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8784588 No.8784588 [Reply] [Original]

If you think ADA will win over EOS, you are delusional.

As per his most recent interview, ADA will take at least 2 more years to even catch up with ethereum. Which means it literally won't do shit for 2 more years.

Whereas EOS is functional right now and launching main net in 2 months.

Also ADA relies on imaginary and unproven strategies for scaling such as sharding and formal verification, whereas EOS tech has already been tested and improved on twice at bitshares and steemit.

Also ADA founder just sounds like a scammer to me. What has he done other than getting fired from ethereum? Whereas Larimer has launched 2 successful coins. Who cares if he gave up on them, he's improving on his product everytime, learning from his mistakes.

>> No.8784841

No one cares anon. ADA is pretty cheap. Stop being a shithead and buy some to have both. You can't lose that way. Be smart instead of making brainlet threads.

>> No.8784856

I am 40% EOS. Initially I was going to buy and sell as it was ridiculously oversold but the way it consistently has been going up since 3 weeks it just grew on me. Why is this coin good biz?

>> No.8784862


>> No.8784953
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The fact that EOSfags constantly FUD Cardano means they're terrified of it

For awhile Dan Larimer's twitter consisted solely of him talking shit and calling himself a genius.

>> No.8785021

>they're terrified of it
that's completely retarded. Markets are liquid, If I was terrified ADA was better than EOS I could buy some in 2 seconds.

With arguments like that you're obviously a fucking brainlet. No wonder you think ADA is better.

>> No.8785069

Dan Larimer is a genius

>> No.8785108

I mean have you read anything at all about cardano? It doesn't look like you did from your op. It's literally the anti-shitcoin. Just be smart and buy some to go along with your EOS. Both projects are looking good.

>> No.8785161

EOS has verge/tron type shills that just blindly repeat marketing gimmicks.
>make absurd claim about EOS killing X coin
>someone responds with why the claim is retarded
>Lol the fact that you're fighting EOS so hard clearly means you're terrified of it.

I feel like I'm arguing with a bunch of 3rd world teenagers Dan Larimer hired for $20

>> No.8785206

>thinking either EOS or ADA are relevant whatsoever

>> No.8785449

stay poor faggot

>> No.8785555
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Our boy will deliver like he always does.

>> No.8785642

someone post the shop of ArthurB biffing Dan pls

>> No.8785884

>thinks Charles is the scammer and not Dan

You're really badly fucking up.

>> No.8786433

Yep. EOS should stop fighting ADA and take on Ethereum if it’s ready for the big boys club

>> No.8786440

this but with LINK

>> No.8786527

like is an obvious cashgrab. they have not developed anything nowhere near useful. They will not be the team to deliver decentralized oracles.

If anything a better team will steal their idea and implement it better.

>> No.8786551

This meme needs to die

>> No.8786641
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>> No.8786675
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>> No.8786746

who the fuck cares about consortium blockchains. the only thing EOS/ADA have to boast is tx/s which is just throughput, not scalability. Hint: it's easy to achieve high transaction throughput with only a few nodes. What else do they have?

Enterprises are going to use their own in-house blockchains for 99% of usecases. If they outsource the code, they'll go with Hyperledger or one of the derived projects from established industry names like IBM or Microsoft. Successful protocol projects will get acquired, pie in the sky ecosystems with no dev base like EOS/ADA/whatever other bullshit will wither and die.

The really exciting potential of blockchain to the public is decentralization, trustlessness and censorship resistance. That's why Ethereum has so much hype and the mindshare of the developer community. It's building something completely different with wild possible applications, not just a permissioned distributed ledger.

>> No.8786759

EOS holders in a nutshell

>> No.8786770


The lady doth protest too much

>> No.8786772
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>thinks ETH is decentralized

>> No.8786809


>censorship resistance
no evidence that a EOS like set up is less censorship resistant than bitcoin. Only the future will tell but it is built to be just as censorship resistant. And if it is, you can say goodbye to any other legacy coin.

>no dev base
there's already a dev base. I'm part of it. And developing on EOS is 100x more exciting than bitcoin or eth. You can make actual dapps.

Bitcoin you basically can't do anything new.

Eth you're either building ponzi schemes or making tokens for scam ICOs.

Stay poor faggot, your arguments are retarded.

>> No.8786861

HPB is X40 cheaper than EOS and will be released quicker!

HPS is China’s beesion of EOS but very under the radar

>> No.8786874

Can someone explain exactly WHAT EOS and ADA will actually be used for?
Currency? Smart contracts? The tech is nice but what will it actually be used for?

>> No.8786877
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>> No.8786889

>he thinks eos won't be even more centralized as there's only 21 possible "competitors" and nothing stopping you from being more than 1.

>> No.8786895

>it. And developing on EOS is 100x more exciting than bitcoin or eth. You can make actual dapps.
>Bitcoin you basically can't do anything new.
>Eth you're either building ponzi schemes or

I have usually gone with instinct and have been right most of the time, EOS keeps coming back to me. How much do you think it will be worth in a year?

>> No.8786921

would someone be able to point me to a discussion of dApp economics and use cases? what applications are developers most interested in?

>> No.8786927

>I have usually gone with instinct and have been right most of the time, EOS keeps coming back to me. How much do you think it will be worth in a year?
if dpos actually works (eos consensus algo), it will be #1 market cap in 3 years.

if it doesn't work well, who knows. Will probably hover somewhere in the top 50.

>> No.8786943

>Eth you're either building ponzi schemes or making tokens for scam ICOs.

It took me a minute to realize why you were making such retarded arguments - this board is currently being astroturfed by EOS sockpuppets. Nobody who actually understands the tech falls for bullshit marketing scams like EOS and Cardano.

>> No.8786990
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Hm. What would hold it back? I've had hunches, I was right about Bitcoin - bought when it was 1500, right about Eth, LTC though more stable I feel has potential to grow but not sure but EOS I feel could be the future.

Should I pull the trigger on this one or hold back?

>> No.8787008

>Anonymous (ID: Qn0cuEYL) 04/07/18(Sat)11:31:35 No.8786943

The problem with biz is no one actually provides evidence with their "claims".

Crypto transparency and organization is the future. Trust me.

>> No.8787030

>It took me a minute to realize why you were making such retarded arguments - this board is currently being astroturfed by EOS sockpuppets. Nobody who actually understands the tech falls for bullshit marketing scams like EOS and Cardano.
lol stay poor faggot. I been developing dapps on ethereum last 12 months and am switching to developing on EOS because ethereum is shit and will not be able to handle any real dapp until sharding (2+ years and not even guaranteed to work). And bitcoin is doomed to lose market cap indefinitely because it doesn't have the marketing that being a dapp platform brings.

>> No.8787049

EOS = dapps on ultra fast tx/s network
ADA = enterprise level smart contracts
They can and will coexist

>> No.8787050


pajeet detected

>> No.8787120


ethereum and zilliqa are they only relevant smart contract platforms because they will remain 100% decentralized and censorship resistant; anyone can effectively mine and is incentivized to do so. This factors also make these coins suitable as potential means of transacting value.

EOS just has high throughput who cares; that isn't hard with only 21 nodes/block producers.

>> No.8787123

You should put ETH in the ICO instead. Shapeshift will rape you in fees
If ADA delivers. Development is in early stages, so I'll stay away for the time being. Once they have at least a testnet for smart contracts I might buy some

>> No.8787169

>be software developer with 5 years experience working on distributed security software
>do months worth of research into finding the next big thing to invest my money into
>hear about eos
>think it sounds too good to be true
>install test net for myself and try writing a smart contract on it
>it actually functions perfectly even in its alpha stage
>realize that the core tech is already battle tested via steem
>get a literal boner thinking about how big of a leap it's going to be from ethereum, with parallel processing, instant transactions, no user fees, and inter-blockchain communication
>try to tell /biz/ about what I've learned
>get called a pajeet shill
>told eos is a vaporware scam

>> No.8787203

this altho i have no EOS
ADA all the way
All brainlets need to do is look up their team
It speaks for itself

>> No.8787225

>buy high

>> No.8787229


this is another factor that makes zil so exciting. There is no incentive to form mining pools the way dBFT works. You are in fact incentivized to split your computing power as much as possible (into as many individual nodes on different shards) to increasing your chances of being randomly selected for that round's consensus committee.

Those graphs are also a bit of a meme. There is a difference between a mining pool and one of EOS single node block producers (more centralized).

The mining pool is made up of many individual actors who can split off in the event of malicious action. The only reason they join a pool is to decrease variance in hitting a block; joining a pool doesn't even increase your mining EV long term.

>> No.8787246


ARK has been using dPOS for a long time. It has issues

>> No.8787278

So have steem and bitshares. The biggest potential problem with dpos is a bad token distribution, hence the year long eos ico that forces whales to dollar cost average.

>> No.8787304


yea true

>> No.8787319

The EOS block producers are voted out by users in case of malicious activity. People keep fudding the BP aspect of EOS. They serve the exact same purpose as miners/mining pools and have a voting safety mechanism.

>> No.8787492

nigga, what is price prediction by mainnet ?

>> No.8787518

Preach it ! Poorfags don't want to hear the truth...too many eth bags

>> No.8787525

Idk but expect a run up leading to it, small pullback after launch, then run to $35 EOY if we're still in bear market. Higher if bull. Cap this.

>> No.8787554

>then run to $35 EOY

but what is project fails? looks like it is?

>> No.8787617

$35 worst case scenario. $500 best case scenario

>> No.8787753

EOS: block producers take all block rewards, have to add in off-chain enforcement against vote buying because it’s so massively rewarding, and the temptation will always exist, token holders guaranteed to get shafted by inflation

Tezos: anyone can run a node, if more throughput is required the hardware requirements can be slowly raised by on-chain consensus, people can freely switch between running nodes and delegating their stake, delegator services compete with each other to offer the lowest fees (existing services plan to offer 0.3% fees, 99.7% of the block rewards go back to the delegators)

really makes u think. I know that EOS and XTZ are not really competing, but even a throughput-focused dApp platform would be better served by something MUCH closer to the Tezos dPOS model.

>> No.8788041

>$35 worst case scenario. $500 best case scenario

lol. do you think i am noob or typical brainlet from biz. 1 bill x 500 $== 500 bill. kek. shill it but do it believable. lol

>> No.8788085

Where can I buy Tezos? Is that project completely abandoned?

>> No.8788141

ADA needs to purge the freaks from its team. It turns me off to see a sjw tranny in charge of smart contracts
I sold all my ADA when that story came out

>> No.8788172

possible. you would of said the market wont get close to a trillion market cap in jan 2017. it only took 1 year

>> No.8789016

you can buy IOUs on HitBTC if you trust them, but when the beta network launches in maybe 2 months the transactions will be live (like ethereum’s frontier release) just with the possibility of the network being bumpy until the ‘official’ release. it never died, there was just a lot of FUD that has been resolved with the reboot of the foundation. the only FUD remaining is the civil lawsuits against the founders by weak-handed morons, and that only threatens the founders payday, not the network.

>> No.8789097
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>Pro-tip: they're both pretty good