider is legit x1000 if what they claims to have is true, didn't got in tho.

>> No.8789156
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>> No.8789206

it is a scam vapoware like INT

>> No.8789232

thundertoken, daglabs and kadena can be huge too. legit hint op research them.

>> No.8789233

>block collider
no team. Into the trash it goes.

>> No.8789329

if they have working product you can test they're already far ahead from all the phd howard fuckers.

almost all of us missed it, no need to be salty pajeet.

>> No.8789373


>> No.8789387

this image is hilarious but also kind of depressing

>> No.8789445

I thought the same. What a piece of shit that guy was

>> No.8790289


I agree it's not an ideal situation but how many other coins out there have their value derived from something other than pure speculation? If the numbers given by the team in recent articles are for real than it's guaranteed to be worth more than it is now once the dao is operational. Perhaps much more in the longer term considering all the connections they seemingly have. Plus I'm willing to bet the team will increase the use of jnt backing in the future once volatility can be contained. We'll see...

>> No.8790489


>> No.8790539


>> No.8790623

Skycoin, Theta, NAS

>> No.8791387

Trust the power of autism

>> No.8791406

Coss obviously

>> No.8791497
File: 25 KB, 300x200, teapredict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing you guys have mentioned will 1000x more so than the rest.

Look at the tea leaves, it seems that they portend reign.

>> No.8791926

I will tell you about the next x1000 (and Binance killer) after PRL hopefully has mooned, so in about 1-2 weeks.

>> No.8792030

BNB (you cant imagine whats going on...)

>> No.8792987

>? If the numbers given by the team in recent articles are for real than it's guaranteed to be worth more than it is now once the dao is operational
Nope. Team numbers were just the jcash/jbond ratio but most tokenization will be jassets (think tokenizing skyscrapers) of which jnt does not profit from.

>> No.8793087

Game has changed. Mass speculation is dying out and being replaced by real-world working products, regulation and adoption. The evidence is already showing this.

I think VET will be one of the first to demonstrate their capabilities in June, the price will consistently increase and, as a result, I think we will see a big round of fomo. Seems logical.

>> No.8793122


>> No.8793150
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It will be Ambrosus, anon

You can thank me in advance

>> No.8793230

High Performance Blockchain in Q3-Q4. (Union Pay launch)

>> No.8793246

This, the signals are out there.
Check exchanges.

>> No.8793774

It will be NIM.

>> No.8793824
File: 48 KB, 511x305, 938169CA-02A3-44CD-B3D1-C5132881E493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s BAT. The fact it’s even disputed leaves me dumbfounded

>> No.8793869


The next 1000X'es will be: .... and ... + ...

The whole ............. ecosystem. Figure it out and thank me later.

>> No.8793885

Batties make me feel bad about being a linkie

I used to day trade BAT until it went from 6k to 2k sats, luckly I wasen't holding

>> No.8794362

Is it true COSS outsourced their UI dev to Tanzania?

hahahahaha literally nigger exchange

>> No.8794868


>> No.8795007 [DELETED] 

SafeCoin [SAFE]; Not to be confused with MaidSafe. Jump in right now.

>> No.8795148

SafeCoin [SAFE]; Not to be confused with MaidSafeCoin [MAID] or the defunct [SFE]. Jump in right now.

>> No.8795185

It will be CPX you absolute brainlets.

This shit is absolutely unique and they habe a working product.

>> No.8795188


>> No.8795259

I didn't find anything as cool as zil and blockstack

>> No.8795272

lmao you’re gonna be really sad EOY

>> No.8795305

ADA, no doubt.

>> No.8795316

Probably MAN

ZIL is bright too, but I fear for them when Ethereum goes PoS

>> No.8795426

brainlets need to understand the DRIVING FORCES behind price movementsn. Why is 1 BTC at one stage worth $20,000+? Because it was the first crypto coin and there are only 21 million (rarity). What made ETH go crazy? people making crazy returns on ICO, driving the demandfor ETH. In 2018, 2019 we will be seeing institutional investors coming into the market. What does this mean? Load up on institutional picks like JNT, LINK, TrueUSD, Dai and top 50 coins. Why top 50? Institutions love blue chip coins that serve a utility with lots of liquidity. Coins like BNB, REQ, XRP, ICX, LISK, DRGN, BCH, etc..

>> No.8795429


>> No.8795603
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>> No.8795613

That is all.

>> No.8795621

That man probably mined 10k eth and sold it once he did a 1.5x profit when eth reached 0.8. Kek poor dude he must be spamming /r/buttcoin right now

>> No.8795675

LaLa World, easiest x100

>> No.8795680

I vote for Zil.

>> No.8795797

Good thread. Been reading up on zil and blz, interesting projects and probably good investments for 2018.

>> No.8795840

XRP and VEN.

>> No.8795903
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BlockCAT. Squarespace of smart contracts.

>> No.8795916


>> No.8795946


Get real and go to Nauticus.io and read that whitepaper and try to come back here and tell me its NTS won't do as well if not better than Binances BNB (obviously the huge bubble helped but it still did well)
They're gonna have 6 FIAT currencies available upon opening the exchange, plus banking, proactively fitting into regulations. It raised 10 mil in presale in the bear Market dudes. Now it is in ICO.

But seriously go read the whitepaper and tell me it isnt going to at LEAST go 500% the first year

>> No.8796038


>> No.8796334

Hence why I say Nauticus my dude. Its still ICO level and will give utility on an amazing exchange and business

>> No.8796357

AMB is the safest bet

>> No.8796450


>> No.8796718

Only thing missing is smart contracts and that's apparently close to being done.

>> No.8796752


>> No.8796991

let me look at my crystal ball

the tread

>> No.8797028
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Clearly it is these (shitcoin bags) that i am holding. Because adaptation and whatnot.

>> No.8797036
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my bags: the thread

>> No.8797510

can someone explain why OP has forgot REQ? LINK REQ seem like the only ones to me. Use cases that actually world changing. Kinda like BTC ETH were pioneers.

>> No.8797576
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>> No.8797618

JNT was made obsolete over the last few days

>> No.8797875

I'm not heavily invested because I'm racist but of all the garbage I've seen shilled here I think Achain has the biggest chance of a 1000x.

>> No.8797893


>> No.8797981

>world changing use case
..isnt it just an app for paying on the internet

>> No.8798699

Underrated post

>> No.8798816

LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH

Link, 5 months in: 35 cents (3.5x ICO)
Ethereum, 5 months in: $5.50 (17x ICO)

Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA.

>> No.8798829

>..isnt it just an app for paying on the internet
literally no.

>> No.8798862